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Boza's Journal

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Username:      Boza
Real name:     Zachary Hilliard
Age:                20 (6th November)
Gender:          Male
Height:            6 ft 1’ or 185cm tall



-          Physical Appearance: Boza is around 180 lbs (82kg), with olive skin, dark brown eyes, thick eyebrows and medium-length black hair that flicks to the side. He has an athletic physique that is more lithe than brawny and often sports a large, toothy smile on his face. Despite only being in his early twenties, there are already faint laughter lines etched into his face. Having been born and bred in south-west London, Boza has a distinctly posh-sounding British accent, despite his Mediterranean heritage.


-          History: Boza had a fairly average upbringing, if a little privileged. He grew up in London and attended a private school where he was generally well-liked and always attained high grades. In his private school, he played rugby, chess and often engaged in debates as part of a society.  As he had always help a particular interest in science and received immense gratification in helping people, Boza decided to pursue a medical career for the future. He lived at home with his hardworking parents, who owned a successful business, whilst studying in medical school. He also had an elder sister, who was married, but still lived close to home. Despite being only 20, Boza had also been in a relationship for five years prior to the release of Sword Art Online and had planned to spend the rest of his life with his partner. His relationship with his girlfriend was serious enough that it meant he had less time to hang out with other friends and thus, whilst Boza was on a friendly basis with almost all of his classmates, he had no other ‘close’ friends.


Since a young age Boza has been gaming online, preferring strategic games or RPGs. He enjoyed the mental challenges of outsmarting others but, more than that, he enjoyed socialising with different people from around the world. When the release date of SAO came around, he found the pull of the online world too strong, and bought it, despite his need to study.


-          Personality: Generally very positive and excitable, Boza is more than happy to talk to anyone, even if they are complete strangers; and, as he is not a particularly opinionated individual, he tends to get on with most people that he meets. The only type of person that he doesn’t want to make friends with are those that are unnecessarily rude, unpleasant or cruel to others. Equally, not much seems to anger Boza – personal insults do not offend him – however abuse of any sort to close friends or family immediately enrages him. More often than not, though, Boza likes to maintain a light atmosphere in the groups he’s with, usually riddling his conversations with jokes and regularly producing puns/playing with words.


Conversely, when it comes to a fight, he is concise and blunt, as he does not want to risk anyone getting hurt unnecessarily. Boza is definitely a group-oriented player. He prefers not to be in the front line, but rather to hold back for a bit and analyse his enemies' technique and weaknesses. When he gleans information from the enemy, he endeavours to inform his teammates as quickly as possible, in order to improve their chances of succeeding in the fight. As a last resort, Boza will attack any weaknesses he finds himself suddenly and fiercely, utilising speed over strength. When fighting alone, Boza tries to end the battle quickly. Often trying to predict an enemy's attack after a short time into a fight, he will take a risk to put himself into a better position to end the fight swiftly.





-          Kind/Social – A ‘people person’, Boza thrives when socialising with others and is always willing to lend a sympathetic ear to friends and strangers alike. It is mainly his desire to help people and make people happier that drives him in his endeavours. Minimising people’s discomfort and unhappiness is usually his ultimate goal and, thus, in combat situations he is very unwilling to risk others’ lives. He also cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don't think of the repercussions or situation before doing so. Out of combat, he tries to make everyone feel comfortable to talk to him, regardless of their social ties.


-          Analytical/Perceptive – Boza’s strongest attribute is his intelligence and critical thinking. He thrives in situations where he can examine opponents for faults or weaknesses. He is able to easily assess situations objectively and recognise patterns in people’s actions (whether in combat or in social situations). He is also aware of his own abilities and strengths and therefore doesn’t tend to try to overpower or be faster than his opponents but, rather, tries to outsmart them.


-          Quick-thinking – Boza also relies on his quick reaction speed in conjunction with his intelligence, allowing him to respond quickly and appropriately in high octane situations. He is not one to easily lose out in debates, especially in rebuttals.


-          Loyal –Boza is utterly loyal to those he calls friends and family. Once he has decided he trusts someone, he will not betray them. Equally, he tends to believe the best about his friends and will defend them fiercely, despite what the reality of the situation may be. This often brings out a stubbornness in his character as, when confronted with the negative aspects of his loved ones, he will deny them vehemently, believing that he knows his family and friends best.




-          Idealist/Overly trusting/Naïve – Boza has a tendency to trust people a little too much – he often is optimistic about people’s nature. This stems mostly from his inability to understand why people would deliberately try to harm or deceive others, especially within the world of SAO, as everyone is stuck in the same predicament. If Boza cannot conceive the reasoning behind an ideal, he is loath to believe that people would have said belief. As such, he is frequently susceptible to betrayal.


-          Inability to lead – Even though he is quite comfortable interacting with people and functioning as part of a group, Boza cannot bring himself to act as a leader. Firstly, he struggles with producing motivational speeches. When attempting to rouse teammates, he stumbles over words and is unable to construct inspiring rhetoric. More importantly, however, Boza is scared of taking responsibility for others – especially in the world of SAO. He cannot bring himself to make decisions about others, knowing that they might lose their lives if he makes a mistake. In combat situations, he is more than happy to relay information about opponents and advise a leader on decisions, but the final command cannot rest with him. He is more than happy to risk himself, though.


-          Overly-cautious/Unwilling to take chances with others – As aforementioned, Boza is scared of taking responsibility for others. This further affects his decisions as he tends to err on the side of caution when planning strategies that involve teammates. He prefers a larger safety margin when in groups and if there is a risk that he deems necessary to take, he will always volunteer himself as the person to take it. This cautiousness also seeps into Boza’s everyday personality, as he tends to choose his words carefully in conversations so that he doesn’t offend or upset people.


-          Big-headed/Stubborn – However hard Boza tries to make people like him, one trait of his that is mostly what people dislike about him is his big-headedness. Boza believes in his own intelligence and judgement and therefore usually believes the decisions that he makes are the best option in situations. If people oppose his ideas, he tends to be very critical of the other person’s suggestions and tries to point out flaws in them. This occasionally leads to Boza making his own decisions in fights and, if he doesn’t agree with the plan that the group is following, potentially enacting his own plan alone.






-          None as of yet.




SP Available:  0


SP Spent:        5


Utility and Mobility Skills:

Combat Skills:

Weapon Skills:


-          One handed Straight Sword, Rank One (Novice)




Armour Skills:



Locked Skills:






-          Starter one handed straight sword





-          Cloth shirt


-          Cloth trousers


-          Simple shoes




-          10 x Bread


-          15 x Water





[Floor 1] Starting City





Story Thus Far:          





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