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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. The thrust was successful! Boar-1 was sent flying forward, the other two creature side stepped letting the creature fly between the two of them, there was his opening! The warrior dashed forward in the middle of all three of the boars, he swayed his blade to the left and swung it a full 360 degrees "YAAAH!"


    Cobalt: 6/7

    Boar-1: 1/2

    Boar-2: 2/2

    Boar-3: 2/2

  2. "Round 2." the warrior dash forward at Boars-2&3, he swung the Great Sword over his head...the pointed end facing down towards the ground, the widened flat side of the blade covering his body. Cobalt pushed the blade forward just pushing Boars 2-3 back, as soon as they stepped back, he turned his body to Boar-1 and swung it around his head and downward towards Boar-1.


    Cobalt: 6/7

    Boar-1: 2/2

    Boar-2: 2/2

    Boar-3: 2/2

  3. The warrior gritted his teeth "Dammit!" he cursed as the Great Sword slashed right over the two boars, it wouldn't be possible to dodge but he had a trump card, as soon as he did his full swing he let his grip loosen guiding the handle of the Great Sword to slide down an open palm. He dropped his weapon...but he was far from giving up, the drop was quick and in a flash the handle was in his left hand, he gripped it firmly and quickly plunged it down into the earth in front of him, the flat surface giving him a widened guard. Boar-2 & Boar-3's tusked clashed against the blade, they bounced off landing on their hooves "Stupid Boars." he gripped the handle of his blade with his right hand once more and pulled it out from the ground.


    Cobalt: 6/7

    Boar-1: 2/2

    Boar-2: 2/2

    Boar-3: 2/2

  4. Cobalt dashed forward towards the small hoard of boars, his blade following behind him "YAAAAAAH!" the three boars turned around and began charging at him, one of them ahead of the other two. Boar-1 hopped from the ground from it's charge, the warrior cocked his left hand to the right and swung it to the side trying to back hand Boar-1 but his swing just went under the boar by a few inches. Boar-1 forced it's tusks into his chest, bouncing off and landing on it's feet, the impact was painful but not enough to send him toppling back onto the ground.


    Cobalt: 6/7

    Boar-1: 2/2

    Boar-2: 2/2

    Boar-3: 2/2

  5. "Feed it to a...monster." he looked up from the item, watching he turn the corner from the alley way "He-Hey wait" he ran after the gypsy stashing it into his satchel "What happens?!" he ran out from alley stop abruptly "What...the." he turned his head to the left & right, the alley opens up into one of the main streets it was empty though besides from a few players "Where'd she...go?" he sighed in frustration.



    Cobalt looked over the item he was given the description was like any other piece of meat from the game but the color of it was different than any of the other meats "I guess...the only way to find out is to go find a monster." he closed his HUD. The warrior was already standing in the Northern entrance of the 'Town Of Beginning', the front gates opened wide as he stepped out into the fields. A few boars were roaming about but he wouldn't bother wasting the mysterious item on something so puny...doesn't mean he couldn't slay a few boars for the meat; he ran over to a small group of three boars, still keeping his distance as to not attract their attention. Cobalt swung his Great Sword over his head, gripping the hilt with his right hand holding it behind him letting the tip of his great sword hover a few inches off the ground, his body turned to it's side with his fist raised at chest level.

  6. "What is it you want from me, Gypsy?" he responded with a stern voice not wanting to play the NPCs game, it was suspicious to him, this was the first time he had ever seen this NPC & he'd been roaming 'Town Of Beginnings' since they all were stuck here. He knew every back alley, every road, every shop...just recently he'd been interested in leveling, professions & other quests but even then he had never run into this old gypsy before. A boney finger pokes his chest "Do not get snippy with me." she replied taking her boney old finger back, she reached into a satchel pulling out a piece of glowing red meat "I wish to give you this." he opened his hand letting his drop it down into his grip "Meat?" he said with a confused tone "Not ANY meat, it is said to be extremely delicious to monsters." he rose a brow "And why should I care about it?" just like an old lady to be sooo slow to speak "Feed it to a monster of your choosing & you will see." a smile came upon her face as she let out a laugh, turning his back to him & walking off down the alley way.

  7. The warrior was all alone this time around, he had already acquired the quest and in the most peculiar manner too, his HUD was open as he examined the quest once again "Hm...a trap maybe?" he said quietly to himself recalling the events that happened previously.


