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[PP-F1] Date Night?? (Azide)

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"What's wrong with napoleon" I say, it was clear that the name had bugged him from the expression he had as he said it, and of course by the fact that he never used it. "There have been famous napoleons, could always say your related" I say trying to lighten the mood. I didn't think it was a bad name,i would call him whatever he wanted of course but I didn't see the issue with the name. "In any case I shall call you whatever you wish, whether that's azide or nouel" I say as I lift the fork that had some of my pasta and a piece of shrimp, I eat it and swallow feeling that the once hot food had cooled down to a warmer temperature, I knew I needed to get to eating it before it became cold, and I did not like cold pasta of any kind, the shrimp I could handle, that's about it.

I did still wonder why he hated his name, but I let that go as I thought about my name once again. I had looked it up once upon a time, and there was nothing special to it, there was only one famous person who ever had the name and it wasn't even a really famous person just some art historian. I had no clue how my parents had ever come up with it and I wondered if they meant for it to be this way, unique. I loved my name because of its rarity but it did grow old at times, having to explain where the name itself came from to which I always responded, my parents head, nothing special, like I was name after some guy in the bible or something just a unique but boring name. I went back to azide, thinking of him, he had said that he was single before, and I began to wonder something and me being the curious little girl decided to ask. "So, do you think you ever could be with someone, in something like this" I figured he knew this was referring to the death game we were in. I didn't know whether he would as its a game, yes the most realistic game ever made where we even look the same, but still a game. And there was still that lingering death factor, that your partner could just die randomly one day while they were out training, its something I knew I wouldn't be able to live with but I think the risk would be worth the possible reward. Love is the key to life after all.

Edited by Adelyn
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"Usually," started Azide, pausing to work on the piece of fish at the end of his fork. "Relation is indicated by surnames, and not given names," he continued, as he sliced off another corner from the tender fillet. His eyes glinted as a flash of their more usual brightness flickered from somewhere inside, and the drooping curve of his lip leveled out. "But maybe it's different down there in the States; it wouldn't be the first time that the Americans innovated on an established system." It did not escape him that Adelyn was simply making an attempt to console him, but it was difficult to resist the opportunity for a snappy remark. By the end of it, the frown on his face had been traded up for another wry grin.

Again, Azide found himself caught off guard by his company's question. He opened his mouth almost reflexively, in hopes that a bit of quick wit would step in to fill the void of silence, only nothing of the sort ever came. Instead, he closed it again, and decided to give the issue the proper contemplation it deserved.

On one hand, he had never chased anyone before in that way- not that he had never been curious about what it might be like; rather, there had just never been time. He could still recall the ragging he'd gotten from his mates for turning down a somewhat bolder young lady as she'd asked him to one of the final dances of their high school years; it hadn't been personal, but would it really have been any better to have led her on?

And in a game like this, he was something more akin to a soldier than a man of science, in spite of his designation as an alchemist. There was no telling when he would be on call, or if he could even expect to return from a raid. Sure, it was relatively safer at the moment, with the front-liners riding on a wave of momentum following the fall of the eleventh floor boss- and yet, how long could he expect that safety to last? Had he not been able to protect even Noctis- a young man who'd seemed perfectly capable even on his own?

In the end, all he could offer was a simple, "I think it's possible."

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Azide had came back with yet another remark, being filled with jokes he seemed to be, and this was the second American one as well, not that I wasn't used to it. Americans were one of the more hated countries in the world of gaming, Americans had the rep of being the cocky guys of the inter webs, the a-holes, basically just the people who think they were the best and loved to show it off. And Azide had said that he had no problem with Americans so I blew the thought off that he possibly did, he seemed like a truthful guys, and someone that was loyal to their word, and after all it was of course a joke as you could tell by the expression on his face.

When he answered my question, it was a rather simple response which intrigued me as it had taken him a little bit to respond, and he had even held back the words that would have been quick to come out. A simple, its possible answer. It was good enough for me, it was the easiest way to explain his thoughts on the subject, as he said it was possible that meant we wasn't completely for it, or against it, he knew the good sides and the bad and would weigh them accordingly, or so I thought. I wondered whether or not to bring up tonight, it had sort of ended up like a date night, the walk here, the short time at the edge of the roof, diner and a walk afterwards in what would be the dark of night. Sounded like a date to me, or the warm-up of a kidnapping, but I doubted that part. I did also feel like asking if he had ever had feelings for someone up to this point in his life, but I figured that would have been too personal, maybe he lost his loved one once upon a time, or had never found it in the first place, in this situation it wasn't something I wanted to ask, but I did have him on a personal question already I needed another.

