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Elul's Journal

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Username: Elul
Real name: Saren Elul
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Height: 4’5”

Weight: 96 lbs

About: History/personality
      “At the age of three, my parents divorced, unsure of who to trust I turned to a safe and promising item; video games. Year after year one thing remained constant; video games. Of course this led to a problem with interacting with other people, they were weird and unpredictable and I didn’t understand how to deal with ones that disliked me, so I stayed in the back of classrooms and kept my nose in a book. Books told a story of worlds that were interesting and alive, if only it was a story I could be a part of… Then I found out about RPGs, I loved these games, I could be who or whatever I wanted to be and no one would tell me that it was a bad thing. With the release of SAO I used all my saved up money (I was originally going to buy a next gen console) to get one of the first copies in my area.

Description: One word to describe Elul is small, with a petite look its no wonder she prefers to avoid fighting someone (most people would refer to a scene such as that as overkill), as someone who spent their time with mind related activities it should come as no suprise to her strength. Elul has brown hair that reaches down to her elbows if standing in an anatomical position and Blue eyes. She would normally wear glasses in the real world, but lacks them in SAO.

Weird facts: When bored and alone, Elul will imagine smaller versions of close friends (similar to chibi-characters in anime). These characters will of course be fake, and there may even be evil versions of them. The imagined friends will go adventures inside and outside her head, sometimes acting as angel/devils.

Supporter: Past MMO RPGs experiences have left Elul caring about other players stats instead of her own. Elul is used to following people around and will often begin healing other players even if they are aggressive towards her, to which her only reply is, “you had low health.”

Non-violent: Elul has never liked violence as it always ended painfully, while she doesn’t mind killing a boar or two, killing or even attacking a player would cause Elul to stay silent for several days. Elul doesn’t talk to other people loudly and is often considered soft-spoken, but you can hear her yelling at an enemy mob.

Loyalty: Elul does not trust many people, but if she sees that time and time again that someone is right or is good at something, she is likely to listen to that person’s opinion or strategies over someone else. This can be great but it can also make her gullible.


Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html
Nyctophobia: Elul has a crippling fear of the dark, what other people see as perfect hiding spots, Elul sees a place where things can grab her and drag her into the depths. Her fear can drive her to avoiding tasks given by superiors if it means going in to dark rooms. Elul will be perfectly fine if an active and seeable person can be seen in dark areas (unless of course said person scares her.) This can also be linked to fear of water due to the inability to swim.

Dependent: Elul isn’t good at fighting other than a basic jab or slash, she had never fought before and has no experience in fighting. Elul makes up for her lack of experience by partying with players and supporting them

Fixation (doubles as a virtue): If Elul recognizes someone as a leader/ally she’ll trust them and even side with them if forced to pick sides. This can lead her to choose a bad side if she believes the trusted person knows more than her.

Profession: Tailor Rank 1

Skill points 5/11 used



»First-aid rank 1

Weapon skills:

»One handed dagger

Protective vanbraces E


A pair of armor that protects the forearm. It has a jagged outside and the inside has unknown properties that heal the wearer.

Quality: rare

Enhancements: 1 thorns 1 regen

Crafted at [F5] Forged by the sun

Red cloth shirt E

Blue cloth jeans E

166 col
5 Mat (Plus whatever is held in store.)



-800 Col to Teion: purchase protective vambraces.

» [OP-F1] Relieving boredom- complete

[PP-F1] Don't I know you? Complete.

[PP-F1] A lull in the storm- Complete

[PP-F1] Muddy boots- complete

[OP-F1] Awakening in a digital prison- complete

[PP-F1] <<Earning a living>>

(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)

Ranked in order of appearance.

Nirvana-met in the starting city when attempting to help her not look foolish. Slightly scared of her due to her odd behavior, but could stand being in the same room.

Hirru-a really nice person who seems to be really skilled, Elul currently doesn't know much about him though. Seems to be helpful to lower leveled players One of the first higher leveled playeres she met.

Aphrodite-A really sweet girl who seems to let her happiness infect those around her, Elul wouldn't mind getting to know her.

Whit- One of Elul's real life friends, had planned to party with him to try to get out of the game, but he dissapeared and has recently came back. Whit is one of the few people Elul can talk to without stuttering.

Maria- Elul's sister. Yet another person she can talk to without stuttering.

Koumori- A strange yet nice guy, Elul confused him for a girl after he literally fell from the sky.

Story Thus Far (optional)

Level 6

Edited by Elul
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