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[PP-F4] Brits

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Sey rolled his eyes at her question, for she wasn't on the receiving end of this sort of brotherly love! There was no intention of showing her either, that would send the poor girl running for the hills if he did. At least they could move on, though she seemed to be well off on her own in terms of finances. "Is that so? Not a problem then, but if you do need finances, I'll happily provide." Business as usual, but he was doing this as something more of a charity rather than a deal. No demands, no nothing. But if she did have herself secured, then good on her!

Leru chuckled when she mentioned that Sey had that much more experience in terms of smarts. "I like you, dear. That attitude will get you clearing floors in no time." With that, he turned his back on the both of them, for his work was done. He gave Sey a different purpose than the current one he is going through. "I think our time is done here. Call me if you need me, brother~. See you around sometime, Kirb."

Any last statements she had for Leru could be made now, but Sey just waved him off with nothing else. They knew each other well enough to greet and leave with silence if needed. Instead, he focuses on her. "A shop, perfect. You have brains. In that case, I'll direct message you about locations and stuff. We need to get you that Survival skill. How does tomorrow sound?"


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She gave Leru a salute as she walked. "See ya, bub." She turned back to Sey and sighed. "He's an interesting one," she said amusingly. She nodded her head and smiled. "It sounds great. Just message me the time you want to start. It's been fun talking to you, Sey. You're probably the first person I've to in a while," she mumbled, scratching her head sheepishly. "But I appreciate it, I mean it, too!" She brushed her lap off and smiled at him. "I should be heading back now before it gets dark. I'll see you tomorrow!" She gave him a friendly wave before walking off and back to the nearest settlement. The day had gone by a lot faster when you actually have someone to talk to. Hell, she even made a new friend... maybe two? She hadn't made one in a while and it soothed her. Perhaps this day wasn't such a bust after all.



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