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[PP-F9] <<The Iron Guardian>> (Zelrius)

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This was going to be a short, quick, easy quest that she hadn't considered doing before the new quest had come out. However, here she was, waiting for the only person that could help her with this quest... Indeed, the boy's name was Zelrius. Commandant of the Azure Brigade... The only one that can help her achieve the quest and complete it before that unique quest has started. However, she would need to finish this quick and hence, she put all her trust into Zelrius to help her and finish this quest. She had already PMed him and was now waiting patiently on the fourth floor for the blonde man to arrive.

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Zelrius quickly wandered toward the location he was invited by none other than Shizuka. For some reason or another, the boy found himself with a certain resentment for the pink haired support, yet, he still found her more tolerable than most other players in all of Aincrad. "Despite you're seemingly resentment toward myself," He spoke once within earshot of her "You seem to invite me along in quite a bit of your journeys. Nonetheless, lead the way west. Allow us to get this over with Brigadier Shizuka." He finished, drawing his two blades ready to defeat any enemy that may or may no exist. He had done the quest before and knew full well what to expect and do.

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"Okay. Glad you were able to come here for my assistance with such haste." Shizuka said, extremely grateful for the man to tag along and help her during this emergency quest. However, even though the man had openly criticized her, she could care less. She legit charged away, trying her best to be able to get the quest finished and hence obtain the banner of support that she would need for a certain unique quest. With a sigh, she walked on, allowing Zelrius to follow her. The Broker and indeed informed her of where the boss was and surely she would be able to find it. Soon enough, there were two iron knights waiting for them, just like the broker and said. "Well, Commandant Zelrius... I shall be relying on your superior power for this."

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Following her as she charged forth, Zelrius smiled at Shizuka's seemingly eagerness to get this one done fast. Withouth another word, he charged on at her same speed, wondering in his mind just how this one might go. Zelrius within moments saw the Iron Knights that guarded the Iron Guardian cave itself. Smirking and activating a bloodrage crystal, the boy held both weapons in his hand and charged ahead of Shizuka, activating his sword art  and blazing through them with little effort. "I can hit Guardian himself Hard once. But then we have to wait for my energy to come back for the Broker. Sound good?" 

ID 39024 BD 2+4 ACC = 6 HIT MD 6-3 EVA = 3 MISS

7+4 Fallen = 11+3 Bloodrage = 14+5 Charge = 19*12 = 228, DEAD.

Shizuka 60/60
Zelrius 180/180 E: 21/45
<<Iron Knight>> 0/72
<<Iron Knight>> 0/72
<<Iron Knight>> 0/72
<<Iron Knight>> 0/72 

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Shizuka watched as Zelrius was able to just absolutely abolish the iron knights. "Sounds good commandant Zelrius." Shizuka said, well aware that the blonde man was trying his hardest to help her achieve the quest reward before the the quest that she was going to do occurs. However, she must continue and if Zelrius still has energy, they must continue on into the cave to find the Iron Guardian. "Okay... Let's see if this scrap metal would withstand your attacks." Shizuka said, knowing full well that Zelrius would one shot it immediately.

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"Affirmative." He responded to both her Comments.  His swords were still drawn and the boy took a single step forward, grinning eagerly at the Iron Guardian. He knew more than full well how this would go. Charging forth, the boy swung 12 times, Six for each blade, and then brought his blades up along the torso of the Iron Guardian, before slamming them back down the same direction. Just like that, It was dead and Zelrius' energy gauge was [censored] empty. "That's all for now Folks..." He threw an off hand comment as it died. 

ID 39027 BD 4+4  = 8 HIT MD 8-3 = 5 Miss

7+4 Fallen = 11+3 Bloodrage = 14+5 Charge = 19*22 = 264, DEAD.



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Shizuka smiled. "Nice job Zelrius. Thanks for doing this with me... Is there anything left... Or with, the broker... I didn't realize that she was actually a boss in her own rights." Shizuka said as she sat down on the cave floor. Indeed, the cave floor was very cold and hard... it was rather blue but she liked it as it was very, very peaceful. She didn't want to wait to finish up this quest but she knew that she would have to... Or else things might not be good. Shizuka sighed before sitting down quitely, allowing Zelrius to recover some energy.

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Zelrius squinted through the cave's darkness in the direction Shizuka's voice was coming from. Giving a small sigh, the boy had horrible vision paired with poor lighting, he couldn't see jack squat. "As for doing the quest with you, No problem... I guess..." The boy realized how that sounded and quickly swapped back to how he normally spoke to her. "My damned energy should really hurry the hell up. God damn, there should be a support skill to increase friendly Regeneration. Aye, the broker is a boss, which is why I need my Energy so damned bad." 

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"Indeed. I don't understand why Kayaba didn't allow supports to have energy recovering skills. It is rather frustrating and I dislike it very, very much. However what is done is done." Shizuka said. "Let us just wait here under the cave ceiling in patience and hope your energy would come back to you soon." Shizuka finished before looking outside. It was rather light outside as half the day had gone by but she knew that that meant nothing as she had yet another quest to do soon after finishing this one. This is annoying. She thought as she sat back down.

