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(PP-F1) The Journey Begins COMPLETE!

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Ebony entered the store and looked around, locating the woman from before in only a couple of moments. She walked up to the counter and immediately stated what she wanted. "We're going to duel, so I can show everyone how weak you are. You cant pay me off like Koumori." She smirked and unsheathed her dagger, waving it in the air dramatically. "Its just a matter of principle. A low level player cant go around masquerading as a high level player." She stated, disdain obvious on her face.

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Manta had been expecting something of the sort. She just hadnt expected the two of them to come back so soon. She unsheathed her rapier, the new one she had gotten whil they had been out hunting. Its ivory blade glistened in the dim lighting of the shop. She knew people like this girl. She wouldnt back down until she was proved wrong. Manta pointed at Ebony. "One hit each. Whoever flies the farthest wins." Before the girl could answer, Manta pulled her sword back and activated Shooting Star. Since they were in a safe zone and hadn't exchanged duel requests, neither of them would take damage. Her blade glowed pure white before shooting through the air and slamming into Ebony's chest, sending her out the shop door and slamming into the wall on the opposite side of the street. Behind her the wall glowed purple, saying 'Immortal Object'.

Manta walked out of the shop and brought up her hud, transferring 2400 col to the girl. She was a complete beginner, that much Manta could tell. All she had was her starter weapon. "Go get some gear, get stronger, and then come back and challenge me. I think im a bit too much for you at the moment." Manta said, grinning. She walked back into her shop, giving Koumori a little wave.


10x7= 70 (Gonna use this as the force by which Ebony flew)

-2400 col

Edited by Manta Gaul
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Ebony completely ignored me and stormed into the store. She stomped right up to Manta and challenged her to a duel. All I could do was cross my arms and smile as I listened to Manta set the rules and get ready. Before it even started Ebony was sent flying back through the door and all the way out into the wall across the street. "That's gonna leave a mark." I followed Manta outside and waited while she gave the girl some Col and waved to me as she walked back in. I moved over to Ebony and offered her my hand to help her up. "Seriously, where did you get the crazy idea that she was paying me off? Do I look that desperate for cash?" 

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As it turned out, that Manta woman wasn't actually as low leveled as she'd thought. Her original assumption had been based off of the fact that she was using a starter weapon, and everyone switched out their starter weapon as soon as possible when they started. She sat up, the purple on the wall behind her fading away. She groaned and stood up shakily. She wasn't injured, but was a bit disoriented from being sent flying into a wall. She looked down and saw a col transfer notification and smiled. If that woman was dumb enough to give away her money, who was she to decline? She tapped the accept button and turned to Koumori. "She had a starter weapon. I assumed she was a beginner!" She exclaimed. "And no, you don't, but easy money is still money." She said, smirking again. Koumori was a bit naïve, but over all he was a nice guy. She sent him a friend request, hoping he wouldn't decline it.

Edited by Ebony
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Ebony brushed herself off and states her defense. "You know what they say about assuming." I said to her sarcastically shaking my finger like a mother disciplining a child. I chuckled when she proved again she was big into money. "Whatever you say." I watched as she smirked and opened up her menu and flicked around the screens. In a few seconds a friend request popped up in front of me. I wasn't exactly surprised to see it but it wasn't expected either. But like I thought to myself earlier, this girl showed great potential so I pressed the accept button without much delay. Another friend added to the list. "Good now that we're friends I can let you in on Manta's ring of cronies. Haha I'm kidding of course...or am I?"

Ebony brushed herself off and states her defense. "You know what they say about assuming." I said to her sarcastically shaking my finger like a mother disciplining a child. I chuckled when she proved again she was big into money. "Whatever you say." I watched as she smirked and opened up her menu and flicked around the screens. In a few seconds a friend request popped up in front of me. I wasn't exactly surprised to see it but it wasn't expected either. But like I thought to myself earlier, this girl showed great potential so I pressed the accept button without much delay. Another friend added to the list. "Good now that we're friends I can let you in on Manta's ring of cronies. Haha I'm kidding of course...or am I?"

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Ebony grinned over at Koumori. "Only if they all pay as well for doing nothing as her." She said, her grin transforming back into her signature smirk. "Speaking of col, I should go do some work in my shop. Your welcome to come along if youd like." She mentioned. She ran a small Artisan shop on the fourth floor, called The Black Rose. She hadn't crafted anything for it yet, but now she had a material. She needed to work on her stock. "I can make you a nice bracelet or something." She said, in a manner that made her seem extremely generous. "Haha. For a price of course. Nothing comes free except true love, and Im not even sure if that exists."  

Edited by Ebony
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"The pay may or may not be extremely generous" I said smirking. She told me she needed to go back to her shop and invited me to come along. I figured there would be no harm in going, it's a good idea to check everything out. Plus I was pretty sure I had never been to an Artisan Shop, assuming I even knew what one was. "I'll check it out, sure." I laughed again when she brought up money but really thought about her comment about love. "There you go again with the money. You really seem to like that stuff. I don't know, you just haven't experienced that." Memories echoed in my head as I said that, half looking into the distance. I snapped back and waved her forward. "Alright lead the way."

"The pay may or may not be extremely generous" I said smirking. She told me she needed to go back to her shop and invited me to come along. I figured there would be no harm in going, it's a good idea to check everything out. Plus I was pretty sure I had never been to an Artisan Shop, assuming I even knew what one was. "I'll check it out, sure." I laughed again when she brought up money but really thought about her comment about love. "There you go again with the money. You really seem to like that stuff. I don't know, you just haven't experienced that." Memories echoed in my head as I said that, half looking into the distance. I snapped back and waved her forward. "Alright lead the way."

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Ebony really hadn't expected him to take her up on her offer. She expected that someone of his level would be too busy to accompany her to her shop to hang out for a bit. She sighed and motioned down the street. "Onwards." She exclaimed. She was the only one that had ever been in her shop before, so she hoped that he would at least approve of it. She walked down the street towards the teleport. "It's on the fourth floor, so I hope you either have tough skin or a jacket to wear." She explained. She thought back to when she had mentioned love. Obviously Koumori had some sort of experience that had caused him to go looking off into the distance. She wasn't about to ask though.

Edited by Ebony
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