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> Search: "Glow"

> 3 Matches Found

> Search: "Samuel Onyx"

> 1 Match Found

> Input: "Profile; Personal Logs; Journal"

> One file obtained.

> Input: "Load with narration"

> Accessing Journal of Samuel Onyx...



[PROFILE: Samuel Onyx Doruga]


[REAL NAME: Samuel Onyx Doruga (Onyx, Samuel)]

[AGE: Seventeen (17)]

[DATE OF BIRTH: 22nd July (22/07)]

[GENDER: Male (♂)]

[NATIONALITY: British (English)]

I pirouette in the dark,

I see the stars through a mirror,

Tired mechanical heart,

Beat till the song disappears

Sssup. Don't mind me, I'm just checking my own personal details and seeing how I can mess around with them. Why did I replace my main quote with this message? Eh. Dunno. Felt like it. Anything in bold is the nutjob who's in charge of this stuff's quotes.


> Search: "Identifying features"

> Two files obtained.

> Loading file: "Physical Characteristics"





[HAIR STYLE: Unkempt. All hair sides are long, although none below collar. Tends to spike up in areas.]

[EYE COLOUR: Grey with central amber rings.]*

[HEIGHT: 6'1]

[WEIGHT: 70.3kg (155lbs)]

[GENERAL NOTES: Arms slightly over-proportional in comparison to rest of body, reaching a few inches above knee. Sturdy build with some athletic muscle, mainly located on the back region (Trapezius and Deltoid muscle groups). Fingers short but very nimble. Right-handed, but shows signs of practice using non-primary digits typical of a gamer.]

"Body as messed up as my head. You get used to it after your whole life, though."

Wow, what a depressing quote they chose. Well, whoever assigns these things. Now, how do I change the actual content...

(*Addendum: Colour varies between a near-white grey to a near-black grey.) 


> Loading file: "Behavioral Characteristics"




[VIRTUES: Strategic; Collected; Unpredictable; Observant; Supportive]

[VIRTUES(0): STRATEGIC: Samuel has a very methodical, if chaotic mindset. Combining this with his high intelligence has proven to allow him to strategically and logically plan events in a way that is both effective and hard to decipher without knowing Samuel's mindset. His relative lack of reservations allows him to perform the ideal actions, even when the odds are against him and/or his peers. Furthermore, Samuel continually analyzes the flow of whatever he's doing and change his actions in accord to them. Outside of Sword Art Online, this allowed him to quickly defuse conflict between his classmates and family, and effectively make use of time in order to spend as much of it as possible doing things he likes instead of things that bore him, as well as being a top-tier real time strategy player. Its overall use was limited, however. On the other hand, it has potential to be a huge boon within Sword Art Online, allowing him to consistently find the weak points of his opponents and dispatch them with great efficiency as well as effectively lead group movements, although no data is yet available on the subject.]

"A plan for every action; a plan for every plan."

Well, yea. Plans are mental actions, after all, stupid past self. But seriously, why can I only edit these quotes and not the main body of text...


[VIRTUES(1): COLLECTED: Samuel is a very collected individual. His emotions are viciously suppressed when they are not advantageous, and rarely affect his combat or social performance. His inhibitions, on the other hand, are very low; barring embarrassing activities, he is willing and able to take and perform dangerous actions if they prove positive for his progress. He also remains calm for long periods of time; sometimes disturbingly so, from what brief mentions acquired from peers have stated. Prior to his entry in Sword Art Online, it allowed him to aid in the refusal of tense situations, easily listen to what other people had to say and to push his own personal opinions down and deal with a variety of people, as well as remaining calm under pressure. Within Sword Art Online, it has - similar to his strategic mind - aid in his performance, but in a global if lesser amount, allowing him to fight better in both single and group combat. It also allows him to make informed decisions uninfluenced by his emotions and instead by his logic.]

"Calm down. Take a deep breath. Focus. You've got this."

I'll have you know it's pronounced u got dis. Plebeians. Guess I'll give up on editing the text now and make funny comments so whoever's so bored that they're reading my life story of all things has a laugh.


[VIRTUES(2): UNPREDICTABLE: While he is strategic, the logic he uses is really only known to Samuel himself. In his own terms, he has labeled it 'ordered chaos'; as he's able to plan several moves in advance, he can plan moves that, while not the most immediately effective, enable for a greater gain over time if he feels comfortable with his current situation or is already ahead. His somewhat unstable personality also leads to even one action or objective being completed in different ways depending on his temperament and mood at the time. This proved to have practically no advantage outside of Sword Art Online barring gaming and being known as slightly crazy; however, out of all his positive features, it holds the most promise to aid him within the game.]

