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[P1-PP] (Shizuka) Leap of Faith

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“Mascot? Heh, how so? Heck, I might’ve even seen you before,” he said, gently stirring his fork through stew, kicking up settled ingredients. One of the patrons left, a lady in odd garb; Toothpick listened to her leave, the shifting of her silk, the whiz of col exchanging, a sigh. “My culture? Ironically, the ‘culture’ of most African American’s is born from the lack thereof. We are a people who were yanked away from our cultural roots, dragged across the sea in floating caskets, dehumanized and disoriented in a strange in cruel land, and left to dry without even a crutch thrown in our favor until the damage dealt was far too severe for a mere crutch. Even now, the ‘aid’ is given reluctantly at times. Our people are known for rash anger, rebellion, love, intense camaraderie, intense self loathing, the extreme ends of ‘good’ and ‘bad’, artistic and brash. We are very passionate, a people refused their identity for so long, and a phoenix beginning to rise from battered ashes, moreso on it’s own, as it realizes it’s worth.” he spoke quickly and from the heart, returning to his prior mood as if Shizuka had flicked a switch up and back down in the span of a second. “I hope that serves as an adequate summary,” he added with a slight smile.    

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Shizuka nodded her head in understanding as she knew that slavery had been a big issue that Americans had been too stupid to recognize. However, one must forget the past and continue the modern days. It would not be healthy for someone to linger in the past for too long as that would, of course, keep them depressed as history tends to be very negative. "Well, just forget about those times," She said with a warm smile, "Keep looking on the bright side and continue to grow so you can be of help to the front lines!" Shizuka took the final slurp and swallowed the last bit of ramen before giving a delightful sigh and giving the bowl back to the shopkeeper. "Ahh~ Delicious as ever!" She said with a big smile like she always did when she finished a good bowl of ramen. This was, of course, no exception. "Alright. Nice meeting you, Toothpick. I shall add you to the friend list and we can complete a few quests later if you want or just simply hang out. Remember I'm available most of the time. But for now, I shall leave for a bit of training with some experienced players." She said and with the opening of her menu which she soon sent out those friend requests, she departed from the scene. "See ya." And with that, she was gone.

(I think we can close the thread now. I'll post the summary then.)

Thread Complete!


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