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OP-F1 Signs & Portents

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Sutiru circled the Plaza for a couple of days, watching people and wondering what to do next. He knew that alone he would die, and that scared the HELL of him! He watched as people started to gear up and head out. He watched one girl curl up in a ball and hide as the panic of Akihiko Kayaba's words set in and then head down an alley to hide. He watched girl with blue turn black hair and wearing glasses slowly begin to walk the streets around the plaza, much like him. But before Sutiru could work up the courage to talk to her, she walked out the west gate. He watched a girl all in red with red hair, drop to her knees and allow the mirror to shatter as she came to grips with the very things he was. She also headed out the west gate before he could work up the courage to talk to her.

Sutiru also watch the guys deal with the threat of death in the game. Some like himself could only deal by going inward after letting loose the anger that welled up into him/them. Other broke down and gave up, going somewhere in the city to hide. And yet others simple laughed and walked out the plaza to face the world. Sutiru wished he could be like the last group, but his fear and knowing full well his other-world skills (as he started to call the world outside the game) seemed to mean nothing here. And so for 2 days he walked and watched and waited, for fate to deal her next card. He knew he needed help, but would it come? The thought of death by running out food begin to creep into his mind as well. And so he begin to just sit outside the Iron Fortress in the plaza, when he was not walking the streets. He had found a small tree planter to sleep behind the night before, the light casting a long shadow to hide his body. But the ground was cold and he did not sleep well. As he sat looking at the clock tower of the plaza eating the dry bread from his starter pack. He thought of the restless night he had, then there were the dreams.....

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"Hey there." A voice echoed through Sutiru mind as he pondering about what would life brought to him. "I've seen you sitting here for a couple of times now. Is everything alright?" Asked a man as he approached Sutiru. The man dark eyes looked down onto him sitting, his hair cut short around his ear. He got down onto his knee and continued the question. "Is it because of the news about the death game? Don't worry, you'll get over it soon." He said, brought his hand up and placed in down on Sutiru's shoulder. The stranger gave him a comforting smile, hoping it would cheered him up somewhat. 

Edited by CaptainUndead
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I had been watching the man for awhile. And when someone came up to him I choose to investigate. I walked over to the pair and said in a very clam and trustworthy voice "hello can I help you? I have noticed you have been here for awhile and wondered if you needed any help." I swiped down and my menu appeared I retrieved a bottle of water from it and took a sip. 

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What am I doing wandering around Starting City? Kaluluwa wondered to himself. He's been outside, he can do everything he needs to. Needed to at the very least. He remembers hearing someone saying about the monster algorithms suddenly changing and rumors going about a huge system revamp. He didn't need that in his life for a little while. Once he got more information he'd go back out.

Then there were the sheep in Starting City. Milling about, each heading down their own path. Still shocked and trying to deal with realizing the dangers of this death game. Except, this time something caught his eye. There was a man laying down on the floor and two were watching over him, no inspecting him. They were curious. Kaluluwa had no choice but to look because he's also heard of a new exploit that he needed to see just in case they were trying to harm the man.

Thankfully though, no one was doing said exploit. As Kaluluwa walked towards the group, they were asking if the man was alright. Kaluluwa decided to add in to the conversation, "Don't worry about the death game." He instantly wanted to take that back. He was himself scared of dying but most people were not used to fighting for survival like he did. "I mean, nothing bad will happen to you. I swear." Kaluluwa's monotonous voice came in handy for a millisecond under the blue moon where his voice would have been cracking in despair.

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Sutiru's head snapped up as a hand came down on his shoulder, snapping him out of mental retrospection. A bit surprised, he looks at the face of first one person, then two and finely three! Blinking for a moment then regaining his wits, Sutiru speaks up, "My apologies.." bowing his head to those assembled before him.

"I was in was lost in my own thoughts, I did not see you approach.", Sutiru looked to each in turn, taking in the faces of those around him. Then looking back to the one that placed his hand on Sutiru's shoulder, he started to answer each question in turn. "Truth be told it is not the news of the death game, completely... it is more that for all the skills I had in the Other-world. They are for naught here! So it is more that, should I leave this city, more then likely I would die...for I lack the skills needed to protect myself." Having really said more then expected, Sutiru turned to the next voice.

Looking at the toe-headed man, drinking from a water bottle. Sutiru took a more direct approach this time, and answered a question with a question. "Perhaps, can you show me how to use this, in a way that keep me alive?" The "this" was a 2 handed sword that was strapped to Sutiru's back. A simple black leather wrapped handle suck up from his right shoulder, as did a thick but simple cross-guard. Sutiru had chosen a weapon more for what it could do, then for looks.

