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(SP-F1) Materials For Appraisals COMPLETE!

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Ebony grimaced to herself as she exited the safe zone of the starting city. Her beloved Sinnon was busy, and she needed a good number of materials. Manta and her had been discussing plans and making deals with various blacksmiths and merchants in an attempt to take advantage of the new appraisal system. They were all set now, with Hikoru doing the appraisals and Tenshi and Teion supplying good items for them to use. Hikrou needed materials for the appraisals, and had a fee per appraisal, so Manta was going out to get the col and Ebony was stuck hunting for mats. The truth was. Manta probably had it harder. That still didn't mean that Ebony had to be happy about her job though.

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Ebony started out, the sun high in the sky. She glanced around to check for any materials that might be lying on the ground, but couldn't see any. Then she would likely have to find some mobs to fight. Sometimes you could get a bunch of materials from an AOE attack, much more than you would get from searching around on the ground. She unsheathed her dagger, the pure white blade seeming to glow in the sunlight. White wasnt really her color, but it was a good weapon.

 ID# 39843 results:

 Loot: 5 Fail

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Ebony marched further into the fields, brandishing her dagger as she spotted a small herd of boars. Just as she had done when hanging out with Sinnon, she walked into their midst, and before they could attack she activated Round Accel, twirling in place, her dagger slashing into the boars twice each. The boars burst into pixels one by one, leaving her with four mats.

 ID# 39844 results:

 Battle: 8

 Loot: 17 (+2)= 19 

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Ebony: 88/88 EN: 18/22 (-4)

Loot: 4 Mats

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Ebony smiled, glancing over the materials she had already gotten. She walked over to another group of boars, activating <<Disguise>>, her appearance transforming to that of Manta. She activated Round accel again, slicing into the confused boars and killing them. They burst into pixels, giving her another four materials. This was looking to be a good mat hunt.

 ID# 39845 results:

 Battle: 3 (+2+1)=6 Hit!

 Loot: 20 +4 Mats

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Ebony: 88/88 EN: 14/22

Total: 8 mats

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It was probably time to let her energy regenerate a bit, so she moved around a bit, keeping her eyes on the ground. Amber pieces seemed to be quite common in this area, so she kept her eyes out for those little gold colored pieces of rock. It wasn't long before she found one, and she leaned down and picked it up, depositing it in her inventory. Her luck seemed to be holding up so far.

 ID# 39846 results:

 Loot: 14 (+2)= 16 +1 Mat

Total Loot: 9 Mats

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That was plenty of energy restoration for her, time to get back to fighting mobs. She moved on to yet another group of boars, once again activating Round Accel. Her dagger hacked into each boar twice before the group of boars disintegrated into pixels. This was definitely a good day for mat hunting. She had barely started and she already had thirteen materials.

 ID# 39847 results:

 Battle: 10 Hit!

 Loot: 14 (+2)= 16 +4 Mats

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Ebony: 88/88 EN: 11/22 (-4)

Total Loot: 13 Mats

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As much as she hated waiting for her energy to restore, it was still necessary, so she sheathed her dagger and looked around on the ground for those little pieces of amber. After a few minutes she was still unsuccessful. Still, it would only be a matter of time before she found one. And if she didnt by the time her energy restored she could just go fight some more mobs.

LD: 12 (+2)= 14 Fail

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She still wasnt finding any materials, even after another few minutes of searching. The upside of this was that she was regenerating her energy while she searched. She wondered if maybe she should invest some skill points into Search and Detect. That would certainly make this much much easier. It would come at the cost of less effectiveness in combat though. Maybe she would do that after grandmastering first aid and getting more armor skills.

 ID# 39858 results:

 Loot: 2 Fail

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She continued to search, her mind on other things such as what skills to get next. She finally decided on grandmastering first aid and then moving on to her sword skills. After that she could splurge a little and get some search and detect. She still didn't find any materials, but at least her energy bar was back to full now. Now she could go hunt some more weak mobs.

 ID# 39859 results:

 Loot: 4 Fail

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(My luck has abandoned me.)

