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[SP-F1] Solo training part 4

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Equipped gear-

strong plushie +2 ld

Shadows servant +3 dmg

Shadows cloak +3 eva


Potion of healing (20)


I woke up from my nightmare sweating in my bad. the nightmares that had been consuming me for a couple of years now, and still did even in this game. It sucked but I would never share them and I just chose to live with them. I got out of bed and dressed before leaving my room at the inn and giving the key to the inn keeper telling him id be back as always. I was planning on training again, for mats, col, and of course levels. It was getting harder for the levels though sadly, but I wasn't giving up. I left the inn and in minutes I was at the gate leading to the plains. As soon as I stepped into the plains my eyes fell on a group of 4 boars. In my boredom I immediately charged them doing my whistle when I was close so that just as turned around, I used rage spike hitting them all in the head.



MD:4-3 =1


Boar(4) 16/16 (5+1*2=12-4=8)

ENE 4/8

Swort art -rage spike



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As the boars charged me I waited until they were all close enough before jumping up over them, I did a 180 turn to face them mid-air and attempted to slash them, but I had jumped just a little to high and was out of reach, but as I looked I could only see three boars, not four. When I landed was when I found the fourth, as I heard it squeal. I flipped backwards luckily just in time to avoid being hit. I smiled at the boars as saying "nice try" Before getting back into my lazy fighting stance waiting for them to charge.




ENE: 3/8 (1 regen 2 miss)

Sword art-none


Boar(4) 8/16




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As the boars began to tried me I CONCENTRATED as hard as I could on them, as the grew ever closer I unleashed my sword art once again, and luckily I saw it hit each of them, throwing them backwards enabling me a follow up strike hitting them further back. The got up slowly with their health in the read and I was amused, it had been a while since I soloed these creatures, and I was having some fun. It was sad I had forgotten how much fun this could be.

Skill used-concentration +1 to b -1 to md


BD: 5+1 =6

MD: 1-1 =0

ENE: 0/8 (1 regen 4 art)

Sword art-rage spike


Boar(4) 2/16 (5*2=10-4=6)

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They charged me as a group, I jumped to the left, and was able to single one out, slicing its slide and making it disperse into the amazing looking polygons and was relieve, I couldn't use my aoe anymore so I needed to rely on pure skill, and fighting against 3 would be much easier. The other boars, attempted to turn and hit me, and I rolled backward, to avoid doing so, immediately jumping back up to start charging them again, intent on ending another.

Concentraion (1st round on cd)






Sword art-none

Astro 32/32

Boar(3) 2/16

Boar DEAD/16 (5+1=6-4=2)

+1 mat

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ENE 0/8

Sword art-none

Astro 32/32

Boar(2) 2/16

boar 1/16 (5 base-4mit=1)

As I charged at the boars, they all jumped at me at the same, time and I wasn't exactly prepared. I managed to plant my foot and sidestep, but only managed a scratch to the boar on the right before I turned around to see them all already attacking again. I jumped over them like I tended to with boars, landing in a roll though and not my feet, before turning to see them once again...charging.

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Concentraion (3rd round on cd)



MD:9-3 (6)

ENE 0/8

Sword art-

Astro 29/32 (4dmg ea -5mit=1)

Boar (2) 2/16

boar 1/16

As the charged me, I attempted to roll to the side and was successful, but as I rolled up one of the boars had changed direction quick enough to smack me just barely as I was coming up. My head slammed back into the grass, and I rolled backwards to gain my ground, but as I came up the other two boars were there, and I rolled again but they each managed to clip my leg. I didn't lose much health, but it was still some. and I wanted to lose none.

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Concentration (4th round on cd)




ENE 0/8

Sword art-none

Astro 29/32

Boar(2) 2/16

Boar 1/16

As I rolled up, I planted my foot and jumped to the nearest boar, that had just clipped my leg. The boar jumped backwards avoiding it, and the others backed him up and charged me. I jumped to the right and attempted to slash at one but missed as he ran forward. Now there was one behind me and 2 in front, not the best situation I could be in. I was looking mainly at the 2 but had a clear view of the third in my peripheral's, so when they began to charge I thought I was ready.

