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Sakuri sashiti

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Posts posted by Sakuri sashiti

  1. Sakuri saw that his parent missed, and got hit himself, so he decided to get them back to recover until they would attack again. Sakuri ran past Eléssar and grabbed him by the arm dragging him back. When he was at a safe distance, Sakuri instantly turned and charged the wolf to get some distance between Eléssar and the wolf.

    This time he also missed, he guessed it was cause lack of planning, but otherwise there were no reason for it, he just had missed a swift strike. He then looked back at Eléssar hoping that he could save the situation.

    If he would miss his next attack, the wolf would definitely get a chance to attack Sakuri and cause him damage.

  2. Sakuri noticed that he wolf had been struck by more damage directly after he had damaged it, he then looked up and saw Eléssar. He smiled at him and nodded as some sort of gesture to say good job. He then instantly lunged an attack at the wolf again, to give it no time to rest.

    And it payed of to let go of such rapid attacks in a row, since this time Sakuri landed a crit and dealt 2 damage.

    Sakuri - 14/15

    Eléssar - 7/7

    Wolf - 2/10

  3. Sakuri nods towards the guy who had helped him with a nod. Without him his health might had been much lower than it know was. After he helped him he got a gat hit on the wolf, Sakuri felt like he had to compensate for the help he had gotten, thus charging towards the wolf again with the tip of the blade in the front.

    He did not hit an crit like Eléssar had done, but he did do 1 point of damage. He watched the wolfs health bar getting lower and lower, they had almost killed it now.

    Sakuri - 14/15

    Eléssar - 7/7

    Wolf - 5/10

  4. Sakuri lost focus on the wolf as the man spoke. getting excited, I don't get excited by putting my life in danger.. he thought to himself when he let his guard down.

    He then came back to reality and realized that the wolf was very much alive and needed to be dealt with. Sakuri had seen the fancy move made Eléssar, but instead of making one himself, he felt that regular attacks was the safest way to go.

    But even if the safe way felt safe, the outcome didn't turn out as planned. He missed an easy thrust thereby letting his arm in front of the wolf, and the wolf took the opportunity to attack causing one damage to Sakuri.

    Sakuri: 14/15 HP

    Eléssar: 5/5 HP

    Wolf: 8/10 HP

  5. Once again he had missed his hit, thus leaving the wolf open from attacks. Sakuri started to wonder if he was just being bad, or if he did this with purpose to open up the flank of the wolf. Either way Sakuri once again charged in, hoping that it would be for some good damage.

    But when he was about to strike the wolf, it moved itself since it was struggling with Eléssar.

    how ironic he thought..

    By now the wolf had realesed the sword and charge towards Eléssar.

  6. Listend to what the both girls had to say, he then looked up as he was about to speak.

    "I agree that Yiruma is amazing, but before we should deicide, we should find out if they have their 'own' song first. I mean something that they got an personal connection to, so if anyone knows something about that, speak up. Otherwise agree with Yiruma." he said while nodded as he agreed to what had been said.

    "We also need a plan on how the ceremony shall proceed." he said as he remember it. He then took the list which had been written and thought for a while.

    "Nikki said not to much, so we should listen to her. Tho we should pick something with a personal touch for them both.."

  7. Without getting a strategy, he sees that his partner charges in without any hesitation, but misses his strike. Sakuri thought that this might give him an opening so he charges in as well to seize the small time he have before the wold would notice him.

    The miss that had happen before, seems to have given Sakuri enough time to hit the wolf while it was distracted, it does 1 damage towards the wolf.

    "Well. That's a start." he said while he hopped back again.

    Sakuri - 15/15

    Eléssar - 7/7

    Wolf - 9/10

  8. Sakuri suddenly rushed in and looked stressed out.

    "I apologize so much for my late arrival! I figure that you have been filled in with the early planning huh.." he said as he smiled and sat down.

    "Have anyone thought about the dress of Nikki, or should we let her concern about that?" he said while looking for around waiting for an reply.

    He then put his finger over his mouth as he were thinking.

    "Also, if anyone want to do an official speech we should have an order for that, and after the ceremony we should have a plan also..." so much work to be done, but Sakuri looked at how many people which had arrived, so he felt confident that this would be no problem.

    ((Sorry if I missed anything.. Just skimmed through lol))

  9. It seemed like Sakuri had given away to much for the quest to remain secret. Or he didn't know for sure, he just assumed so. Sakuri felt like it would still be better to not answer tho what had been said. Sakuri simply replied with a "hmm" sound.