"I accept chaos. Though I'm not sure if it accepts me..."

 I said that? Damn I'm awesome. You agree, right? ...right?


[VIRTUES(3): OBSERVANT: More of two different features of Samuel put into one, a combination of beneficial habits and above-average senses enables him to analyze both his surroundings and interactions in detail. He is constantly gathering information about people and places around him, using the information to aid in his planning. Due to his blank mind, he can remain processing the changing events around him while still acting upon them and changing his plans. In the real world, this let him come up with answers to difficult questions, make sure to respect and understand different opinions and find out the root of different problems. It also was only noted by people close to him, which numbered very small; he usually acted friendly and talkative, despite his ambiverted nature, making friends with most people but true friends with practically no one. In Sword Art Online, his observance can help him find out lots of information about both events and people around him, but also directly in combat, letting him quickly identify weak points and possible strategies against a particular opponent.]

"A prodigy? Not especially. Anyone can do it; you just need to give your senses to the world, and the world will give back." 

Deeeep. We're talking Marina Trench here. Freaking hell, does anyone see a bottom to that? I could make a book and just have this in it and it'd sell worldwide.


[VIRTUES(4): SUPPORTIVE: Samuel, despite his sometimes cold and unempathetic nature, does enjoy helping other people. In fact, it's one of the few things that truly gave him some measure of content back before Sword Art Online, especially helping his friends or animals. He did help humans through charities and other events, but gave up sometime after coming to terms with how corrupt the world was and his own laziness. However, he is nearly always there for those that ask for help, and always willing to lend an ear, even when he's nearly been pushed over the edge himself. His calm nature allows him to dispense realistic and practical but (in most cases) hopeful advice to those that ask for any, though it can be quite pessimistic if he's feeling down. This helps in very similar ways in both in and out of Sword Art Online; however, it is a somewhat heavier load to deal with considering the more severe problems that occur in the game on a common basis in comparison to outside of it.]

"We rise by lifting others."

Well, I would've chosen 'Friends are like a good bra. Supportive, hard to find, and always close to your heart!', but I guess that's just my opinion.


[FLAWS: Overload; Null; Unpredictable; Volcanic; Shattered]

[FLAWS(0): OVERLOAD: Samuel's keen senses and constant analysis, along with having to listen and deal with other people's problems (not that he's opposed to it) leads to him 'overloading' himself sometimes, both literally and metaphorically. He can completely fill up his senses' capacity and gain sensory overload, which causes him to withdraw completely in on himself for a while, or he can gather a lot of stress over time. Due to his dissociation, this stress is often subconscious or goes unnoticed, observable only by the various stress-related skin conditions that tend to cause flaky patches of his skin along with his habit of twitching being taken to a much higher level. This happened a lot because of sensory overload and large workloads outside of Sword Art Online, due to the hectic city environment along with constant tests, which caused him to withdraw from the world quite often and lock himself up in his room with just music and minimal other influences. However, in Sword Art Online, it's more caused by higher levels of stress and less sensory loads, due to the hectic and brutal nature of the game. It does still occasionally happen in battle, but usually leads to him becoming volcanic rather than catatonic.]

"Sorry if I'm quiet at times. It's loud enough inside my head."

Eh. Don't have much to put against this quote. Man, these flaws are depressing. Jeez. But yea, it's true, keep it down will you? I just want to listen to nice music and lay back, not be bombarded by a thousand things at once.


[FLAWS(1): NULL: Due to a combination of various factors, including several genetical and environmentally caused mental conditions, Samuel displays a behavior most efficiently labelled as 'Null'. The amount of this varies, but the commonly observed effects are a significant lack of resting brain activity unless Samuel has recently engaged in any recreational activity involving music, which causes a spike for a period of time. This is outwardly displayed as several 'masks' Samuel wears around other people to make them as comfortable as possible. Furthermore, when at a high level, it can greatly lower his already faint emotions as well as his morality and sense of restraint - this includes that of the body itself, as Samuel, although able to lift more than his body should allow due to slightly bypassing the restraints naturally, also causes damage to his own body as a result. The effects of this will be far lesser in Sword Art Online, but the mental effects will remain in force, if not increasing as Samuel instinctively uses his flaw as his defense mechanism, which can greatly damage his mental state over time. The second part of this flaw is that, because of his lack of care and surreal experiences with the world around him, Samuel has trouble forming close relationships - he will listen to others and be a faint friend to everyone, but lacks both the trust and want to obtain a true friend. Furthermore, emotions tend to drain out of him, making it hard for him to obtain long term feelings; some examples are contentedness, grieving and love.]

