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[PP - F21 - E3] The Hunt <N’sT>

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The boy’s awed murmur coaxed a grin from Lessa, and she tilted her head as she studied her companion. “That impressed, huh?”

”Well yeah.” Oliver spun a slow three-sixty, taking in the enormous underground cavern. His chestnut eyes widened with each passing second, like a balloon filling with water. “I’ve never been here before.”

Lessa’s eyebrows winged up. “Oh yeah?” Really, it was not all that surprising; a low-level orphan with no real skills to speak of didn’t belong on the upper floors. So the older player simply smiled at her young charge, then dropped a heavy hand on his shoulder. “Then welcome to the twenty first floor! It’s kind of wild.”

Oliver simply nodded. As his gaze dropped, he emitted an excited squeak. “Alyssa, look!”

Following his finger, Lessa caught the glimmer of a pretty pastel egg. She grinned, strode over, then scooped up the egg. “The first of many!”


 ID# 139421 Battle: 2 Craft: 10 Loot: 17 MOB: 8

Mats: 2 | Eggs: 6



* Wearing Violet Ribbon (Light Armor): +3 LD instead of Rose Gauntlets.

Rested: -1 energy cost for the first two expenditures of each combat.
Relaxed: Increases out of combat HP regen by (5 * Tier HP) and decreases full energy regen to 2 Out of Combat Posts.
Clean: The first time you would suffer DoT damage in a thread, reduce damage taken from DoT each turn by 20% (rounded down).
Col Stash: +5% bonus col from monster kills and treasure chests.
Multipurpose: Gain +1 to LD, Stealth Rating, Stealth Detection, or Prosperity to one post in a thread. Can be applied after a roll.

- Teleport Crystal
- Rose Gauntlets


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Wearing Gloves of Caerus: +3 to LD.

“Alyssa, look!”

The high-pitched voice echoed through the catacombs of the twenty-first floor. The words were too piercing, shrill, to belong to an adult. No, they were certainly the utterance of either a child or a dwarf. But dwarves weren't native to this floor. 

Or were they?

The sound had come as such a shock to Bahr that he almost allowed himself to be struck by the club of the revolting troll he'd been fighting. What was a child doing on the twenty-first floor? Or a dwarf, for that matter? Regardless of their species, they were in danger. This wasn't the sort of place for the physically disadvantaged. Turning his attention back to the half-dead troll, he carved a line across its chest with Dawn's Demise before witnessing its bulbous frame combust into an arrangement of polygonal azure fragments that slowly dissipated into oblivion.

He wasted no time making his way toward the source of the noise, avoiding crossing paths with any mobs on the way that might serve to slow him down. And when his target was finally in sight, he was once again caught off guard. Sure enough, it was a young lad. That much was no surprise. But it was who he had accompanying him that gave Bahr pause.

"Lessa?" Or should he have called her by her proper name, Alyssa? The boy certainly seemed comfortable doing so. "What... Are you doing here?" And why is she with a kid? He gestured toward the boy. "And who's this?"

Wow, that probably seemed rude.

"Sorry, I don't mean to speak of you as though you're not here," he backpedaled, turning his attention to the boy. He did what he could to soften the features of his visage, but with the confusion he felt and the dim lighting of the cave, he probably seemed more menacing than he meant to. "My name is..." Apollo? No, it was a bit too soon for any of that, even if he knew Alyssa's name. "... Bahr. And you are?"


ID: 139580
LD: 7+3=10 | CD: 1
(2) Eggs obtained.
Egg total: 34


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“Let me grab the next one!” Oliver dashed away from Lessa, a move so reminiscent of innocent childhood that her heart hurt for him. Expression caught somewhere between sadness and regret, Lessa watched the boy drop to his hands and knees at the base of a massive mushroom. It’s eerie green light bathed the boy, giving him an otherworldly appearance. This is no place for a kid, Lessa mused for the umpteenth time as Oliver scampered back to her with a blue egg clasped to his chest. It’s beautiful, and it’s magical, but it’s dangerous too. He should be at home, not facing down his own mortality every day. And his mom’s mortality, too.