    He then heard a noise coming from the bush, not knowing what it was, or rather what it is, he put his hand in the handle of his rapier.

    "Did you hear that?" he said with a rather quiet tone while he stopped frozen in one spot. it can't be the flower types, then we would be able to see it from here since I believe that they a still rather large. Must be something else.

    Sakuri put his hand on the shoulder of Eléssar, and then moved in front of him gesturing him to way behind. When Sakuri got closer and closer to the bush where he had heard some noise, he saw some fur. He quietly moved back to where Eléssar had been standing.

    "I think it might be a wo" he tried to say but got interrupted by a white wolf jumping out of the bush.

    ((Couldn't think of a better animal lol))

  10. Sakuri noticed that he was eager to start, which was understandable if he was level 1. Sakuri walked up to him and they started walking together inwards through the forest, Sakuri kept an eye around himself to see if he would find any flower alike monster... He then turned his head towards Eléssar.

    "If you come across any plant type monsters, would you be so kind to tell me about them?" he then returned to scout around him.

    With no real clue of where they were, or what they were looking for, this quest seemed like it could take some time, maybe more than a day even.

  11. Sakuri was still being cautious with how he would act, but he decided that they could go together, some extra help would be much needed to find what he was looking for, he also deci to not speak about the quest, since it may cause conflicts later on.

    He walked up towards the players and reached out for a handshake.

    "Alright, I'll help you with what I know. My name is Sakuri" he said while he held eye contact throughout the whole sentences.

    starting In a forest seems a bit odd.. Most people start with killing boars outside of the city..

  12. maybe if I will cli... he was thinking before the chain of thoughts got interrupted by another player. He looked towards him and standing up before even gesturing anything, since this time Sakuri deiced to be on the safe side when he meet someone new, the last man he had met was very, strange.

    After he was back up standing, he raised his hand to the same level as his head. Looking very thoughtful and what some may have said, confused he finally said.

    "If you could tell me what happened, I would appreciate that.. The man just attacked me, then ran away." he said while he looked upwards to the sky, trying to remember what had happen, he then realize he forgot to mention the green shimmering light that came from his eyes.

    Maybe it's for the best to not say that yet, until I know who this guy is, maybe he was the cause for the situation.

  13. Suddenly the man got up, and just ran away, without saying anything or showing any sign of information that could lead to an answer about this strange encounter. This just put Sakuri out of his game, standing there with no clue what just had happen. Luckily thought, he had no need to kill him since he ran away. That would be the last resort in all scenarios.

    He now had his focus on going in to that forest, and find what he was looking for, though it sounded easier then it probably is, if you think about it, finding a small thing in the middle of a big forest, Sakuri's problems had started with finding the forest.

    maybe I should get a plan before rushing in.. he thought while sitting down on the ground, trying to prepare himself of what might come.

  14. If you read through some different quests, you can see rewards on what you can get. Like equipment for some, or stances and such.

    Also I agree with you chain, this way people would be more interested in trying to keep the rp alive, and would just promote good roleplaying, I think.

  15. He turned the man carefully around, and at first glint if his eyes, they had a green shimmering light coming out from them. But suddenly the man had turned around and kicked him, which had put him back a few meters. The man then gave no room for thoughts has he got to his feets and started to charge Sakuri.

    "What is he doing?" he said while he still was in some sort of shock, after the kick. He also got up on his feets so he would be ready to defend himself, not with his word equipped though. The man got in range and tried to tackle him, but Sakuri easily avoided this.

    "Please stop this, don't force me to actions I don't wanna take" he said while he kept focusing on the man which was once again just running towards him, with no real sense of a plan.

    This time when he got in range, Sakuri decided to hit him, so he did in upper cut to the charging man while sidestepping, which would lead to the man falling over.

  16. After to much time of wandering, he had finally found the forest. He was not at it quite yet but now he had vision of it anyhow. He felt relieved that he could be worse at navigating then he actually was, since he had eventually found it! He still walked a rather slow pace though, so he would be more focused on what's around him. When he was almost at the forest, he saw a man laying there on the ground, face down. He was sure that it was a player, since it had the green crystal above his head, but he had a strange feeling over this.

    The man weren't dressed in clothing that was at the looks, not used for fighting. He had the looks of a lumber man, kind of. The red shirt with regular blue jeans and a small hat. Since he still had not moved, Sakuri felt like he had to check so everything is alright, so he walked up to him while trying to contact him.

