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Posts posted by catmagnet69

  1. If your only helping yourself beat the game then your really helping no one. She spoke with her head high, That is what I learned throughout all my experiences in the game. she looked over to him and rolled onto her stomach, I hate to see people die, but living really is a decision when it comes to SAO.


  2. Vee heard his outburst of an answer and thought it was time to make her brain work. "He may have been raised by monks for some time yet he made a rather upsetting outburst that one would never do... Though he does have his reasons from the past he didn't have to think twice about anything. So I will decide him to be near trustworthy for now." She looks up at Dante and tells him about her decision for her test, I have decided he is of trust to us, yet asking anything else personal would be out of the question for the time being. I leave him at a 4.02%.

  3. Vee was walking by when she notice a pair of legs dangling from a rooftop, her first instinct of course was to see who it was. Se climbed up the stairs of the building and eventually got up to the roof, she examined the player that looked to be quite strong for the first floor. She walked up behind him kneeling down behind him she tugged on his shirt, Excuse me, but could you direct me to the forest? I'm new and don't know my way around this world yet. She spoke with a firm voice hoping that he wouldn't mind showing her. She looked at his equipment and used her <> skill to examine his sword.

  4. Shaya watched as Ruri attacked and saw the lemur's health go immediately as Ruri slashed at it. Ruri got back next to her and all Shaya could do is let her jaw drop, it took a few seconds but she eventually came to, Holy crap Ruri! How are you so strong? She started walking toward the lemur and she charged at it after she got about halfway. She swung her sword as she ran past it cutting it cleanly in half. YAY! She cheered and made a cute pose and a peace sign with her hand. Anyway, wow! Ruri you are the strongest person I know!

  5. She watched as the nepent was destroyed and the two she was with talked as if it never happened. Vee decided to ask Artorias a question as long as he was still talking, If you don't mind me asking Antorias, what was your home-life like? She didn't just ask this question out of her being nice and wanting to know but this was to be sure whether he was safe or not. If he didn't want to answer she would identify him as more of an offensive person and if he did answer the answer could be either better or worse than answering in the first place. She looked to Dante and expected him to know what she was doing.

  6. Shaya ran up to the lemur and looked t it closely this time seeing how much HP it had. Lemur: 7 HP. Ruri! It has 7 hp! I don't think we're going to win! She said jokingly as she swung her blade at the little monster. As she brought her sword down all she hit was the snow below her as the lemur jumped swiftly out of the way.

    Ruri 57/57

    Shaya 21/21

    Lemur 7/7

  7. Vee finally pulled out her sword as Artorias began to strike once again. He missed by just a few inches and let out any frustration he had by kicking the nepent. She decided that was a good time to attack, she grabbed her sword and ran up behind it to attack. She stabbed it in the back of the legs making it stumble and fall as she pulled it out. She watched as it's HP ran into the red zone and none of them have taken any damage. She quickly jumped back and waited for one of the others to end the battle they were clearly going to win.

    Artorias's HP: 5/5

    Dante's HP: 9/9

    Vee's HP: 5/5

    Little Nepent's HP: 1/5


    [1-6] Miss, causing no damage.

    [7-8] Hit, causes 1 point of damage.

    [9] Critical, 2 points of damage.

    [10] Hyper Critical, 3 points of damage.

  8. Vee noticed he didn't reply and looked back up to Dante, 10.98% now. She saw a little nepent jump out of the bushes. Artorias reacted slightly too quickly and swung in front of the nepent. She saw and understood the message to switch and attacked as the enemy fell back onto a tree. She was too busy analyzing the situation seeing as it came out of nowhere, and she ended up missing as she struck the tree getting her sword stuck. She reverted her attention back to her partners, Dante distract it I need approximately 8 seconds.

    Artorias's HP: 5/5

    Dante's HP: 9/9

    Vee's HP: 5/5

    Little Nepent's HP: 5/5


    [1-6] Miss, causing no damage.

    [7-8] HIt, causes 1 point of damage.