”Great find.” Her voice sounded foreign to her own ears as Lessa accepted the offered egg and added it to her inventory. She went to say more, but a sudden shift in Oliver’s demeanor had her shifting to the defensive. The boy had turned away from her, muscles tensed, a hand resting on the hilt of his sword. No, not just turned away from her - positioned himself in front of her. He was a little toy soldier, protecting her from the newcomer in the blood-red jacket.

”Hey.” Though the word was a statement, it came out somewhat questioning as she regarded him over Oliver’s head. Though she planned to answer Bahr’s questions, Oliver took over.

”Bar?” The boy’s shaggy brown hair shifted as he tilted his head. “Like... a bar? That’s a weird name.” 

Despite the situation, amusement lit Lessa’s cheeks as she dropped a heavy hand on the nine year-old’s shoulder. “Don’t be rude,” she chided, and the boy replied with a quick nod.

”Sorry.” A pause, and then, “It is weird though. Is that your real name?” Oliver slanted Lessa a quick glance. “Alyssa has a weird name too, but it’s a fake name. Her real name is Alyssa.”

Lessa’s soft smile bloomed as she placed a hand on Oliver’s other shoulder, and slowly drew him closer to her. “He knows that, Oli. He and I are really good friends.” 

The boy’s lips pursed in thought, then he nodded sagely. “Oh, okay, that’s good. Alyssa needs friends. I can’t always guard her, because sometimes I have to go to school, and sometimes I have to sleep.” His tiny hand moved from his sword - a gift from Lessa - to offer Bahr a shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Bahr. My real name is Oliver. I had a fake name, but I don’t remember it. I live on the first floor with a bunch of other kids. It’s cool, because they’re nice, and they don’t have any parents either.” If the notion bothered him, Oliver didn’t let on. Instead, he turned to grin up at Lessa. “I go with Lessa on quests to make sure she doesn’t get hurt. Well, normally we do quests. But today we’re just looking for Easter eggs. Did you know they’re all over the place? I just found, like, a bunch!”


 ID# 139599 results: Battle: 4 Craft: 11 Loot:  9 + 3 = 12 MOB: 3

Mats: 1 | Eggs: 6

Total: Mats: 3 | Eggs: 12


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The boy almost seemed more enthusiastic to see him than Lessa herself did. There was a questioning undertone in the way she addressed him, and he could swear he saw her squint one eye. He wasn't exactly sure what was the matter, but she seemed put off. Uncomfortable.

"Yeah, uh, Bahr's not my real name," he responded, rubbing the back of his neck. It was a bit of a strange situation. Who was this kid? "I think I might know the orphanage you're talking about, though. I helped out a bit with a church in the Town of Beginnings, back when I used to live there. There were a lot of kids that lived there at the time." A part of him wanted to offer some form of condolences to the youth for the situation he found himself in, but he didn't appear to be totally heartbroken over the current arrangement. If Bahr painted the situation in a negative light, he might skew the child's perception of the reality they found themselves in. It was probably best just to leave it alone.

"And yeah, the eggs," Bahr echoed distantly, only half paying attention to the boy's bragging about the eggs he'd procured. "I've found a few. Snatched them up while fishing, actually. It's something I've been trying my hand at lately. Easy, repetitive, relaxing." The edges of his lips curled upward into a half smirk. "You've gotta be careful, though. Sometimes you'll fish up monsters. They can be pretty tough, too."

This felt like a lot of idle chatter, but it wasn't like one could get too deep into conversation with a kid his age. And it would be rude to start prodding Lessa about how they met, and what she was doing with him while he was standing right there. It was a conversation that would have to wait. At any rate, they seemed close. Perhaps she'd taken a liking to the tyke?

"So's that all you guys have got on the agenda for today? Egg hunting? I'd love to join you, if you'd let me." He sauntered over to a slight glimmer he'd caught earlier, which shone at a particular angle beneath the luminescence of some glowing minerals embedded into the stony wall. There, a small collection of eggs revealed themselves. "See? I can be pretty helpful."


