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(PP-F2) Racing For Skillz <<Long Live The Queen>> [Manta] COMPLETE!

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<<Long Live The Queen>>

This quest takes place on Floor 2
This quest is repeatable

This RP will not count in the benchmark


Word from the Information Brokers speaks of a hidden respawning Field Boss on Floor 2. A small party reported having farmed the <<Wind Wasps>> found throughout the fields awakened a hidden Field Boss. This monster, identified as <<Wind Wasp Queen>>, proved to be a dangerous opponent for the relatively low levelled party, and dropped a powerful Alchemical Potion.



-At least two [2] Pages (21 or more posts)

-Maximum Party Size of 3

-The Wasp Queen must be defeated 

-Repeat completions will only yield <<The Matriarch's Stinger>>


Wasp Queen Information

<The Wasp Queen> is a respawning Field Boss and has the following statistics:

HP: 50
Damage per Attack: 12




  1. <<The Matriarch's Stinger>> This incredibly potent venom can be applied to a weapon to provide an additional +1 damage for the duration of one battle.
  2. 3 Skill Points
Edited by Ebony
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Ebony waited at the exit to the floor two safe zone, waiting for Manta. They were going to fight one of the weaker bosses, one that Ebony might have been able to take herself. Still, support was always helpful, even though Manta would likely be one shotting the creature. Ebony had successfully upgraded her first aid skill and was rapidly approaching her goals for being a powerful support player. All she needed now were the pieces of equipment she had ordered. She wondered what was taking so long. Still, she refused to wait around, feeling as though she was somehow racing other players to become the best support.

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Manta showed up in the center of town, heading straight for the exit where she would be meeting up with Ebony, her support. She felt like in the past few days the two of them had developed a strong bond. They had been grinding for a few days, Manta only leveling up once, while Ebony's level had shot up as she helped to defeat bosses that were many times her level. It was quite impressive, and Manta was happy to see her friend accomplishing her goals so quickly.

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Ebony glanced around for a moment, looking for Manta. She didn't see her anywhere, so she went back to her thinking. Manta and her were forming a bond, and she felt like their relationship had evolved past friends. In fact, with everything they'd been through, Manta felt more like a very close sister to her. Ebony didn't form strong bonds often, but something about Manta's personality had struck a chord with her. Sh was always happy, kind, and looking to help out, in fact, some of Manta's personality was starting to leak into Ebony's. She felt like she had been more willing to help other people out lately.

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Manta smiled as she approached the exit, seeing Ebony leaning against a building there, staring into space. It looked like she was deep in thought. Manta wondered what she was thinking about but decided not to ask. She didn't say anything, instead walking over and leaning on the wall next to Ebony in companionable silence. She would be ready whenever Ebony was. In the meantime she would strategize about her skills and her own future. She was rapidly approaching a level where she could join the front liners, and was wondering what she should do.

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Ebony noticed Manta coming up and leaning on the wall next to her. She didn't say anything, instead continuing to think. Maybe the two of them could found a small guild or something. She smiled at the thought. That wasn't such a bad idea, but she wasn't sure Manta would be at all interested. She glanced over at Manta who appeared to be deep in thought before going back to looking out into space. She could be the guilds support, Manta could be the DPS build, and they could find two more people to be tanks. It would be perfect.

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As it happened, Manta was having similar thoughts. She and Ebony made such a great team, what if the two of them could form a small, elite group of players? Level wouldn't matter, but character would. They could always help the other players grind and get stronger. The other players would need to be motivated, and strong willed... They would need a tank for Ebony to back up, and maybe another DPS build like herself to help take down the enemies health. She glanced over at Ebony in time to see Ebony looking away. Maybe she should mention her idea to Ebony... Nah, she'd probably think it was a silly idea. Ebony was more of a loner anyway.

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Ebony glanced back over at Manta, thinking about sharing her idea. Nah, she'd probably think it was a silly idea. Manta was more of a loner anyway. Now that that decision was out of the way, Ebony stood up straight, checking over her equipment before deciding to be a bit lazy and going back to staring into space, this time plotting how she would spend her skill points. Should she max out First Aid and then go on to dagger skills, or go the tank route, upgrading armor skills? Maybe she'd ask Manta what she thought.

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Manta stood up after Ebony did, preparing to go fight the boss. She relaxed as Ebony just leaned right back on the wall of the building again. What was she going to do with her skill points once she maxed out her sword skills? Would she get some mitigation, or go for even more damage. It wasn't a hard decision. When the enemy could barely hit you, who needed mitigation. She was a DPS after all, so of course she should go for damage. Why venture out of her builds category. It would just make her weaker.

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Nope, she needed to make her own decisions. As a support player she should probably go for a DPS build after maxing her healing skills. She would already be relying on tanks to shield her, so she might as well deal loads of damage at the same time. So she should work on her sword skills and get her combos up. She let out a long sigh. She had a long way to go in order to get stronger, and she was already doubting that she was going down the right path. Still, she knew that she had to stay true to the path she had chosen.

