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Sakuri sashiti

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Posts posted by Sakuri sashiti

  1. He heard her saying that it fine, he was nowhere close of believing that though. He knew that under that smile of hers, she were sad, or angry, or something alike which he hadn't figured out yet. Either way, she had stood up and so did Sakuri.

    ''Well, lets go then'' He said with a calm voice while he smiled. He then started walking towards their destination.

    ''Oh, i forgot to mention the bridge between our heaven and the bunny heaven. Its a beutiful, and a tasty bridge.'' He said with a laugh. He then waited up so he wouldn't leave Haine there.

    ''And it's tasty since the bridge is made out of candy!''

    If this don't cheer her up, i got no clue on what to say.. He thought to himself.

    He then looked towards the sun. Yeah its almost pitch black soon.. We should hurry up..

  2. He heard that she started to cry, and Sakuri had never been good at handling feelings, especially not other peoples. He sat still like an statue not knowing how to react, or what to do. He then awkwardly put his hand on her shoulder and said.

    ''Well... I know that Momo was a good bunny! Momo is for sure in the bunny heaven.''He kept looking straight forward without showing a sign of anything.

    ''And in bunny heaven, there is an carrot bar, where all the carrots in the world are for free! And the clouds which the bunny heaven lies on, is made out of cotton candy!''

    He then looked towards her and smiled.

    ''So Momo is living the dream up there right now!''

    I handled this a lot better than i thought that i would do..I'd hate to see an happy girl like her to cry though, maybe i shouldn't had brought up the bunny..''

    He then looked straight forward again and swallowed a couple of times.

    ''Do you need a hug or anything?'' He said while his face got rose red.

  3. ''Thank you for giving me this chance''He told to the person which had introduced himself as Miaki while he shook his hand. He closely took a look at Miaki and thought he looked mysterious in some way. Maybe it's the fedora He thought to himself, the guy seemed like he knew what he was doing though.

    ''I am eager to start it then''He said while he looked decisive. He then looked over to the person who were supposed to be the medic of them,Clarence.

    ''Hello Clarence, nice to meet you'' He said while he once more nodded friendly.

    He heard him talk about about potion for an upcoming battle so he got curious.

    ''Are you preparing for the next boss fight already?'' He said while his face and voice kept neutral.

  4. He looked at Haine, then on the rabbit. Doing a small grin.

    ''Do you think you can catch it?'' He said while looking challenging on Haine. He then smiled at her.

    ''You could catch it and have it as an pet bunny!''He said while he started to laugh.

    The bunnies pelt was white as snow and had clear blue eyes, it was a very beutiful bunny if you compared to many of them, especially those bunnies who are mean!

    ''In real life, before i entered SAO.. I got biten by a bunny'' He said while he laughed

  5. Sakuri was really confused, why would he know who that person would be? Well, either if he should know or not, he didn't. He Looked at the person which had introduced himself as Zelrius.

    ''Yes i am the new member of the guild, which i am thankful for being. So thanks'' He said while he once again, did a friendly nod to show his gratitude.

    He then looked around the floor they were on.

    ''I really like the looks off this floor, it feels so welcoming'' he then turned towards the group of people again.

    ''So, could i get a hint of what's going on, what's the plan?''

  6. Sakuri just arrive to the newly opened floor, and it was astonishing. He had become fond of floor 6 already, since he loved to just roam around in the wildlife and the nature, but this was so much better. He had gotten a memo from the someone named Miaki, which were told to be the guild leader of ''Azure Brigade'', and he said that they were interested in him to join the guild.

    This was a very pleasant surprise to Sakuri since he had never been in a guild before, and it was also becoming dangerous to be alone since most of the players were such a high level compared to him.

    Right in front of him at the teleportation gate there were 3 guys standing, which he figured had to be Miaki and other people from the guild. He approached them with his back straightened and his head high, to get some good authority.

    ''Hello, I'm Sakuri. I've been told to meet a Miaki here, could this be one of you?'' He said while he friendly nodded towards the people which was standing in front of him.

    ''It's regarding the guild'' He added so no confusion would appear.

  7. ''Well you striving to do something for a good cause, and for that, i salute you!'' He said with a smile.