I wondered for a second as I ate another bite of my food, and then finished off my wine, which was about half what was there to begin as I had been sipping so little. It must have been the wine as I thought of a new question, it wasn't amazing or anything but one none the least. "So what kind of girls are you into, if your into girls of course" I say smiling but still softly, I would and wouldn't mind if he was into men. I would in the fact it meant I wouldn't be able to attempt anything, but I wouldn't as I had never had issued with homo-sexual people, more like I respected them in a way if they were open. But In any case I wondered truly what he did like, and didn't.

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Another unexpected question, for which he had no immediate answer. "Uh- I suppose that I'm into girls, mhm," he said, scratching his head. After all, he had never felt anything beyond comradery with any guy he'd ever run across; so he supposed he was either among the majority, or perhaps he was simply asexual altogether. But to be fair, he had reason to believe that the latter could not be quite right- to claim that would be to claim that he had never, even for a moment, felt any degree of attraction to anybody. And that seemed a bold claim to make, all things considered.

"But what kind of girls?" he mumbled, cradling his chin between the tips of his fingers. That in itself was a considerably tougher question, with no innately intuitive answer. He could still remember those occasions in which he had gone out with the guys on those rare days where everything for the next week or so had been taken care of; the others had a habit of muttering amongst each other what they thought of the girls passing by, or even girls from their various classes. It was always girls, girls, girls with them- he wondered how much room was left over in the end for study. After being pestered so many times for his own input, Azide had ended up resorting to a default answer along the lines of, "She's alright, I guess," or when a number was needed, "Seven." A seven out of ten, of course, being the de-facto average in the standard grading bell-curve. 

Needless to say, none of these things really helped him answer the question. So instead, he thought back, further than before. He scrunched his eyes shut as the scene came to mind, taking a moment to play through events long past. Finally, brown eyes revealed themselves again, and he blinked as he looked to Adelyn. "Well," he said, clearing his throat. "I guess for starters, ones with nice smiles," he offered.

Edited by Azide
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I smiled when he said he was into girls, meant I still had a chance, however big or small that may have been I don't know. After some time, and some eye scrunching and cleared throats he answered with nice smiles, He said for starters though so that meant I was of course going to ask for more, but I did wonder if I had a nice smile, I smiled often for whatever reason but I couldn't see it of course and I had never really cared to look in pictures or the mirror, the mirror was used for makeup which I rarely used and my hair, that was a novel in itself, its hard to keep it so thin and silky for me. But in any case I did want more, a smile wasn't much to go off of. "So a nice smile...Go on though, what else" I wondered if I should smile anymore as I didn't know whether it was good or not, this sucks and I regret my question now.

I did wonder if he would do what he did last time, and ask my question back to me. I of course knew the type of people I was into, and would answer without much thought, Azide however had seemed like he was putting more effort in than I would have which rose the question of whether he was ever really into the whole dating scene. Maybe he had just never been one for relationships and had always avoided them, it definitely wasn't because he was ugly because considering this game takes your real appearance I can say for sure it wasn't that. He also did seem like the nerdy type, yes he knew about chemistry but he didn't seem like that, in any case I didn't know why it was taking a lot and I don't really care about why or who, the past is something not to be dwelled on my father used to say.

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What else? He had just racked his brain for even one thing, and now he was supposed to pull something else from out of thin air. Azide tried his best not to look too surprised, but he wasn't sure how successful that particular effort was at the moment. Again, this was another situation that could be resolved rather easily with a generic, canned response. But once again, he found himself not settling for the first thing to spring into his mind- that it would be too easy, too impersonal for him not to at least try to give a more genuine answer.

Again, he revisited the scene. Still dressed in green, even at the ripe old age of about ten, give or take a year; his hair was just as long and brown even then as it was now. The nuns had given him trouble for refusing to comb it, but he'd never seen the point- it would just get messed up again anyway. Having snuck away from the daily evening meal, he watched as the young boy crept through the hallways until coming to the agreed upon room. The boy twisted and turned the doorknob quietly, with a motion that might've passed for an attempt at playing foosball. He tugged at the collar of his shirt as the door creaked open, his eyes darting left and right around the hall, but catching nothing aside from the dust which floated in the pale light that filtered through stained and streaky glass. Like a church mouse, he tiptoed inside, his heart dropping upon finding nobody inside. Had it been another one of their tricks?

Azide watched as his younger self jumped nearly a half a meter off the ground as a hand pressed against the blade of his shoulder, but the fear died quickly as he snapped his head around to meet the gaze of his pursuer. It was a young girl, roughly the same age as himself. 