Turning to the last voice, he looked at what seemed a young man. Perhaps early teen, high school age from his looks. "No disrespect intended, but that remains to be seen. I guess it comes back around to, can I learn to use this thing? It is not a Bastard Sword after all..." Sutiru left that statement hanging, they did not know his background. And he did not think that many would know of the SCA here. So he left the statement in the air as he slowly got to his feet and carefully bowed his head to each, being mindful of the hilt of his weapon. "But please forgive me, I forget my manors. Thank you, each of you for caring. You are the first friendly faces I have seen here in almost 2 days now. I am Sutiru. Well met." The older man in black & green looked to each in turn as he waited to see if they would respond in turn with introductions. 

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"Well, since you're still quite new here, I suppose I can help you somewhat. I believe if we can all party up, it would be a good way to practice as a team, rather than individuals. That way, we can notice others' mistakes, and at the same time, use that as a lesson for ourselves not to do the same. By that, it'd be better. What do you guys think?" Nobuyuki suggested. As much as he hate staying around people, his subconscious mind kept on telling him to help them. It reminded him of the times where he just started. Days he spent trying to learn the system's mechanic, but failed. Then come two strangers, willingly helping him without anything in return. 

Nobuyuki opened the menu, and invited all three into his party. With a few button pressed, three invitations were sent to each member in the group chatting. "I'll wait for you guys in the grassland. Once you all are ready, come and meet up with me. And remember. I'll try my best to keep everyone alive, but be careful, alright?" Nobuyuki gave them his words, before heading out of Town of Beginning and wait for everyone by the gate.

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"I don't really know how to use that." I said. I turn my head and look at the other man now suggesting we party. I accept the party invite and watch as the man walks away. "So do you want to go walk around and prepare before we meet up with him. Oh yeah my name is Rags. Now let's go." I reach my hand down intending to help pull the man up. I tap my foot impatiently. I was excited to help this man but I also wanted to go out and kill something.

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Sutiru listens as the first man offers to help and pulls up an invite for each of them. Looking at the GUI that pops up, Sutiru learns the man's name. **Nobuyuki invites you to party. Accept? Yes....No** Making mental note of the name, Sutiru hits yes. Watching as 2 other player bars show up under his. Looking at the 2nd bar, he sees the name as Rags just as he offers it speaking to Sutiru. Reaching out he grabs the arm of Rags just behind the wrist in a greeting. It was also a way to check for hidden daggers, a throw back from SCA & Gaming days in the Other-world.

"Well met Rags, good to know you. Thou I should let you and Nobuyuki know, I have only been able to trigger a sword skill once...ever! And that was just before the forced teleport to the plaza. In short, I am a total noob here." Sutiru's face showed that he was not happy to have to say that. He looked over to the 3rd person, the younger one that had not spoken or responded to the party invite yet. "You going to join us too?", he asked in a kind but level tone.

Then turning back to Rags he continued to speak, "Nothing much more I can get. No kills, no col.. I spent what I had on the Basic Starter kit and getting the guide book. You do know about that yes?" Sutiru asked, unsure if others had heard the rumor of the Guide Book created by the Beta-Testers. He had learned of it via a magazine, before logging in. Reaching round to a small pouch that normally carried crystals, Sutiru pulled his copy of it. "The item stores offer them at little to no cost, depending on how reliable the merchant is." In his hand was a small brown book that simply side 'Guide Book' on the cover. Looking the way that Nobuyuki walked, Sutiru gestured with the book. "Shall we?" 

((OOC: Warning I have not done any combat yet in game...at all!))

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"Mhm", Kaluluwa simply uttered in response to Sutiru's question. While accepting the party invitation sent by one of the players from earlier, he started moving towards the gate. "Name's Kaluluwa, Don't pay attention to the screen name." No combat ever? Well, after the announcement at least. He looked over to Sutiru and spoke, "I can't use that sword, but I can tell you how to use it. I'm a dagger person myself." With that last sentence, Kaluluwa moved his hand to the right of his hip and tapped the sheathe. "Each man to his own though."

((It''s completely all right, if you mean by the SAO-RPG system it's quite easy to teach you. If you mean IC then that's even easier!))

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"Well, I guess all I can do now is wait." Nobuyuki thought, sat down on the grass and wait for everyone to come. He looked toward the town, and sighed. He wondered how is he going to do this. He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to keep them all safe. This is a very unforgiving world everyone is now stuck in. One mistake might be everything it need to kill you. Especially for the inexperienced ones. He began to grew anxious and worried for the two new guys, hoping the monster would took aggro on him, rather than them. He can take a good beating without dying.