ID: 139619
LD: 15 | CD: 7
(2) Material obtained, (6) Eggs obtained.
Egg total: 40


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Oliver tugged at the bottom of his starter-level armor. “Yep, that’s where I live,” he confirmed. “I told them I didn’t go to church, but they took me anyway. They weren’t even weird about it.” Oliver’s brown eyes flicked from Bahr to Lessa, then back again. “They’re cool, I guess. They’re nice. But I really like going out with Lessa. It’s more fun. You know, I’ve never been fishing. Wanna go fishing sometime?” He paused long enough for Lessa to nod, then he rocked back onto his heels. “So hey, can I go look for eggs?”

”Stay close, okay?” Even after he’d scampered off, Lessa waited a moment before turning to Bahr. She’d run countless scenarios through her head, planning out exactly how she would introduce her boyfriend to her tiny charge. None of them, not a single one, had included a spontaneous meetup on the twenty-first floor. How had she not seen that coming?

She reached for Bahr, wrapping her fingers around his arm, allowing the contact to ground her. As always, it did. “Hey. I didn’t expect to run into you, but I’m glad I did.” The smile softened her expression, chasing the worry lines from her brow. Of course, the wings of anxious butterflies still beat in her stomach. “That’s Oliver. I caught him trying to take on a pretty dangerous quest by himself, and convinced him to go with me so I could keep an eye on him. I figured it would be a one-time thing, but...”

The blonde’s voice trailed as she turned to watch Oliver pick his way along the riverbank. Her face grew softer still. “Well, I guess he took a liking to me. And I’m pretty attached to him, too. I try to check in when I can, because he doesn’t really have anyone else.”


ID# 139625 results: Battle: 1 Craft: 11 Loot: 11 MOB: 8

Mats: 1 | Eggs: 6

Total: Mats: 4 | Eggs: 18


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Ah, so that was the case. Just Lessa being Lessa. Alyssa being Alyssa. Meandering around Aincrad with the biggest heart out of any of the hapless fools they'd been trapped with. Once again, he was reminded how lucky he was that he'd found her. Sure, there were other people in the castle who may have taken a small astray youth under their wing without a second thought, but fewer who were willing to do so out of the kindness of their heart with no selfish machinations in mind. Fewer, still, who could do so with the warmth, support, and charisma that Lessa commanded. Oliver was truly blessed.

Her arms snaked around his put him at ease in a way he hadn't noticed right away, or even recognized he needed. Hers was a touch that he truly yearned for when it was absent. A sensation he hadn't ever quite experienced before. His eyes traced a path behind Oliver as the kid ran around, collecting as many eggs as his tiny arms could carry, beaming all the while. It was nice. Bahr had never particularly been the sort to know how to behave around children, but something was different about Oliver. He seemed like a pretty agreeable child. Very easy to get along with.

"It's a good thing you're doing here," Bahr finally said, eyes still glued to the youth. "Not everyone would take time out of their days to help out a kid like this. It's good that he has someone like you." And, likely, it was good that she had someone like him, too. There was a childlike enthusiasm in her smile as she watched him frolick about. A part of Bahr wondered whether it was connected to her short time as a teacher, and whether or not there was a part of her that was trying to recapture that essence. "It's good for both of you. I'm happy you found him."

"And he's quite scrappy, too,"
 Bahr chortled, shaking his head. "The fact that he was willing to fight me when I showed up - willing to protect you like that - is really telling. Albeit, a tad foolish. He really seems to care for you." It was strange to consider the prospect of a child becoming a fighting machine in the world of Sword Art Online, but it wasn't too far fetched - nor was unheard of. There were plenty of child warriors roaming Aincrad, despite the mental toll such work was sure to take on them. Luckily, it seemed that Oliver was quite underleveled, and likely hadn't been exposed to much of that side of their virtual reality. It was honestly for the best, and it would be best if they could keep it that way.

"They?" What was he thinking? It wasn't like she'd asked him help her raise this child or anything. Nor had she implied that she had plans to raise him, either. There was just a part of it that felt right to him. Another piece that just seemed to slot into the rest of the beautiful puzzle that was "them." Though, he was likely getting ahead of himself.

"So what are the plans, then? You guys get out adventuring often?"


