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[PP-F1] <<Earning A Living>> Don't Run When All Eyes Are On You ~ Teion

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Eliziana had been sitting under a shaded umbrella on the Fifth Floor sipping on a cool glass of ice water through a straw, watching this dancer dance around for what felt like the better part of the day. Eliziana had been mesmerized by her movements. There were a lot of dancers on the floor, really. Eliziana supposed that with the heat it made sense considering they wore less clothing they were more enticing to the male population of players. What Eliziana hadn't been able to figure out, despite ages of watching, was if this was a player or an NPC. The dancer didn't interact with anyone, or accept any tips, but also never seemed to repeat their repertoire. She sucked on the straw again, causing the ice in the glass to shift with the liquid leaving the cup. Finally, Eliziana pulled up her menu. She scrolled through her friends list, as small as it was, as she had a burning question. She had considered asking Emerath, but he never was one for this type of thing. No, Teion might be better for this.

Eliziana smiled as she popped open her messaging system and sent Teion a simple message saying, 'Teion! I have a question! Do you... think I can sing and dance?'

Edited by Eliziana
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Teion sat sprawled out across a bench in the middle of the first floor plaza. It seemed no matter where her adventuring took her, she always seemed to gravitate back to the Town of Beginnings. Her head was tilted back up to face the bright blue sky, and her eyes closed as she simply felt the slight warmth against her face. After a few minutes of sitting still like this, her eyebrows twitched slightly as the sound of a message notification beeped at her. She breathed in deeply through her nose before pulling her head to face forward and swiping her hand to open the menu. She pulled up a message from Eliziana, tilting her head in curiosity as she read. Teion frowned, unsure of what to think of the question. It certainly felt out of nowhere, and she wondered what prompted the topic. Lifting up her hands to type a reply, she sent, 'Oh, hmm. You would probably look cute! Why not give it a try?'

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Eliziana smiled as she read over Teion's response. Teion certainly had more faith in Eliziana than Eliziana herself did. She shook her head and pulled up her menu, seeing the rough location of where her friend was, and noting that she was on the First Floor. She drained the remainder of her ice water from her cup and stood slowly from her chair with a stretch, before glancing back at the dancer one more time, which had gone into yet another new routine. She giggled and started to make her way to the Teleport Gate, typing as she walked to Teion, 'Sounds great! I think there's a quest on the First Floor where I can learn the trade! Meet me at the NPC and we can party?'

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Teion let out a yawn and rubbed an eye as the sun continued shining above her. She didn't have to wait long for Eliziana's reply to pop up in her messages, and she pressed a couple of buttons to view it. She took a second to register the girl's words. "...Eh?" She muttered simply. As her foggy brain seemed to wake up, she tilted her head to the side. "Profession... Is that what the performer profession does?" She wondered aloud. She thought of one of those pop idol singers on TV, a teenage girl dressed in pink frills and bows. Her next thought was of Glow, the only other player she'd known that wanted to be a Performer. The two thoughts merged together for a moment and she let out a snort, giggling at the image in her mind.

A smile was still left on her face as she shook her head lightly to bring her focus back to the red-headed girl. She typed out another message, 'Ohh, sure! I believe it's a music shop that sells the basic recording crystals. I'll meet you there!'

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Eliziana had just made it to the Teleport Gate when Teion's response popped up. She gave a happy gasp at the acceptance and then quickly stood in the spot to teleport as she shouted, "Town of Beginnings!" and was enveloped in a blue sphere for teleportation. As she materialized on the First Floor she practically bounded her way over to the music shop in question. It was full of hustle and bustle, as would have been expected of a place where a quest to take a profession would be. Eliziana smiled as she partially edged her way through the crowd and partially waited in line to speak to the NPC. She felt nervous being around so many people, but she was too worried about getting the quest to think about that. As she reached the NPC, she explained her situation, and a quest window popped up in front of her. Eliziana practically beamed as she accepted it and she ran back out of the shop to search for her purple haired friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Teion approached the music shop after she took a couple of minutes to get her bearings and steer herself in the right direction. Despite having a clear map of the area, she never was, and probably never would be, good with directions. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled through her nose and looked around for half a second before she spotted the red-haired woman. A smile grew across Teion's face and she waved at Eliziana, walking up to her. "Hey! You've got the quest?" She asked, eager to know more about the profession. "What do you have to do for it?" She wondered if it differed much from the quest she completed to become a blacksmith. For that she had to go outside the city and collect materials. 'I hope she'll be okay if that's what we have to do...' Teion thought, recalling Eliziana's extreme dislike of the areas outside the safe zones.

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Eliziana's eyes lit up as she saw Teion, and she headed over and practically knocked the purple haired girl over with a hug. She lingered there for a moment, before pulling away, a huge smile on her face. As Teion asked what she would need to do, Eliziana realized that she hadn't actually read the quest text before accepting the quest and heading along on her merry little way. She giggled at her own silliness before pulling up her menu to look at the quest details there. "Well, it says that I need to go ahead and create some form of performance, and then perform it in front of 5 NPCs. This can be a dance, a song, or some other form of entertainment, but must be a full performance." She closed her menu and looked at Teion a bit wide eyed. "I-I know they're NPCs... b-but I don't k-know if I can actually p-perform something in f-front of someone..." Eliziana's telltale nervous stuttering had kicked in, and she wrapped her arms around herself as she looked away a bit sheepishly.

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"Oof!" Teion let out a puff of air as the red-head caught her in an embrace. After the initial shock, the girl smiled and returned the hug, tilting her head with intrigue when Eiliziana pulled away and brought up the quest information. Peeking over her shoulder, Teion skimmed at what text she could read before Eliziana turned to her with a scared expression. Teion's smile softened as she listened to her friend's nerves. She hooked her arm around Eliziana's and gave her a light tug, "Heyy, nothing to be nervous about!" She grinned. She tapped a finger from her free hand against her chin. "What kind of performances did you want to do once you got the profession? Do you like to dance? Or do you want to try everything?" She probed lightly, hoping to ease her mind while they made a plan of attack.

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