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[PP-F1] First time for everything (Manta Gaul, Koumori) [COMPLETED]

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"So. We're hunting those?" Vayrin pointed out at a Boar which was steadily sniffing the ground about 20 feet away from them. She was definitely nervous, but she was not worried about the worst case scenario. She had two relatively high leveled players watching her back, and it was only a Boar. Probably the weakest enemy in the game.

She glanced over at Koumori and Manta "Is there a specific strategy to fighting these things? Or can I just run up and slash it?" Vayrin asked. 

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Manta looked over to where V was pointing. "You just run up to them and give them a good slash. They aren't good at turning sharply, but you shouldn't need to strategize too much." She looked over to Koumori to see if he had anything to add, or if he was going to correct her if she was wrong. She preffered fighting high level mobs, so it had been a while since she had fought the boars on the first floor. "There low health, low damage, so they aren't too hard. I can show you how it's done if youd like, or you can just stab it a few times."

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We ventured into the field and stopped ahead of a few boars. Vayrin looked at them with anxiety and asked how to kill them. Manta offered some advice but I didn't think it was enough. A girl who just stepped out of the safe zone for the first time needed a little more instruction. "Well it's a little more than that. Here watch this." I reached behind my back and pulled out my sword. I held it in the air and waited for it to glow. "The games combat works off of sword skills. All you have to do to activate one is hold up your weapon and wait for it to start glowing-that signals activation. From there it gets easy. From there the system takes over and the finishes the move for you. It's pretty simple." I put my blade back in its sheath and turned to Manta and shrugged. Then I turned back to Vayrin and gave her a thumbs up. "Now you try it, go give it to that boar."

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Vayrin watched intently as Koumori pulled out his sword and began to glow. "Activation...Huh."  She tried to replicate his movements by pulling out her blade. As he predicted, her sword began to glow. Vayrin stared at it for a moment, then looked at the Boar. She then moved into attack!

ID# 36245

BD: 9 [Critical Hit!] 

MD: 10 [Critical Hit!]

 Vayrin's DMG: 2+Crit/9+1=3

Boar's DMG: 3+Crit/10+2=5

Vayrin 3/8 HP

Boar 1/4 HP

Vayrin rushed towards the Boar with her glowing sword in her left hand. She yelled as she sprinted past the pig and dragged her sword across its side. She stopped once her blade had reached the end of the creature's body and spun around. She had almost killed it. One more point of health. She got her sword ready, preparing for the creature's retaliation, her determined face signified she was ready.

The Boar furiously charged at Vayrin, the one thing she was not expecting was its speed. She tried to roll  out of the way, but the Boar had hit her square in the stomach before she had the chance. She rolled backwards and fell on her back. She nervously glanced at her HP...3. One more hit from that Boar and she was done. She got up steadily and readied her next move...


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Manta watched as V got a powerful hit in, getting hit by the mob in the process. Manta ran over and started jumping up and down, yelling at the boar. With it's attention fully on her, it's next attack would be on her, not V. V's health was now in the yellow, bordering on red, and she had no other choice but to intervene. "Finish it off while it's distracted!" Manta called out to V. She wasn't going to let the other player die on her watch, even if it meant taking a few hits from a boar. Plus, she could take over ten hits from this mob, so she would be fine.

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Vayrin tested out her sword for a second before going after the boar. She scored a solid hit and severely dropped the creatures HP. But she couldn't turn around fast enough to prevent the creature from hitting her back. Manta jumped into action to grab the board attention. Clearly she didn't want Vayrin to die. I did the same. "Nice hit! Keep at it! If it gets hairy well step in." There was no way I'd let her die either. Manta and I could probably sit there for a few minutes before we'd be in danger so we'd have no problem taking hits. Hopefully she could just kill it next move and leave her dignity intact. 

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Vayrin grunted in approval as she watched Manta and Koumori distract the creature. She held out her blade as it began to glow, she backed up and prepared a sword art. 

ID# 36260

Sword Art: Vertical 1x1-(Energy cost:1) 

BD: 5+1 (Accuracy)= 6 [Hit!]

