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(PP-F5) The Landshark <<Blood In The Sand>> [Sousuke, Kouromi]

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<<Blood in the Sand>>
This Repeatable quest takes place on Floor 5
Word from the Information Brokers speaks of a hidden respawning Field Boss on Floor 5. A small party reported having encountered a dangerous unknown enemy in the sand dunes of Floor 5. 'Swimming' through the sand, the shark like creature would attack by bursting out of the sand and biting with powerful jaws. This monster <<Sand Shark>>, proved to be a dangerous opponent for the relatively low leveled party, and dropped a powerful alchemical concoction.
This RP will not count in the benchmark
<<Sand Shark>> must be defeated, Maximum Party Size of 3
At least two [2] Pages  (21 or more posts)
  1. [sand Armor Potion] This incredibly potent alchemical salve can be applied to a piece of armor, increasing damage mitigation/resistance by one point for one battle. (MIT +3)
  2. [3 Skill Points]
<<Sand Shark>> is a respawning Field Boss and has the following statistics:
HP: 125
Damage per Attack: 30
  • Parties or Groups of low level players are encouraged.
  • You are free to control Sand Shark yourself, however he must be Rp'd responsibly.

While you may repeat this Quest as many times as you like, the 3 Skill Point reward will only be obtained on the first completion of the Quest. Repeat completions will only yield <<The Sand Armor>>

Good Luck Players!
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