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[F2-PP] Little One? (Elul)

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Vasth was walking about the town of floor 2, Vasth was bored. He walked it was crowded. Vasth sighed, he got out of the crowd,he found a spot in the park next to a poad,he believed that no one was near by so he laid down and close his eyes, he was relaxed so he decided to sing, "Oh My Dear" Vasth sang 

I called you up
You were in bed~~

Could barely
Make out the words
That you said~

But you wanted 
to see me instead
So I got dressed~~

Then I stepped
Out Into the snow~

And walked
a miles or so
Felt the rush of blood 

come from the cold in my chest~~

(OOC if you want to listen the the whole song here it is! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8PQ96R_EBM)



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Elul had found the perfect spot to be alone, no one would be able to see her from her spot in the tree, but it wasn't like anyone came often. There was only one person she knew of that could find her, but Elul was sure her sister wasn't in the game.

Elul froze, there was a stranger coming towards the pond, but alone, that was odd, the only people that came were lovers who weren't adventurers as most higher level players were in the top floors, and people planning to do a quest together, the latter being more frequent. Elul watched the spike-haired player sit down lie down, the player had begun singing upon realization that no one was in sight.

The player's song was soft and unfamiliar to Elul, most of the words she couldn't even hear from her side of the pond. Naturally she creped from limb to limb, careful not to alert the player to her presence. When she had gotten to the closest limb she sat and listened, still only able to hear his soft words from a distance. In a last attempt she leaned forward and-


Elul had barely processed her mistake when she began to plummet into the pond below.

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Vasth was about to get to another part of the song but Vasth hear a snap,Vasth's eyes snapped open as he saw a girl plummeting to the pond, Vasth shot up and ran forward catching the girl but leading to him and the girl falling into the pond. Vasth groaned in pain, the impact in the ground of the pond hurt Vasth's back. He held the girl like a princess as he stood up. The girl and Vasth were soaked in water. "Are you alright little one? Vasth asked.

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Elul shivered from the cold, the water had reduced any warmth her clothes produced temporarily. Elul froze as she realized she was floating above the pond.

Elul turned to the owner of the voice, it was the singing player. Elul's face turned scarlet, prompting her to go full turtle and hide in her shirt and curling into a ball.

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Vasth smiles as she curled into a ball, Vasth stepped out of the pond and lied the brunette girl down, Vasth asked her yet again, "Are you ok?" Vasth asked her as he pulled of his shirt, he twisted it so most of the water would leave the shirt but doing this reveals his upper built body. It was covered with a few scars and one huge scar on his back. He whipped his face from the water and push his hair back. 

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Elul stuck her head out, the safety of the grass tickling her elbows. Peeking through in-between her hair and the hole of her shirt she spotted the player draining the shirt of its stored water. The player had scars on his back, a few small but one caught her attention as it stretched from his shoulder to hip. "I-I'm fine, are y-you okay?" Elul popped her head and limbs out of her little enclosure, sitting with her legs crossed she drained the bottom of her shirt of water. The man was a giant compared to her, especially while sitting. Elul stretched her hair to her side and ran her fingers through it, squeezing the water out.

Elul processed what had happened in the past two minutes, she had fallen, and this man had caught her, why was anyone's guess.

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Vasth smiled "Yes, I am, little one,thank you for asking" Vasth ask her but Vasth saw at that she was soaked in water, Vasth was worried  that they girl would catch a cold which you can actually catch in the game. "You need to change your clothes before you catch a cold." Vasth said to the girl. "Oh by the way my name is Vasth, what is your's little one?"

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"I-I gue-ss" Elul couldn't stop stuttering over her words, she was just so cold! Of course it probably seemed to him like she was a nervous wreck, it was true of course, but she didn't usually stutter this much! "T-The onl-y time I-I've ever seen a sca-ar was in the mo-ovies, a-and the sca-ars had already fo-ormed." The last time she HAD seen a scar was watching players from the gate of the town and those didn't bleed unless they gained the bleed effect, of course they never had to worry as she'd use the first aid skill to make sure they'd live. Often players would thank some unknown angel as she watched them walk away.