"Sorry if I gave you a scare," whispered the girl, with a hushed giggle that poured out through her lips like bubbling brook. She raised a finger and pressed it lightly to those rosy lips, now closed, glancing over her shoulder before ushering the two of them safely inside. As the door closed, the memory melted like a dream, and once more he found himself staring at Adelyn.

He held a finger to his lower lip, while his thumb grazed the bridge of his chin. "Somebody that would round me out," he said finally, not knowing how long it taken for him to answer. "She'd be optimistic, and maybe even a bit whimsical. A girl who knows where her heart is, without any hesitation."

Edited by Azide
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I watched azide as he began to think of more ideas, I wasn't surprised he didn't respond quickly as he hadn't earlier and it took him a little too come up with one thing, and now I was asking for more. But what did indeed surprise me was the look he held as he was thinking, I don't think he even noticed his expression had changed, it looked like that of a character in movie who just had some huge flashback, his eyes were staring off into nothingness perfect straight ahead, his head resting like a mannequin's completely still, and his face just relaxed more than ever, and it was weird but I figured he was having a moment or something so I choose not to interrupt.

When he changed back to what seemed like normal, he opened his mouth and gave his answer, two of the things he stated were rather simple for me, whimsical, maybe I was to some people maybe I wasn't, that was something that changed from person to person but It was possible that I was in moments. And then someone who knew where there heart was, and indeed I did, I knew where it was and I knew what I wanted, right now it was clearly him (ooc-get your mind outta the gutter people) and of course I wanted happiness in a way that would take another long speech to talk about in depth. I knew many people would never know what they truly wanted in life, they wanted happiness of course, but every persons quest to that is different and many had trouble finding it, I was one of the lucky few who knew how to gain happiness, it was just the matter of making it happen.

As for his other one, optimism. I had always considered myself one, before the game though, I always tried to look at the best of everything, it was why I followed my parents orders of being the good girl, I could have always been annoyed and made a fuss but I never did saying it would help them in their lives, and in turn make me a better person when I grew up anyway. I always tried to do things like that, but since the game, I cant say I have it was hard to look at the bright side of everything in a game where everything meant the possibility of death or some other failure, and I was too scared to ever think of it in a good way as I knew doing so could put me in a spot to fail. But maybe being happy with someone and just accepting what was happening would help change that, and I could always try to be optimistic and make the bad better. "Well, that works, its better than what most guys usually say, usually its just something like, she has to be beautiful with really nice..you get the point. I didn't think you like that, and im glad I was right. But that was two questions, so ill give you a chance to ask anything you may want to know." I say to him before taking another bite of my pasta and swallowing it after some chewing, it was good if I did say so myself.


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In the end, what he'd said had not been much, considering all of the effort he'd poured into it; even then, he was glad to see that it had at least done the job. He wasn't quite sure of how much further he'd be able to dig around in there, and so it came as a relief that that the handful of traits he'd produced had seemed to satisfy Adelyn for the time being. And yet, a part of him wondered just how accurate his responses had been. True, he hadn't lied- the answers were genuine, but it could not be denied that they were also grossly untested. No longer was he that little boy, even if his taste in colors had remained constant; things were different now. Weren't they?

The girl's comments did, in fact, sound awfully familiar to what he'd heard with the guys. Her words were a lot less colorful than theirs, however, but that was probably for the better. In the end, he supposed he was really only interested in whatever it was that would give him reason to stick around for the long haul; he had a feeling that most relationships built on aesthetics alone didn't exactly have the best long-term prospects. It wasn't about morality, or even faith, but rather time and effort- if he was going to invest both these things into something into something else, it was definitely going to be something which he wanted to last.

Noticing that Adelyn's glass had been finished, Azide grabbed the uncorked Chardonnay and lined its neck up against the rim of the empty wineglass, before tipping it ever so gently. Slowly, the light-colored liquid poured down the sides of the glass until it filled roughly two thirds of the cup's capacity. "Try not to be too shocked when I ask you this," he said, setting the bottle aside. Azide looked the girl in the eye. "But what's your ideal type of guy?" he asked, showing no shame for having chosen the most obvious question available.

Edited by Azide
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I watched as Azide poured me some more wine, but not himself. It was a nice gesture and I wondered if he had done it as he was worried that he didn't want to drink too much himself as he had stated earlier, not that I cared how much he did or didn't drink. But as he set down the glass I picked it up soon after and began to drink it, I drank about half of what he poured, I was thirsty and not to lie but it tasted good, and felt good in relaxing and free way. And freedom for me was a very rare occurrence in this world, I was trapped in it after all with no escape that I could help achieve, so I was stripped of my freedom in the worst possible way. And this night was the only time that freedom seemed even the slightest bit present, and it was a lovely change

He asked his question as I was drinking, and I wasn't really shocked, but more intrigued. I had known the type of men I was into but I also knew why I was asking, I was wondering in a selfish way to know what the man like and if I even stood a chance, meaning I clearly liked him. But did he feel the same, was that the reason he was asking. I knew the last time he had only asked it because I did as well, or so I thought, but maybe he truly did wonder, maybe for the same reason I did to know if this would ever be possible. However I answered his question quickly.

