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[PP-F2] Dust in the crater (Shizuka, Jevi)

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Soon, the beautiful sun had set and the three female players sat there on the ground, not doing anything but not willing to leave each other. Perhaps it was a new bond or maybe the others just don't see it fit to leave so quick. However, Shizuka wasn't going to complain as nighttime was the finest to admire the scenery. Stars were high in the air and Shizuka was willing to stare at them for a long time. Indeed, the stars shone through the night, giving off a beautiful tiny lighting towards the world in order to support the lighting that the moon had given. It was truly a beautiful sight, millions and millions of stars lingered in the air and made it seem like there was a sea of darkness and each star was a living player in the world of Sword Arts Online.

Soon, Shizuka felt herself willing to sleep and well, Shizuka didn't know whether it was a good choice to sleep out here in the wilderness as players can just randomly come along and take you down with a sleep PK. With a yawn, Shizuka stood up from the ground before looking at the other two and starting to speak. "It's getting rather late and I'm super tired. I guess I shall go home for a sleep now." Shizuka declared as she began to walk. "Hope to have more adventures with you two!" And hence, one of Shizuka's last few moments of cheerfulness has ended and soon, a new era would start, a new era of complete opposite personality. But that was a story reserved for a different time... The world must continue.

Thread Complete:

All Participants:
+133 Col
+1 SP

Jevi gets one material

Edited by Shizuka
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