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(PP-F1) Never Ending Hunt for Mats (Blue)

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Manta prowled the fields on the first floor looking for low level monsters. They were an easy way to get materials, so that why she was hunting them. They were easy to defeat, and although they didn't always give loot they were extremely short fights especially when compared with the fights on the higher levels. It usually only took one hit to take them down, and with her AOE sword skill she could take out multiple at once. She hadn't come across many people so far, but that was fine with her. She used to be an extremely social person, but she'd been keeping to herself lately, isolating herself from other players. Sousuke seemed to be gone, and that had hurt her deeply. She didn't want to lose anyone else. It hadn't changed her too much though. It had only made her less trusting and less joyful. She still wanted to help people which was why she was out here hunting for materials. Potions were a vital part of the game, and as an alchemist she helped supply them.


She had the coat she had gotten from Sousuke equipped, as well as her sword. She had left her armor off for this fight supply run as she didn't like the way it looked or felt. She only wore it when necessary, and it was only ever necessary on the higher up floors.

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Material gathering... Material gathering. It seemed as if all he's been doing recently was material gathering and he didn't like it one bit. The say the least, it was boring an dull, especially when you come out from material gathering with absolutely little to no materials in your inventory. However, here he was, once again, walking along the stream of the plains of field one. Man... Running a shop is freaking stressful. He thought as he whipped off a piece of sweat that had formed under the heat of the sun. Hope I can do this quick. Blue stopped and began looking around, hoping to find something of significance so he can indeed obtain some material for his shop and tailoring customers.

ID: 35810
LD: 10+2=12

Blue sighed. There was nothing of interest in the distance and he really disliked when his time is wasted in an area. However, he did manage to find someone of interest. Not many people hung around the first floor nowadays except for a few storekeepers like him who thought gathering among the lowest floor would be easier than up on the higher floors. He approached the girl in the distance, curious as to what she's doing at down on the starting floor where he spends most of his time.

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Manta look around. She saw another player in the distance, but that didn't mean much to her. She didn't see any monsters around so in one smooth motion she unsheathed her sword and slashed some of the plants on the ground. Every once in a while she got a material for doing that, but apparently this wasn't one of those times though. She looked back up over where the player had been and noticed that he had gotten a lot closer. In fact he was walking towards her. She wasn't entirely sure why he would walk up to a stranger in the middle of a field. She could understand doing that in a safe zone, but out in the fields it was dangerous to walk up on strangers.

Manta sheathed her sword to make sure that she didn't look too threatening. It did occur to her that this player could be trouble. He could be a scout for a PKer guild looking for targets. She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and stood her ground, her weapon sheathed. Still, she rested her hand on the pommel just in case she needed to unsheathe it quickly. She raised an eyebrow and gave the player a little wave with her left hand.

ID# 35811 results:

Battle: 2

Craft: 7

Loot: 13

MOB: 5

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Blue responded to the wave with a wave of his own. When he got close enough, he sighed before starting to introduce himself. "The name's Blue. Tailor." He said with what he hoped was a kind tone. It was evident that the player was indeed also trying her best for a material gathering session but perhaps things were not working out for her. "So... Having fun material gathering?" He asked with a tiny bit of humor. Not too much, just enough to emphasize his joking nature. "I'm trying to obtain some material as well... Trust me, I'm no PKer or I would've pounced on you by now... And I presume you aren't one either... Or I might be in a bit of trouble right now."

ID: 35816
BD: 6 (Rage Spike|1*2*4=8 DMG)
LD: 20+2=22 (4 MAT)

However, as Blue was speaking, a crowd of boars managed to find the two and charge forward. Luckily, with Blue's keen sense and ability to foresee what might happen, he was able to turn around and notice that these were very weak boars. Whew. Thought I may be in trouble there... I can probably take all these out with one shot. He decided before activating his "rage spike" AoE sword art.

With a quick movement of the blade, Blue was able to slash all four boars with one attack. They vanished into space after bursting into millions and millions of green and blue crystals. "Wow... That's four materials right there." He said out loud with pride.