"Shocked, no. Intrigued, a little." I pause for a moment resting my elbow on the table, this being the first time it touched the table. I used my palm to rest my head on as I looked at him and begin to answer his actual question. I begin speaking in my soft tone that I carried almost always. "I myself would like a strong man, but not physically, that's a bonus. No I want a man who could and would stand up for what he loves, A man who's worst fear is losing what he wants the most." I pause for a moment for effect, I felt bad how much longer mine would be, I didn't want to make him feel like he owed me any more, but I continued anyway. "I want a man who knows what he wants as you want a woman who knows where her heart is, and that follows the strong part. I want him to be selfless, but not so much he leaves himself in danger as well, I just want him to care for others who may not be as fortunate. I want him to know that a relationship is much more than contact physically but requires work in making each other feel as if they are the special, and be there for them no matter what, know that a relationship takes more than the physical love of kissing, and you know. I want a man who also has a goal. whether that be a career or his family, a man without goals has nothing to strive for, and no reason to try, so that's a need. He needs to knowledgeable. As for now, that is all I can give away in those sort of regards. Of course if you want the stereotypical response which you did not give as I am so happy to know, I like brown hair, your kind of style, blue eyes, taller than me, in shape, but any of those are bonus's. A cute man would never beat a man who knows how to make me feel loved."

My last sentence finishes off in almost a whisper and I finish looking down at my food. I had never really felt that before, felt loved by someone it always seemed fake, as if I was being used as a pretty body to mess with, so that thought alone was enough to make me want to stop talking, and again, a single tear fell from me eye onto my lap. And not simply because I didn't know love quite yet, but because of so many other complicated reasons I couldn't explain myself.


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Straight-faced, self aware and tongue in cheek- all three were among the words that Azide might draw from if asked to describe his dry sense of humor. The main drawback of deadpan delivery was, of course, its tendency to be taken at face value. In any case, Adelyn delivered her answer all the same- and from the sound of it, the topic had been one she'd given consideration to before today. Taking a page from the girl's book, he rested his forearm tableside, but refrained from situation his head atop his hand; instead, he leaned forward in his seat as the blonde-haired girl spoke.

All in all, he gathered that the gist of what she looked for was in essence a man of the traditional sort- tough, hard-working and ambitious. It was not surprising, as these were traits he knew to be desirable among most women, as well as characteristics associated with masculinity as a whole. He wasn't about to pick his mind about the ramifications of such traits, or recall the evolutionary theory behind this sort of selectiveness, but thoughts of doing so had come across his mind as a matter of principle. 

But to be fair, weaved into this collection of traits which might describe a man's man, the latter half of what she described hinted at a need for a more sensitive side. A careless, giving man, in-touch with the emotional needs of others. Once again, he couldn't help but think that all of these things fell into line with evolutionary psychology, but that was a rather impersonal way of looking at things. Yet ultimately, what she seemed to want at heart was a strong man who could provide.

"Brown hair and blue eyes?" he repeated, not exactly unaware of the combination's relative rarity. "Guess I'd better take off these contacts," continued Azide, moving his fingers towards his eyes, falling just short of making contact. With a shake of his head and a smile, he lowered the hand. "Sorry, no blue eyes here." 

He blinked, noticing only then that Adelyn's gaze was downcast. What's more, a tear trailed down from her eyes, and he shifted in his seat. "What's wrong?" he asked, wishing a more reassuring set of words had found their way to his lips.

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The blue eyes thing wasn't an issue as I had stated, it was only a bonus, those physical characteristics weren't a big deal at all. But as he asked what was wrong I knew from the moment he asked I would tell him, I never tell anyone what I may ever be sad for, and this was happening again. I had never cried in this game yet, not when I was told I would be stuck here, and no moment up to this point, I never had. The thought of crying felt to little, it wouldn't help my situation, it wouldn't make everything okay and fix what has been wronged no matter how hard, or long I cried. But for whatever reason, tonight was different and I wasn't able to hold in the emotions that I had been able to hold in so well for so long now. And as much as it may have helped to talk about everything that could bring these feelings to surface, it was way to much to tell and most I didn't want to tell anyway.