ID: 139627
LD: 11 | CD: 2
(1) Material obtained, (2) Eggs obtained.
Egg Total: 42


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He responded positively. The weight of the entire floating castle shifted off her chest, and Lessa drew in a deep, relieved breath as she gave his arm a gentle squeeze. Really, what had she expected? That he would throw a fit, ban her from seeing Oliver, break off the relationship? No, of course not. The Bahr she knew would never behave that way. But the topic of children had never even come up, and she had no idea how he felt about them. She had feared polite dismissal, or apathy, or unease. She had wondered if she might see disinterest or disapproval in those dual-toned eyes of his. Yet when she searched them, desperate for some clue as to his thoughts, she found nothing. In that instant, she adored him more than she ever thought possible.

”I know it might look like a charity case,” she began, gaze following Bahr’s to watch Oliver, “but it isn’t really. I actually really enjoy spending time with him.I went back to the orphanage after that first quest, and introduced myself to the woman in charge. I showed him my shop, and added him as a friend in case he ever needed anything.” She paused long enough to scoop up an Easter egg of her own, one that she noticed lay only a couple feet away. “I guess I didn’t realize how nice it was to have someone to look after again.”

Then Lessa beamed. “Now look at me. I have two brave, dashing young men looking out for me. I’m pretty lucky.”

“We normally tackle really low-level quests,” she explained, watching Oliver skirt an enormous mushroom that grew on the river’s edge. “Today, he just wanted to look for eggs.” She fell silent for a moment, content to simply observe the boy’s lighthearted search. When she spoke again, all trace of the earlier smile was gone. “He told me his mom used to hide eggs for him. He, uh, also told me that he watched her get killed early on in the game. So I thought maybe this might be good for him.”


ID# 139638 results: Battle: 3 Craft: 3 Loot: 11 MOB: 10

Mats: 1 | Eggs: 2

Total: Mats: 5 | Eggs: 20


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Killed? Right in front of him?

"Jesus..." was all Bahr could utter as his expression soured, internally considering the true depth of what the words meant. He couldn't imagine being put in a position like that, especially so young. And beyond the implications for Oliver, what of everyone on the outside? When they watched his mother die and realized he was still trapped in the game, alone, how had they reacted? The entire situation was horrifying.

But the frown that had stretched his features quickly converted into a bit of a forced smile as the boy looked back at them, glee in his eyes and a smile wide, holding up the colorful jewels of his efforts for his older companions to see. He didn't want to show the boy the pain he felt for him. It wasn't his place to put a burden like that on a kid who already had so much on his plate. All he wanted was to be surrounded by people that cared for him, and be proud of him. He didn't need the anguish.

Bahr's eyes then flickered to Lessa, who was still attached to him at the arm. He couldn't see her face, but he didn't need to to appreciate everything she was doing for this boy. Once again, she was there, being a positive influence to everyone within arm's reach. He couldn't think of a moment when he had admired her more.

So he shuffled his arm loose of her fingers and draped it over her shoulders, his own fingers gingerly gripping her arm furthest from him, and pulled her closer. Planted a kiss right on top of her head. It was a more accurate portrayal of how he felt than any strained utterances he could formulate. Not more than a few seconds later, Oliver approached them, laying a pile of eggs at their feet. 

"There's so many around here! It's like a gold mine. So crazy."

And before they could even respond, he'd dashed away again to find more. It was such a simple thing, but it made the smile that covered Bahr's face infinitely more genuine. There was a purity there, seemingly untouched by the hell of their current reality, that touched Bahr in a way he couldn't describe. He felt like he wouldn't hesitate to lay his life on the line to protect it.

"You know how to pick 'em. The kid's awesome."


ID: 139721
LD: 13+3=16 | CD: 10
(2) Materials obtained, (6) Eggs obtained.
Egg Total: 48


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Her blue eyes blinked rapidly as Bahr withdrew his arm, faint disappointment ghosting across Lessa’s face. Oh, alright, I guess that’s- “Oh.” The single word came on a sigh of startled pleasure as he slipped his arm around her, drew her closer. Instinctively, she turned into him, and she hummed as he pressed a quick kiss to her head. It was the little things, she decided, that made him so special. That made what they had so special. Quick, stolen kisses meant so much to her, and the fact he recognized that was a small miracle. He understood her. He knew her. She was eternally grateful.

She glowed like the iridescent mushrooms, pulling away from him only long enough to scoop up some of Oliver’s treasure. When she straightened, sending the egg to her inventory, she gave a quick nod. “He’s really great,” she confirmed. “He’s- he’s just a kid.”

