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[PP-F10-NK] Thriller Night <<Wail of the Banshee>>(Hikoru and Lowenthal)

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Lowenthal stared at the door in anticipation, awaiting the moment when it would burst down and whatever it was behind would come charging at them. But that moment never came. The pounding stopped, the room growing eerily quiet. Only Hikoru's heavy breathing emanated noise, which echoed through the room. Then Lowe could hear it, he shuffle behind the door, and he braced himself. The door fell under the beasts strength finally, and caved in. One door was thrown to the ground, the other now busted beyond use. Lowenthal's eyes grew wide as he stared at the faceless monster in front of him. As disturbing as it was, it was just a monster. Jomei took point, and quickly used his rapier to do a decent amount of damage to it. The monster's health bar dipping was a breath of fresh air, if it bleeds, then they could kill it. Hikoru's attack was a surprise. Not that Hikoru gathered the courage to attack, but that it was such a low damage compared to Jomei's. "Hikoru! Don't hold back!" Lowenthal called out to him, before rushing forward himself. Lowenthal had his dagger in his hand, and long the way he crushed the damage potion he had stored away. A nice trade from when he made Ariel and Hikorus wedding garments. The beast moved suddenly, and lifted one of it's appendages at him. The base split into two, revealing a mouth. Lowenthal reacted, and rolled underneath it's attack, and activated his charge ability. His sword art cut into the monster several times, before lowenthal took a step back. "Dammit! It's still standing!?" Lowenthal looked at his weapon, unsure of what happened. He took every precaution. He even popped a crystal, but why was his damage still behind that of Jomei's? Was the DPS side of things nerfed again by the system, or was it something else? He gritted his teeth in frustration. "Whatever, it's on it's last leg! Let's finish it!" Lowenthal said, focusing back on the matter at hand.

ID: 68894 BD: 6(4+1Concentration + 1Accuracy) MD: 5(8-3)

[H: 1] Jomei: 946/946 (83/94)
[H: 0] Hikoru: 855/855
[H: 1} Lowenthal: 640/640

Closer: 23/500 (273-50=223)
Mit: 50 Dmg 120

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After his comrades had dealt devastating attacks into the body of the deformed humanoid, the monstrosity remained standing, its health bar trickling into the deep red. Jomei's eyes widened in shock for a moment, just how strong was this enemy that the three of them could not take out so quickly? Last time he was here.. the monsters, even the Banshee, fell to their blades in single hits. Jomei shuddered, feeling as though the quest had scaled to their levels.. and knowing that the banshee would be twice as tough as this guy. 

The Irishman shook his head and saw an opportunity for attack. Jumping backwards, he landed on his hands and vaulted himself back to his feet to gain a bit more distance. "Lowe! Brace yourself!" Jomei shouted as his back foot pressed into the stone floor and launched him forward. He swiftly ran towards Lowenthal's back and jumped, using his shoulder as a spring board. Jomei launched himself towards  the high ceiling of the prison, flying just above the mini-boss' head. Then, coming down like a mortar launched into the sky, Jomei jabbed his blade forward and shot down with the help of his sword art. The blade of his rapier pierced straight through the head of the beast, causing it to crumple to the ground and shatter into pixels. 

The ginger raised to his feet, pulling his blade from the ground and turning to his friends. On the ground in the center of them dropped a large iron key. Walking over to it, Jomei bent to the ground and grabbed it in his hands. "Alright, now that thats over. Lets get into that room and find this banshee.. or whatever else wants to surprise us." 

ID: 69018
BD: 10 
Shooting Star: 13 x 7 = 91 (-50) = 41 dmg
MD: 1
LD: 20

[H: 1] Jomei: 946/946 (77/94)
[H: 1] Hikoru: 855/855
[H: 1} Lowenthal: 640/640

Closer: 0/500

+2500 col
+2 mats


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Hikoru breathed and stood as Jomei and Lowe finished off the creature with their high damage, and he sighed. He missed his high damage, and he wished he could have done more than he did, but he was testing his new build, and would have to stick with it until the end, so he could easily finish it and continue on. He looked at Lowe and just gave a small and low chuckle as he sheathed his dagger, shaking in his boots at the thought of continuing through this creepy place

"S-sorry, my new build isn't complete...." He said with a small breath and continued moving forwards, closer to the door that was locked moments ago, and he hoped that he could get in and finish this quest and leave this building, and never return as long as he lived. This place wasn't comfortable for him at all. And he knew that it would haunt him for a few days, making it hard to be able to stay on this floor for long. 

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