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[PP-F1] Foundations (Kiru)

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The first two days of Sword Art Online were... interesting. Jazmyne socialized much more than she probably ever had in an entire lifetime, always meeting others in odd ways, though on the inside she felt grateful for being presented with potential friends, even if she didn't seem to feel this way on the outside. She had also been "reborn". No longer did an angry, lonely, pathetic little girl take her place. Now stood a woman who feared just as much as everyone else, yet had discovered what path she'd take on the journey that would end with escaping this death game. Jazmyne was strong because she now allowed herself to feel the emotions she'd previously ignored. Maybe that didn't matter the to gaming system, considering how weak she was in level and power, but it sure did matter an awful lot to the brunette who would've never thought she'd be willing to fight in the first place. Doing so just took so much... Work. It'd likely be quite a while before anyone could find Jazmyne out in the fields by herself, without aid, or with a Profession and her own shop, but she was taking baby steps towards her future every day.

Today not necessarily being one of those days filled with progress of any type. In fact Jazmyne had been idly walking around, stopping when curiosity brought her to a couple musicians playing their instruments in the middle of a bustling part of the Starting City. The music wasn't all that bad, honestly, and Jazmyne could actually listen to it without internally cringing or walking away in disgust. When the show had ended the singer of the group remained on her high-in-the-air pedestal whilst the rest of the group climbed off of their lower-placed spots. Naturally the singer desired more attention and even bowed a few times, waving in the style of a Princess with a bright smile plastered onto her face.

And then she fell.

After enough attention had been gained, the singer moved to jump from her pedestal to join her fellow musicians and slipped in a very ungraceful fashion. Screaming, plunging towards the ground, the singer now lay face-first, body sprawled out on the ground like a corpse. Jazmyne grinned. Then she smiled. And soon laughter erupted from the brunette as she clutched her burning stomach. The rest of the crowd either snickered, watched in awe, chatted about the event, walked away, or rushed to help the blonde singer. Nobody laughed as hard as Jazmyne did, or so she thought until the black and white haired female standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the teenager decided to let out mocking chuckles similar to Jazmyne's. Maybe even louder. With an expression and sigh of satisfaction Jazmyne leaned over to speak to this mystery player. One that'd immediately caught her interest and ultimately seemed to have great taste.

"She probably faked it for attention. Girls like her make me sick, really."

Okay, she was sort of being a hypocrite. but Jazmyne fell oblivious to this fact and continued to think this because of such ignorance.

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There wasn't anything special about the First Floor, yet it was the one I went to when I had nothing better to do. Mostly, I came here for the cafes and for a laugh at the amount of people still living in the Town of Beginnings. It was common for anyone under level ten to still be mooching off of the boars in the field for col and staying at an Inn every night. So, seeing so many people around here was not too out of the ordinary. Anyone over level ten at least were here for the cheap potion prices and possibly tricking the lower levels into buying something overpriced, but that wasn't my problem. I had to learn the hard way, and they should too. Plus, last time I intervened I physically had to scare them away before they could get my speech through their head. Now however, I was interested in the event that was taking place in the center part of town, the busiest place of course. I contemplated sitting on a roof close by and watching alone, but ultimately decided against it in order to branch out and try to see if I still didn't like the musicians of Aincrad up close. 

I found myself next to a shorter girl, whom I decided wasn't worth talking to, seeing as though I would be in and out. After all, the show was ending in a few minutes. To be honest, I was satisfied with their music, unlike others'. My mind traced back to the first time I met Tristan. He was playing guitar by himself and quite frankly it made me angry at the time. I thought the plucking of his fingers against his guitar was extremely annoying. (Which now that I thought about it, I was just being a self absorbed teenager.) The point was, I really did not appreciate his music until he stopped playing, meaning a couple of months ago. Now however, I liked the soft tunes that soared trough the air from above. The blonde singer sounded quite nice and the small ukes and guitars were a nice touch. The pedestals were a bit much, they didn't even match the outfits the group wore. That didn't retract from the music though, they were still pretty nice. So much that I clapped quietly and tipped them a few col. 

I turned to leave before everyone else decided to as well, but heard more cheering. I placed my eyes back on them and then it hit me. How would they get down? I smirked, thinking about how hilarious it must have been to watch them try and get up there. The side members got of just fine without any help, but the lead decided to linger and get more attention from her fans. I scoffed, lame. 

That was when she slipped. 

A sudden snort escaped my mouth the moment it happened. I covered my mouth but couldn't help it, I totally called that one. I laughed even harder when I noticed the girl next to me found this funny as well. She then leaned closer to me. I tried to hold my laughs and listen to her, but after she said it was all just for attention I burst out laughing again. Though probably no one else was laughing, I didn't care, they were all here for her, I was here for myself. 

"Probably. This was she'll get more col and free care. People who need attention by causing scenes are the worst," I said, knowing that I was an attention seeker myself. The only difference was that I actually get attention by doing something like killing a boss, not by falling from twenty feet.  

