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[PP-F15] Monkey Business <<WotW:TLC>>

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... A month later... Sorry...

A moment after she had backed away from her opponents, Birdie stroke forward like a streak of lightning, blasting through her opponent. The woman's form was on point, and her speed at a high point. Hidden herself could probably move faster, but Birdie was no amateur. Macradon finished off the last of the monkeys, making quick work of the quest that was a little overleveled for her. Now they just had to fine that mane. "Nice work" Hidden spoke to the other players. They were a formalized team, but for now one of their members seemed t have done absolutely nothing. She was a healer, and in large groups were monsters were decimated, they were just not needed. A wasted potential from the blond girl. Macradon began to move forward at the tower, speaking of the mane. She nodded and began to walk forward, slinking back into a shadow, becoming harder to see, but definitely possible from the non-scout. She was not the worst at the Sneak skill, but she definitely had not invested into it as much as Hikoru had done. She slunk down into the shadows of the grass as she began to head towards the castle. The players around her would probably see her, but she did not care at this point. 

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Walking up to the tower, Macradon would take a small stroll around the tower, trying to find the fabled mane of courage that they were supposed to find, but alas, it was nowhere to be found. “Doesn’t seem like it was just dropped outside the tower, but that would’ve just been too easy” Macradon said with a light chordle as he would begin to enter the tower. It was huge, extremely tall with a lot of stairs spiraling up through the tower. “Don’t tell me the mane is at the top again” he said with a heavy sigh as he changed outfit from his decked out full plate armor to his Casual Clothes that were more comfortable to walk around with, and less heavy than plates of steel strapped to your body. Macradon would go up ten … twenty … thirty stair before getting up to the first leveled surface with a few bookcases with some of the books fallen out of it, but no sight of the mane.

ID: 89128
LD: 5+5+3=13, nothing found.

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  • 3 months later...

ID: 94183
LD: 8

Kasier sighed. The quest was about to be over, and according to what she thought, all they needed to do now was to find a quest item or something of the sorts. To be completely honest, she had forgotten what she was supposed to search for, but in this game, it didn't really matter what you knew and what you didn't, does it? The game basically does everything for you, to the point where cognition is no longer needed for humanity to function. Thus, she let the game do its work, searching for this item or thing that would get them this quest completed. Unfortunately, and not surprising to Kasier, she had failed to successfully find this thing, so she would just have to search for it at a later time in a different location.

@Macradon @Hidden @Birdie

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Humming a happy tune, Macradon went around inside the spiral tower, looking for the cauldron for the quest, he found it the last time, so he should have an advantage of finding it now, but he wasn’t too sure about that. He walked around the stairs, the different floors in the tower and finally a small route around the outside of the tower, but it didn’t seem like it was hiding in plain sight. “Aight, maybe I’ll have to move furniture aside this time” he thought for himself as he strolled into the tower again. He would enter the tower and look behind chairs, tables and bookshelves. “Ahhh” he muttered for himself as he moved a bookshelf to the side, revealing the hidden cauldron. He would grab the item and shout out into the tower for those in his vicinity could hear it “Hey, everyone! I found the cauldron!”. He would walk down the tower again to the bottom and exit, waiting for everyone to group up again.

ID: 94188
LD: 18+5+3=26, Cauldron found :d

Edited by Macradon
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