    Cobalt had just come back from slaying a few boars on F1 collecting a bit of meat & col; the warrior usually took his usual routes through back alleys to navigate through the city & avoid any large crowds right around this time. A little dark figure emerged from the shadows "You." it called out to him "Come to me, Warrior. I've a quest and the reward is to your benefit." he approached the figure seeing now who was before him a little old gypsy woman, normally he wouldn't trust shady characters like this but he was in a town which was a safe zone & the glowing mark above her head as a quest giver was reason enough to approach.

  8. Cobalt opened up his HUD viewing the map, he pressed his index finger on two locations of the map marking where the groups would be "I know Floor 1 well enough...I observe the monsters but never knew what items they dropped." he examined the paths they could take while avoiding the stronger mini-bosses within hordes of the lower level beasties "We can do down the main path & at the fork in the path we continue straight, we'll hit the pond the Killer Frogs are at & from there go east to hit the ruins where the skeletons reside." he got out of his HUD & began down the path "Rare drop equals more monsters to kill which equals to more EXP & Col." it wasn't long that they hit the fork in the road, instead of taking the right or left they went down their own path, he could see a group of boars in their way "Well, they migrated over here...great." he gripped the handle of his Great Sword pulling it up & over his head, his grip firm as he held his weapon within only his right hand, a stance not many Great Sword wielders used "I count five...we charge in & take them by surprise. Within the first minute we can slaughter 1 each leaving 3 left, even the odds a bit." he turned his head to Miaki & grinned "Ready?"

  9. The warrior sauntered over to the boy, his young facial features could easily deduce his age around 15-17 years of old, judging about how he wanted to join up with a complete stranger made his younger age apparent. It wasn't safe to trust people; Cobalt wasn't one not to be trusted, mind you, BUT the apparent danger of a stranger luring a player out to get PKed in the fields is probable. The red eyed man looked into the boys green orbs, a face solid & stern as a rock...until his lips gave way & began to curve into a smile "You can call me Cobalt." he slapped his hand into the boys & gripped it firmly while shaking. The player was no innocent boy either...his cursor, a red player...guess he'd have to keep on his toes if he accepts the boys offer for help "You look more than capable to help this old man out, yeah? I welcome the help." he let go of Keith's hand bringing it to his side "All we need is some herbs & boar meat, simple enough. They can be found in the Southern Fields from here." he opened up his hud dropped down the party menu sending Keith a 'Party Invite', if worse comes to worse with this red player he could always run back to town. Cobalt made his way over to the tavern door opening it, half his body already out before he turned to look at Keith "Well, you coming?" he said playfully rushing him, he stepped outside feeling the sun beat against his skin but it was too over bearing.

  10. The two walked along side each others as equals, Cobalt gave a chuckle at Miaki's first time interacting with Pepper "It caught me off guard, that look in her eye & the arm cross..." he chuckled a bit more "That's exactly what my mother would do when she wasn't happy about something." even in a place that seemed so far away made him think about the real world...why did he miss the real world...was it the need to get back to the 'social norm'? Did he miss his family? though his laugh may seem genuine there was much that plague his mind when he remembered. The items were already remembered in his head "We need both Iron & Steel ingots, Rainbow Fish Ink Sack which can be looted from a Killer Frogs stomach, a ruby & Leather Strips." they had been walking & talking that he hadn't even realized that they were outside the Northern gates already...was this how it was like to have a traveling companion, perhaps he could get used to it, he always believed others would only hinder his way of doing things.

  11. There she was the NPC that granted the quest he so eagerly sought after, he turned to gaze at Miaki once more as he urged him to speak with Pepper The Blacksmith. Cobalt gave a nod as a reply, making his way over to the smith, the quest marker just above her head "I'm here for the quest." the NPC crossed her arms giving the warrior a vexed look "Isn't everyone." she replied "No one ever comes to say 'Hi' to little ol' Pepper just because they wanna know how her day went." Cobalt stepped back a bit not knowing how to react to the NPC realistic womanly fit, he turned his head to look over at Miaki with a distressed look as in saying 'What the hell do I do now? I made her mad.' the NPC waved away any bad vibes as her face softened a bit realizing she was frightening the poor warrior "So what kind of weapon would you like, Warrior?" she asked him.

