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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. Hey There Roleplayers of Aincrad!

    I'm so glad to have found your roleplay community, I started up my profile today & added myself to the Skype chat; already I'm impressed with such dedication & order of this Roleplaying Forum, I busted my butt off to find an active SAO roleplay. I thank all the people that were willing to help me by answering any questions I had about the rules & system, everyone is extremely friendly & welcoming to newcomers, that is great!

    Now I guess to talk a bit about myself, never was good at introductions, I'm currently enrolled in college where I'm studying for my 'Computer Specialist' degree, which is basically a degree in IT. I really enjoy the in & out of technology, the wave of the future many would say, just wait I'll make the first NerveGears; I have 1-2 years left before I graduate. I'm 22 years old & soon to be 23 on July 5th, I have been RPing since I was 10 (First started off on AOL chatrooms) & worked my way through several different sites to get my 'roleplaying fix'. I am an avid gamer as well, I have a username on Xbox 360, PS3 & Steam with a various collection of games so if you ever want to play a game together do not hesitate to ask, I am always up for playing games with another gamer. I have many interests but a few to point out would be that I like to go to pool halls & play billiards, I enjoy a good movie but lately I've not had the leisure to go to the theater, I am a beer enthusiast (Yes, I do drink) if you know any good brews let me know, I adore my Instagram account because I post random stuff on it so if you have Instagram ask for my username so you can follow me.

    I really hope to roleplay with all of you and to really enjoy my time here. I'm always seeking action/romance roleplays (because who doesn't like romance), I'm always up for party roleplays the more XP the better! C:

    Thanks for reading my novel, if you wanna know more about me...Just ask, I'm friendly enough. C:

  2. ~Enter The Red Eyed Beast!~


    » Username: Cobalt

    » Real name: Yasuo Ito

    » Age: 22

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6'0 ft

    » Theme Song: Dead Is The New Alive

    » History

    Yasuo would have never believed that he would be one of the thousands that were trapped in Aincrad...he was playing this for fun but now he must fight to survive in this dog eat dog world of a MMORPG. Before the release of Yasuo was a regular college student, studying in the networking field, making an honest living at work; going by the motions of day by day life...it wasn't until word of SAO's release that Yasuo seeking out an escape from his daily routine with money that he had saved up he bought himself everything required to play the game & waited patiently for it's release. What was once a wish to escape became a nightmare he would've never guessed would happen...be careful what you wish for...he is going to stay in this world for quite sometime; his morale had not faltered, that blade he carried would take him where he wished to go...he will become strong...he will not die.


    Up to now Cobalt was just fighting for himself, trying to find any leads on where to go first...a path where he would be safe & get a good amount of XP; days turned to nights, nights to days...only bits of information would come into the 'Town of Beginnings', the number of players dwindling down every day. Would this be his fate too? Players would go off on their own & the following day he would hear of their failures to the next town...if only he was stronger, he could help everyone get out of Aincrad. Cobalt needed allies...he needed to help as many players as he could to stand & fight beside him to get back what they lost, their lives.


    » Personality/Virtues

    Generous. Many players hoard the good items to themselves in order to survive, they sell to make a bit of Col...Cobalt donates items that are no use to him, he will help others in quests to help them obtain something to live a bit longer.

    Silent. If there isn't much to say Cobalt won't speak, it finds it best to stay silent than to make himself sound stupid...though some people do take it as if he's being unfriendly, that would be the downside.

    Sweet. Cobalt is greatly concerned about the well beings of others especially those who cannot speak for themselves or protect themselves from danger.

    Righteous. He believes Good & Evil...Good will always triumph against Evil; even if he has slipped into the darkness himself.

    Sarcastic. For being a man of few words, the ones that do slip out are usually witty, sarcastic or humorous to add onto someone else's words.

    Honest. A lie could be fatal, or so he tells himself. This is something he tries hard not to do but it'd be far from him to say he's 'NEVER' lied.

    Straight-Forward. He would rather tell others the dangers that are ahead of them than sugarcoat the extremities.

    Patient. Cobalt has learned that patience is truly a virtue...with this he is able to observe his opponents for weak spots or openings.

    Romantic. A man of mystery & a few words to express what he truly feels for someone...he has elaborate ways to tell his significant other he cares.

    » Flaws

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    .Audacious: Cobalt refused to listen to authority when he knows people are in danger, he WILL take down anyone or anything to help innocents.

    Bloodthirsty. Once a battle starts he won't stop until his opponent is completely obliterated.

    .Callous: Cobalt at times can be somewhat emotionless towards specific situations, he must be strong when others morale is torn asunder.

    .Deranged: Many would think he was mentally sane but when he enters a battlefield donning his cobalt armor, his blade only thirsts for battle.

    .Disturbed: So many ways to kill, maim, & die.

    .Fierce: Rage runs through his veins, once he lets his emotions over take him he won't stop fighting until the people he is protecting is safe...not caring if they are ultimately scarred in the end.

    .Flirt: Just like any man...there is something about a sword wielding woman that gets his blood boiling with excitement.

    Unmerciful. This would be a side many rarely see, to those who have seen his unmerciful behavior...well they aren't around anymore to tell the tale...they deserved it.

    .Gruff: Cobalt can be very stern when people are being defiant, he may sound rough but it's because he cares for the persons safety.

    .Masochist: There's nothing more pleasing than pain to make you feel alive in a game that is meant to make you feel invincible from humanly feelings.



    Non-combat Skills


    Passive Skills

    »Acobatics Rank 0

    »Detection Rank 0

    »Sprint Rank 0

    Combat Skills

    »Parry Rank 0

    »Battle Healing Rank 0

    »Heavy Metal Equipment Rank 0

    »Armor Pierce Rank 0

    Weapon skills

    »Two-Handed Straight Sword Rank 0

    »Knife Throwing Rank 0



    »Basic Two Handed Great Sword

    »Basic Clothing

    »Bread x1

    »Water x1

    »Raw Boar Meat x6


    »Midnight The Dire Wolf


    » None

    ~Cobalt's Log~

    »"A few days have passed & still the amount of players are drastically lowering...that is one less ally to help stop this travesty. I will be leaving soon to the next town as soon as I gather up what items I need...I will officially be gone from 'Town Of Beginnings' & hopefully not to my own death...may the light shine upon me in favor."



    [solo/Private/Open] In Progress Quests/RP

    »[PP] BAM! Kicking It Up A Notch!

    »[PP] The Beast's Fang

    [solo/Private/Open] Completed Quests/RP

    »[sP] A Dire Situation

    [solo/Private/Open] Incomplete Quests/RP *Due To Absent Partner*


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