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[PP - F21] The Quest for Knowledge

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The bell over the door jingled cheerily as Lessa slipped inside. At the front desk, the brunette glanced up from the massive book that was opened across the glass. As the initial surprise on her heart-shaped face turned to recognition, she grinned. “My favorite customer!”

Lessa returned the broad smile, glanced around, and replied, “Your ONLY customer.”

Regina scoffed, slipping a bookmark between the pages with a practiced, habitual grace. Though concern ghosted across her expression, the smile never wavered. “There isn’t much use for literature on the frontlines.”

Lessa studied her friend. The other player was only in her mid-twenties, but the half-moon glasses that perched on her button nose made her look older. The emerald eyes that peered through them brimmed with intelligence, and just a touch of mischief, which was something that Lessa admired. Regina owned the small bookstore, which had struggled for as long as Lessa could remembered. There were few books within Aincrad, and though some players sold their own works, business was always slow.

“More for me, then,” the blonde answered briskly, hoping to sweep aside her friend’s worries. “Speaking of which, do you have anything new for me?”

The smile left Regina’s face, and she shook her head solemnly. “I’m afraid not. I’m sorry, but I haven’t added to my stock this week.” It was not the first time, and odds were likely, it would not be the last.

Lessa shrugged. “No big deal,” she answered. “My kids can keep working out of the books we have.” The students who visited Lessa for tutoring would be disappointed, of course, but they would get over it. It wasn’t as if a lack of books was their biggest problem in Aincrad.

Regina nodded slowly. Then, her face lit again. That was another thing that Lessa appreciated about the librarian - she was as easy to read as the books she peddled. “I did hear a juicy rumor you might be interested in.”

Skeptically, Lessa eyed the other player. “You know I don’t go chasing rumors anymore.”

Regina waggled her prim eyebrows, then leaned forward, whispering conspiratorially. “I think you might want to chase this one.”

“Fine, spill.”

Grinning again, Regina spoke. “Another customer told me that her friend’s boyfriend heard about a random instance in the caves on level twenty-one.”

Lessa frowned, but nodded her friend onward. “Uh-huh.”

“The instance is supposedly seasonal, which is why no one has seen it before. And the rumor claims that the event shows up in your quest menu as ‘Knowledge Acquired.’”

That caught Lessa’s attention. “A book, maybe?”

Regina gave a one-shouldered shrug, trying for nonchalance, and missing by a mile. “I imagine it could be.” Then she feigned a frown when she noticed Lessa moving toward the door. “Hey now, no thank you?”

“Thank you!” Lessa called back over her shoulder.

“I’d better get first crack at that thing if you decide to sell it!” But Lessa was already out the door, and the twinkle of bells was her only response. Chuckling, the bookkeeper returned to her stool, and her waiting story.

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Write, rewrite, sketch, double check, complete. That was the job of an Info Broker, and the pattern resonated within Hikoru. He rubbed his eyes as he leaned back into his chair, the coffee cups sitting next to him in the dozens. He had been up most if the night working, trying to go through everything on the new floor. As everyone else prepared for the upcoming boss fight: Training, grinding levels, getting potions prepared, Hikoru was at his desk, studying, trying to figure out what he could about the hidden lore of Floor 23. This had left him with no time to prepare, and he would probably have little to nothing and have a greater chance of dying, if he gained Hate. 

"How many is that one?" he heard a voice ask. Hikoru looked to see his apprentice, Aru. His real name was unknown, as was protocol within the Info Broker Society, or IBS, as they called it. Hikoru just yawned and stretched "That'll be number 64, and none of them give any clues on the boss, or anything about Quests... Just pointless rumours." he said with a defeated sigh. Nothing had come up how he wanted it, and it was bothering him. It was like an itch he couldn't scratch, and it wouldn't go away. Aru just let out a sigh, his black cloak swept back on his shoulders, and his Curved Sword sitting on his belt. "You should really take a break, let your mind relax... Your pushing yourself too hard Hikoru." he said sympathetically. Hikoru just shook his head

"What else is there for me to do? All other floors have been explored and exploited for all hidden quests..." He said, finishing the last of the cold coffee he had left. Aru gave a sly smile and reached behind hid cloak. "Not, everything." He said, bringing out a black folder, indicating it was for Floor 21. Hikoru raised an eyebrow, curious as to what it was. "A quest I heard about a few days ago. I was going to go check it out later today, but I think you need this more than I do." He spoke as Hikoru skimmed the pages, reading what there was to know. 