    Cobalt turned his attention back at the Blacksmith, rubbing the back of his neck "A-..." he cleared his throat swallowing his fear of the womanly rage, for such a young girl she scolded quiet well "A Greatsword, sir...I mean ma'am, MISS!" he corrected himself to not bring the wrath of such an animated NPC such as herself. Pepper turned walking over to a chest picking out a piece of rolled up parchment "Here you go." she spoke out handing it to him "It has everything you'll need. Materials. A list of what kind of blades are made with said materials. You can mix & match if you'd like to make sure it looks the way you want, all the materials are pretty simple to find, you can find what you need just outside in the field north of here." she turned pointing to the northern direction "Thank you, Miss." the NPC had smiled warmly at him this time as if he had learned some manners, cutely she would speak one last time "You're very welcome." he gripped the parchment in his hand rolling it open gazing at everything that was written down, it didn't take long to know what he sought out. He turned back to Miaki walking over to him "I got it. She said the Northern Field would be where we would need to go for the materials on the list." he safely tucked the parchment in his pouch, turning down the path & walking knowing the player would follow behind.

  12. The warrior kept an attentive ear towards Miaki hearing every word he spoke of, he had heard of the term 'Monster PK' before, the way some of the newbies spoke of it though was as if it hadn't been confirmed as an actual method...apparently it is, coming from a first hand witness. Luckily, he has yet to have the pleasure in meeting a PKer; at his current level I don't think he would want to even start at a Red Player for a second, it could mean trouble...'Pick your enemies' that's the say. They continued walking and the other player kept talking "I know my way around 'Town Of Beginnings' like the back of my hand...knowing where to start quests, I know little of." he wasn't ready to share any of his history to the player, what he was doing BEFORE he started doing quests & seeking power. Cobalt's red hues dead set ahead of him seeing the blip of the town coming into few view now, it wasn't too far off now...with a non-joking tone the warrior spoke up "You do talk a lot." there was a silence for about 30 seconds, feeling the disappointed aura radiating off the player "But..." he continued his sentence "It's welcomed...I don't always get the pleasure to speak with another player for longer than this." the others were scared of him, even the one's he would help would scarcely say a word to him but he could see the appreciation in their eyes as they looked into his red orbs when he assisted them "A new change of pace compared to hearing my own thoughts all day long." he turned his head to gaze over to Miaki, it had been a while since he had even looked at the other player some would think he was just utterly annoyed but he greeted his gaze with a smile "Looks like we're here." he turned his head back to the Town gates, stepping passed the guards at the gate and down a busy street with other player roaming about minding their own business, moving...not stopping a bit to realize what was going on around them...this was LIFE now, deep down HE knew it.

  13. The player was oddly dressed not many players wore a coat & fedora as starter clothing...he was probably a higher level but on Floor 1? Perhaps he was helping out others just like himself, well the player was sensible & generous to offer them to split up the earnings, it would help him to have SOME Col at the end of this quest. The warriors ears perked at the words 'You're in the WRONG place.' he placed a hand to his face and sighed "Dammit, I knew that guy was a bit fishy...no doubt trying to dispose of me." lately some of the players have been telling lower levels about rumors & other false directions to quest in order to dwindle the population to sort out the Col & Exp. shortage. "I guess...back to the Town Of Beginnings." he had come so far & in the opposite direction, next time he will have more intel before pursuing a quest to see if all the facts check out. The audible smack of the player smacking his forehead for being a dunce made him chuckle lightly "It's nice to meet you, Miaki & Silverwing." he knew his way back to the town starting his drudging journey back, walking past the boy with a smile still curved upon his lips "You can call me, Cobalt." his Great Sword jingling & sway lightly from side to side with each step as he knew the player would follow at his side, 'Must be nice to have a companion that stays by your side.' he thought to himself.

  14. There was a screech head above head the wind carrying it far & loud; Cobalt gazed up at the majestic winged creature, the shade of the bird soaring over him it's silhouette running across his face "Hm." using his skills of deducing, he figured that this was a companion to a nearby player, if it was a monster on the field it surely would've attacked him by now especially since it could've easily taken a hit at him when he hadn't noticed it flying overhead. The warrior stopped on the trail looking around the shrubs & foliage "But where is your player." he said quietly to himself, was it an ambush? A war cry of sorts before an attack? Or...his ears perked a bit hearing the voice of a male not far from him, he turned his back to see the trench coat, fedora wearing boy approaching him "Seems friendly enough." he said under his breath, walking over to the boy meeting him half way. It was be shameful for any other male to ask for direction, supposedly it was a emasculating thing to do, he would more than easily set aside any pride to get to his goal "Greetings." he cracked a smile to seem a bit less menacing especially with his Great Sword holstered on his back which was practically his size "I'm lost; have you heard of a quest known as ?" he asked politely "If you could assist me with finding it, it'd be much appreciated." it would be rude to ask for his help without incentive "I don't have much but any monsters we fight along the way, I'll be more than happy to repay you with whatever Col they drop." his offer was set, Cobalt needed the Col BUT he needed the rumored weapon more.