It struck her at the oddest times, the unfairness of Oliver’s situation. Not that any of them had been dealt a fair hand, of course. But at least Lessa was old enough to function on her own. She’d had a childhood, full of love and support, before entering this hell. Oliver had been robbed of that, and robbed of his mother too. “I’m sure you get it,” she mused aloud, leaning into Bahr as she watched Oliver lumber over a crystal outcropping. “I don’t need to explain it to you. But I just-“ She blew out a hard breath, then tried again. “My heart breaks when I think about it. When I even look at him. I’ve gotta stay strong for him, y’know? But it’s hard.”

When she finally spoke again, shattering the still silence that had settled between them, her voice was soft. “I’m glad I can finally share him with you.”


ID# 139999 results: Battle: 2 Craft: 10 Loot: 17 MOB: 9

Mats: 2 | Eggs: 6

Total: Mats: 7 | Eggs: 26


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"Yeah," Bahr responded. "I'm glad you can share him with me, too."

Another thing that entangled the estranged chords of their separate lives into a singular mosaic. Messy and clean all wrapped up into one. A fitting duality, considering who they were. Bahr was loose and unhinged. Lessa was more orderly and reserved. Together the strings they pulled wove together a beautiful and unique tapestry that had never been seen before. And now, it seemed, Oliver's strands were starting to work their way in, as well.

It was nice.

"Weird spot to bring a kid, though. Not exactly safe around these parts," he mused as his eyes trailed around, half looking for mobs, half looking for eggs. He didn't find any of either. "He's got a pretty good guardian, though." He pulled her a little tighter.

"So what's the kid into? Maybe I could take him out on occasion, too." Bahr could handle a kid, right? It couldn't be too hard, especially with someone as agreeable as Oliver. "I think it would be a nice change of pace from the fighting and grinding. Unless he's into that - even then, I'd make sure he stays safe."

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Lessa winced, then sucked in air through her teeth before she finally answered. "Yeahhhh, about that." One hand reached back to rub nervously at her neck, her gaze glued to Oliver as he crawled around. "We actually started on floor one. Then floor four. Then floor eight." She shook her head slowly. "This event is super popular, and people are seriously coming out of the woodwork. The lower floors were packed, and there really weren't any eggs to be found. In fact, it was probably more dangerous in the fields outside the Town of Beginnings than up here." Not entirely true, but not a complete exaggeration either. "It was like Black Friday or something. Even floor twenty two is pretty picked-over, considering the mobs are a bit less daunting."

She loosed a quick shrug. "I've been up here a couple times, and this stretch has always been pretty bare. Besides, he's promised me only half an hour, and that he'll teleport out if we see anything." As the brown-haired boy with the goofy grin and the armful of eggs teetered back toward them, Lessa smiled despite herself. Some sadness lingered in the expression, but there was happiness there, too. "Just wanted to make sure this guy found at least a few eggs."

"I've found a lot!" came his quick answer. His chest puffed proudly, Oliver once more deposited his treasures at their feet. "We'll split them between us all"

Lessa blinked. "Oh no, Oli, that's fine. You're the one doing all the work."

His face shone as he beamed up at his companions. "It's okay! Me and you are friends, and if Bahr is your friend, then he's my friend, too. So we'll split them between us all." There was an unwavering finality in his tone, a slamming door meant to cut off any and all protests. To demonstrate, he plucked up two eggs, and offered one to each Lessa and Bahr.

When Oliver finally dashed off again, Lessa turned back to Bahr. "Despite being trapped in this place, he's into a lot of typical boy stuff. He likes hiking, and throwing a ball around. He's tried to play board games with me a few times, but he's easily flustered, and easily distracted." Something mischievous flashed in her blue eyes, and she added, "Sounds like he'd be interested in fishing, too."


 ID# 140234 results: Craft: 5 Loot: 3+3=6

Mats: 0 | Eggs: 3

Total: Mats: 7 | Eggs: 29


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"It's okay! Me and you are friends, and if Bahr is your friend, then he's my friend, too. So we'll split them between us all."