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Manta wasn't entirely sure what Ebony was thinking about, but felt as though it might be something similar. They both enjoyed strategizing, so it wasn't to far of a stretch to think that maybe she was planning out her skills as well. Manta wasn't about to give Ebony any advice though. If she wanted advice she would ask for it. Still, Manta wasn't sure if she should share her guild idea with Ebony. It was a good idea! And maybe Ebony wasn't the loner Manta thought she was.

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Ebony glanced over at Manta, deciding to be impulsive. Even if Manta was more of a loner and didn't want to be part of a guild, she wouldn't gain anything if she didn't ask. What was the worst that could happen? As far as Ebony could tell, the worst that could happen would be Manta saying that she wasn't interested. And Ebony was fine with that, so this decision to ask her probably didnt even count as any sort of risk. She opened up her mouth to ask her question.

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Manta's thoughts turned back to the question she was about to ask. Did she really want to start a guild? She wasn't a leader, and didn't think she was ready to be leading anyone into battle, let alone an entire guild. The only reason she was brave enough to solo these bosses was because Ebony was there to support her with her healing. She frowned, her face taking on an extremely serious expression. Nope, she wasn't ready to found a guild, even if Ebony helped out. She just didn't have the strength or bravery necessary. Plus, all of the guilds she had joined had turned out to be almost completely inactive. Maybe she was a bad luck charm, causing guilds to go inactive somehow. Even though it was a silly thought, the fact was she had a terrible habit of joining inactive guilds. She turned her head to see Ebony about to say something. "Lets go take this boss out. I need some time alone to think." She said, expressing that she wasn't really in the mood to have a long conversation.

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Ebony quickly closed her mouth as Manta spoke up. She didn't look like she was in the mood to talk anymore, so Ebony decided she would wait on asking her question. It wasnt all that important anyway. She opened her HUD and equipped her new dagger, a stiletto blade that appeared to be splattered with blood. She sheathed and gave Manta a small smile. "I'm ready, lets take this bastard out." She said, walking out of the gate and towards their target.

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Manta followed Ebony for once, still deep in thought. She unsheathed her rapier absentmindedly as they approached the field where the boss was located. This would be over soon, and Manta could go and take a few minutes to think about her plans for the future. Maybe she would message Sousuke and talk with him. She wasn't totally sure what she wanted to do, both in terms of skills and her social life. Sousuke was an important part of her life, but she hadn't talked to him for a few days now and was starting to get a bit worried.

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Ebony led Manta through the field until they reached the queen bees spawn point. It certainly wouldn't be a long fight, as the boss was pretty weak. Ebony wanted to at least get a hit in though She had enough health to take a couple of hits, and she wanted to actually do something this time. She charged forwards as the giant queen bee spawned, stabbing forwards with her dagger. The queen flew a bit to the side dodging the blow and fired an abnormally large stinger into her side.

 ID# 38051 results:

 Battle: 3 (+2)=5 Miss

 Craft: 2

 Loot: 5

 MOB: 6

Ebony: 24/36 (-12) EN: 7/9

Manta: 76/76

The Wasp Queen: 50/50

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Manta let out a little shriek as Ebony charged forwards and attacked the queen bee. Ebony was a support player, not  tank or a DPS! She was going to get herself killed! Manta's thoughts were only confirmed as the queen bee shot a stinger into Ebony's side, sending her flying to the side. Manta sprinted forwards, raising her sword and activating <<Shooting Star>>, sending a slash into the bees side and causing them to burst into blue and green crystals. She rushed over to Ebony's side to make sure that she was all right.

ID# 38053 results:

Battle: 4 (+2)=6 Hit 8x7= 56

Craft: 6

Loot: 4

MOB: 4 (-4)=0 Miss

Ebony: 24/36

Manta: 76/76

The Wasp Queen: -6/50 (-56) Deaded

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Ebony sat up as Manta rushed over to her, a little grin on her face. She was unexpectedly happy. She had actually done something, even if that something was just being shot in the side by a bee stinger. At least she hadn't been sitting behind and letting Manta do all of the work for her. Granted, Manta had done all of the work, but Ebony had had something to do with it this time too. All of these thoughts were swirling around in her head as she sat there with a wide goofy grin on her face. 

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Manta propped Ebony up, her arm gently holding her head. "Talk to me Ebony! Please, say something!" She said, giving up on being gentle and shaking Ebony around like a ragdoll. There was definitely something wrong with her friend. There was a wide goofy grin on her face that made Manta suspect that she had been poisoned or stunned somehow. She would never forgive herself if Ebony died or something because she hadn't been fast enough.

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Ebony continued to smile, but toned it down quite a lot, realizing that she was freaking Manta out. She was shaken around for a while and looked up at Manta once she had finished. "I didn't realize you cared so much. I'm fine, no debuffs or anything. I was just glad to feel like I was doing something. You know, you never get hit, so I was getting the tiniest bit frustrated." She explained. She stood up and dusted herself off, the stinger in her leg bursting into blue and green crystals. "Alright, lets get going. You said you had things to do after all, and I have someone im meeting with on the first floor." She said. 

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