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Taiyo's Journal <3

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Username: Taiyo
Real name: Bella
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Height: 5 feet 4 inches

About: History/personality
Bella likes to be a strong voice in matters, whether you want to hear her or not.  Over determined to prove herself to everyone sense her father died three years ago, she earned the nickname Taiyo, or sunlight. Eventually, on her own time, she learned of the marvels of the modern world, especially this cool game everyone kept talking about, Sword Art Online, and attempted to get the beta in hopes of escaping the real world. Failing her plan, she waited for the alpha to be launched with static. Impatient as she is, Bella just hung on to her hope. Going through her first year of high school was bad enough. Sure, she was loud in the halls and seemed to be smiling, but truthfully it was an act. All that time she was thinking of SAO, and practicing her stances in battle when she was home alone. Bella used a broken tree branch that fell off of her families japanese maple tree for a sword, and developed small, effective moves that her enemies would least expect. Of course, she took Kenjutsu classes already. She is very imaginative and can easily picture scenarios in her head with her as the star.

Upon being one of the first to line up for the alpha launch, Bella started thinking of a username. Nothing seemed to fit her and her alone, to make her stand out. Then she remembered. Taiyo, the perfect name. It would tell everyone that she shines even in the gloom, not that they will know her hardships. At least it meant something to her. Walking out of the store with a heavy package and a game case in her possession, Bella practically ran home. Immediately she hooked herself up. This was going to brighten her days from now on. Little did she know...(to be continued)

Easily different scenarios play in Taiyo's mind, a bonus when making quick decisions. This also plays a part in her performance; she can imagine certain outcomes when needed.
Taiyo is, sure, overly confident and maybe a bit big-headed, but it serves as a distraction from fear. One does not find her immobilized by a big spawn, frozen and incapable, but standing with her head held high and charging at the enemy without fearing death.
Similar to her imagination, it seems that Taiyo is very intuitive; easily able to understand things and figure out outcomes based on different choices she makes. This does not come to play, however, in certain situations when she thinks too hard about things, and loses her insight on problems. 
Taiyo does not like to join guilds or parties. She would rather stay alone. This poses a problem when gangs gather to defeat a floor boss, or if there is a particular monster from an event that is going on that needs multiple players to defeat it. However, this does end up letting her make decisions on her own, without argument, for she also does not like her ideas to be put down.
She is big-headed, with a large ego, due to her unshaken ability to fight with her sword, and how many kills she can make. (Her skills are due to her Kenjitsu classes, mind you.) Taiyo is also very loud and often gets people around her slightly, but jokingly, annoyed when there is good air between them.
She can't help being blunt. Straightforward, quick actions cause Taiyo to land in trouble easily. Often her bluntness makes others upset, even if she is trying to help. Though it is not her fault, by nature Taiyo is too careless when it comes to cheering people up.
Profession: (Leave blank until the Earning a Living quest has been completed.)








Weapon skills:
»Two-handed straight sword


» [private] Four Swords Are Better Than One (Rag, Lilliad, Tenshi, Taiyo) -in progress
» [private] Getting Started (Taiyo, Lilliad, Ayumu) - in progress

anime sweet.jpgimages.jpg

Edited by Taiyo
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