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[SP-F3] Blood on Petals

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Darius was walking through the fields on Floor 3. He was out to search for bee because bees meant bee hives and Darius wanted honey for one sole purpose: to put it into the milk he drank. Honey and milk was tasty. Very tasty. There was only one catch..... the bees and their hive were far larger than normal- and they were deadly in groups.

Darius crested a hill, looking around for some bee hives. He looked at his equipment and noticed how battered it was. He needed some new stuff; soon. A neutral expression washed over his face as he gazed out over the beautiful fields, trying to find the fields.

[2,6,10]- Darius finds a beehive within his eyeshot.

[1,3,5,8]- Darius doesn't find a beehive and continues searching for 30 minutes before finding one.

[4,7,9]- Darius doesn't find a beehive and continues searching for an hour before finding one.

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Darius didn't see any beehives in his immediate area. He frowned and had a bad feeling in his gut; the feeling that told him he shouldn't have picked only combat abilities since it always takes him forever to find anything. He shrugged to himself as he went on with his search.

Nearly an hour later, a scowl on his face and the feeling in his stomach telling him, "/I told you so/," Darius finally found a beehive as he searched from on top of a hill. From here he could see the beehive as it rested in one of the sparse trees in the plains. He could also see the few large bees flying around it. It only took a few to collect a decent amount of pollen and nectar since they were so big. He had also noted how there seemed to be rather large flowers around the area. Probably for the bees. Darius took a deep breath and exhaled loudly, preparing for the fight that would undoubtedly come. Like every other time Darius wanted something, he had to fight for it.

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Darius approached the beehive, stopping to notice that the large and deadly bees were strewn about on the field around the beehive. He looked at his buckler again, carefully examining the dents. He didn't think it would last too much longer. He thought that he might just stand there and observe them for a bit, trying to formulate some form of plan before rushes head-first into a fight against three flying monsters, that had deadly stingers and moved quickly, with a near-broke broke shield.

After about ten minutes of observing, he noticed how each of the three bees stayed in the same circular pattern, the edges of the circle overlapping each other and the beehive. He assumed that was their aggro area, but could be wrong. Still, his plan was better than nothing. Divide and conquer; and if it failed, resort to simply a mosh, most likely ending up with him getting hurt. He shrugged, mentally preparing himself for the fight that would come.

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He approached one of the bees as it got to the farthest edge of its aggro-circle. The others had varying routes, but the nearest one was nearly seventy-five feet away, being a small distance to the rather fast bees. As he approached the bee, he bent and picked up a rock. He then threw it at the bee who had landed on one of the large flowers to collect nectar. The rock struck the bee and it angrily buzzed into the air, its stinger sliding out from it bottom end. The bee was nearly two feet tall and had a three inch stinger. It would hurt to get hit by it, Darius predicted.

Regardless, the bee now noticed him and flew towards him, eating up the distance, its bottom end jutted out in front of it, going to sting Darius, who had already gotten into his normal stance: Buckler covering his chest, sword angled out from his side, giving Darius a block chance increase for being in stance.

[1,3,6]- The bee gets around Darius' block and stings him, dealing one damage.

[2,5,8]- Darius blocks the bee's sting.

[4,7]- Darius blocks the bee's sting and lashes out with his shield, dealing one damage and knocking it back.

[9,10]- Darius blocks the bee's sting lashed out with his shield, dealing two damage and knocking it to the ground with an expert hit.

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Darius had struck the bee with his shield, pushing it back so it couldn't continue to attack him and also dealing some damage. Darius' face twisted into a ravel of lines and creases as he growled with anger as he stabbed at the bee from the side of his shield, keeping safely behind it for protection.

[2,4,5]- The bee evades Darius' stab.

[8]- The bee evades Darius' stab and comes in for a counter attack, hammering Darius' shield and making him stagger backwards.

[1,3,6,7]- Darius stabs the bee. It reels away to evade further damage.

[9,10]- Darius stabs the bee as it lunges at him for an attack, driving the bee halfway up his blade dealing critical damage.

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Darius stabbed the bee and it reeled back to escape further damage. The bee then buzzed back and forth rapidly before juking forward to try to open Darius up to attack, which failed. Darius didn't move from behind his buckler. He simply follower the bee with his eyes, keeping the buckler in a firm position to block in.

