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Complete [SP-F1] Let it die, let it die <<secret medicine of the forest>>

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The nepent was massive. It swung it vine arms and it closed its massive top then it flew opened again. It's flung shut out and spun in a circle. It drew its vines up and to the side perparing to swipe on each side. The monster flew its vines at me but they got knotted together. I laughed at this as he tried to untie its self. 

 ID# 38863 results:

 MOB: 1

rags: 13/16 energy: 2/4

LN3 5/8

Edited by Rag
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I prepare to activate my <<Linear>> sword art and charge at this beast. I find it funny that none of us can hit each other. I take 10 steps back then charge at the nepent. It was huge and ugly. I charge at my enemy my blade shinning with power. But I trip over a stone and fall on my face. I laugh as I fall. 

 ID# 38867 results:

 Battle: 2

rags: 13/16 2/4 energy.

LN3: 5/8

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The vines unravel and it swirls its vines in circles. Creating wind storms. I stuck my arms up as the wind buffers off me. It was almost evening now and none of us had really made any progress. It prepared to strike down on me but its vines swung behinds the and got locked in a knotty mess. 

 ID# 38869 results:

 MOB: 1

rags: 13/16 energy: 3/4

LN3 5/8

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I activate the power <<Linear>> and charge at the enemy from 4 meters away. My arm locks and I lean forward. The blade ignites and I charge at the enemy. I scream in anger as the minutes passed by. This was madness. I hit the enemy with our blade. My rapier sinks into the enemy and I pull it out. As I do this I hoot. I had made some ground and progress and now I may possibly win.

 ID# 38870 results:

 Battle: 6

Rags: 13/16 energy: 2/4

LN3: 2/8

Edited by Rag
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The monster growls. It screams and hisses as its wounds close up. It smakes the ground causing big thuds. I growl back at it and it leans it head foward. I see the liquid inside of it slushing around sending little droplets every which way. It was going crazy and wanted to kill me. It hissed and growled. I was ready to hit it and kill it next time I attack. It flew its vines down on my head  and my health bar depleted buy a lot. 

 ID# 38872 results:

 MOB: 9

Rgas: 9/16

LN3: 2/8


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I activate my power <<Rip Ravine>> and charge at my enemy. I prepare to cut the enemy to oblivion when I notice it's almost 6 PM. I jump in the air to cut my enemy. I can feel the system assisting me. Helping me destroy my enemys. It's what the system does. I begin plummeting towards the enemy  and then I cut him. He explodes into billions of pieces. I hit the ground cheering. The enemy is dead and I feel amazing. I had just completed a quest. 

 ID# 38873 results:

 Battle: 8

 Craft: 3

 Loot: 11 +1

 MOB: 8


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I look around at my surroundings. I had just killed three monsters and I felt good. I lay on the ground panting. I was so tired. So hungry. Had got some cool gear though. I had gotten 1 material from that last monster. I had also gotten a cool sword. Gotten 40 col from killing that last monster. And I had levelled up to level 5. I looked up at the son. Today had been very productive. I smiled before heading home.

Thread complete:

  • 2 sp
  • 1 mat
  • 440 col
  • anneal blade
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