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BD 8

MD 7-3=4

ENE 0/8

Sword art- none

Astro 29/32

Boar 2/16


Boar1/16 (5-4 mit=1)

As the charged me, the group of 2 split and it looked like a triangle closing in. I couldn't find out what the best way to be, if I jumped they'd follow as I had been doing that so much, and I couldn't roll between them without the risk of getting hit. My only other option really was to stand my ground and block, and I hadn't done it so they wouldn't think about it. I noticed they were slightly staggered, as each was faster than another or slower, and I used that. Turning to the first, I simply kicked him in between the tusks surfacing no damage but pushing him back. The second I blocked his tusks with my sword and used all my strength to push him back, and the third, I sidestepped slicing him across his side surfacing a little damage.

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Concentration now usable




ENE 0/8

Astro -29/32

Boar 2/16

Boar 1/16

Boar 1/16

I was once again, facing all three boars now instead of being trapped in-between and I immediately felt safer. I was able to keep complete focus on one area not two and as the boars charged me, I focused on them. They split like always one in the middle one of either side, I stuck a foot out like last time kicking one away and blocking another before rolling away from the third, I tried a slash before I rolled but sadly missed and did no damage. I rolled up jumping to my feet dashing towards the boars to hopefully finish at least one off.

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ENE 0/8

Astro -26/32 (3 base+1 crit-5 mit =1 ea)

Boar- 2/16

Boar- 1/16

Boar- 1/16

As I charged at the boars, they all jumped at me at the same, time and I wasn't exactly prepared. I managed to plant my foot and sidestep, but only managed a scratch to the boar on the right before I turned around to see them all already attacking again. I jumped over them like I tended to with boars, landing in a roll though and not my feet, before turning to see them once again...charging. They did a little split which was differnetl and I attempted to block, however I decided to late and each managed a slight slam with the sides, sending me rolling away.

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ENE 0/8

Astro -23/32

Boar- -1/16 (5+2-4=3)

LD 20+2 =22 (col and mat-loot at bottom)

Boar- 1/16

Boar- 1/16

As I rolled away I jumped up somehow, landing on my feet, and launching into a full sprint. These boars were really getting annoying. In my anger I found some amazing ability to fight, and dodge the two lower health boars that tried to impale me and made my way to the third, with the most. Ii dodged a swipe from his tusks, and sidestepped his slam. He was wide open, and I put an x in his head, slashing twice surfacing enough damage to explode the thing in the polygons. I saw a loot window but didn't have the time to check it yet.

160 col +2 mats


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ENE 0/8

Astro - 21/32 (3 base +2 critr-5mit=1 ea)

Boar- 1/16

Boar- 1/16

Sadly, after my intense x I put into the boar I was left wide open to the others, and I soon was impaled by a tusk. I was literally stuck on the tusk until his friend slammed me, and I flew off and into a nearby rock. I felt like my back broke, and was amazed to see i hadn't lost much health. I slowly stood up, I was mad more at myself now for letting my annoyance run me, and almost cus a huge catastrophe, and right there I made a promise to myself to never let my emotions control me in battle, just like I did out of it.



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ENE 0/8

Astro - 21/32

Boar- 1/16

Boar- 1/16

As the boars charged me I waited until they were all close enough before jumping up over them, I did a 180 turn to face them mid-air and attempted to slash them, but I had jumped just a little to high and was out of reach, but as I looked I could only see three boars, not four. When I landed was when I found the fourth, as I heard it squeal. I flipped backwards luckily just in time to avoid being hit. I smiled at the boars as saying "nice try" Before getting back into my lazy fighting stance waiting for them to charge.