"'Knowledge... Acquired?'" He asked. A bit more curious. "Well it seems we have work to do." He said with a chuckle. Aru did a small victory cheer, proud to see his mentor out of the slumps for once. Hikoru noticed, but decided to keep his mouth shut for now. He got up slowly, grabbing the file and placing it into his inventory, then went over to the coat rack. Rolland, awoken by the rattle and movements looked up to see them leaving, and hopped out of his small bed to the two of them. Aru smiled and gave a pat to Rolland, then stood. Hikoru donned his Blue Cloak, then opened the door

"Lets go and find what we can"

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Lips pursed in thought, Lessa studied her map. According to Regina's information, which she had messaged after the girl's hasty departure, the town in question was not too far away. But The Vanguard's guild hall was on the twenty first floor, and in all of her time there, Lessa had never heard of the civilization. Of course, that was not to say that she knew everything there was to know. On the contrary, Lessa did not spend much time exploring the dark, cavernous floor. She missed the sunlight, and the warm breeze, when she was underground. Without those things, she felt a bit like she was suffocating.

But she pushed those thoughts away as she narrowed her eyes, studying the display more intently. How long had she been following this single tunnel? How much longer until she called it quits, and turned back? Blowing out a held breath, Lessa began to walk again. One more turn, she promised herself. If the mysterious town was not waiting for her around that next bend, she would-

"Oh." There it was. The blonde blinked once, twice, stunned by the sudden appearance of what was a decent sized town. The narrow tunnel opened into an enormous cavern, its domed ceiling hundreds of feet above their heads. Crystals dangled in all colors, twinkling cheerfully against the dim. The buildings were also constructed of stone, most likely because it was the most accessible resource. Standing three or four stories, they looked a bit more like small towers than houses, taverns, or shops. Despite the darkness, Lessa found herself enchanted with the place.

What was most surprising, perhaps, was the number of players milling about. From their equipment, Lessa judged that many of them were of fairly high level. Intrigued, she slipped into the nearest tavern. The wooden sign that dangled out front cheerfully dubbed the establishment the "Merry Miner." As she eased atop a barstool, the woman behind the bar beamed.

"You here for the quest?"

For the second time in three minutes, Lessa was shocked into silence. Flabbergasted, it took her a moment to find her voice. "How did you know?"

The other player gave an easy one-shouldered shrug, her smile never wavering. "That's what everyone else is here for, too. Word spreads fast in a game like this." As she spoke, the raven-haired woman began to fiddle with glasses beneath the bar. "I love it. I've never seen this place so busy!"

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Hikoru, Aru and Rolland all strolled into town, Aru waving to a few players and NPC's that he knew, mostly buyers of information. All did their best to avoid Hikoru, and he knew that sadly, this was normal for him. With the title 'Master of Shadows' and one of the most high-levelled and strongest players, there was a bit of fear that came with the sound of his username. He sighed defeatedly, knowing that he couldn't change this. It still bothered him though, as he wanted to try and branch out a bit more. He had tried at the boss meeting a few days prior, but he still seemed to be... invisible, even when he tried to help. He felt like he had failed somehow, that something was missing... Was it his strength? Was he not strong enough to be respected? He couldn't tell. He was one of a few with a Unique Skill, he thought for sure he was strong enough... But perhaps now. Aru noticed that Hikoru seemed a bit troubled. He nudged his mentor, who jumped a bit as he was brought back to reality

"Are you... Okay, Hikoru?" He asked, sounding a bit worried. Hikoru just waved it off quietly. "It's nothing you had to worry about." He said quietly. Aru wanted to push further, but he knew Hikoru enough by now that if he did, he would grow silent for the rest of the day, so he decided it was best left alone for now. The trio soon arrived at the bar, a place called the "Merry Miner." Hikoru had passed by the building a few times, but he had never gone in. He had usually sent other Info Brokers to gather information, but he decided it was best to leave it to them, so he could focus on his own projects. They entered, a merry cheer heard from the people in their as the doors opened. Hikoru looked at Aru, who nodded. They had a plan set up when Hikoru needed to gather information. Aru would distract most of the group with some music while Hikoru would haggle with the Bartender. Aru grabbed his lute and stood on a stool, starting a song that the group started to sing along to. Hikoru and Rolland went to the bar, sitting next to a blonde-headed player whom he hadn't recognized. The Bartender came over.

"Here for the quest?" He asked. Hikoru looked up and leaned close. "Yes, and I want you to give me every scrap you can, for the Info Brokers." He said. The Bartender's eyes widened. "So your that fabled, 'Master of Sha-'" Hikoru covered his mouth, then looked around. He lowered the hand. "Let's not let people know who I am. Wouldn't want to lose business would you?" He asked quietly. The bartender realized that if people knew he was here, they would leave. He nodded and Hikoru grabbed a small sack of Col, sliding it across the bar. "Here's my payment, now, please tell me what you know." He said, and the Bartender nodded.

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