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Pikyu's journal (i lied)

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Pikyu Journal

O-Oh uhm hi! My name is u-uhm pikyu! And i’ll be writing about myself here! ^^

Name: Pikyu

Age: 19 years old

gender: female

Personality: very shy and isn’t really a big groups person, although she will most likely join one.

Height: 5’’2’

what she looks like: She has brown hairs with a single ponytail at the back of her head, she has blue eyes and the clothes she wears are: very basic armor, she never really upgraded it or tried to get new gear since she didn't plan on leaving. the colors are mostly gray or green since she has'n't gotten any guild specific clothes since she's not in a guild.



Good with animals

She was Always good with animals, ever since her mom got her a dog when she was young she loved animals, she found them cute and fluffy and Always wants to protect them, whenever she finds an abandoned animal she Always brings it home, although her parents did not quite enjoy it, it was ideal so that she wont be as sad when one of them dies. She also found a fascination in foxes since she found them a mix of a dog and a cat, which were her 2 favorite animals since she owned many of them she grew up knowing what they ate and what they liked to do. She also loves to approach and try to feed and/or pet any animal she finds cute enough to.

Quite nimble

As you'll read later on she's quick to flee and because of that she is quite nimble, although she's not the fastest she can get away quite quickly if you don't suspect it, when she was younger she had to run away from bullies but couldn't outrun them so she tried and tried again until she was quick enough to get away from them, she tried to keep that speed till today, although she may be a bit slower right now but she will quickly get back at speed because she's scared of most things and well run away, but once she gets her familiar she'll most likely be fighting more than fleeing since she'll feel more secure.

She's a good cook

She has been a great cook ever since her father got sick and her mother was out at work alot, she had to cook for her dad and for her little brother, so she started to learn cooking from online videos and cook books, she kept on cooking even after her dad recovered and so she kept her ability to be a great cook! She also loved being a cook onoy found it a bit sad that animals had to die for food but she knew it was for survival, she also had a part-time job on as a cook in one of the beginning towns restaurants which she did enjoy alot but had to leave after she went out to try and beat the game and get back home.


she's easily scared

Ever since she was little she Always was easily scared which made her an easy target for bullies which made her only more easily scared, if you go up and touch her from behind she'll most likely flinch or run away slightly, she doesn't mind sudden movements aslong as it's not towards her. She'll most likely get scared if an enemy suddenly appears but once she gets her familiar she'll mostly try to find comfort with it, if you somehow team up with her you'll most likely be stuck with someone that'll end up being more of a mascot than anything so be prepared for that. Aslong as she has a familiar she'll slowly start to get scared less easily.

She isn't a very big social person

Because she got bullied when she was younger she started to isolate herself more and more which meant that she didn't talk alot to other people. She'll mostly be that quiet person that'll mostly open up if you spend enough time with her (mhm i know very Original) she'll mostly be talking to her familiar once she gets one and that'll most likely be your source of information, by listening to what she says to her familiar. But in the end when she opens up you'll know everything about her day since she'll be eager to talk to you about stuff, She loves her pet and will most likely end up picking up some noises that her familiar makes and will copy them, just as a heads up.

She isn't very good with combat

She has Always been a pacifist, she never liked to hurt even a fly, so she'll most likely end up not wanting to use a weapon at all, but maybe after alot of training she might slowly start to get used to it, but that's mostly up to the people that'll train her at using a weapon. She'll mostly end up letting her familiar do most of the work but she will get over emotional if her familiar gets hurt. As said before she will mostly end up as a mascot for the team she'll be on. But with enough training and time she'll slowly start to go into combat herself, while she might not be the best at combat she'll still try her best, and it'll be up to her trainer on which weapon she'll specialize in.

Skills/Inventory: Set D "Support Package":

  • A dagger
  • The generic starting armor
  • (3) Starter Healing Potions (Heals 50 HP)
  • 2,000 Col and (25) Tier 1 materials





Weapon skills:





A little story about her: (get it because she’s small)

Pikyu was always a shy kid, never really around people and not really making friends, she started to play games and got fascinated by vr and all the new fancy stuff, after begging her mom way too much and trying to save up the second she heard the nervegear was being made, she wanted it so badly she begged for her mom to let her stay over for 2 nights, after her mom agreed she waited there in a tent for 2 days, and on the day it got released she got in line the second it was past 00:01 am, she wasn’t the first nor the last, after she got it and somehow managed to get the new game she quickly went back home set it all up and quickly read through the manual (mhm she’s that kind of person) after that she put it on her head laid down in bed and turned the game on, she found herself not being alone but with alot of people already in the game, after sometime of her wandering around she got teleported back into the town sqaure and got refused, then saw the sky get encased by red and a monster appear, she thought it would be apart of the opening ceremony, but oh was she wrong, after being told that she can’t leave till she clears the game she colapsed onto the ground and started to slowly cry, after crying for what seemed like 20 minutes and everyone was already gone she finally got up and decided that she would not leave the town after hearing so many people have already died. After scrambling to get money everyday she finally decided to get out of town and that’s where her story begins


(not alot ik but don’t be mad at me i’m not the best story teller)


Hope you have a great day,

Pikyu (Derpikyu on discord)

Edited by derpikyu
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