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LD:17+2 =19 (mob hpx5 +1 mat)

ENE 0/8

Astro - 21/32

Boar- DEAD/16 (5base-4mit=1)

Boar- 1/16

The two boars began to charge, I was feeling rather confident now, it was only two boars instead of four, meaning not only could I avoid them easier, but I could strike easier as well. The boars grew closer, and I rolled out of the way, but during the roll I striked the one to the left, the side I rolled two, and a long red gash appeared on the boars side, and it immediately dispersed into polygons. The last boar wasn't happy clearly as he attempted the impale me with his tusks after I popped back up to a standing position. But one boar was easy and I blocked his tusks with my sword, pushing him away. And we had a stand-off, hopefully the last one

80 col +2 mats


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ENE 0/8

Astro -21/32


The boar began to charge as usual, and I kind of wanted to have fun a bit. So I held out my sword like it was a red flag/cape thing and at the last moment, pulled it and myself away from the boars. I was imitating the old matadors. I did this a couple more times and it was clear the boar was getting rather angry. It grew boring however so the next time it came by, I attempted a slash at its side to end it, but the boar somehow jumped away turning its body, and as it landed pushed off lunging to me. I dropped to the ground and watched the boar go over me, narrowly missing me.

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LD:13+2=15 (mob hpx5)

ENE 0/8

Astro -21/32

Boar- DEAD/16 (5base-4mit=1)

I jumped up quickly after the boar soared over me, and turned, lunging at the incoming boar. I luckily managed to pierce him right between his tusks, before he hit me. As my sword hit him, I continued falling through what would of been the boars body as it dispersed into polygons. I was happy to finally have killed the group of boars, and now I was rather tired. It was definitely close to the time I needed to return back to the city, or at least stop fighting, well see. I still needed some more mats, so I would gather a bit but fighting was up in the air. I finally was able to look at the loot from the fight, and at least my loot was pretty good.

+80 col +1 mat from this fight

+320 col +6 mats from entire fight.

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1post oob

I  walked over to a spot with some pretty soft dirt that I found after a while.. I got down to my knees and tried to begin digging just like I have, but as I scrapped the grass, it felt like concrete. I tried again and got the same result, so I took a step to the right and tried again concrete, weird. First the dirt seems really easy to dig, and then all of a sudden I can’t even scrape up the top layer of grass. *sigh* I give up as I clearly wasn't going to be getting anywhere close to finding a material in this spot. It was annoying how the dirt was like that, totally illogical.

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2 posts oob

I walked for a while as I usually did and finally found a suitable spot where I could begin digging. I got to my knees and got to work. As I was digging I began wondering the chances of me finding a treasure chest or some other really cool item in the dirt, probably not high but itd be cool. I continued digging but after 30 minutes, my limit for digging I got up and filled the hole back in before walking away. It sucked not to find anything, but the last time I had dug, I found a lot of materials, so I was sure id find some eventually.


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3 posts oob energy restored

3x3 =9+21 =30/32hp

I walked over to another spot of fairly soft dirt, and got to my knees, and began digging just like I had been. I dug and dug but after about 30 minutes I had a big pile of dirt, and nothing to show for it. So I scooped the dirt back in the hole and looked around. I was hoping to find some boars, cause these stupid digging sessions just were not working out. It was weird because last time I had dug, I was finding a nice amount of mats. Today just was not my day I guess.


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Ld 13+3=15 (mat found)

32/32 hp

I got up after laying down for a couple a couple of minutes and walked around for another good spot to dig. After 15 minutes I found it. And I got to my knees, and got to work digging. I dug in the soft dirt for about 20 minutes before I finally smiled MATERIAL RECIEVED. It was a good feeling when you got a material no matter how bad the previous luck. I began thinking about the boars again though, it was weird that my sword art that used to just obliterate them, now only did half their hp. I would have to pay close attention to that as I did not want to die because of it. I filled in my hole and stood up, off to find another place to dig.

+1 mat

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