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[PP-F1] Titles? What are those?[Tenshi & Teion]

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It was just another day in the Starting City. Vargas yawned as he woke up from his long sleep. He checked his game menu for the time and saw it was about 10:00.

"Better late than never," Vargas commented to no one in particular as he got out of the bed. He grabbed his scabbard, having dropped it on his way in tired, as he walked out of the room.

Walking down the stairs he saw other players chatting about quests, trades, and other assortment of conversations. He chose to sit in a chair by the fire since all the other players took up the many tables the inn had. Swiping his hand down he summoned his menu and manipulated his options till he found the bread and water he had in his inventory. Tapping them he had a bottle (OOC: I think of the alto wine bottles from Skyrim) and a baked bread appear in his lap. Reaching down he opened the bottle, took a swig, and started to dig in to the only food choice he had at the moment, bread.

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(OOC: Sorry its taken me so long to reply)

Tenshi had been walking around the town of beginnings once more. By now he was a high enough level to at least move to the second floor, but he had decided it was best to explore just a bit more considering he had friends down here. He had decided that it was about time for dinner and wondered what kind of new adventures he could probably explore today. He walked into a nearby inn and decided to take a seat near the fire since all of the seats had been taken. "Mind if I seat here?"

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Teion sipped on a flask of water, frowning at the tasteless liquid. She had just returned from the fifth floor after a busy morning and was happy to relax a little in the Town of Beginnings before inevitably going back to training. Letting out a small yawn, she approached the main inn and opened the main door, stepping in to view all the busy players and NPCs. She scanned the room before a man with long blonde hair stuck out to her. She tilted her head slightly, recognizing the man and trying to think from where before she approached. She lightly snapped her fingers a couple of times before the name came to her. "Tenshi, is that you? Nice running into you!" She smiled, approaching the man and tilting her head to the side slightly.

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Vargas looked up at the man before him who had asked to sit nearby. Lifting his hand slightly, he flicked his wrist slightly giving assurance that it was fine. He continued to sip upon his water and munch his bread as he stared into the flames of the half dead fireplace.

He started to become very relaxed as he felt some of the heat that the game simulated for him, but was quickly brought back to attention as someone walked up and called out to someone named Tenshi. He sweat dropped and looked over at the blonde guy she seemed to be indicating. More people? Vargas questioned to himself as his quiet morning had suddenly gained a subtly strange excitement to it.

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Tenshi had just about taken his seat next to the blonde haired man before stopping as he had heard a familiar voice. He had turned around to examine who exactly had been calling out to him, only to find out that it was someone he had ran into upon occasion. Seeing that this person had been his friend Teion, he had smiled a rather large and charming smile. "Hey there Teion! How have you been? It sure has been awhile since we had last come across one another."

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"Hey!" Teion replied with a grin, relieved that she hadn't mistaken the man's identity. "Great, how is Tenjin treating you?" She referred to the sword she'd completed for him a while ago. As if she hadn't realized the other person beside him, Teion gave a flustered wave. "Oh, sorry! Are you two friends?" She asked awkwardly, unsure if she should introduce herself.

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Vargas looked back at the fire as the two exchanged pleasantries. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do today. He'd still only recently joined and for someone reason people seemed to be walking up to him out of nowhere. It wasn't all bad but his first thoughts of what this place would be like was more dark and quiet, a getaway for himself. He was still able to get away from his reality with this new one. So that was good, but how was it people were so easygoing here? His thoughts were interrupted as he saw a sudden movement of the girl's hand.

"Uh...no actually. We just happened to meet just now," he said with his even tone and slowly turned towards the two, "my name's Vargas."

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Seeing as how Teion had smiled when talking to him, he had smiled back. "I honestly haven't had a chance to use her yet, but I do have some interesting news that I want you to hear before anyone else does. I have successfully become a full fledged blacksmith!" He had laughed a bit before hearing Vargas say that he and Tenshi had just met. "Oh come on Vargas, I would consider us friends already." He then let out another laugh, this one more hardy than the one before.

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"Teion; nice to meet you." She said politely to Vargas with a small bow. Turning her attention back to Tenshi for a moment, she couldn't help her hands coming together in a small clap. "Really? Which floor?" A thoughtful look crossed her face before she gave a sympathetic look to Vargas. She could tell he was less enthusiastic about his and Tenshi's instant friendship. Of course, Tenshi seemed to be the most enthusiastic person she'd met in Aincrad. With a light shake of her head, she brought a gloved hand to her chin and chuckled lightly under her breath.