    [9] Critical, 2 points of damage.

    [10] Hyper Critical, 3 points of damage.

  9. She finished analyzing the players equipment using her <> skill and found him to be a trustworthy ally to have at their side. She bowed as it was accustom to do as she spoke, It is a pleasure to meet you Artorias, I do expect that you will have no trouble trusting us for we are only here to help. She listens as he continues to speak and she whispers to Dante, He is safe according to my calculations. He has a 9.37% chance of turning on us, but I don't believe we will have to worry.

  10. Vee was in a diner on floor 1 when she received a message from her closest ally, Dante. She knew he was the one person she could trust in this world for sure, she paid her bill and walked to the teleport gate. Teleport Grasslands. She spoke quietly as a bright flash took her to the grasslands, she began to run as she entered the forest and soon found Dante with an unfamiliar face close by. She walked up to Dante and spoke quietly, Greetings Dante how are you today? She examines the other person and begins to question herself whether he was safe or not.

  11. Shaya was training in the desert landscape behind a few hills of sand when she heard a group talking behind her. She decided to go investigate all the commotion and crawled to the top of a hill, laying down she examined the players one at a time. She thought to herself thinking of who she's seen, "No, no, no, no, no... is that Ruri? .... No it cant be. She sees that all except one weren't player killers, she determines that it's safe to approach and she gets up walking down the hill. Then she notices a small furry friend nearby, "Kanya? It is Ruri! Shaya starts to dash down the hill yelling her name, Ruri!!! When se gets to her she hugs the blue haired girl almost knocking her off of her feet.

  12. Shaya draws her sword silently and runs up behind it. As she get closer and closer she jumps in the air and brings her sword down the mob, but it dodged. It must have heard her coming up to it from behind. She laughed as she jumped backward away from it. She didn't bother looking at it's health as she watched Ruri attack.

  13. They begin to rush to the top of the hill together, hoping to find something at the top. Shaya ran past Ruri and jumped in the air at the top celebrating that she won a race that she never even challenged Ruri to. She looks around on the top of the hill and sees a small black and white striped tail sticking up out if the snow. She looks to Ruri and moves one of her hands above her lips and the other pointing to the little animal.

  14. Her ears twitch when he answers, Oh, well I was just wondering. She lays on her side so that she's facing him. How about I protect you? I haven't mentioned it yet but I work with the front liners. She gives a smile as if to gloat, I need to do more though I seem to be losing my edge.

  15. She looked to him and saw his pupil in the corner of his eye as if he was watching her, she shook off the feeling and spoke, This world is very dangerous you know, it's a lot safer if you have someone with you at all times. She looks back to the players below and they begin to flee from the boars, Yet... Sometimes even that isn't enough. She lays down and looks at the clouds overhead, I presume you don't have someone to keep an eye out for others do you?

  16. She heard his words as if they were to pity himself, Don't be so down, I just don't want someone new to end up dead. She looks the opposite way to the valleys in the distance. This world is beautiful, don't you agree? She sees boars and a few other mobs gathered in groups spread out around the valleys and a few players trying to attack them, she whispers under her breath, I guess everyone needs all the experience they can get these days...

  17. student_zps2f0f8f5e.jpg

    «Vee» The Intelligent


    »Username: Vee

    »Real name: V

    »Age: 20

    »Gender: Female

    »Height: 5’ 5’’


    Personality: V has lived her life shut out from society. Her parents home schooled her and never allowed her outside of their property unless it was a special occasions. On one of those occasions she heard one of her siblings talk about video games, she demanded to know what they were and her social life began there. Her parents bought her a computer and eventually that branched off to nerve gear. She often looks to her past life and finds it dull and boring and plans on staying in SAO for a very long time.


    »Intelligent- Can easily see the natures of people mobs and NPC’s, Has no trouble solving problems. She will notice the smallest details and make a conclusion only when she is 100% sure about something.

    »Cautious- She will take risks but only if she knows that she is safe behind them, she has a hard time trusting others and barely ever trusts anyone as it is. Because of this she takes every precaution necessary to survive and seems to see everything coming before it happens.