And so I lifted a finger and wiped away the tear and grabbed my wine drinking what was left, hoping that the drink would affect me in someway so that I could just forget this happened, but I had never been drunk before or anything near it I just wasn't a light person I guess, sadly. I looked down into the empty cup hoping as I had just done before the liquid was gone, that the cup could help give me answers, it did not of course and so I looked back at Azide and told him the truth, or at least what I wanted the truth to be. "Nothing, im fine" And I grabbed my fork, taking another bite of my food, and then another, and then another. It was the quickest I had eaten in that day. Something constant that could keep me from thinking about the things I never shared with anyone, things I rarely even talked about to myself, in my own head.

It was funny how a rich girl like me felt as if I needed to hide things, the rich girl was never supposed to have a hard life and overall I didn't, but the couple of things that had happened were big, and the one thing that hurt the most seemed to small to others to talk about, it was sad to any onlooker who would have know, as even I knew how other people had gone through so much more and I made a big deal out of nothing it seemed.

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It didn't take an in-depth knowledge of the human psyche to understand that tears were generally a sign that something was, in fact, wrong. Of course, there also existed the possibility that Adelyn was expressing joy, although that particular option did not seem quite as likely. In any case, he made a move for the wine bottle- and once it was in cradled within his hands, proceeded to wedge the stopper loosely into the opening before setting the whole thing aside. There were plenty of reasons to drink- but for Azide, three categories would suffice in summing up the vast majority.

As he had earlier alluded, some drank for reasons of health- for the benefits afforded specifically through red wine. Not excessively, of course, and more so a glass or two served with dinner. This was the sort with which he was most familiar- although admittedly, his selection of Chardonnay taste pairing than cardiovascular maintenance... However, the led to the second reason: fun. From fraternity brothers chugging foaming glasses, to old moneybags sipping on champagne, alcohol certainly played a role in many a people's' idea of a good time. The third and final reason was quite frankly not nearly as pleasant, and in fact, was rather the opposite.

"I'm glad that I ended up picking out a decent wine after all," said Azide, with a nod and a faint smile. He slid the bottle to his side of the table, then picked up his fork and continued to work on his meal- which by now was nearing its course. "Actually, I'll be happy to let you take home what's left of the bottle- my treat. But white wine really tastes best when it's cold, so it'd be a waste to choke it down after it's gone lukewarm. So in the meantime, I think we could go for a couple of ice cold waters while we finish up." His eyes darted down to the serpent lying in wait at his side, and nodded once as the creature met his gaze unblinkingly. Rather promptly, Lucifer set out yet again on the increasingly familiar journey.

But just as the creature prepared to descend down the steps, a man poked his head out from below, nearly stumbling all the way back down as he caught sight of the familiar. A short while later, a man with a build nearly wire-thin made his way over to the table, setting down two glasses filled to the brim with chunks of ice. From a misty pitcher, he filled each one to the brink, before retrieving his tray. "My sincerest apologies, sir and madame. Our policy is send complimentary waters to all of our diners at the earliest convenience, but obviously, there was an oversight this time around." The man gave a slight tug at the collar of his shirt, his eyes darting left and right before turning back to the guests. "For your patience, we'd like to offer you two slices of chocolate cake- made in-house, of course, as our treat." 

Azide flicked his eyes over to the stairway, meeting the steady gaze of his familiar, and gestured for the creature to return. "That's no problem at all," he said, turning to face the server. "But I'd like to ask that you box those slices up for us, and we'll pick them up on our way out." He palmed the closest of the freshly filled glasses and took a long sip, not once surrendering eye contact. As the server nodded and muttered a few more apologies and very-well-sir's, he pushed the remaining glass toward Adelyn. 

Frozen and translucent cubes dances in the swirling liquid as the young man stirred away with his straw. "Come on," he started, stopping to take another sip. "I've probably said the same thing in the same situation at least a few thousand times in my life." He lowered his hands to the sides of his seat and gripped the edges of the wooden frame, scooting the chair closer as he lifted himself up. Azide set his arms casually against the table, letting them overlap each other as he leaned forward just a bit. "What's on your mind?"

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Azide said something about the wine and home, and all I could really think about was the word home. I didn't have a "home" I stayed at an inn every once in a while but I rarely slept during the night, I usually just ended up falling asleep on a bench near the fountain I met some other friends at, so I didn't really have anywhere to take it. I shook my head at azide, "No, I don't want it, you can keep it thanks though" I looked back down at my food, the noodle's themselves had disappeared with my last bite, but there was still scallops and shrimp left. So I stabbed my fork into a scallop, and then quickly into a shrimp as the scallop was trying to slide off, as if trying to escape death.

