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[SP-F1] Digging through garbage.

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Elul wandered down the alleyway finding a small pile. Jackpot. It was just as she predicted, at three o'clock the npc stores would empty their trash. If she got lucky they would have something that could make her day. Of course that is if there was anything in the pile to begin with, she could probably sell any junk for enough col at a night in an inn. She got on her knees and dug through the trash, inspecting each item to see of its worth.

Edited by Elul
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Elul frowned at the trash, it appeared the "one mans trash is another mans treasure was not always true. Of course there was fifty-billion more shops but it would be nice to have gotten something on the first try. Elul took a second look at the trash, a bottle was smashed open, probably from falling. She seemed to recall her sister taking the tops of bottles and making them into rings and this bottle couldn't hold a container so she might as well give it a shot. She unsheathed her unused dagger and attempted to cut off the tip so she could fit it around her index finger. She successfully removed it and placed it around her index finger. "Wow I can't believe that-" the bottle and the tip she cut off had disintegrated into shards as if laughing in her face.

'Well, I guess I shouldn't have expected that to work.'

Loot die: 10

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"What're you doing in my stuff?"

Elul looked up at the tavern owner who had decided to come outside, "I said what're you doing in my stuff?" "I'm sorry I just thought-" "You thought you could just live off my work huh?" Elul barely sidestepped a bottle only to get smacked in the face with one filled with foamy liquid. She stumbled backwards out of the alley way, only sure she was safe at the sound of, "never come back here!"

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