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Complete [SP-F1] Let it die, let it die <<secret medicine of the forest>>

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I walked through the forests. I had accepted this quest because it seemed like easy SP. maybe even get a cool blade from it. I had decided I didn't need anyone's help for this quest. I had just had a big fight with my only friend and I just needed some alone time. I decided to take a stop from walking and sat down. 

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I lay down on the ground. The wind brushes through my hair and I look around. The detail of this world is amazing. The sun in the sky look so dal yet at the same time different then ours. The wind carressing my skin felt real. The heat felt real. The grass felt real. Yet it was all some geniuses programming.

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I take a series of long deep breathes. I hold the air in for awhile and after I let it out my brain feels fresh renewed. I stretch out as far as possible. And this feels good. It was hard to imagine that everything was failing. Everything was messed up. Everything is a perversion of our world.  

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I pull myself up. Looking around I rub my eyes. I walk over to a small stream and dip my hands into it. I splash some of the water in my face and feel instantly renewed. I draw my blade and look around for possibly a boar, maybe the quest mob. Maybe just some materials. I follow down the river and into a little cave.

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I look around for this quest mod. It looked like a plant of sorts. Like the nepent of the RW. Apparently he was getting the medicine for some sick person. He wasn't really listening to the story text. I look around the tree dotted plain and think I see something it looks sort of like what I am looking for. I run towards it and it is. I ready my blade for the sword art linear and charge forward. But things don't go as planned and I trip and fall flat on my face before I can get close.


ID: 38746 Battle:4 Craft:10 loot:3 mob:1


Rags: HP: 16/16 energy:3/4

littleN: HP: 5

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The nepent lashes out at me. It's tentacles fly everywhere tearing up grass and dirt. I jump back dodging lot but finally one hits me. I look up as I fall back to see my health bar going down a little. I know that if I can hit it I can win. I just need to be able to hit it. I look at the red pixels on my side and frown.

 ID# 38752

Mob: 6

Rags: 13/16 energy: 3/4

LN: 5

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I prepare for my next attack. Something with a a little bit more power to it. <<Rip Ravine>> sounds good and I run forward. The monster stares at me without eyes yet somehow it does. It taunts me as I run at it but that only fuels me. I jump at it and my blade cuts into its flesh. I cut to form a V then jump back. It's health bar depletes a lot. 

 ID# 38755 results:

 Battle: 8

Rags: HP: 13/16 Energy: 2/4

LN: HP: 2/5

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Try hit seemed to enrage it and it lashes out with twice the power. I scream as it throttles me many times and bring me into the red zone. 9 health. This is crazy. I am powerful yet this thing is killing me. Damn. I scream as it stops and I hit the ground. I will slay it. And I will defeat this game. 

 ID# 38758 results:

mob: 9

Rags: 9/16

LN: 2/5

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I draw my blade and perpared to attack. If I can hit it <<Linear>> should be enough. I begin charging at the beats running in a straight line. I run at it and as I do I begin to sweat. What if I miss. My heart skips a beat as I plunge my blade into the fouls monster. It explodes into millions of shards and I run through it. I collapse on the ground and scream in happiness I had killed it. 

 ID# 38763 results:

BD: 6

Rags: HP: 9/16 energy: 2/4

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My entire body should be hurting. There was no pain but I knew it should be hurting. I rolled over to look at the sun and winced. It was right in my eyes. Burning them up. I smiled though. I had just killed one of the three. That left a 2. If they where both this strong then I should be able to do it.

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I run up behind the beast activating the sword art <<Rip Ravine>>. I charge foward at the beast and it turns to look at me. It lets out a roar as. I jump in the air. I bring my blade up and slice down as I fall from the sky. I slice up once again forming a V shape as it prepares to attack.


 ID# 38829 results:

Battle: 8

rags: 15/16 energy: 2/4

LN2: 2/5

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The monster freaks out. It attempts to attack me slashing in every which way but it can't hit it. It sends its tentacles flying as I stand in my place smiling.  I laugh as it attempts to attack me missing me by meters. This creature was even more stupid then the first.

 ID# 38830 results:

 MOB: 2

rags: 15/16 energy: 2/4

LN2: 2/5

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I charge my attack of <<Linear>>. Taking a step back I then charge right into the creatures center. It explodes as I do this and I run right through. These monsters where really easy. This one had taken to hits to kill and it couldn't even kill me. Hopefully the next one was harder. Maybe like 8 HP or something.

 ID# 38831 results:

 Battle: 9

Rags: 15/16 energy: 2/4

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I notice in the distance a abnormally large Nepent. I begin walking towards the creature spying on it. It was definitely larger. And it defiantly looked stronger. I perpared to attack it activating the attack <<Linear>>. I charge down the hill in a straight line per icing the monster. It roars as I draw my blade out from it and perpared to attack.

 ID# 38835 results:

 Battle: 7

Rags: 16/16 3/4 energy

LN: 5/8 HP 

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The nepent lashed out at me swinging its tentacles. They smash the ground sending a storm of dust and grass everywhere. I attempt to dodge some of the vines but they smash me none the less. I see my health bar deplete and I prepare my next attack as the creature stops its assault. 

 ID# 38837 results:

 MOB: 8

rags: 13/16

little nepent: 5/8

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I prepare to charge the attack <<Rip Ravine>>. I jump up and prepare to jump. As I do this I miss terribly and fall back. I fall back and prepare climb myself up. I prepare to try to defend. My body should be aching but it's not. Everything feels fine except for the fact that there is no pain in this game.

 ID# 38842 results:

 Battle: 2

rags: 13/16 energy: 2/4

LN3: 5/8

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The monster drew up its vines and whipped down I stood still as it attacked. It reached down swinging tentacles. It's large tongue flips in every which way. Wet drops of slaiva fly every which way. The vines fly every which way. The vines miss me by miles as I stand perfectly still.

 ID# 38846 results:

 MOB: 2

Rags: 13/16

LN3: 5/8

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I prepare to use the power <<Rip ravine>>. I jump up in the air doing a flip. I can feel the air whip through my hair and across my skin. I begin to fall down and cut my enemy when the wind blows me back sending me crashing into the ground. I wince and pull my self up as the nepent perpares its assault.

 ID# 38854 results:

 Battle: 4

rags: 13/16 energy 1/4

LN3: 5/8


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