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"Then we should go he's probably waiting." I say and start walking off. "It will be fine Sutiru, these animals aren't to tough." Assuring the man. I look at everyone in the party and smile. This should be more then enough people to kill a couple boars. I start memorizing everyone's names so I know who's doing what. My job will probably to run in and hit it once then run back.

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"Lets do it." Looking to Rag and Kaluluwa, thinking that the second name sounded like something from the South Sea or Hawaii not japan. "So how does one fight in a party situation? In the SCA it is more about who is the fastest and has best armor. Not that anything like that is going to help here, save for the muscle memory.. maybe." Sutiru started to follow Rag and Kaluluwa through the city, heading in the same direction as Nobuyuki. Not that he needed to be directed to the fields outside the city. That was where Sutiru was when the forced teleport happened. "Someone should message Nobuyuki, let him know we are coming.", Sutiru thought out load and kinda blinked when he heard his own voice, thinking he had only thought it not said it.

It looked like Sutiru was wrestling with something as they made their way out to the fields. Finely he came to grips with it and started talking again... "I should level with you guys, since your willing to help me learn how to fight." Sutiru paused speaking for a moment then pressed on with his words. "Do you guys know what the Society for Creative Anachronism is? Well I am a member in the Other-world, and that is what got me interested in SAO. I figured if I could gear up and fight with Kendo sticks, beating the snot out guys on the field. A game like this would be a cake walk. Turned out, SCA skills and SAO skills are not the same. Sure I can tell you the proper name for stance and show them to you. Or explain the parts of a device aka coat of arms. But triggering a sword skill in here... I was lucky to trigger one. That is why I was sitting in the Plaza. You spend years thinking your good at combat, but when your life depends on it... that is a real wake-up call! It kinda makes you re-access things" With that Sutiru's voice just drops off... and he walks quietly with the other 2 players.

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"I'll go ahead and message him", Kaluluwa said opening up his menu in order to message Nobuyuki in order to send the following message:

We're coming your way.
- Kaluluwa

He listened to Sutiru's story and saying how the things in SAO are very different from the real world. "Well, I'd hate to be one to burst your bubble but of course it's different. Use your knowledge in basic attacks though, I haven't really used sword arts either but...", Kaluluwa trailed off. This would probably be the time he'd nervously smile as to signify to forget it but he couldn't really do it in his current state. They walked the rest of the way in silence until they arrived to the gate/arch of Starting City.

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While sitting and waiting, Nobuyuki received a message. "We're coming your way." It wrote. Thinking it's the guys heading out from town, he patiently wait for them. Looking into the horizon, he start thinking of a strategy for keeping everyone alive. Surely, he can't aggro too many monsters, or else it would be a great hassle. But nonetheless, with his equipment, it shouldn't be a big of a deal to keep these guys in shape. "I go in first to take the aggro, while they hit the mobs. Whatever they couldn't finish, I'll do it for them." He thought. Although the thought of everyone not getting any loot, it's better than dying.

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As I walked through the city I wondered how where all going to keep alive. If one. If one of the boars scored a critical hit it would kill us. "So yous have never found a boar before?" I asked. "Cause at firsts it accelerating, till they almost kill you." As we walked outside of the safe zone a looked around for Nobuyuki.

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Sutiru looks over to Kaluluwa as he speaks and then tilts his head. "What? You saying I can use my SCA skills???" Thinking about it a second, he moves his hands as if he was doing Slopping Parry also known as a Hanging Parry over his left shoulder. Thou you could not tell if Sutiru doing it right as they were walking, he seemed to have his hands in the right spot. "I had thought we had to use only the Sword Skills of the game. Perhaps things are not so bad after all!" Sutiru's voice seemed upbeat now.

Now looking to Rag, the former collage student answered him. "No I have not killed a boar or anything else in the game. I was working on the sword skills out here when we all were teleported back to the plaza. It burned through the few hours we had for tutorial. So this will be my first combat here. So how do we fight as a team?" The young man's eyes flickered back and forth between the two others walking with him.

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"Well, you've played MMOs before I'm guess. If not, just think about any teamwork. Help each other out", Kaluluwa responded back to Sutiru. He began scanning the horizon until finding a player, his crystal blending into the grasslands. He began to approach him and started to speak to the party in general. "Look, killing a boar won't be easy for many of us individually, but we are stronger together. Simple as that." But the weakest link can break a chain... He glanced at Sutiru hoping that he won't have to put his life at risk in order to save Sutiru. He slowly turned to face Nobuyuki, the man who sent the party invitation and held out his hand, ready to give a firm handshake in order to make things clear. "I don't believe I've properly introduced myself to you, you left before I could do so. My name is Kaluluwa."

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