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Once again, Vargas sweat dropped at the sudden proclamation of their friendship. What the hell? Vargas thought. He turned to the guy and interjected, "You know, it's considered common curtesy to exchange names for proclaiming your friendship." Sighing he leaning back into his seat and using his foot to drag one a little closer for Teion.

Edited by Vargas
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Tenshi had been embarrassed as he had heard the man say what he had said. "Oh, your right! I am so sorry …" He then took a deep bow before standing back up and extending his hand out towards Vargas. "My name is Tenshi, and I am a brand new blacksmith. Became one just yesterday, down here on the first floor. Once again, I apologize for proclaiming our friendship in the way that I had … It was rude of me." He had kept his eyes facing down at the ground now, feeling bad for upsetting the man.

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((Sorry for the delay!))

Teion felt a bit awkward with the exchange, but kept quiet with her fingers laced in front of her. She glanced around the busy inn, rocking back and forth lightly on her feet. She was starting to wonder whether or not she should stick around. She finally spoke up, "Well Tenshi, let me know if you need to go material hunting. I'd be happy to join you!" She smiled. Deciding she would stick around, at least for a bit longer, she turned her attention to the other boy. "Vargas, do you have a profession?" She was curious now. She really spent a lot of her time in her shop and hadn't gone out to visit many other players' stores yet. She'd have to set some time aside for that very soon.

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Vargas stood up and placed a hand in Tenshi's shoulder.

"It's fine. I obviously overreacted," Vargas said with a slight smile. He listened as the girl seemed to try to cheer the guy up. She then asked if he had a profession himself. 

He then turned to the girl as well and replied, "as for a profession I haven't really got one. I've still only recently joined this game so I'm trying to work my way up"

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Tenshi had smiled as he turned his attention towards Teion. "Thank you so much ..  And I am looking forward for whenever we decided to go material hunting!" He then let out another laugh before turning his attention back towards Vargas. "Well Vargas, if you ever wish to have help towards finding a profession, just let one of us know and we can help you out. You can also come to either of us if you ever need a weapon crafted. I would go to Teion over me though considering the fact that I am still a beginner blacksmith."

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Teion gave a light laugh. "Well, a profession is a large time sink. You won't have as much time to go out and quest, that's for sure." She gave a small shrug. "You don't have to take one if you'd rather not."

"Anyway, Tenshi--Are there any quests you'd like to do? You too, Vargas," She smiled at the two of them. "If either of you'd like to go out adventuring, I'd be happy to lend a hand."

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"A weapon would probably be great. I recently reached level 3 but I don't have much in the way of money just yet. As far as a profession, having one would be useful, but I'm sure all the players are monopolizing those. Although, merchanting is supposed to have a minority pool but I don't see much use in it as far as the info I've collected," Vargas replied to the two before him shrugging.

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Tenshi had placed a shoulder on Vargas's shoulder and smiled. "There is no need to worry Vargas. I will craft you a sword soon enough and once you have it, I guarantee you that it will be worth the wait. Until then-" He turns his head to face Teion, his smile growing even wider than it had been before. "We will just have to spend time with our beloved Teion. So to answer your question Teion, I am unaware of any quests I would like to partake in right now. However, I am always up for searching for some materials and possibly even doing quests. It all sounds quite delightful to me!" He then lets out a hardy laugh while releasing his grip of Vargas's shoulder

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Teion tapped a finger to her chin. "There were some Merchant changes recently." She mused at Vargas' comment. She had gotten an idea of most of the changes, and did like them. She gave a light chuckle at Tenshi's happy attitude. "Ahh, sounds good to me. Why don't we retake the Earning a Living quest together? We should both be able to get some materials from that." She smiled back. She tilted her head to the side. "Well, if I run into anything I need a party for, I know who I can message now."

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(Sorry, been sick and trying to keep up with school as the semester ends)

Vargas gave a bit of an incredulous smile as Tenshi offered to make him a sword and saying how they'd have to spend time with their 'beloved' Teion, who he had only just met. "Well if you guys do the Earning a Living I guess I can use that as an opportunity to get myself a profession. Merchanting could be useful. I'll just have to figure out how to make it such," Vargas said as he began to try to think about what he could likely do with that or another profession.

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Tenshi had smiled as he had heard the both of them offer to retake the earning a living quest. This was a good idea, considering the fact that Vargas would be able to get a profession, and it also allows for both Teion and himself to gain some much needed materials for their crafting. "That sounds good to me! Whenever you both are ready, just let me know and I will come along and help out. I've been needing to acquire some materials as of late anyways."

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