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Posts posted by catmagnet69

  1. Shaya was walking around on floor 4 when she sent a message to Ruri. She messaged her to see if she can come and keep her company.

    It's really boring when Angels not around, and I tend to have too much free time. Would you mind coming down here and accompanying me? Perhaps we'll find a dungeon or something around here... PS. Bring a coat, it's freezing.

    She pressed the send icon and waited at the teleport gates for her to appear in front of her.

  2. Shaya hugged Ruri back, I'm glad you found the necklace, I'm sure he'll be very happy to get it. Maybe he will even return the favor. She winked at her knowing that she knew what she meant. I hope you have fun with him. And don't let him go, Keith isn't fine with very many people. She began to walk away pulling out a teleport crystal, It's been fun girls but I have to get back to Angel, I hope to see you both soon. She gives a smile as she raises the crystal into the air, Teleport to Floor 2! She began to glow dissolving into pixels as she teleported away.

  3. She found herself being pulled into the maze, in the wrong direction, Hey Ruri wait this is the wrong way! She spoke too late as she was pulled into a dead end of the maze. She looked around and couldn't see either the monster or their tracks. Ruri, I cant see our tracks, what are we going to do?

  4. Shaya planned on ending this soon even if she didn't have the last attack she wanted Ruri to get her Hoya, it would help her out a lot and she wanted Ruri to be happily married just as she would be soon. I'm gonna end your life sooner or later so just give up now! She runs straight forward to the monster, she sighs as she misses her strike returning to the girls behind her.

    [1-5] Miss

    [6-8] Hit

    [9-10] Critical

    Ruri - 50/53

    Haine - 61/61

    Shaya - 16/19

    Monster - 6/23

  5. Shaya charged back at the monster seeking revenge for hitting her, She pulls her sword out to her side running n circle around it. leaving a blinding wall of dust she strikes from behind she cut the monsters back dealing 1 damage, she knew it wasn't much but she was willing to take anything she could get

    [1-5] Miss

    [6-8] Hit

    [9-10] Critical

    Ruri - 50/53

    Haine - 61/61

    Shaya - 16/19

    Monster - 9/23

  6. The monster looked menacingly at Shaya who missed her attack, it swung it's huge claw at her swiping at her horizontally. Shaya couldn't react in nearly enough time as she was clawed straight across the stomach. She was tossed off to the side as it pulled its claw back to its side. Damn it! I will end you! She glared at the monster as she got back up to her feet.

  7. She watch Ruri fly backward behind herRuri! Shaya yelled knowing that she was okay but she still felt concern for her. She ran up behind the monster with her sword at the ready. She jumped in the air slashing at the monster for revenge, the monster saw her coming and easily ducked underneath her attack.

    [1-5] Miss

    [6-8] Hit

    [9-10] Critical

    Ruri - 50/53

    Haine - 61/61

    Shaya - 19/19

    Monster - 16/23

  8. Shaya walked through the caves of the mountain she didn't go on the outside because of her fear of heights. As she finally makes it out she yells to Aiden, Are you sure you want to do this? Though she already knew the answer she wanted to ask anyway.

  9. Shaya watched Ruri miss, though she was still laughing and having fun. I love my friends, they take a game of death like an everyday trial and have fun with it. She laughs and takes the next attack slashing at the monster, She slashes at it's massive are and cuts it leaving a digital gash behind her.

    Ruri - 53/53

    Haine - 61/61

    Shaya - 19/19

    Monster - 22/23

  10. Shaya plugged her nose before entering the maze hoping she wouldn't smell it, eventually she unplugged it and put her shirt over it instead. They follow Ruri who eventually turned around. Shaya did the same and turns around with her sword still dragging in the dirt. Haine in front of her leading the way back to the fork in the maze. Where to Haine?

  11. Ready! Shaya said as they marched proudly with to the Wavering Mist, and came to a stop at a tall hedge maze. She knew she didn't want to get lost, and clearly the other girls wanted the same so an idea popped into her head, Why don't we leave a tracks with our swords behind us so we don't get lost? She drew her sword and stuck it in the ground. Ok Ruri lead the way!

  12. Shaya hears the crunching of snow nearby. She waited as the sound got closer and closer then suddenly, She let off 1 more snowball hitting them in the face. She ran to them realizing it was Sin, I'm sorry! I didn't realize it was you. She swipes her hand in the air poking at an icon, two white gloves appear in her hands. Here you should at least stay warm. She hands the gloves to him and runs off in search of Ruri, Come with me if you want to live.

  13. Shaya noticed one thing and one thing only, a snowball was coming at her face. It hit her and she fell backwards. She laughed as an idea popped into her head, she started to burrow under the snow making a small tunnel. She readied herself in the middle of the battlefield with a barrage of snowballs. She got ready and jumped, bursting out and firing at them back and fourth, Ruri, Sin, Ruri, Sin.

  14. Shaya was at the guild with Angel awaiting orders from someone. A white box popped up in front of her asking Ruri to meet her there. She kissed Angel and promised to come back afterwards. She pulled out a teleport crystal and teleported to the fourth floor. She noticed it was extremely cold, she equipped a white coat with fur on the rim of the hood, began to walk to Ruri's location eventually making it there. Hey Ruri! Sorry I took so long!

  15. Shaya watched the girl fall in a bush not far behind her and had trouble keeping her laugh on the inside. Instead she bows to her and replies with a small chuckle in the back of her voice, I'm well, I suppose you cant say the same can you? She examines the girl who seemed to be younger and much more blue than herself.

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