Vayrin DMG: 2

Vayrin 3/8 HP

Boar 0/4 HP

Enemy Defeated

Vayrin used their distraction to her advantage almost immediately. She rushed forward, and slashed the Boar with a savage Vertical sword art! Her sword sliced through the pig's back and hit the grass below. The monster stood stationary for a moment, then exploded into an array of blue shards. She stood there still holding her sword as it was lodged into the ground. She gave a quick sigh of relief and pulled it out. She looked over to the two and walked towards them."Thanks for the distraction." She said to Manta and Koumori. "Not sure how things would have ended if you hadn't got that pig's attention off me." She gave off a smile. "Thanks."



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Manta smiled and nodded to V. "You probably would have been fine, but it's best not to risk it in these situations." She walked over to her and held out her hand. "Congratulations on killing your first mob. That's the strange thing about this game. Starting out can actually be extremely dangerous. So once you get 3 or 4 levels you should be fine to go hunting on your own. You still need to be careful though." She punched Koumori hard on the shoulder. "I still owe this guy for helping me out with an overpowered skeleton. I had some health potions, but like you said, I don't know what would have happened if he hadn't come along. So if you have a choice, always go hunting with someone you trust."

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Our distraction might have helped a little bit but Vayrin was more than capable of defeating the boar. Her next attack landed and the creature burst from existence. When she was done she turned back to us and thanked us. "No problem. You did great for your first time." Manta hit me on the shoulder and told Vayrin about the time we met and I helped her defeat that skeleton. I smiled remembering it. "Yeah that was pretty rough. I wouldn't give myself too much credit but we pulled through. She's right though. You have to find at least someone you can trust your life with. I'm a solo player and I know that's true." 

(Sorry for shortness)

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Vayrin nodded as they spoke to her. Perhaps they were right. Vayrin always had trust issues though, so willingly putting her life into someone else's hands sounded like an obstacle she had to overcome. 

"That sounds smart." She quickly replied. Having someone to watch your back would be helpful, but she couldn't think of anyone she trusted enough to be with her all the time. Vayrin's eyes quickly glanced upwards. To Manta and Koumori, she was looking at nothing, but Vayrin was actually staring at her HP gauge. She frowned when she was reminded of how low her health was. "That battle was close. I'll need to work on this." She said confidently, swinging her sword around. She quickly shot a glance at Koumori and Manta. Perhaps it wasn't so hard to trust people? They obviously trusted eachother, and they apparently only met not long ago. Vayrin quickly shook the thought.

Vayrin: 4/8 HP

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Manta could almost see the wheels turning in Vay's head. "It's no necessarily about the trust. I used to have issues with that as well. It's just about picking hunting partners you know you can beat, at least up until you feel like you can trust them. See, when I met Koumori, he could beat me, but I trained and got stronger until now im confident I could beat him. I trust myself, so I can trust him." She paused, wondering if the words that had exited her mouth even made any sense. "I mean, that's not the case anymore, as I trust Kou with my life, and do quite often. Its those types of situations that grow trust exponentially."

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I began nodding in agreement with Manta's speech about trust. It was true what she was saying. "Yeah, that's righ-" Then she went and said she could beat me. Was that true? I don't know it could be. Once you leveled up your sword skills it was a pretty big leap but I wasn't too far away from that either. But I couldn't just let her say that. I put my hands on my hips and turned to her. "Hey. I resent that." I turned back to Vayrin and reaffirmed what Manta went on saying. "Regardless of which of us would win in a duel, I agree with her. We've been through quite a bit together recently and I've come to know that I can trust her with my life too. Sometimes it doesn't take much.  You'll know when it happens though, there's always that one moment." I paused for a second and looked at the two girls. We probably sounded like lunatics to Vayrin. "I'm sorry. We probably sound crazy or something. We might not be the best at this inspirational speech thing."

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Vayrin's eyes flickered up at Manta's response. Her serious looked was washed away by a surprised one. How could she had possibly known that's what Vayrin was thinking. She was literally thinking the exact same thing Manta just said. 