"Everything in the world seems surreal to me. It's like I'm living behind glass."

Haha. Pretty accurate, to be honest. Yea, I'm basically a psychopath except worse. I mean, not worse as in even worse than a psychopath, but like a mini psychopath. Called something like dissocation? Dissaction? Dissociation. That's the term. Makes boredom horrible, though.


[FLAWS(2): UNPREDICTABLE: While being unpredictable can help in some situations, Samuel's precariously unstable mind can also lead him to being incredibly strange and random - and not in a good way. He can quickly switch between masks and emotions, individual emotions can fluctuate with small comments, and he tends to get random bursts of energy or emotions that manifest as somewhat violent twitches. Due to him usually suppressing his emotions, consciously or not, it leaves him unable to deal with the sudden wave of feelings he obtains and they spill out of him. Furthermore, his mood does not always reflect his environment; he may feel on top of the world in the middle of an intense boss fight or at his lowest point after an inspiring speech. This tends to merely impact his social ability within Sword Art Online, but can also cause him to halt in the middle of battle or grow sluggish when his mood suddenly changes - it had a far greater effect outside of the game, where social consequences were a lot more severe.]

"There's a fine line between genius and insanity, one that I never really could see."

Eh... yea. Seriously, these are some depressing quotes. Don't even remember half of them.


[FLAWS(3): VOLCANIC: Samuel, through both conscious and unconscious decisions, often bottles up his emotions. This includes his anger, which he had severe problems with when he was much younger. His 'hot' anger occasionally bubbles through, which causes him to start shouting and his emotions to get somewhat out of control, getting worse as the stress on him and his anger increase. This doesn't mean to say he doesn't show mock anger or annoyance; just that he holds back his true anger efficiently. However, because of this, it causes it to 'explode' outwards when it is released, breaking through his mental barriers. His other type of anger, or his 'cold' anger is largely unknown; Samuel keeps it under great control, and it is not certain what would cause him to lose such a tight grip over it - considering that his normal anger alone is rather forceful, whatever proceeding events would likely not be particularly pleasant. Within Sword Art Online, Samuel is less likely to lose control of his anger over day-to-day activities due to a small sense of fulfillment in a far less boring world, but larger events may make him snap.]

"I won't break your heart, don't worry. You've only got one of those. You've got two-hundred and six bones, though..."

Eh. One of my... less proud moments. It's a badass speech though, right? Again, I would've chosen the more lighthearted 'get out of my way or get bent', but whatever. Basically, yea. I occasionally just explode with repressed emotions and all that stuff. Amazing, huh? I... why am I writing comments on here anyways. Or editing them after I've typed them. Maybe it's relieving the boredom for a few moments.


[FLAWS(4): SHATTERED: Due to a variety of factors proceeding his entry to Sword Art Online, Samuel's conscience and personality 'shattered'. His previous sense of self was destroyed, and his personality rapidly changed, with the 'pieces' left over each developing into an individual personality. The exact condition isn't well documented - while not quite extensive to label it as a multiple personality disorder, instead bearing similarities to schizophrenia with temporary alterations in mental states, it didn't match any proper classification. A lack of desire on Samuel's part to get any of his issues taken into consideration also lowered any knowledge into his own conditions, as he attempted to deal with them himself, making him mentally self-sufficient for the most part. This causes parts of him to lack certain essential features; his dominant personality often lacks significant long-term emotions, as previously stated.]

"Time doesn't heal all wounds. It scabs and scars them, sure. But they're never quite gone, are they? You can see them, sometimes. In the little things people do - a small mental tick, flinching at a certain word or phrase, a literal patch of scarred skin. It does teach you how to hide them, though. People think they're gonna save you, when the truth is they lost you a long time ago."

Man, that was a looong quote. Hot damn. Well, certainly fit, I guess. You can get lost inside your own mind, sometimes - at least, that' how things roll for me. But this is all too dark for my witty commentary; get the hell out of my flaw section and freaking get pumped. Just. Do it! Don't let your memes be dreams, man. How about this: out of everything to have a phobia of, I have mine of wasps and bees of all things. That... that buzzing noise, man! Makes me shiver. So, if I'm that much of a wimp and I get at least some stuff done, then you sure as hell can to. Go on. Shuu. Or... stay. I mean, it's not like I can force you to do anything.