As the man came back with a water I picked it up and drank after ge talked about bringing us some chocolate cake and I was handed my glass, I was about to tell him I didn't want it but then Azide spoke up and I realized also that it wouldn't matter. As far as I knew the things we ate here had no effect on our healthiness so there would be no reason not to, aside from me ending up loving it and then I cant resist to not eat it in the real world. I had grown so good at holding back temptations to eat unhealthy foods, it would suck to lose that in a game, but you only live once and even more so in this death game. So I simply bowed my head slightly as a thanks.

Azide then spoke again with a comment and then a question, a very simple question with a not so simple answer ohh the irony in how many questions were like that. But I thought about it for a second wondering if I should tell him the truth or not, I figured he would know whether I did or not but I also thought if I didn't tell him he would probably not push or so I hoped. I weighed the outcomes, one I could tell him the truth, and I could feel better about letting it out and we could grow closer, two I could just blow it off again, he wouldn't have to worry about me and I wouldn't have to sit here and spill out my heart, or three I could tell the truth but not all of it, combine all the outcomes and it seemed the balance.

So I spoke up, my soft voice once again carrying its way through the night somehow "Its really nothing" Lie "I just cant stop thinking about certain things from my past, choices ive made that I regret as well as choices I didn't make I regret. And some other events that don't remind me of the happiest of times." Truth. See a simple mixture of the two, I didn't talk much about what was truly causing me to be sad, I only hinted at it. I only hoped he would accept it and I could tell him the rest when I was really ready to.


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To tell the truth, he had not really cared who it was that would end up with the bottle at the end of the night; what had really mattered was removing the temptation without dropping his usual niceties, and that had been accomplished. There was nothing quite like telling someone that they'd had enough to drink- a gesture that was often met by drunken rhetoric and bad feelings all around. Luckily enough, Adelyn had not resisted- though that in itself had done little to quell his concerns. In fact, she seemed resigned about it all, even as she finished the last of the scraps which remained on her plate. It reminded him of how children pushed around uneaten vegetables at the end of a meal, staring blankly at their plates until their parents would finally excuse them for lack of patience.

Regardless of whether or not she were aware of it herself, the girl's hesitation did not go unnoticed by the watchful eyes of Azide as she answered his question. Not only was it considered standard to think about one's answers before speaking- it was even recommended; yet in hindsight, Adelyn's slight pause could be interpreted not as the consideration of her response, but the consideration of whether or not she should even give a response. Most people did not need to take time to mull over nothing, after all.

Bringing the last morsel of fish to his mouth, Azide chewed the portion thoroughly before downing another round of icy water. While he had absolutely no doubt that she she'd shared was not the end of it, he also recognized a compromise when he saw one. If she wished to share any more than what she had, then surely she would have then and there. He wiped his lips with the napkin, before setting the piece of cloth back down. "We can only ever make one choice at a time," said Azide, looking past the girl in front of him. A sliver of a rising moon peeked out from the verge of darkness, and he guessed that nighttime would soon be fully upon them. "So I can only imagine that we're all left with a handful of regrets at the end of the day. But sometimes, you just have to take what you can get and keep moving on."

Lifting the bottle by the neck, he pulled it closer, so as to allow him to re-position his hold closer towards the base. "Hope I'm not rushing you," he said, clearing his throat. A smile returned to his face as he rose from his chair, the half-finished Chardonnay clutched in-hand. "But I've never roamed the city at night before, so I'm a little antsy."

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Azide spoke, about the regrets and he was right if the regrets were truly as simple as I made them out to be, and the choices weren't nearly as simple it wasn't one wrong choice, or two, no it was week after week of believing something I shouldn't have and making choices ruining what I should have believed in. It wasn't the happiest time of my which was why I never shared it, and when I did I left it at a very simple place like I has just done with Azide it allowed me to talk a little about it and feel better a little bit, but also it was just solid enough of a reply to move on to a different subject and not dwell on it.

As he spoke about rushing and roaming I smiled. I myself was not feeling rush but I was smiling at him wanting to roam the city at night as I had done so many times, not only that but I slept out in the city at night before not that that's something to be proud of and im not, I just know what its like so for me its nothing special anymore no matter how nice it looks. "Well I don't feel rushed, And the city will be here forever, well until this game is cleared but we have a while to go, anyway. I'm sure you'll like it" I say softly before I stab my fork into the remaining pieces of shrimp. Eat it, and then scallops, finish those and hen the lobster I had ordered extra. I looked at my empty plate, and then my stomach. It was weird not feeling full at all as I would have in the real world after eating the meal I did and I wasn't sure if I liked it or didn't.