It wasn't every day a kid made Bahr's breath hitch like that. Oliver had a magic about him that wasn't to be underestimated. Again, he found himself grinning like an idiot. Bahr, the Crimson Marauder, slaughterer of mobs and the punisher of player-killers, reduced to a puddle of ginger nerves by a cute blonde and her charming boyish associate. For better or worse, Lessa, and the people she surrounded herself with, were changing him.

And strangely, he didn't mind that one bit.

"Sounds like he'd be interested in fishing, too."

A simple statement, but it brought Bahr back from his slightly pompous self-congratulating inner dialogue. "Reeaaaally..." he mused, his hand finding his chin as he cocked his head to the side inquisitively. Fishing was a skill that he'd acquired only recently, but had eaten up much of his time as of late. There was a meditative quality to it, much like running endless streams of thread through tapestry and slowly weaving something formless into something with form. Where the latter had seemingly lost some of its sheen, the former was new and exciting. "Think he'll be able to sit down long enough to do it?" And, after a moment of reflection, he corrected himself. "Actually, I'll bet I can find a way to keep him engaged. I've got plenty of tales about fighting monsters and the like. A good story always keptme captivated when I was young."

And just when had Bahr become so interested in becoming the story teller?

"My mom was the best at them," he continued. "Never became a writer, but it's what she originally went to school for. She always wanted to become one. Somewhere along the way, life caught up with her and she had to take a more practical approach. She's doing pretty well for herself now, but I think she still secretly wants to give writing a go when the time is right. Maybe it's time to see if some of her storytelling expertise passed on to me."


ID: 140986
LD: 8+3=11 | CD: 1
(1) Material, (2) Eggs obtained.
Egg Total: 50


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Lessa ducked her head to hide her satisfied smirk. To go with the fishing theme, Bahr had taken the bait, and perhaps he and Oliver would be spending some quality time together. No doubt, things were progressing even better than she ever could have imagined. Not only was the man willing to spend time with the boy, he was willing to do so without her? Good, she thought, warming right down to her core. Oliver needs a strong male role model.

But was that going too far? Shyly, the blonde cast Bahr a sideways glance, then bent to pick up an egg that spawned near her feet. He was talking about taking Oliver fishing, not adopting him and raising him as his own. She couldn't rush things, and she couldn't ask too much of her new boyfriend. Then why was it so easy to see the two of them becoming best friends?

"I know he'd enjoy it," she assured him, finally returning to the conversation. "I think he'd be on his best behavior, just for the chance to spend some time with you." There was gentleness in her voice, and in the elbow she nudged him with, when she added, "You guys are officially friends, after all. Oli approved."

The smile never wavered as she watched the boy peer into a small ditch, still hyper-focused on his hunt. "I already know it has," she assured him, leaning into the taller player. "There was this one time when you gave me an entire lesson on neutron stars." Humor and warmth mingled in her blue eyes as she looked from Oliver to Bahr. "Now, maybe you don't remember it, but I do. You kept me captivated the entire time."

With a contented hum, she finally sent her newly acquired egg to her inventory. "My mom studied plant biology. I have no idea why, and I don't think she did, either. But she met my dad early on in her college career, and it sounds like love made them both pretty goofy."


ID# 141172 results: Craft: 2 Loot: 12+3=15

Mats: 2 | Eggs: 2

Total: Mats: 7 | Eggs: 31

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There was a certain part of Bahr that had to catch himself. Stop himself from saying something stupid, like, "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean." Too soon, probably. Not just to say it, but to feel it. Though, who was he to dictate when it was an appropriate time to fall in love? There was no telling whether he had or not already. Just like the traveler might not notice when they'd traversed past the event horizon of a black hole, so too was it possible that Bahr may have passed the threshold of no return.

Not that it bothered him. One couldn't resist the attraction of gravity, and he couldn't resist this. But, again, it was too soon. Words could be taken the wrong way, and he wasn't totally sure how he felt. Better to play it safe.

He'd been quiet for awhile now.

"Plant biology," he echoed, searching his brain for any semblance of understanding. He'd never been the type to pay too much attention to flora. "It is a little goofy. Interesting, though. I couldn't tell you the first thing about plants, other than they like sunlight and water. Most of them, anyways." Cultivation, much like other important things that began as a seed and grew into something alive and beautiful. "It's crazy how much there is to learn. I feel like maybe she doesn't know anything about tailoring, but I could teach her the ins and outs of it - even outside of Aincrad. Likewise, she could teach me about plants and their inner workings in ways that I had never considered." So much to learn.