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Vasth frowned "These are already formed, I got them in the real world..." Vasth said to Elul, She was shaking from the cold. Vasth got a shirt from his inventory and placed it on Elul hand, "Wear this for now,don't want ya to catch a cold, you should go change around there." Vasth pointed behind a big tree. Vasth wore his wet shirt which was less wet. "After that we need to get you to a inn to get clean up."

Edited by Vasth
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Elul obeyed, if the scars were formed in the real world then the first-aid skill would be of no use. Elul walked behind the mentioned tree, dumping her wet shirt into her inventory hoping it would dry. Next she tried to pull on Vasth's shirt, pulling it on and finding it fit her more as a skirt than a shirt, the bottom of the shirt-line reaching her knees. Of course she couldn't complain, it had been given out of kindness so she wasn't allowed to object.

Elul came out from behind the tree, ready to follow the generous giant to an inn.

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Vasth chunked as Elul walked out form behind the tree. His shirt was like a skirt then a shirt. "Sorry I don't have anything smaller." Vasth said to Elul, Vasth slipped his hand into his pockets, Vasth started to walked in the direction of the town. "Are you coming?" Vasth smiled to her as he looked back.

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Elul quickly ran to catch up, having to take larger steps to keep up with the man. "It's fine" Elul smiled, "I use to wear my big sisters hand me downs as pajamas." Elul's thinking side put her legs on autopilot, Huh, I guess I'm used to him now, I guess it's not hard to talk to someone if it's just one person and not a whole classroom. Elul realized she was starting to stray from the man and quickly steered herself back to his side, keeping better track of how far she was getting from him.

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AS Vasth walked to the town, he asked Elul "I see that your a newer player,so how do you get into this death game?" Vasth asked her, Vasth looked at her, she was very tiny  because Vasth was tall but he still wanted to ask what age was she. "Also how old are you?" Vasth asked her. Vasth was the kind of person that would want to help and get to know someone even though they were a strangler, it was his nature.

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"My friend told me about it, and I already had the nervegear, but you know, there were hardly any games, and the ones that existed were for lack of better word... boring. So I got in line to get this game, I just barely snagged one of the few copies in my area, along with my friend."

Elul's head faced at the ground, it was a question she wasn't very fond of, "si-ixteen." Elul compared her size to his once again, the man probably was in his early twenties, she wouldn't be suprised if he stared down at her like a defenseless little girl.

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Elul looked up at him, it was a relief to hear him focus on something else other than her size. Elul looked him over again, he was her sister's size, but he was sixteen? Elul put a finger on ber lip, it was hard to remembed the "size doesn't matter" rule on anyone but herself, but Vasth was a sturdy reminder that she wasn't the only one with a diffent size than others.

Elul nodded, "I can see th-at, I me-ean, ne-verm-ind." Elul's stutter had come back, and it was making talking an annoying and unbearable activity.

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Vasth looked at her, as she stuttered once again. Vasth opened his menu and got out his crimson cloak, the only that could keep her warm for now. Vasth stop,turned and give it to her. "Here, this will keep you warm for now as we make our way to the inn." Vasth said as he placed it in her hands. Vasth sneezed, he scratched his head. "Sorry,"

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Elul frowned a little, why was this guy so nice to her? Was he like Whit in the sense that he helped people because he felt like it, did he he do something wrong to someone like her, or did he feel at fault for what happened earlier? Elul hoped it was the first as she wrapped the cloak around her, jumping a little as the man sneezed.

"Ble-ess you."

Elul immeadiatly decloaked herself, lifting the cloak up to him, it was clear that she was currently in a better state than him. "Yo-ou need this more th-an me."

Elul internally sighed, if only he was someone she knew well, then her nervous stutter would fade away. Hopefully Vasth wouldn't play tough guy and recieve a cold, lord knows she'd trap herself in guilt if that happened.

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