    "Hello? Are you sleeping?" but with no success , so he kept moving towards him. Wen he stood next to him, no movement had still been made, so Sakuri crouched down to turn him around, but after he had crouched down he heard some sort of strange breathing, which reminded him f some sort of zombie breathing from all the movies in real life.

  17. He woke up after he realized he had fallen asleep, but by the look of where the sun was placed, it had only been for a brief moment. "Well if I fall asleep like that, it was probably good that I get some rest." he thought while he started to stretch out his muscles. This was something that Sakuri usually do when he wakes up, or after training or anything that will affect hiss muscles, or would had affected his muscles in real life. It was just one of those habits he had taken with him into the game.

    He took a sip from some water he had stashed in his bag. When the water touched his lips, it felt cold and refreshing. Like when you're eating a ice cream in a hot summer day. He had now started to move again, but with no sense of directions, he felt like he had been wandering in circles.

    "How big is this floor? It's not like I shouldn't be able to find it..." he started to think while he got frustrated on himself for not being available to navigate towards a big forest, when he even had a map that indicates where he are.

  18. He was now outside if the gate and he brought up the map GUI so he could get an idea of where this ingredient would be found. Since it would be found at plant type mobs, he thought that is would be around the forest, or something else that would be supporting those sorts if stuff.

    The sun was shining straight in to his eyes, so he moved his hand to block the light while moving. This was the second quest he had ever taken, and this time he is alone, which he had never been while doing a quest before. But he had figured that a level 1 quest should be able to be completed by himself, if nothing goes horribly wrong that is.

    He then passed a small NPC farm, which he nodded to the NPC's as a friendly gesture, even tho the npc's don't mind if he just ignores them, he felt like they still were human somehow.

    He had now been walking for a while without finding anything special, so he decided to take a 5 minute rest at the nearby tree. Odd enough this tree was I. The middle of a big field, with no other tree surrounding it, not that it would bother his rest but it was something one may notice.

  19. Sakuri felt like it had been a while since he did anything productive, rather than questing and killing mobs, he had been more focused on meeting new people and establishing friendships, heck, he had even got invited to a guild. But as he started to be more determined about what his goal was, he decided that his level needed to be raised, so he could do some good use at the front line, thereby he decided to take a quest at floor one called "Secret Medicine of the Forest" which objective was to find a ingredient called «Little Nepent's Ovule».

    Thereby, he started to move out of the city to get this adventure going. It was as usual, a windy day but still sunny, thus moderate temperature as this floor is.

    He had lots of thoughts as he swiftly walked through the city, one of the them was about a familiar, he noticed that most of the players had either already finished the quest to get an familiar, or already taken it.

    "Getting a companion to help me out might be a good idea... I should do that after this is done." he thought to himself while he looked towards the sky as he walked.

  20. Sakuri had for way to long went around without upgrading his arsenal, so today he had a plan of what he wanted to get, but with limited amount if COL, he wasn't sure on how restricted he would be.

    He ended the snowy plains and found the shop called "The Feather Forge" which had been recommended by the Azure Brigade members. He entered the shop and saw the list where people had placed their orders, so he walked towards it to put himself on the list.


    Rapier-1+ BD- possibly bleeding effect, depending on how much it would cost.

    ((Send me a PM instead of writing to me in Skype, my iPad is getting crazy in Skype for some reason lawl))

  21. Sakuri didn't even see that strike coming, and even tho it was only for fun, and that Sakuri had no hard feelings. I always sucked to loose. He shook his hand with Sin's with a smile.

    "You weren't lucky, I believe you fought really well! Next time I will win though " he said while chuckled a bit. He started to look around now.

    "So... Would you like to do something else? Or should we wrap this up? I am up for either of it! he said while he kept looking around himself to get an idea of what they could do.

  22. Sakuri felt it, this could be his chance at winning,meh just needed to land a critical attack at this point, and the fight would be over.

    He felt the wind coming from his foes strike, and it missed. He acted upon this failure to his advantage and tried to lunge the final attack.

    He had failed on landing the critical hit, what he did though was landing an normal hit which caused one damage. That means that they were both down to 1 HP T this point.

    I just have to avoid the next hit..he thought to himself, as he new that one mistake from him now could end this duel.

  23. Sakuri watches his health bars as it goes further down. He now only have 1 HP left, which means that one more hit and t would be it for him. Even though he tried to not let that disturb his focus, it was hard to shut out. So this time, without any finess he charged with force against his opponent.

    And he did hit him right in the center of the chest area, tho it weren't a critical hit, it still felt good to get that one more hit in. The next attack that would happen, could finish the fit though. So he got ready to defend against it.

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