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"It appears not soon enough," He gave a slight sigh as the small green gauge for his energy crawled along. It was almost there now and would be full soon enough. He drew a sword and fiddled with it a bit, trying to find something to idly do while this crawled along at a slow pace. He was getting rather frustrated with the lack of energy and was half tempted to eat one of the Lemons Takao had given him. Instead, Zelrius decided against it and drew out the Alcoholic item that Ssendom had given him and took a bite of it. He drew another out of his inventory and held it out to Shizuka, thinking it was rude to eat in front of others. 

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Shizuka sighed. "eh. No I'm fine without that... Not exactly feeling hungry at the moment as the my own impatience is slowly drowing me and taking me down. However, there really can't be nothing done about this right? So, we just have to wait as patient as we can." Shizuka mumbled, feeling the frustration as it slowly raised upon her. With yet another sigh, she continued to mumble and walk around the cave in impatience, hoping that soon, Zel's energy would recover to full and hence they would be able to finish off the quest in no time.

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And just as she had hoped, Zelrius' energy went from a slow crawl to a full on blast back to max. He grinned and charged back out of the cave toward the location of the Information Broker. For a second, a shiver was sent down the golden haired Commandant's spine as he remembered the ominous broker who had given him the information for the Rumor he wanted. Shaking that thought quickly, Zelrius drew both blades and went straight through the poor little old lady. She never even stood a chance. With that, Zelrius sent the trade request to Shizuka, offering her the Banner of Support

ID 39031 BD 8 REKTED

7+4 Fallen = 11+8 Holy = 19+6 Buff = 25+5 charge = 30*27= 810 Damage,


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Indeed. Shizuka had obtained the banner in which she had come here for. She had done it with the help of Zelrius and now, she would have to learn how to use it and master it to become a user of the banner and become a great support. However, something in the sky now perks her interest... It was a group of birds flying in a perfect V formation in a perfectly synchronized manner. Indeed, the formation was absolutely perfect and for someone that strives for perfection like Shizuka, she deeply admired the group of birds and continued to stare at the blue sky in delight.

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The boy obliterated the old lady and then looked to Shizuka to let off a comment. "Now you may actually be useful there, Lady." His tone was more joking than it was intended to be harsh and insulting. He looked about, sheathing his two weapons and fiddling with the various jewelry bits he had around him. Giving his bowtie a quick tweak, the boy let out a heavy sigh, quite displeased with how boring this had become. "I am off to go hang out at an inn, you're free to join me if you wish, Brigadier" And just like that, he walked off.

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Shizuka was not offended with that comment. She had sensed the joking tone of the blonde commandant and she didn't mind. However, she was rather bored now that Zelrius had mentioned it. "Eh. Sure, there really isn't much else to do during this time anyway." Shizuka said with a big smile in gratitude for Zelrius who had pretty much cleared off the quest for her. Nevertheless, she had gotten the banner and will surely be using it for good and good only. With a sigh, she followed Zelrius who was of course, heading off to an inn. 

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"I don't suppose you'd let your Commandant buy a drink for you?" He laughed to himself as they approached the inn building, made of half wood and half scrapped together pieces of metal, as all buildings and structures on the Ninth Floor were. "And if not, That's too damn bad, I am buying one for you anyhow. What do you want?" The boy went through the menu that a server had brought up on his own panel and quickly selected a Soda like substance, or rather, the SAO soda equivalent, given he didn't personally like any of the Alcoholic-ish things that were served, anywhere. 

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Shizuka was as about to refuse taking such an honor from Zelrius but she shut her yap before saying something that she would regret. It seems like the boy was warming up to her as he had offered to buy her a drink and truly she was thankful. She sat down in a chair next to the blonde commandant and it was as if he radianted power. Shizuka smiled before suggesting that a cup of hot chocolate would work as it is one of her most favorite beverages. Plus, the drink was warm enough to warm her heart up in delight. Shizuka smiled once more.

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"Very well then," Was all he commented. For a second, the boy was taken back to his memories with Kiru. Anytime Zelrius and Kiru stopped in an inn for various reasons, She had always ordered hot chocolate herself. His brows creased with thought as he was lost in the memory of his last encounter with his fellow Commandant. It seemed that he had left on a bad note, which he hated himself for. Kiru was one of the few people Zelrius called family and he had seemingly pissed her off. Letting out a sigh, he deiced he was being rude not talking to Shizuka. "So, what exactly got you started on the path of Support?"

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Shizuka smiled when she was asked this question. Not many people have truly wondered about her reason behind choosing that path but honestly, she wasn't the combat type and she never had been. She was a gentle pink haired woman, not someone you would imagine running around on a battle field ready to cut everything down. Shizuka smirked before answering the question with confidence, "Well, I have really liked being a support in other games and not just Sword Arts Online. The role fits me really, really well and I enjoy helping others. Even though the job can be truly nerve wrecking sometimes as you are in charge of someone's life, I think it's worth being a support... And how have you become such a good player commandant Zelrius?" 

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Zelrius thought that the kind and sweet personality that Shizuka ran around with was perfect for support, but it was also that same personality why the boy resented her so much. He simply didn't trust people who were inherently nice, mostly because he believed they all had something to hide, some darker agenda. However, as time went on, Zelrius grew less and less suspicious and more trusting of the pink haired support. It was her question that turned his mood grim in a hurry. "Prehaps I will tell you another day, if you ask nicely, Lady Shizuka. That story is a long one, and I am not entirely sure how it is I became so strong."

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