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Pleased with the female's reaction to her joke, Jazmyne smiled widely and continued to giggle now and then, attempting to speak while grasping her stomach to end possible laughter from reaching her vocal cords. "The innocent looking ones are always the bad girls. I'm honestly not surprised." Analyzing the scene, Jazmyne rolled her eyes in reaction to blonde singer who remained on the ground, mouth gaping open yet body frozen as multiple players swarmed her. "Bet you she screams like a little baby and runs off." Jazmyne said, rather amused, speaking with a mocking tone. The singer had tears running down her sharp cheeks bones faster than waterfalls, head shaking as she muttered insults towards herself and other band members. Then, that's when Jazmyne's assumptions came to life, seeing as the blonde had lost it and pumped her thin legs furiously while creating distance between herself and the two females who continued to laugh at the expense of her despair. A loud shriek could be heard, easily comparable to a child's, one that echoed throughout the city. "I knew it." The brunette flipped her thick, brown locks, body turning slightly so she could make eye contact with the stranger's icy blue irises. They were beautiful in color much like the female's unique, two-toned, lengthy hair, which left Jazmyne envious all the while desiring a special hair color that would define her appearance yet give her an enhanced sense of power. And such power emitted from the stranger's intimidating aura, not that Jazmyne would back away. No. In fact she'd suddenly become intrigued by this mystery player.

"The noise coming from that brat's mouth must go on for a mile. It was worse than a cat's nails scratching on a chalkboard." Jazmyne shivered, no longer giggling yet grinning, being completely honest about her feelings towards the singer. "She can sing, though, I'm surprised." She admitted, having enjoyed the blonde's music yet despising the singer's regular voice in general. Like a Barbie doll come to life, Jazmyne thought, both hands on her hips as she awaited a response from the strange woman next to her. Most of the crowd had left by now, only a few players hanging out and talking to one another while the band had rushed for their main member upon her sudden outburst. This left the two to speak alone even while in public, creating a peaceful setting that seemed to have stopped in time while the rest of the world moved around them, a feeling that Jazmyne enjoyed seeing as she never rested. Always moved. Always kept her feet going even if they'd become sore over the years. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I laughed even harder at the presumably younger woman's statement. "I guess that would make me an angel with my looks!" I exclaimed, glancing at the stranger for a moment, then returning to the young blonde crumpled helplessly on the ground. She looked in pain, but I knew for a fact that the pain sensors were down almost to nothing in safezones. Even if you decided to jump off a building you probably wouldn't feel it all the much. Which brought back memories, painful ones, no pun intended. I had a high pain tolerance but sometimes it got to be a bit much. For example, not being able to move in a river as someone stabs your stomach repeatedly until you finally do something. I winced at the memory and lifted my shirt just slightly to check for any markings. None, as expected. You didn't retain scars from inside the game. If you did I would probably look pretty bad along with everyone else that was in Azure. In fact, a lot of people in this game probably would not look too hot if that was true. So, this girl was totally faking her act. 

Suddenly, the girl got up and sprinted away with tears in her eyes. It was just as the girl said, which amused me enough to smirk. "Yeah, I'm not too big a fan of screeching. But yes, she can sing pretty well. I don't think I could sing that well compared to her. I guess that's why she's the one with the concert and not me." I chuckled and watched as the crowd around us dissipated. The band members ran after the blonde, the angry players sneered at us, (which I returned with a glare), and the mourning players shuffled behind the band members, calling prayers and get wells after her, desperately wanting her attentions of course. She would like that, I bet. It seemed like only a few people lingered though, which was very strange for such a busy town. If anything, it was calming. I never really learned to stay in one place for too long, mostly because I was constantly being chased by angry PKers that wanted to claim vengeance but other than that I just could not keep myself occupied for so long. Even when I first met Keith I was angry when he wanted to sleep for the night, he was wasting so much time. So, this town right now was very relaxing- and I planned to take advantage of this deserted town. I closed my eyes for about ten seconds, then opened and faced the girl with an outstretched hand. 

"Hi, I'm Kiru, but you can call me whatever you want as long as I approve. I am a first class, rude, and sassy little girl that is quite impatient. A quick backstory on me without making anyone too teary eyed at my sad, sad, past: some idiot, my dead fiance, left this game in my locker at school. Fast forward a year or two, and I joined a guild called the Azure Brigade. It was the strongest until things began to falter and people were being killed for no reason. Hopefully I'm not a target, as I was one of the five commandants, but who cares. I would like to know your name and if you want to play a game, a fun one. I don't know the name, hide and seek tag? Manhunt? Anyways, I'll explain if you want." 

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Psh," Jazmyne rolled her eyes though still chuckled in betrayal of her stoic look. "I would've never guessed." She commented in reaction to the other female player's statement, eyeing the otherwise attractive appearance in deep thought, second guessing all of her previous assumptions. "Singing is easy. I could help you if you ever decide to become... well whatever species she was." Though Jazmyne wouldn't mind being flaunted before a crowd and showing off her spectacular voice, she certainly wouldn't choose the route of becoming a dramatic diva in such a lousy game. Perhaps in the real world, but then again that would take effort and work and too much socializing. It seemed the other had the crowd taken care of with her down-to-a-point glares thus Jazmyne remained staring ahead in the direction of the scene, arms folded and expression relaxed. "Personally I'd rather watch you, you seem far more interesting Kiru. Nice to meet you, and take it from me when I say that I'm definitely not lying." Jazmyne felt the need to mention the fact that she was trustworthy and far from a liar simply because Kiru seemed like someone who'd be gone in a second and if you didn't say all you wanted to say then you'd be left wishing you had taken the chance to speak more. The brief history given reminded Jazmyne of what Sword Art Online truly was. And that made her all the more confused since Kiru seemed so young and a girl who had just as much a chance in the world as Jazmyne. But if Kiru didn't seek pity then Jazmyne would give her none out of respect.

"Well," The brunette flipped her long locks behind both shoulders before turning in Kiru's direction. She was getting bored of the current scenery anyways, dark eyes now focused on the figure before her. "I don't have anything else to do for as long as we're stuck here. Go ahead and explain I'm actually interested. I''m used to a little... competition anyways." A smirk should set the mood, and so Jazmyne plastered one on her face to further express interest.

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