    »Righteous- Has a strong sense of justice and will fight to protect it, despises killers and law breakers. Will stop at nothing to see their demise. She despises anything that kills people and tends to enjoy killing more mobs than fewer.


    »Selfish- She will do things only to please herself and no other, she will put her needs before others and will not hesitate to defend what she cares about. Though she has a hard time sharing treasure and Col with others occasionally she may feel generous.

    »Arrogant- Having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-importance. Inclined to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior. She always wants to be the center of attention and hates it when someone steals the spotlight from her.

    »Judgmental- Inclined to make and form judgments, especially moral or personal ones, based on one’s own opinions or impressions towards others/practices/groups/religions based on appearance, reputation, occupation, etc.





    » Equipment Appraisal - The ability to identify the Maker, Style, Damage Level/Defense Level, Name, Enchantments and Durability of a piece of equipment. Higher levels give more information.

    »Tools Appraisal - The ability to identify the Maker, Style, Damage Level/Defense Level, Name, Enchantments and Durability of a weapon. Higher levels give more information.


    »Detection - A sixth sense, allowing the player to notice enemies and secrets from a distance. Greater mastery allows detection of monsters in «Hiding» status and primitive booby traps, such as snares and pitfalls.

    »Night Vision - The player can see better in darker conditions.

    »X-Ray Vision - The ability to see through obstacles and walls. Max level can see through secure rooms. Does not work on clothes.


    » Battle Healing - Recover low amounts of HP over time during battle. It can be leveled up by constantly getting one's HP into the red zone.

    Emergency Recovery

    »Parry - The ability to use an attack to block an opposing strike. Maximum level makes it possible to destroy an item currently at less than half of the maximum durability; anything with a durability above that will not be damaged.

    Weapon Skills :

    » One-handed Dagger - The effectiveness with which a player can use dagger-type weapons (e.g. knives, daggers, etc.).

    »Blade Throwing - The effectiveness with which a player can use throwing weapons (e.g. Throwing Picks)


    » Starter Dagger


    » none


    » none


  18. Shaya was tired after so long on the higher floors and decided that it would be a good idea to have some fun. No one likes to have a headache from stress. She sees someone in the distance from the city. She runs out into the field and greets the person she hasn't met, Hi! I'm Shaya! She gave a welcoming smile as she sat down beside him. You know it's dangerous to let your guard down right? She looked at him and noticed he was still in his starter clothes. Oh your new huh?

  19. Shaya came back down to floor 1 to get away from all that happened. As far as searching for the origins of her most recent foe she needed a much needed break, she was walking through the fields of floor 1 feeling invincible to everything that has attack her so far on this floor. The sun was just above her head when she thought to go and climb a huge hill. She ventured of further and further looking for the biggest ill she could find, and when she found it, she sat at the very top looking down on the city and fields below.

  20. Shaya tilted her head as Ruri ran after the tiger, Tag? She thought in her head. Alright let's go! she runs after Ruri and the tiger. She began to slow down seeing it was a whole family of tigers. Ruri, I don't think that's a great idea. The tigers begin to growl as she gets closer. Tigers are kind of... not nice to people that take their children.

  21. Shaya put the bone in her inventory and looked back to her, Did you? I hear its a really hard quest to complete. She begins to walk into the snowy wasteland as it seemed, the snow began to pick up like a blizzard. She moves her arm in front of her face as she continues, Hey Ruri you're fine without a coat right? She looks to her as if she was crazy wearing her normal clothes out in the snow.

  22. She sees her friend appear after a bright flash of pixels explode in front of her. She took the coat and put it on, Hey Ruri, it's been okay I guess. But I don't have anyone to talk to very much when Angel isn't around. She takes a look at the game guide, Hey Ruri, how do I become a beast tamer? I want to have a familiar like you. She thinks of all the animals in the game that she's seen so far, It'd be cool to have a companion to follow you around everywhere you went.

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