> Search: "History"

> 272 files found

> Search: "Personal Bibliography"

> 1 file found

> Loading file: "Personal Bibliography - Samuel Onyx"



[HISTORY: Personal Biography]

[Samuel had a slightly rock upbringing, but not in terms of out-of-school relationships. His parents were together for all his life, both pairs of grandparents were still alive, he got along with his siblings - everything was very relaxed. In his early life, Samuel was an excitable and curious person, constantly asking questions and trying to make close friends out of everyone. However, as tends to be human nature, the opportunity was used - along with his strange eyes and personality - to make fun of and bully the young child. His first school - a pre-school was quickly left after the teachers themselves picked on Samuel, and the second one was where Samuel spent most of his time of primary school, a small private school a couple of roads away. The bullying was a lot worse within that school, especially within the later years, and Samuel had to learn to defend himself somehow, even at such a young age. This left him a much more quiet and admittedly mature child at home, but also much more vicious at school until he moved again to one final public school a few miles away, which - although getting slightly bullied at the beginning - quickly gained a far more relaxed atmosphere, and Samuel attained the grades he needed and more for the grammar school he wanted to get into.

In his secondary school, he had a much more relaxed but joking manner, managing to make many friends - but none of them that he ever really bonded to, emotions-wise. Additionally, while his intelligence still remained high, his work ethic and effort dropped dramatically after his entry; while he still got good grades, they were nowhere near what he should have been getting, mainly due to Samuel simply not wanting to do anything anymore. Everything was just grey, and monotonously boring. Instead, Samuel spent his time on his hobbies, those being making and playing music, tinkering with various electronics, coding (which he used as a small source of extra legal income), hacking (quite the opposite) and occasional drawings - although his favorite was always playing video games, being a gamer at heart. This is why Samuel persuaded his parents to get him an import copy of Sword Art Online as soon as it came out, having missed the beta by a handful of days - a virtual reality away from the dull and boring one he was in, something he could do to escape this world for a while. So, on the day of its release, he plugged himself in, and gave a small smile.

"Link start."

Samuel is a curious individual, in both senses of the term; he himself has a drive, if weakened from his childhood, for knowledge, and his personality itself is very odd if he isn't wearing a mask. By now, however, it is almost habitual for him to do so, with him instinctively covering up his emotions to allow himself to focus on the world and people around him in logical forms with a touch of empathy, rather than be swayed by emotions. While he still slips back into a more depressed state, Samuel has generally improved since he entered Sword Art Online, excited about the possibilities of the new world - and his reaction to being stuck inside were minimal at best. As much as he'd miss his family for the time he'd be stuck in Aincrad, it was practically a dream for him - somewhere he could start anew in a fantasy world. He is still very musical... as well as very socially awkward, finding it very hard to look people in the eye without his eyes literally watering or to keep a conversation going for extended periods of time without a big topic to work around, preferring to listen and comment than be the center of attention.] 

"A penny for your thoughts now... a bullet for your dreams."

Waitwaitwait, before you start ranting about that quote, it doooesn't mean what you think it means. It's from a song I used to jam to all the time, with the title being a bullet for your dreams. It's like... well, it does describe someone's dreams being damaged, but then it says about picking the pieces up and, even when you're already broken, showing up the bad guys and stuff? Yea. That.


Yea. Basically... don't let stuff get you down. Keep going on, all that. U got dis, to the maximum level.

Instead, look at cute young me. Seriously, where the hell are they getting these photos from - it's creepy!


> Search: "Fighting Style"

>  2 files found

> Search: "Combat"

> 1 file found

> Loading file "Current Fighting Style"




[Little information is available on Samuel's current fighting style, due to a lack of movement from him within the game. However, predictions can be drawn from several small skirmishes captured from his life within the real world.

Samuel knows portions of various martial arts, but hasn't officially trained in any of them specifically; he has learnt some from his father, who tried to teach him some self-defense during the time he was bullied very badly. However, he has trained in Krav Maga (specifically Urban Krav Maga) during his time within secondary school, which is a fighting style with parts sourced from Aikido, Judo, boxing and wrestling. It is a style designed for real-world situations, with efficient movements and brutal counter attacks, having reached a G4 rank officially, which is a low brown belt, although he was taking part in a G5 test before he entered Sword Art Online, which is the highest non-black badge you can obtain. This would likely carry over to his sword style; little flashy movements, going straight to the point and unrestrained attacks. Furthermore, Krav Maga does offer individual training to use objects as part of the style, which Samuel participated in, allowing him to further incorporate the martial art into his combat within Sword Art Online. The style is designed to kill at higher levels, rather than restrain, and even in the slightly watered down version taught within the UK a lot of the debilitating moves were still within the style, although the teen is often far too lazy to actually bother performing any of them, instead using the recommended moves that attempt to remain true to the style while locking the opponent down without permanently harming them.