She continued to stay quiet as Manta spoke. She was right, her words sounded true. "Trusting yourself so you can trust others..."  Vayrin whispered under her breath as she thought about the words. Her attention then turned to Koumori. She smiled slightly again after witnessing his reaction to Manta's statement. Then Koumori said his own words on the same subject. She slowly nodded. These two obviously knew how to survive in this game, and if she wanted to become a strong player, it was only logical to follow their example.

She glanced up at Koumori after he finished. "No, I understand what you're saying..." 

Vayrin: 5/8 HP

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(OOC: You regen 3 health per turn, so you have 8/8 atm)

Manta pointed out to the far right. "See over there? That's a pack of boars.Your going to want to steer clear of those until your a higher level. Once your a high enough level you can do this though, and sometimes you can get a bunch of materials too."She jogged off about 30 yards to the right, until she was facing the 4 boars that constituted the pack she had been pointing to before. Before they could attack she activated her sword skill, <<Sweep>>. Her sword glowed white, and she slashed in an X shape in front of her, hitting all of the boars. They burst into blue and green crystals, and she jogged back to Vay and Kou.

<<Sweep>>  2x1 - AoE - (4 Energy) - Two angular slices that start from right to left, then left to right.

ID# 36276 results:

Battle: 6 Hit (6 DMG)

Craft: 3

Loot: 14 No loot

MOB: 3

Boar: 0/4

Boar: 0/4

Boar: 0/4

Boar: 0/4

Manta: 52/52


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Vayrin seemed to think quite deeply about what we said before finally speaking up. "Good. I hope you can figure it out." I said smiling. Then Manta noticed a herd of boars and pointed them out, explaining what to do against them. She took out her sword and ran towards them. She used one of her less powerful AoE moves and took out all four at once. "Those are higher level sword skills, you still have to master what you have first though. Shouldn't take you too long." Manta came back over to us and I bumped her on the shoulder and smiled. "You just wanted to show off." I figured that we had done all that we could for the day so I suggested we head back. "Well I think that's all you need to know right now. Why don't we head back to town? Unless there's something you still want to do?"

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She observed Manta as she gracefully killed the four Boars in one quick sword art. That's how good she wanted to be Vayrin thought as she carefully assessed her movements. After this  Koumori had playfully hit Manta on the shoulder exclaiming she just wanted to show off. Even if that was true she didn't mind at all. It was entertaining to see good sword wielders in their arts.

"Practice makes perfect right?" Vayrin grinned at them as she pulled her sword out again. "I want to slay one more, just get a better feel for it."  She said as she gave it a few swings in the air. She then looked back at them with a concerned look. "Unless you guys have somewhere to be. I don't mind."

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Manta grinned over at Kouromi. "You know you want to show off too. How about we hold a short duel here, where we each show off our strongest move." She looked over at Vayrin. "Even if we did a duel, we probably wouldn't hit each other. Our evasion skills are maxed out." Manta really, really liked to show off, and the move she had used was literally a rank one of the three ranks she had access too. She glanced between the two of them. "Pleeeease? I'm using a starter sword, so it's not like I have a chance to kill you."

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I grinned at Manta's suggestion. She really, really wanted to show off her moves. She was almost too competitive. "Alright you're on. As long as it's okay with you, Vayrin." Manta I was pretty sure had better moves than me but I didn't care. I could still be impressive. 

(Sorry. I'm quite busy atm)

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"Well. This should be fun."  Vayrin said with a grin. They wanted duel each other, seeing as she had nothing better to do she decided to watch. Vayrin nodded at both of them, then stepped back a few feet and flopped on the ground with her legs out, waiting to see the duel. "Good Luck!"  She called out to both of them, and watched for their reaction.

(If your still dueling, you can skip my turn. Vayrin will just be watching so I don't have much to say until the duel is over.)

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Manta wasn't entirely sure if they were doing a half loss of what. "All right. It looks like im getting that rematch I wanted, even though im not fully prepared." She motioned to her sword before sending him a half loss duel request. "How about w each use only one enhanced item, and it cant have evasion. Otherwise we'll be here all day." She suggested. The only item she had with enhancement's that weren't evasion at the moment, were her regen gauntlets. She assumed he would agree so she went ahead and unequipped her breastplate.

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