She decided to look around a bit more for some more materials but once again found none. It seemed like her luck from earlier had completely deserted her. It was bound to come back soon though, so she continued searching. The next herd of boars she found would be getting dagger slashes. She really needed materials, and that seemed to be the best way to get them.

 ID# 39861 results:

 Loot: 5 Fai

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She couldn't see any herds of mobs though, so she continued to search for materials in the nearby area. Unsurprisingly she still didn't find any. There was nothing to do but keep looking though. Her purple eyes flitted back and forth, fixated on the ground for anything at all that could work as a material. This had changed from the profitable venture it had been earlier in the day.

 ID# 39863 results:

 Loot: 12 (+2)= 14 Fail

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This was definitely not going as well as it had been at first. Even with the buff added from her diamond she still wasnt getting anything. No herds of boars to slaughter, no pieces of amber to pick up... She couldn't stop now. She unsheathed her dagger just in case she came across a group of boars she could kill for materials. She was frustrated but not to the point of giving up.

 ID# 39868 results:

 Loot: 4


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Finally. Her eye locked onto what looked to be an emerald lying on the ground. She ent down and picked it up, depositing it in her inventory. It wasnt a herd of boars, but at least it was something. Maybe her luck was coming back to her. She was always in need of materials, so she decided to stay out a little longer and keep trying to get more. After all, Hikoru needed the materials for the appraisals.

 ID# 39869 results:

 Loot: 16 Success

Total Loot: 14 Mat

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Alright, maybe her luck wasn't returning to her. Shed had a nice streak of luck at the beginning, but that same luck still deserted her now. Maybe a group of players had been here just before her and ad cleared the area out. That was always a possibility, but she couldn't give up now. She sheathed her dagger again. It wasnt doing anything to help her find the materials after all.

 ID# 39871 results:

 Loot: 10 (+2)= 12 Fai

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Ebony heard a grunting sound coming from in front of her and looked up to see a herd of boars. She unsheathed her dagger again and charged in, activating Round Accel and letting loose, her dagger slicing through the air and decimating the mobs. There were another four materials to add to the count. It looked like she had been wrong about before. Her luck really was returning to her, albeit in fits and bursts.

 ID# 39876 results:

 Battle: 6

 Loot: 20

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Boar: 0/6 (-6)

Ebony: 88/88 EN: 18/22 (-4)

Total Loot: 18 Mats

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Ebony looked around at the ground around where she had killed the boars. Another emerald was lying not to far away, so she skipped over to it happily, bending down and depositing it in her inventory. She had a good number of materials but still hoped to increase that count before heading in. She ws always in need of more materials, so she might as well get as many as she could while her luck was holding out.

 ID# 39878 results:

 Loot: 17 Success

Total Loot: 19 Mats

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Ebony glanced up after gathering the material, her eyes locking on yet another group of boars. She charge in, her dagger glowing red with the light of Round Accel. She felt like she was over suing it a bit, but it did it's job. Another four materials to add to her inventory. She was definitely doing well with the materials today. Twenty three was a ton of materials when you think about it.

 ID# 39879 results:

 Battle: 7 Hit

 Loot: 19

Total Loot: 23 Mats

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Ebony's eyes scoured the ground in the surrounding area, alighting on a piece of crystal .She walked over to it and picked it up. That was another material. As boring as this was, she couldn't help feeling happy and elated for getting so many materials in such a short time. She sheathed her blade and started to walk back to the city. She had no doubts that she woudlr un into some more boars on the way.

 ID# 39882 results:

 Loot: 18

Total Loot: 24 Mats

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The sun was starting on it's way down as she got closer to the city. In that time she managed to find another piece of amber. It was a productive day, and one that Ebony doubted would ever be repeated. She had been so lucky that she had no doubt the next time she attempted this she would get nothing at all. She continued to walk towards the city, still happy even though she'd had that depressing thought.

 ID# 39883 results:

 Loot: 20

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She reached the gates of the city, taking a moment to look around for materials. She still had a bit of time and she didn't want to waste any. Who knew, maybe she would run across some more materials before she went in. She coudln't find any though, so she went ahead and entered the city. Twenty five materials was an impressive feat, at least in her opinion. It had been a good day.

 ID# 39885 results:

 Loot: 11 Fail

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