"The kid, too," he segued, "We could teach him a lot. Someone should teach it to him."

"And I think he'd make a great friend, too."



ID: 141217
LD: 11 | CD: 11
(1) material, (6) Eggs obtained.
Egg Total: 56


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"She never did anything with it, though," Lessa continued, "besides plant a totally amazing garden. She worked with health insurance for a while, then stayed home when my brothers and I showed up." Her expression softened as it grew more distant, mind reaching back to her life before SAO - the world outside the prison walls. "Growing up with my mom at home was amazing. I never did daycare, but having three brothers was socialization enough. We spent all of our time outside, just goofing off. Honestly, we were basically hillbillies. I remember how mortified Mom was when she came out in the the barn and we were all launching frozen horse manure with pitchfork catapults."

Blinking owlishly, the woman surfaced from the memory. Based on the way Bahr was watching her, she must have let herself ramble again. Why was it so easy to do that when she was with him. Smiling sheepishly, Lessa loosed a quick shrug. "It was a pretty wild childhood." As her gaze shifted to Oliver, sadness dampened everything about her. "I really want him to have a childhood. He shouldn't have to lose that just because he's in here."

"So yeah," she concluded, "let's teach him things. I know the orphanage has a tutoring program, and he does have friends there, too. But while he's with us, we can do what we can for him." She trailed off, content to watch the boy for a moment of companionable silence. "I bet he'd be up for riding horses," she finally mused aloud. "What about you?"


ID# 141220 results: Craft: 10 Loot: 2

Mats: 0 | Eggs: 0

Total: Mats: 7 | Eggs: 31


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Horses. Again. There was a part of Bahr that dreaded going back out there, because of how little he knew about the equine creatures and how to best control them. But, with Lessa, he would be fine. Probably. And he also wasn't going to learn how by sitting on his ass and refusing to ever do it again. He'd need to bite the bullet if he ever wanted there to be a time he didn't internally grimace just thinking about riding horses.

"I bet he'd think it's a blast," Bahr said finally, eyes still studying the lad as he ran back and forth, trying to get to where the eggs would spawn before they appeared. He was incredibly hyperactive. Fishing would be quite the ordeal. "Fresh air, riding faster than he's probably moved over the past years stuck in here. Yeah, I think he'd get a real kick out of it."

And then the thought crossed Bahr's mind - if they could teach him things like fishing, and horseback riding, what else could they teach him? Foraging? Tailoring? Blacksmithing? Cooking? Well, Bahr would have to teach him that one. Maybe even basic combat? Or combat theory? Balancing a checkbook? It felt like the sky was the limit. Though, Bahr had only just met the boy, and didn't want to get ahead of himself. Especially at his age, there were sure to be limitations. Though, he probably had more potential and Bahr or Lessa. Bahr, at the very least.

"When were you thinking about heading out there again? I just need to, uh... Mentally prepare myself. For it. Yeah." God, this was embarrassing. "I was really able to psych myself up for it last time, what with it being our first date and all?"

"Date!?" the tiny voice rang out as Oliver's neck snapped back toward the two. His eyes wide and owlish, he dropped the eggs and sprinted back over to the pair. "You went on a date? With Alyssa!?" Small eyes darted back and forth between them. "Wow. You're really lucky. Alyssa's a really pretty lady."

Bahr blinked for a moment, then laughed. "Yeah, she sure is," he confirmed, pulling her a little closer to him. "I'm the luckiest guy out there."

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Lessa shook her head, then gave Bahr a quick squeeze. "We can plan wayyyy in advance," she assured him. "That'll give you as much time as possible to get all fired up." Wonderfully amused by the whole thing, she gave a quick laugh. "I'll be out there most days. You can just come with when you're ready, okay?" As admiration lit her blue eyes, warmth came into her voice. "You did such a great job last time. Very brave." Though the words might have been mocking, they weren't delivered in a way to suggest as much. She truly did respect the man's courage - hopping onto a twelve-hundred pound animal wasn't for everyone. But he did it for her. He would never know what that meant to her.



