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LordDestrox's Journal

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Username: LordDestrox
Real name: Shin Omura
Age: 21
Gender: male
Height: 5'4
About: History/personality
        He was an average guy. Kinda short but average. He was not smart, or athletic, or particularly funny. He sort of slipped through elementary school unnoticed. No real trouble there whatsoever. His middle school was rough though, he had 0 friends cause he was in the background, and he was short. For bullies this meant an easy targetarrow-10x10.png, nobody would stand up for him and they had a good foot or two height advantage. He was constantly picked on and his attendance sort of suffered, he started getting into mmos and games and such around that time.

       When he finished middle school he went into high school like anyone else, he was determined to make a few friends and not go though what he went though in middle school. He was ready wearing nice clothes and a smile, but when he went to talk to someone and just he just sort of choked. He ended up trying again and again but just could not talk to people.One day he just sort of stuck, he ended up isolated and realized high school life sucked. He ended up going to school less and less, spending more and more time at home on his computer playing gamesarrow-10x10.png surfing the net and ended up in a point where he simply did not leave his room for months at a time. When he heard about SAO, the first VRMMO. He was extatic, while he was always last place in real life, in games was wear he shined. Finally a world to escape into where he could be someone else. He was the first to preorder, and first in line. Although he did not know the fate that awaited him in game.

He is a hero in his mind and as such does his best to act like one. He helps people in trouble when he can and how he can. He also is a believer distributing minor amounts of wealth to those who need it more. He is quite against pvp without good reason like punishing a murderer. He makes very few exceptions for things that for him are morally wrong.

Kindhearted, he may put on certain airs and be a huge showoff but he does in fact care. He is often considered to be more in it for image due to the way the character he plays as acts but that is because unless he is acting as the character he has trouble talking. Drawing attention and showing off when you help is often better than not doing a thing for others.

Anti-bully, he wont allow it. He despises bullying more than anything else. This goes for any who gangs up on someone weaker, extortion, black mail, acts of unprovoked violence and more. He will not tolerate it, and will go out of his way to punish those he catches in the act. If not caught in the act but he hears about it he will investigate the person for evidence and if guilty will exact punishment as he sees fit.


Erratic, he is often described as odd for the fact of he has difficulty speaking in game normally without role playing like people often do in an mmo. He often speaks sort of old time medieval like, kinda speaking like a hero or otherwise has trouble speaking at all especially to girls. This sort of wards people against talking to him as it can possibly get annoying to those who choose to speak with him.

He is very obsessive, seen again in the way he roleplays. He is the hero in his own world, it also shoes in the way he dresses. He does not wear black or many dark colors at all. If you were to look at his inventory it is organized in the order of health items, food, teleport/other crystals, armor, and weapons in that order. If it is not organized it bothers him to no end.

Theatrical, being the hero means he is the one people should watch. Usually only when committing a act of good but he does seem to enjoy drawing attention to it, in pvp fights he will shout and go off in tangents about righting their wrong and how he will stop them, sometimes he will flip a table or something for dramatic effect and to draw more eyes to him.

Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)





Weapon skills:
» One Handed Dagger

     -Points Used: 5

     -Rank: 1 (Novice)

» Newbie Dagger
» Newbie Armor

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
(no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)

Edited by LordDestrox
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