Blue (48/48) [ENE: 8/12]
Manta Gaul (40/40) [ENE: 10/10]
Boar 1 (0/8)
Boar 2 (0/8)
Boar 3 (0/8)
Boar 4 (0/8)

+4 MAT

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"That's exactly what you would say if you were a pker." She stated in a flat tone. She didn't think he was a PKer, but that didn't make him a nice person. She wasn't going to trust him implicitly just because he was polite. But since he was polite she would be polite back and make some conversation. "Im going to assume you were being sarcastic there, talking about having fun mat hunting." Material hunting could be fun, but only with other people, friends to be exact. Doing it solo was a long boring task.

Manta was all set to fight the boars when they came at them, but she could almost see Blue calculating. When he activated a sword skill she could only assume it was an AOE attack, so she backed up out of his way, just in case he tried to include her in his sword strike. When the boars were all defeated in one blow she wasn't all that impressed. She could have done that with her AOE sword skill. When he said he had gotten four materials, that was when her mouth dropped open. It was only open for a fraction of a second before she closed it and composed herself though. She wasn't jealous, just surprised. Well, she was a bit jealous, but one of her beliefs was that there was no use being jealous of what other people have.

"That's pretty impressive luck. My name is Manta, don't feel obligated to remember it." 

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Blue cleared this throat. "I'm sure you've just mistaken my skill for luck." Blue said, quite annoyed at the girl's attitude. Sure, his personal attitude wasn't the greatest either as he was a character with extremely narcism that has irritated others but this girl's attitude was just... strange... Not even bad. It seems as if she was too cautious all the time and thus, Blue didn't know how to act and react to the girl's comments. However, this time, he did indeed make a comment up about the situation. With a sigh, Blue decided that he could perhaps be friendly again and try to engage the girl in a conversation or any type of interaction. "Why don't you search around and show me your combat and material gathering skills? I'm sure it'd only be right if you were to show me after I've shown you what I can do with my handy, little sword of mine right?"

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Manta didn't see why she should do what he said, but as it happened she was already out hunting for materials. If he wanted to follow her around while she gathered that was his decision. She unsheathed her sword and lobbed one of the plants on the ground off at the root. The loot screen popped up and she tapped the accept button. "Those plants aren't common, but they make good health potions." She said, motioning to where the plant had been before she'd cut it. It had had tiny pink flowers and a single rather large green leaf. "There's some material gathering for you. Next time we come across boars I'll show you some combat." She stated, inviting him to join her without stating it explicitly.

ID# 35921 results:

Battle: 1

Craft: 8

Loot: 16 (+1 Mat)

MOB: 2

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"Ah~" Blues said, quite surprised to hear that the girl was involved in the field of alchemy. Speaking of alchemy, his guild is currently in need of one. However, he decided that he barely knew the girl and it was probably best to wait until after they depart in which he asks her about her availabilityIt would help the guild a lot to have someone of her profession. He thought. "An alchemist... A very good one I presume?" He asked, trying to sound flattering. 

ID: 35922
LD: 3+2=5

"While you guys search for medical plants, tailors like me tend to go for boars to obtain leather." Blue said, feeling the duty to explain his profession having heard that the girl was an alchemist. "However, there aren't always boars nearby and sometimes we have to make do with flowers and decorative items for back-up. Look there's one right now." He said as he pointed at a blue leaf in the middle of an oak tree full of green ones. These sure do stand out. He thought before running up and having a jump at the leaf, only to completely fail and miss the leaf by a distance. "Not tall enough." Blue grumbled.

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Manta looked around and noticed a small group of boars nearby. "I knew a tailor once. He was a nice guy." She didn't elaborate and instead charged headfirst into the group of boars, her sword out. She dodged the first attack in a spectacular style involving a flip before pausing and activating her AOE sword skill, <<Fell Crescent>>. She raised her sword in the air, and then, in a downward slash she carved through all of the boars. They exploded into blue and green crystals, one after the other, and she smiled as the loot screen came up. That was lucky right there. She had miraculously pulled off exactly what Blue had before. "See, your style is pretty impressive, but it isn't dramatic or exciting enough like mine." She said in a tone of voice that made it clear that she was joking. "And Im not all that great, but im working to become better." She replied to his earlier statement. She was starting to warm to Blue, he didn't seem like a bad person.