Anxiety flared first, uncertainty about how Oliver would handle the news. For whatever reason, Lessa had attempted to hide their new relationship from the boy, just as she'd tried to hide him from Bahr. And for what? To maintain the status quo? Maybe a little change was just what she needed. It was working out so far.

Embarrassment came next, and Lessa blushed beneath Oliver's boyish charm. "You're sweet. And so are you," she added when Bahr voiced his agreement. She was nearly humming with joy when she accepted the egg Oliver offered her.

"I kind of knew you guys were dating though," the boy explained matter-of-factly. "I mean, I kinda guessed, I guess, because I saw you kiss her on the top of the head a minute ago." The expression he wore when he looked from Bahr to Lessa was as close as the youth could come to an eye-brow waggle. "You didn't think I saw, but I saw." He put a finger to his temple, and declared, "I'm good at noticing stuff. And I'm sneaky."


ID# 142190 results: Craft: 8 Loot: 16+3=19

Mats: 2 | Eggs: 5

Total: Mats: 9 | Eggs: 36


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Oh my god, the kid is a walking meme.

Bahr meant that in an affectionate way, but still kept it to himself. It would easily be misconstrued as an insult.

"Yeah," Bahr replied, chortling a bit. "I'm sure you're great at noticing things. You seem very bright." A little too bright. He could make a brilliant philosopher. Or surgeon. Or physicist. Hell, the kid could probably do whatever he wanted. All of the doors were wide open. Hopefully his experiences within Aincrad wouldn't foil any of that. "There's a lot of potential in you. You just gotta make sure you don't get lazy." Bahr mimicked Oliver's mannerism, poking his own temple with his index finger. "Keep this strong. It's the best tool you've got."

The boy cocked his head to the side, nodded a bit apprehensively, then took off to find more eggs. Bahr had hardly noticed the pair of eggs Oliver had left in his palm. "Hmm..." Bahr hummed as he scrutinized his gift. "I think he gave you more than me."


ID: 142402
LD: 13+3=16 | CD: 3
(2) material, (2) Eggs obtained.
Egg Total: 58


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Lessa swore she could feel her heart humming with pleasure as she watched Bahr interact with Oliver. In her mind, best case scenario was that the man and the boy would be civil with each other. Now, Lessa realized she'd set her expectations far too low. Not only were they being civil, they were getting along. The blonde couldn't have kept the grin from spreading even if she'd wanted to.

With a bit more flair than was necessary, Lessa heaved a heavy hmmm as she looked over Bahr's eggs, then looked at her own. Truth be told, she suspected Oliver had given Bahr the lion's share, likely in an attempt to win his approval. But there was no fun in admitting as much. "That's because he likes me better," she replied matter-of-factly. Then she laughed, shook her head. "I never expected our little hunting trip to play out like this. I'm really glad it did."

"But our half an hour is up, so we should probably go get lunch." Lessa raised her voice, watching for Oliver's reaction to the words. Almost immediately, the boy came loping back.

"Are you coming too?" he demanded of Bahr, bouncing up onto his toes. Then, perhaps realizing his mistake, he hastily shifted his attention to Lessa. "Can Bahr come too?"


ID# 143439 results: Craft: 11 Loot: 7+3+1 (multipurpose)= 11

Mats: 1 | Eggs: 6

Total: Mats: 10 | Eggs: 42


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So much energy. It was exhausting and endearing all rolled up into one. Bahr's eyes flickered from the boy to the cute blonde whose frame was still slotted comfortably under his arm. Her gaze was half inquisitive, have expectant. As though she were asking the question herself. "You coming, or what?" He gave her a nod.

"Sounds good to me. I'm starving," he finally replied, before allowing his mismatched eyes to trail back to Oliver. "Did Alyssa ever tell you what a good cook I am? Not the best out there, but I can make a mean spaghetti. How does that sound?"

 The boy was hesitant. "I was hoping for pizza."

"I can make my spaghetti taste exactly like pizza,"
 Bahr countered. A tiny bit of a fib - though he knew he could get the flavor close. Oliver seemed skeptical. "Don't believe me? Fine. Let me prove it to you. Come on."

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