For specific combat with a weapon, Samuel has some practice with Ninjutsu. It all happened after an intense anime night of Naruto, and searching up to see if it was actually real. Finding out it was, he quickly enrolled on a course, only to found out it was something different altogether. However, that did not discourage him from learning the art, which focused far more on stealth and subterfuge, or little tricks to pull, than any official style. While he did briefly pick up fencing, he never truly enjoyed it and dropped it after feeling too lazy for it. The only reason he stuck with the other two courses was because of his rather explosive anger; they were one of the only ways to get rid of his budding emotions and rage.

Samuel finds it hard to restrain his actions within a fight. Before he learned a majority of the small bits of martial arts he picked up here and there from his father, who had gone through a similar series of events, Samuel was simply a brawler. Some influences of this style remain today; specifically the rather brutal strikes he tends to perform, attempting to end a battle as soon as possible, combined with various influences on his holds that tend to make them a little more painful, if less efficient. Overall, Samuel's style is very straight to the point and hard to predict, although not appearing particularly impressive, and tends to be burst of action bridged by continuous poking at the opponent's defenses to find weaknesses before maliciously abusing them with a brief release of his anger, fueling his Wild Dance attacks.

"If there's no second chances, I plan to make my one shot count."

Stabby stabby. Looks like I can edit this section, which is cool. It sounded all official before, now it's all the truth, entertaining and showing that you're about to get rekked. Git gud.


> Search: "Skills"

> 1 file found

> Loading file "Skills




Total skill points: 9

Spent skill points: 5

Remaining skill points: 4

Level: 4

Health: 16

Energy: 4

Profession: Musician [Musico Primo: 0 XP]











[Weapon Skills]

> Wild Dance [1]

  • + 1 Damage to Wild Dance Weapons
  • Primal Burst - 1x1 - AoE - [2 Energy] - A forward charge which sweeps out both arms outwards, much like a swimming breaststroke.
  • Organ Pierce - 1x2 - Stun - [5 Energy] - A step which lowers the body height, then delivers a powerful clawed gut punch. 

I have one skill...

How could this haaaappeeeennn to meeeeee?

Nah, just wait. I'll git gud myself.


> Search: "Inventory"

> 1 file found

> Loading file "Inventory"




> Starter Claws [1] [Common]



Rat Leather Cuirass [1] [Common]



Old Guitar [1] [Common]


> Col [720]

> Materials [18]

> Bread [10]

> Water [15]


Edited by Glow
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  • 2 weeks later...

> Search: "History"

> 2 files found

> Search: "Sword Art Online"

> 1 file found

> Opening "SAO History - 01"



[ARC 01: Pre-Chorus]


After struggling to escape the main city, Glow found himself without anything to do. Instead, he simply gathered as much information as he could about the starting floor's origin, exploring anywhere he could to complete the map and trying to understand the game - as well as a little bit of pushing to see if he could manipulate the code at all. Failing this, he decided it was time to head out; however, he'd need someone to go with. Stuck in a dilemma, Teion came across him, and asked for directions to the shopping area - with Glow having a complete map and nothing else to do, he shrugged and aided her, meeting the strange duo of Celestial and Whit along the way. With a favor owed to him, he asked for some help with leveling up, and a time was set for him to finally venture out.



Meeting up with Teion at the Town of Beginnings, Glow made his first trek outside of the bustling city. He and Teion went on a brief exploration outside, and he attempted to take out a few boars while they discussed possible futures within the game. Glow mentioned his choice of armor and profession, while Teion discussed about the possibility of him arriving at her shop, to which he agreed. Ending the trip was a particularly frustrating and nimble boar, but no one was permanently hurt, and that's all that mattered.



Following the meeting with Teion, Glow continued onwards to gain his Performer Profession. Making his way to an old store he was pointed to by a couple of other players, he met a friendly shopkeeper who asked for him to gather some materials down in the cellar and generally tidy it up, and he would be given an instrument as a reward. Accepting, he made his way into the cellar, gathering the pieces together and discovering a rat infestation - quite a large one at that. As in, giant rats. Cleaning up the first three with a sword skill, he discovered the techniques the game was made for using Primal Burst by accident. Finding a mini-dungeon like area, he did some quick scouting but decided to return back; with one opponent left, he had a release by toying with it for a while, letting his destructive urges ebb away for now. He returned after being hit in the face by the hatch, and chose an instrument that reminded him of the one he had at home; an old acoustic guitar, before leaving the shop, guitar in case.







Edited by Glow
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