Battle: 8

Craft: 4

Loot: 19

MOB: 8 (-3)

Boar: 0/4

Boar: 0/4

Boar: 0/4

Boar: 0/4

Manta: 48/48

Blue: 48/48

(+4 MATS)

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"Indeed. It might not be all that exciting as picking plants off the ground, but it sure is more exciting." Blue said, also in a joking tone. It seemed like the girl was getting it but currently, he is also still in need of many materials. Alright... Is there anything nearby in which I can salvage? He asked himself as he looked around the area. However, it didn't seem like there was anything worth inspecting around here. Argh. He thought in annoyance. Even though they were on a material gathering trip, Blue wanted to start conversation. "I know a lot of tailors around here." Blue said. "Who is this tailor you once knew?"

ID: 35924
BD: 7 (Rage Spike|1*2*4=8 DMG)
LD: 16+2=18

However, as he finished his words, he looked behind him to see yet another group of boars sitting around. "Alright... This is mine." He thought before pouncing upon the group of boars. "Let's deal some damage." He yelled as he cut down upon the group with a bit of dramatic emphasis on the way he swung his sword while using his sword art.

(You might wanna include your energy and sword art plus damage in ur last post)

Manta: 48/48 (ENE: 6/12)
Blue: 48/48 (ENE: 6/12)
Boar 1: 0/8
Boar 2: 0/8
Boar 3: 0/8
Boar 4: 0/8

+4 MAT

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"You probably wouldn't know him. HIs name was Sousuke." She replied in answer to his question. She watched as he ran into a crowd of boars, like she had before and ripped them apart with a sword skill. The difference was, this time he had shouted something about dealing damage. "That's the style I was talking about. Now you look more like a badass." She called out to him, smiling. It seemed like they both had had more than their share of luck already.

(OOC: Sorry for the short post)

ID# 35926 results:

Battle: 9

Craft: 12

Loot: 8

MOB: 10

(Not doing anything with the dice this turn)

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Manta: 48/48 (ENE: 7/12)
Blue: 48/48 (ENE: 7/12)

Indeed, Blue did not know this character... and there weren't many people he didn't know at all. Perhaps this character is dead? He thought before shaking the possibility away from his head. Screw these negative thoughts. Once more, he scratched his head before allowing the sun's rays to rest on his face. He'd always enjoyed the sun in SAO and even though it's a program, it still gives off a surprising amount of sunlight. Alright... Material gathering. He thought as he snapped back to reality.

ID: 36067
LD: 12+2=14

Blue sighed but almost immediately, he realized that there was indeed a berry bush right next to him. His face popped into a grin and he immediately barged to the bush to search for berries. However, much to his disapproval, he realized that the berry held only dead berries and it was quite useless to players. "Annoying," He said with a loud sigh.


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Manta looked over at Blue, searching through a berry bush. It appeared that they were all dead though. "You can say that again. Every time I search for materials I fail. Their always dead or theres some other reason why there unusable." She got down on her knees next to another of the same type of plant, pushing little branches aside and searching around. "Yeah, these guys are dead too. I think the game just likes to mess with us." She smiled over at Blue, starting to trust him a little bit. Like shed said before, he seemed like a nice guy, but now that she'd spent a few minutes with him she felt that she was starting to get the measure of his character.

 ID# 36243 results:

Loot: 12 (Fail)

4 Mats total

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Manta: 48/48 (ENE: 8/12)
Blue: 48/48 (ENE: 8/12)
Boar 1: 8/8
Boar 2: 8/8
Boar 3: 8/8
Boar 4: 8/8

Blue sighed. "I've recently started a guild and I need as many materials as I can get to get that guild running..." Blue started. "Let's see if there is anything else that could be of use around here." The night was already almost upon the world of SAO. It was about 5 or 6 in real life and the clouds were surrounded by the yellow sky. It was beautiful to say the least. Blue sighed again as he looked around in laziness.