  15. ( For Cobalt & Miaki )

    "Dammit." the red eyed warrior gritted his teeth as he stood in the middle of a empty field standing by looking at the map on his HUD, the day was like any other, a minor breeze to rustle one's hair, blades of grass dancing in the wind as the warmth of the sun beat against his skin; only a game like SAO would have such perfect weather. Cobalt clicked off the large map "Tss." he was slightly annoyed that the quest he had heard about would be so well hidden in a plain open field on Floor 1. He searched his pockets turning back to see the small blip of 'Town Of Beginning' far off in the distance "I've come this far..." he continued walking up a small hill drudging onward to a quest that may not even exist, the noob that had told him about the quest seemed a bit odd "...It'd be a waste of energy to go back." he spoke to himself as if trying to keep his own morale up.

    What felt like hours was surprisingly only minutes but who could really tell when you're searching for god knows what; when all seemed a bit hopeless he finally found a trail hidden away ahead of him leading into a group of shrubs & other flora "Promising." he cracked a smile walking over to the shrubs pushing them aside to make way for his frame, nearly tearing them out of the ground as he pushed on them "I smell a quest. Ha! Who ever said determination never paid off?" his eyes stared ahead of him examining the dirt trail, he made his way down the path; the wind blowing through his white grey-ish hair.

  16. Cobalt finished speaking with the Quest Giver NPC "Lets see." he opened his menu pressing his finger on his journal button 'Earning A Living: Bam! Kicking It Up a Notch!' "Got it." he skimmed the quest description not really reading the elaborate commentary but looking more along the lines of the objectives "Kill 5 Boars & Obtain their meat." his red hues skimmed to the bottom "Collect a few herbs from the field." he clicked the cursor down, scrolling to see the rest of the details "Looks like the Chef will give me the supplies I need once I bring back the ingredients...and first recipe would be 'Boar Meat Stew'." the white grey-ish haired warrior closed his menu turning his back to the bartender, he'd have to be blind not to notice the players green hue's staring over to him "Problem?" he said calmly, many would think his voice was made for intimidation due to it being so low but his matured tone was naturally laced within his words, he wasn't trying to sound menacing.

  17. ( Private Party For Cobalt & Keith )

    The pitter patter of boots against cobblestone filled the air, the smells of different foods no doubt filled the nostrils of any player that passed through the long street of vendors. Sadly, it wasn't as rare to see beggars out & about asking for the other newbies to spare some Cols for at least a loaf of bread...the longer people stayed in 'Town Of Beginnings' the more beggars he saw. The players thoughts were 'If I were to stay at the Town Of Beginnings I wouldn't die at all.' which is true but without the necessary Col they wouldn't have the nourishment they yearned for and those who HAD Col were either greedy or had used it all up buying food day after day...even Cobalt himself had used up the last of his Col to buy 1 Bread & 1 Water for later. It was about time for Cobalt to move to the next town, he had helped out enough here trying to quell any insanity from scared players and even spared a bit of food & Col every so often; he couldn't possibly think of helping anyone else if he couldn't help himself. The warrior had planned his move to the next town for sometime now & knew more of less where to start...Getting a Profession; he pushed himself off a wall he was leaning against as he stared at all the players in the Merchants street, making his way over to the 'Cook NPC' to acquire the quest for starting chefs. Many would think that a warrior such as himself would choose something of more use like blacksmithing BUT cooking was just as important as making weaponry & armors...he will be able to help those in need with the meals he cooks, along his journey he is sure to run into many various parts of beasts he could cook up and offer to the hungry players that roamed the towns.

    Cobalt entered the towns Tavern standing at the entrance of the doorway, his red eyes examining around the first floor; it wasn't lively BUT it wasn't dead either. His red hue's looking over at the quest marker above the Tavern Owners head "I'm looking to be a chef." his features were intimidating to many of the low level characters, he never seemed to crack a smile & his red eyes always caused people to stop mid conversation entranced by them, his white grey-ish hair seemed to be a rare sight to some as well, he was a walking oddity it seemed.

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