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(SP-F1) Grand-Mastering Teh Rapier COMPLETE!

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Manta decided then and there what she was going to do. She'd rather die than have someone else die because she couldn't deal enough damage. As a DPS she couldn't waver. She had to continue to bring up her damage, even if it meant neglecting mitigation. She charged forwards and sent four powerful stabs into the skeletons uninjured leg. A moment later the boss burst into pixels, granting her exactly one thousand col. She knew what she wanted to do now.

ID# 38988 results:

Battle: 7 Hit!  8x8=64 DMG

Craft: 1

Loot: 17 5xMob health: 1000 col

MOB: 6 (-4) Miss

Manta: 85/92 EN: 0/23 (-7)

Skeleton Boss: -14/200 (15 ATK) (-64) DEADED

Edited by Manta Gaul
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She sprinted out of the cave, her shoes slamming into the cold stone floor as she raced out of the cave and into the sunlight. She didn't have the energy to deal with other mobs, and could generally bypass them by running before they made it out of the side caverns. Now that she was in the clear, she brought her player menu up, swiping and tapping her way into the skills menu. She looked at it for a few moments before reaching out and buying tier five of One Handed Rapier.


Rewards: 1 SP, 1400 col (400 Thread, 1000 mob), R5 One Handed Rapier

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