ID: 36252
BD: 6 (Rage Spike: 1*2*4=8 DMG)
LD: 13+2=15

Blue smiled as he once again managed to find a pack of boars. "Alright!" Blue shouted before he prepared to pounce upon the boars that were completely unaware of his presence. "This pack is mine," He said before pouncing upon the four boars with fierceness, power, and speed. With one smooth sword art, he was able to whip all four out at the same time and obtain quite a bit of materials. "Great," He said, quite happy that he'd made yet another gain on his stock of materials.

Manta: 48/48 (ENE: 4/12)
Blue: 48/48 (ENE: 8/12)
Boar 1: 0/8
Boar 2: 0/8
Boar 3: 0/8
Boar 4: 0/8

+4 MAT
12 MAT

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"Really? Your in a guild?" Manta asked. She had been kicked out of her last one during her bout of depression, due to inactivity. She was fully recovered now, but she wasn't confident enough to try to rejoin, so she was looking for a new guild. She didn't think that she could reach her full potential as a solo player, and she really just wanted to help out the lower level players. She watched as Blue completely decimated a pack of boars. The place really was beautiful around this time, even more so than normal, and she found herself just looking around and enjoying it. "Ummm... So what is your guild do really?" She asked, a bit interested.

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Blue scratched his head as he was asked a question by the girl. He smiled before saying, "Eh... Our guild is kind of small at the moment. We currently don't have many members as we are the newest guild. However, we try to help out the lower-leveled shopkeepers by supplying them with materials. Even though, we haven't done that yet... we're currently trying to stock up on materials in order to distribute them. Basically, our guild helps others and eventually, we'll fight in the front lines with the other strong players once we become just as strong as them." Finally, Blue finished off his speech. It was a long one... He wasn't sure when the last time was when he managed to say so much in one sentence... Mainly because he was a quiet person most of the time.

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Manta raised an eyebrow as he spoke about his guild, mentally checking off items as he said them. Pretty much everything he stated was in line with her goals as a player. All in all it sounded like the perfect guild for her. Her facial expression went back to normal, and she opened her mouth. "I'm not part of a guild myself, but it sounds like your guilds goals coincide almost exactly with my own personal goals for the game. What do you have to do to get in? And what sort of hierarchy do you guys have?" She asked. She was pretty convinced already, but she wanted to know a bit more before she attempted to gain entrance.

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Blue let out a smirk as the girl raised an eyebrow at his speech. He couldn't help it as he chuckled because the girl's eyebrow was quite comical. Nevertheless, his expression returned as the girl's expression returned since things just got serious. "Ya know," Blue started, "You can join my guild if you want. There's really nothing you have to do at this point... I'll just add you to the guild roster... That is if you desire to join the guild." Blue knew that the member might not be staying permanently if the guild does not succeed but they need as much members as possible and if someone is expressing interest, he will definitely let them in regardless of level or experience.

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"Well, I am looking for a guild. Id like to join, but I don't think I'll be able to donate materials any time soon. My shop is pretty low on them at the moment. If that's not a problem, that'd be great.Judging from his speech, level wasn't going to be an issue, but just in case it was, she thought shed better speak up."I'm only a level ten right now, but i'll start leveling up pretty quickly soon." She mentioned, glancing around to see if there were any more boars close at hand. There weren't though, so she just sheathed her sword and held her hand out to him to shake.

(OOC: I know im a level 14 right now, but when we started this I was level 10)

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(OOC: How did u level so quick Salty af.)

Blue smiled. "Of course you can join," Blue said, "We accept all levels." He sighed before taking the girl's hand, officially marking her as part of the guild. "Glad to have you in the guild. I'm sure you'll be an important member." He hoped the girl would stay active and even if she does eventually quit the weak guild, she would stay in contact. "Ya know, we could hang out sometimes..." Blue said. He's taken quite a liking to this character.

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