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[PP-F1] Don't I know you? (Elul, Maria) [Complete]

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I lost my grip on Elul as she ran away, seeming frightened by the idea of being next to me. She had procceeded to use Whit as cover, climbing onto his back for protection.

"Alright" I grinned at the idea of a challenge, getting out of my seat and striding over to the door next to him. I got in a position to run, "how about we add more to the pile, hmm? Loser has to buy the winner a peice of gear." I hoped he had forgotten about how I just joined and had no money as of yet, even if I lost I could still pay him back eventually. "Anyways, on three 



I hesitated for a second before saying, "GO!" I quickly pushed off from the door, sprinting as hard as I could to keep up with the brunette beside me.

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"Interesting, alright" Whit smiled, "alright, let's do it then. You holding on Elul, 'cause its about to get real." Whit steeled himself, a delirious smile growing across his face, "I haven't had an actual challenge since I came in this game." Whit put his right foot forward, waiting for the signal, twitching at the delayed.


Whit rocketed forward, keeping up with the long legged female. "One thing I forgot to mention Maria, is that I don't lose." Whit saw the turn coming up, and slid while turning his body right, performing a sudden boost from his slowed down state. He began pushing his limbs until they felt like they weren't attached and his breathing became heavy, with the inn in sight he burst through the double doors. Whit bent over, motioning for Elul to get off him.

(Ooc: I vote we let Elul decide the winner.)

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I continued my sprint, staying slightly ahead of Whit as we ran through the street, getting the attention of several npcs and players alike. I turned to Whit, a creepy smile had stretched across his face while he ran. He was surprisingly fast for someone shorter than me, and while Elul was small, she probably still weighed him down like a bookbag- Turn! I grimaced as the turn slowed me down enough for Whit to get ahead of me, and the Inn was right there! I poured on the speed and began to catch up slowly and surely, reaching his side by the time we hit the doors. I stumbled against a wall and breathed heavily, looking at the bent over Whit, exhausted from the race as well.

"Elul" I attempted to catch the attention of my sister, "who won?" I made sure I got her attention before waving my hands the same way I'd move my fingers when tickling her, hoping to remind her who would be staying in the same room as her.

Edited by Maria
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(Why are you shoving this kind of responsibility onto me D;)

Elul struggled to hold tightly onto Whit, the way he ran causing her to bounce up and down. Elul nearly fell off as Whit's body stopped abruptly and rocketed off, her legs wrapping around his waist to make sure not to go slamming into the stone road. Her sister was putting up a good fight up until the point where they were forced to turn, nevertheless she catched up slowly as the target came into view. Both of the racers went slamming through the door, causing Elul to lose her grip with her arms and lean back in an uncomfortable shape.

Elul gladly got off and back on solid ground, happy until a question was thrown her way and a threat that she knew her sister would keep, forcing shivers down her back.

"Um, well I think, I mean, it was a tie."

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Whit gave a cough, he was confident as always in his victory. Standing up with the grin still on his face, "See I always wi-"

"Wait what?"

It was a tie? Whit let out a sigh of aggravation, "so what does that mean? Do we get Elul an item and help her with a quest?" The race had been a wash then, oh well, worth a shot. Whit quickly moved to the counter of the startled npc, "hey could we get two rooms? One for me, and the other for the two behind me." Whit quickly accepted the keys and tossed one behind him, hoping someone was fast enough to realize the reasons behind his action and catch it. "Anywho, I'll be back later tonight, gonna go terrorize this guy that keeps acting like a tough guy, he's a level one and its night time so he shouldn't be able to see my face. See ya!" Whit waved as he burst out the door, clearly not phased anymore by the race that had happened earlier.

(I'm done here, I'll leave it up to you two to finish up the thread.)

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I face palmed at hearing the announcement of a tie, way to trust a Saren with pressure, I should've asked a land mine and it probably would've delt with it better. I sighed, "Well I suppose since we both lost, we have to pay up someway. Sure, what quest are we gonna do Elul?" I bent down to her level, "please tell me it'll be easy."

I looked up after hearing her answer, catching the flying keys and waved goodbye to Whit, "bye. Alright Saren, let's head upstairs, go to bed, and meet up in the morning for that quest." I began to climb the stairs, the key was inscribed with, 2F 4. It wasn't far from the stairs, only the second door on the right. I flicked through my menu real quick sending a friend request to Elul before opening the door with the key.

The room was a standard inn room with two beds, one for each of us I suppose. I shut the door behind us and climbed into bed, "goodnight Elul."

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Yet another question, "Well, I've been wanting to do the quest where you get a job so I could be a tailor." Elul's attention was taken off of her sister by the sound of metal jingling, Maria's hand shooting out to catch the object. Elul waved off the hyper brunette as he went to go and do what she assumed to be his version of "fun." Elul shivered at the thought of Whit stalking her through the streets just because she got on his bad side, hopefully he wouldn't be too disappointed over the tie. It was silly bet anyways, and now for some reason she was getting the rewards as if she had won. Elul followed behind her sister, following her into a room meant for two people, accepting the friend request without thinking. Elul strolled over to the bed and wrapped herself in a cocoon with the blankets, there, now I'll be safe in case Maria decides to repeat earlier.


Elul closed her eyes, finally getting the sleep she wanted.

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I watched as Elul turned herself into a mummy with the blankets, I assumed she was afraid I would get up in the middle of the night and startle her, but no, I was tired from the race. I reached over to lit lamp and tapped it, sure enough it turned off just like Whit said. I retracted my arm and laid on my back, the days events had left me feeling quite lucky, within my first day here I had found my sister and her friend, making me think that I should invest in a lottery while my luck lasted. I waved the idea off, trying to close my eyes and fall asleep.

Thread complete!

1 SP to all characters

Maria + 132 col

Whit +134 col

Elul + 134 col

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