The bee, seeing its attempt fail, simply lunged at Darius' legs, going to sting one of them. Darius attempted to crouch down fast enough with his shield to block it.

[2,5,7,8]- The bee stings one of Darius' legs.

[3]- The bee stings Darius' knee-pad.

[1,4,6]- Darius crouches fast enough and blocks the attack.

[9,10]- Darius lashes out with his shield, battering the bee into the ground and dealing damage.

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The bee's sting struck the knee-pad on Darius' leg, the stinger getting lodged into his kneepad, and the tip stabbing into his knee. Darius took one damage and he hissed out in pain. He went for a horizontal strike, turning the hiss into a growl, which was impossible for the bee to dodge since it was lodged into his leg.

The bee was struck by Darius' sword, breaking apart into pixels. The fight had gone well. Now he headed over to the next.

HP: 12/13

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Darius liked actually thinking about a plan instead of just rushing in and killing everything. It was so much more.... brutally efficient. On his way over to the second bee, he had an idea. They were clearly attracted to the giants flowers. He went back to the area where he fought the first bee, cut one of the flowers down, hauled it over near the second bee and tossed it down in the aggro area before hastily moving back.

He waited until the bee went over to it and landed on it, thoroughly collecting all of the nectar. While it was dead set on its duties, Darius did the best to sneak up on it before sprinting the last few feet, growling evilly as he went, going to vertically slash the bee from behind.

[3,6,8]- The bee senses Darius before he can execute the attack and flies forward out of his range.

[1,2,4,5,7] -Darius slashes the bee, getting a sneak attack critical

[9,10]- Darius gets a devastating blow that does a critical, plus the sneak attack critical, dealing large portions of damage.

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Darius would get a devastating blow and a critical, plus the sneak attack critical. The bee was cut with an intense force and ferocity as it was launched into the ground. Darius would try to pin it down with his buckler and impale it with his sword.

[2,3,5,8]- The bee recovers and gets out of Darius' attack distance.

[1,4,6]- Darius pins the bee down and stabs it.

[9,10]- Darius smashes his buckler down onto the bee, damaging it, then impales it.

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Darius steps over the bee, smashes his shield down onto it, pinning it to the ground, and then impales it. It explodes into pixels. This planning thing was going very well. It worked for him and his bloodthirsty side. He got things done fast and efficient, while killing plenty of things. A win-win. By now his HP had healed the one point he had lost from the ability 'Battle Healing.'

He was ready for a good ol' slaughter though. He started approaching the last bee and used 'Howl' in the form of a hate-filled warcry to try to tempt it from the flower it was on, rolling his shoulders all the while.

[1,5,8]- 'Howl' fails, the bee stays on its flower.

[2,3,4,6,7,9,10]- 'Howl' works, attracting the bee from its flower to attack him.

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'Howl' worked, attracting the bee from its flower. The bee then buzzed towards Darius at top speed, arching its bottom out to sting him. Darius smiled wickedly, an insane look in his eyes. He let out a cackle of laughter and opened his arms wide, leaving himself wide open for an attack.

The bee came at him, stabbing him in the stomach with its stinger, the leather armor absorbing a point of it, Darius only taking one point of damage. He cried out in pain, which turned into a roar. The bee had gotten rather close to stab Darius effectively. It made for the perfect opportunity for Darius to try to grab it and bear hug it against him, which he tried. It would be rather hard for the bee to evade since it was in rather close.

[2,8]- The bee evades, reeling back.

[1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10]-Darius bear hugs the bee with his buckler hand, the buckler's size blocking its escape, making it impossible for it to escape.

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As Darius hugged the bee, it pushed up against him more, driving the stinger in deeper, dealing more damage. Darius simply continued to same roar, lifting his sword up and wedging it through the bee's side. His face was nothing but lines and creases of pure hate and pain. He pushed down on the sword, splitting the bee in half, it writhing it pain, dealing more damage as the stinger swiveled around inside Darius' stomach. As he reached the bottom of the bee, it split into pixels.

Darius lowered his weapons, panting slightly. It had hurt, but was certainly an effective way to kill something if you had full HP.

HP: 10/13

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Darius walked over to the beehive, examining it. In the end, he simply held up his sword above his head and cut it in half. It split into pixels and the Loot Counter came up, spinning to see how many uses of honey he got. He resheated his sword as he waited, his posture and face settling back into its neutral old self.

[Number]- How many uses of honey Darius gets.

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