I wiped my mouth with the napkin that had been on my lap to clean anything that may have gotten there though I doubt anything did. I then wiped my hands as well and looked over to Azide, I could see he was done and as he had said he was antsy to go see the city and it was truly night now as the moon told us with its presence. I stood up, straightening out the skirt I had been wearing, my outfit was kind of sad truly at how simple it was. A simple nice white shirt and a black skirt, with basic sheer tights, nothing special and it was too normal but in any case I did so and looked back at Azide. "Well I myself would like to wash my hands before we leave to the city" I looked around just to make sure there was no restroom on the roof, of course there wasn't. "Guess we can go then" And I turned walking in front of Azide.

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The girl certainly had a point- the climb to the hundredth floor was a dizzying one; there was no doubt that it would be a long time before they escaped Kayaba's castle in the sky. While it was always a possibility that they might be able to access the realm of Sword Art Online upon the game's completion, he had a tough time envisioning any future in which he'd actually want to Aincrad. For all intents and purposes, once they finally left this elaborate sham of a world, he would be hard-pressed to actually consider dropping by for a visit So in the meantime, he figured he might as well make the most of his time here and get as much enjoyment out of this place as he could find.

A quick glance was cast to the wind, falling upon the city with a bird's eye view. The last remnants of the sun had slipped away, leaving only the lights of various torches, candles and lanterns to illuminate the nighttime alleys. Even from here, he could tell that not a single street or corner was left unlit in the vast maze below. The sight reminded him of a certain city from the other side, and the memory left him with a quiet smile. "I think I will too," he said, turning back to Adelyn.

As the girl rose, he nodded. "We can go wash up on the first floor." With Adelyn taking the apparent initiative, he beckoned for the serpent to follow as the two made their way over to the stairway. He felt as if he should say something as they left, but with nothing substantial coming to mind, he reconsidered. There would be plenty of time to speak after they took their leave.

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I heard Azide speak and then follow me downstairs, After walking down we arrived back on the first floor of the café, the only floor I thought there would have been tables at to begin with when I first arrived. But the dinner on the roof was nice and romantic, not that I know if Azide meant it like that. I figured Azide didn't think that this was a date or anything when we began and may still not, it could have just been his intention to show me a cool spot of his and share it with a person he was hoping to become friends with. Then I wouldn't have thought to much on the subject, but now I was curious whether or not he felt the same about me as I did him, which was confusing enough for me considering I had mixed feelings for him.

I stopped and looked back at Azide as we walked "Well, I will meet you there" I say pointing to the door he had held for me some time ago to enter the café. As i finished pointing i lowered my arm and walked quickly towards the restroom where i entered. I went up to the sink but did not start the water, I stared at myself in the mirror for a quick second looking for the old me. I'm sure that had this not been a death game, and this was a normal guy from my high school this definitely would have been a date and that's what I wanted, this night to be a date. But I also was happy that this man who I had only met today was different, he wasn't that typical high school guy. And were I was indeed disappointed that he was hiding feelings he had, or maybe didn't have anyway, either way this night was well worth the time. And if he did feel how I did, then the wait would be worth it in the end or so I told myself, this was one of the only time in the game that I was happy a real world normality for me wasn't happening.

I threw the semi complicated thoughts of this man and feeling of the real world out of my head and turned on the water, washing my hands with soap of course, which smelled amazing if I might add. If it was any normal friend that was a male i would make him smell my hands afterward at how amazing it was, but that of course would not be happening tonight. I dried my hands and looked back in the mirror to check looks, but I then remembered that I was wearing makeup, my hair was perfect and everything was. I was rather sad at the fact that this game made me look the same every day, I couldn't change my looks as far as I knew and it was weird not having to worry about the normal things i used to such as my makeup, or loose strands of hair that needed to be fixed or other complications. But it was just another thing this game presented that had good and bad sides. But I walked out of the restroom clearing my head of any thoughts floating around, and looked to door to see if Azide had beaten me out.

Edited by Adelyn
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At that moment, Azide couldn't help but feel a little stupid as he craned his neck towards the ceiling. Sure, the sight of a sky full of stars was a breathtaking one- virtually generated or otherwise, and fulling deserve of the gawking that he was giving it. After all, the name of the Starlight Cafe had not been chosen at random; with a flat glass-top roof, the only lights this place made use of at nighttime were of celestial origin. On the other hand, he'd actually been on top of that roof just minutes prior. It seemed like poetry in motion that he hadn't looked upward even once after night had fallen, until he'd left in the dust the building's prime location to do just that.

