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Dora <<The Explorer>>

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Username: Dora
Real name: Isadora Silva
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Height: 148cm

About: History/personality

Dora was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and is the daughter of a real estate mogul and a half Japanese and Hispanic model. Her home life is surprisingly normal: your average middle school student, her grades are fair and she is a fairly popular, social girl. She’s a member of her middle school track team and belongs to the Good Citizen’s Club, a community service group dedicated to helping as they can. While for all intensive purposes, Dora is a good person, she can also be a bit of a smart assed spoiled, self entitled little [censored]. This dichotomy in personality stems from being made to survive alone in the harsh game environment of SAO.

Isadora only came to be in Aincrad by chance. Her father had come to Japan on business, and her mother was working a Gaming Convention as a character model. She attended the show with her mother and won a copy of SAO as well as a nerve gear during their raffle drawing the night before the grand opening ceremony. The day of the opening ceremony, she skipped the convention and began to play the game in her hotel room. She played from the time they allowed the players logged in right up to the opening ceremony where she learned she was trapped inside the game.

 Being that she was so young, she was forced into the “orphanage” being told she was too young to risk her life fighting through the game. She’d run away on multiple occasions and forced back each time. Upon her fourth escape attempt she has managed to survive to her own for months now by stealing. Ready to do more than take from others, Isadora is finally ready to fight her way through SAO and earn a spot on the front lines to get herself home.


  • Independent- Isadora is a girl who knows her own mind. Even at such a young age, she has always been one to take care of herself. Since her parents are busy people, she’d learned early on that she had to be responsible for her own person and tries to do as much as she can on her own and will really only ask for assistance when she knows going alone on something would be entirely impossible to do.
  • Savvy-Isadora is well acquainted with the world and how it works. She’s got all the smarts and uses it to the best of her abilities. As her father grew up both poor and had to climb his way to success he has taught Dora both street smarts and shrewd intellectual pursuits that make the child rather knowledgeable and dangerous for someone so young.  Her ability for smarts has led her to successfully survive on her own in the game thus far, and will allow her to eventually make it to the front.
  • Intrepid- All of life is an adventure of Isadora, and she faces it with little fear. Always one ready to take on a task and see her way to the next point on the roadmap through her life, she faces each part of her life with a fierce determination and will surprisingly strong in such a young lady. Coming to SAO is like a dream come true for the little girl. She views this as her grand opportunity to slay monsters and become a hero in her own right despite knowing that she might die at any time. She knows the risk is great, but the reward is even sweeter and she’s determined to play.


  • Obstinate- Isadora is one of the most stubborn individuals one could ever meet. When the young girl makes up her mind, she will not be detoured to her decision. If she is fought over her decision, she will relentlessly fight back upon her position and she will not back down even if her opposition is much lager,older, or stronger than she. She is so narrowminded because her high intelect and her independent nature lead her to believe that she is correct in her thought process and ultimately thinks she knows whats best, especially when concerning herself. 
  • Cheeky- Dora’s propensity to run off at the mouth typically lands her in trouble. A lot of times she doesn’t mean to come off as crass or imprudent, however her independent nature leads her to believe she’s on the same level as her elders. She also believes that respect is something to be earned and not freely given, which is another reason for her being such a smart mouthed little brat.
  • Kleptomaniac- Since coming to SAO, Dora has made it a habit of stealing everything that isn’t bolted down. She’s had a hard time of making her way through the game, having run away from the orphanage and survives on what she can steal. In the real world, she did not dare dream of stealing as she could have anything she’d liked, but poverty and hunger have led the desperate girl to survive by any means possible.





Weapon skills:
» Two-Handed Battle Axe      Rank One


» [private: Floor 1] Swiper, No Swiping! - in progress
» [private: Floor 1] Hack and Slash: A Beginner's Guide to the Hunt - in progress

» [private: Floor 2] Isadora's Manual to Badassdom - in progress
» [private: Floor 3] There's a Sucker Born Every Minute <<Worn Out Welcome>> - incomplete

» [private: Floor 4] The Day I Met Jesuskun <<Avalanche>> - in progress
» [private: Floor 7] The Berserker - in progress

» [private: Floor 2] Some Crimes Are Worth Committing - in progress
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

» [private: Floor 1] Hello, Nice to Meet You - in progress
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress
» [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress


Relationships (optional)

Story Thus Far (optional)


Edited by Dora
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