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[SP-F2] Breaking the Unbreakable (Complete)

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This waiting game had taken up a lot of her time, and the girl knew that she should just stop worrying about when it will break. It will break when its ready, but the girl could not wait a single second longer for her whiskers to disappear. That was why she was in a hurry, or else she would have taken this slowly and easily. There was no other way she was going to get them off and she has not seen anyone else with these whiskers that appear everywhere in the public, so she would be seen as the only one who had failed this quest. It was going to take a very long time until she was able to fix the problem. Nobody else knew how long it was going to take, but it took everyone a while to learn these new skills, so she should be patient as well.

ID: 38982
BD: 6

Rock 9/50

Edited by Rebekah
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Because of the issues that had been taking place for the last half an hour, she knew that the moment she stop caring about when it was going to break, it was that moment that she will finally break it. That was the way how life would always work, and she knew she needed to get her mind off of this, so Rebekah had taken a deep breath and exhaled. Now that she was a lot calmer, and her mind was clear, she knew that it was now time to continue on with her activity for today, which was to break the rock that was in front of her. Her strike had struck, but this time it felt like it was not as hard as before, perhaps it was getting weaker?

ID: 38984
BD: 8

Rock 7/50

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Now that she could feel the end was near, Rebekah had gained a lot of motivation to finish as she was almost there, all it would take was just a few more minutes, and she was going to be able to finish this annoying weird looking piece of a rock. While it was expected that she was going to finish it quickly the girl knew that she was not going to take it for granted and knew that every move from here onwards would count a lot. She could not wait for the moment when she was going to sprint down the mountain and return to her inn that she was staying in. This place was nice, but she was tired of it, and it was about time to move on.

ID: 38987
BD: 8

Rock 5/50

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She could feel it, as it was one of those things that anyone has the instinct. After spending an whole afternoon here, she could not wait for this to be over. It had been a long journey and time to kill the rock, but it almost feels as if she had learned a brand new skill. Of course, she had heard about this brand new skill, but it was going to take a while before the girl would be able to use it in battle effectively. This would have dealt a lot more total damage than what she originally had, and knew that this was going to take forever to learn, but she was going to have to do it one of these days. It was that important of a skill for her to learn it, and now that she did, the girl was not going to forget about it.

ID: 39377
BD: 4+3=7

Rock 3/50

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As she continued, there was only one thing she was thinking about, would the whiskers disappear by themselves or would she be able to wash it off. It was a game, so the girl knew that any situation could happen but wondered how exactly did it show up on her face in the first place. Furthermore, the girl wondered if she ever knew it was on, because she could not see her own face, so that made her a bit skeptical if this was actually true or was it just a rumour. At that second, the strike came, and the rock had broke and shattered into many pixels before disappearing. Rebekah had finally done it and finished the quest. There was a notification showing that she had finished and earned a new skill, and it was now time for her to leave.

ID: 39439
BD: 9

Rock 0/50

Rebekah receives 2SP, 400 Col, unlocked extra skill, martial arts.

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