With Adelyn in the washroom, he walked over to main counter, where he was greeted by a familiar man. Though the two were not exactly on a first name basis, he'd come to recognize the face of the owner, and could only assume that the reverse had taken place over the same span of time. With a generous number of visits in the past, and another one today, Azide had been something of a regular at the establishment. 

A burly and middle-aged man, although not quite as tall as some of the men he'd seen around here; if it weren't for the slight hunch of his back, Azide guessed the man would stand in the neighborhood of a solid one hundred and eighty centimeters. At full mast, such a height was still greater than his own, although it would admittedly fall a bit short when it came to things such as casting long shadows or reaching for the highest shelf in the market. That aside, the man's fuller build stood in contrast to his unexpectedly softer features, which were framed by a pair of round-rimmed glasses.

It was a mystery what a man like this had done before being spirited away into the world of Aincrad, but alas, he was rather successful here. Azide met the man's wide grin with one showing more restraint, and they shot the breeze in the usual way a businessman might engage with his customer. With the tired ritual taken care of, Azide made his way to the door, carrying a half-empty wine bottle in one hand while the other clutched the handle of a bag holding packaged slices of cake. His wallet a thousand and five-hundred col lighter, he smiled as Adelyn appeared from around the corner, and waved with each of his occupied hands. 

"Hey, last chance to back out!" he called, turning a few heads in the process.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I looked to the door, Azide must have seen me before I him as he called out to me. I smiled at the little remark he made of backing out, which in no way would be even questionable in my head. There was no way I was going to back out, and even if I had I wouldn't have thought of it, and done it earlier. But I looked at azide and walked over, I looked outside at the night sky, before realizing I could just look up for a better view as the ceiling was glass after all. The stars were out of course and the view was spectacular, the moon was visible out in the sea of stars that took up the dark night sky. Stars were always something that I had been fond of, and although these were pretty they didn't give me quite the same feeling as when I saw them in the real world, I knew these weren't real. But in any case they were still amazing, and it reminded me of the time when I used to go out to a hill near my house with just a blanket, and my dog and I. I would lay out and look at the stars whenever I was sad, or looking for a place to think, the stars had always helped.

But now these stars didn't do that, probably because I knew that if I really did need something it would be easier to fall back onto Azide and get answers id need from him as I thought he'd help, the sadness not so much I wouldn't be crying in his arms anytime soon. I looked back to azide and looked him in the eyes, "Well no time is better than the present, lets get going I guess." I say to Azide before walking to the doors and grabbing it to hold open for Azide. "Ladies first of course" I say smiling at him waiting for him to either walk through the door and motion for me to and state how he indeed was a man. It wouldn't matter either way to me, usually people would get annoyed or what not but I only meant it in good fun. And getting know Azide through out this night I knew he liked to joke around and have fun so he would get it, and most likely not throw a big fit over the statement.

I did begin to wonder however once we left where we would be going, he had led me here, and I planned on letting him lead the way now of course. But I wondered if he had any other neat places in town to take me to, the best I knew of was the fountain but I was sure that could be topped by a sight I had yet to lay eyes on. In any case waiting was a game I was okay in some situations, this being one of them. And I didn't even know if he had planned on some pretty sight or just a simple walk, either would be fine in my eyes.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Truth be told, he was at a loss for where to go from here; improvisation had never been among his stronger points, and nighttime walking beside a girl was not exactly something he had foreseen. And yet even then, he could not deny that he had been improvising a fair amount today, beginning all the way back when he'd first pointed out the cafe in which they stood. What had come over him today? What was it about today that made him proceed with such uncharacteristic recklessness?

He didn't really have an answer, ultimately. Whatever possible answers lurking out there eluded him, and slipped through his fingers like a greedy fistful of sand. "I think it definitely ranks up there," remarked Azide, nodding softly. As with most things, the sentiment had been subtle, and even subdued- he wondered if she would even catch it. But for what it was worth, the present was indeed a great time, and had been for the past few hours or so. The girl's antics earned a slight raise of his brow, but he laughed it off all the same. "First I'm old, and now I'm a lady," said Azide, with a shake of his head. "But I guess I should just be relieved that an American is offering somebody else a chance to go first for once."

Without missing a beat, he stepped through the open doorway and turned to meet the girl's gaze once more. "Just keep in mind that this isn't a girls' night out," he said rather dryly. He wasn't exactly sure what sort of night it was- but perhaps the simplest descriptor was the most accurate. "I guess if anything, this is technically a date night, isn't it?" 

OOC: Sorry for the super late response! Also, feel free to close the thread with your next post, and I'll make a new one after that.

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