    He then started to look around and had no clue of where he was going, he then opened up the map.''Do you have any clue of where we are going?''he said with an confused face expression. He then saw a small bunny jumping through the forest.

    ''Oh look a bunny''He said with a calm voice while he pointed towards it. He then crouched down so he wouldn't scare the bunny. ''Yeah this game will be no biggie.. We will finish eventually!'' He said in a quiet tone.

    ''Next time we will meet, i promise you that i will be much stronger!''

  8. Mutant monkey eh? Alright... I just have to be careful..

    He laughed a bit, since the girl seemed really excited all the time and he don't think that he have seen such an happy and excited player before.

    ''Well you lead the way! I think you know this floor way better than i do!''He said while laughed.

    After they started walking for a bit Sakuri felt like it began to be awkward.

    ''so.... You were there when they cleared the last boss?'' He said with a voice full of eager

    He then raised his hand towards the sky ''One day... One day i will be there'' He said while laughed.

  9. He listened to her and she was talking with an really excited voice. So he looked at her and smiled.

    ''You really seem interested in all these animals'' he said while he kept smiling towards her. He then stopped for a second and thought.

    Would be fun to actually get to see some of the animals here..

    ''Would you like to climb up in the trees and see if we can find any birds? Or monkeys?'' He said with an excited voice.

    ''Does monkeys exist in SAO?'' He then said while he put his thinking face on. Sakuris thinking face was him putting his hand over his mouth like ha had a mustache and rested his chin in his hand and also looked up towards the sky.

    ''But you would have to protect me... Since my level is really low'' He said with a serious tone in his voice.

  10. ''Well, nice to meet you then Haine'' He said while he smiled towards her. He then started to walk towards the city in a rather slow tempo.

    ''I really like being here, i mean. All the animals, and just the jungle itself, is so amazing.'' He said with some sort of eager in his tone. He then looked around himself towards Haine.

    ''Are you coming already?'' He said with a small smile. he then started walking again, this time at a higher tempo.

    I wonder of there are any special animals which you can see at night.. He thought to himself. He then scratched his chin and once again turned towards the girl.

    ''Do you know of there are any special animals at night?''

  11. He looked at her with a very serious look.

    ''I am honored to meet you! I am thankful that you are pushing the levels for everyone, i will eventually come up there as well..'' He said while his eyes drifted away towards the sky

    He then opened up the GUI and watched the map. ''Well the city is that way''He said while pointing towards the location it is at.

    ''I should head back before it gets dark, would you like to accompany me back? ''

    He then walked up to her and reached his hand out

    ''I am sakuri. Thank you for catching me''

  12. He heard what he said and removed his hand from the blade and crossed his arms while he leaned against the tree he had recently fell down from.

    He looks on her with a concerned face. ''I didn't mean to offend you or anything... But i had to ask so well.. I wouldn't be in danger. I hope that you understand that''

    He then smiled towards her.

    ''Well, you're looking really young for your age then, what's your secret?'' He said while laughed.

    He then looked around.

    ''Even tho it might be considered rude.. May i ask what level you are? Since you really look better equiped than to level here!''

  13. He heard what she replied, and the way she looked at him really made him uncomfortable. So he proceed to stand up.

    This girl is speaking in riddles... He thought to himself as he kept inspecting her. He then looked at the yellow marking once again.

    ''Why are you yellow? That means you have killed someone, right?'' He said while he was ready for her to do another crazy thing, since that seemed to be nothing unusual with this girl.

    There is no way that i can get help this far out in the forest.. And i can't beat her either by the looks of her equipment.. I just hope that she is playing or something..Maybe if i get her on other thoughts! he thought which he then proceed to ask her

    ''So... How old are you?'' He said while he forced a smile to look as friendly as possible.

  14. He sat up and looked towards the tree which he had fell from.

    ''Oh thank you then, i guess'' He said with a smile towards the girl who he had seen rolled around in the grass. At this point Sakuri had no clue on what was going on, and the confusing state he had been in when he woke up, was still there.

    He rubbed his hands around his eyes while he yawned. While he was doing this he said.

    ''Are you going to kill me?'' He said while he moved his hand towards his sword.

    Even tho she had a yellow marker over her head she looked very friendly, and he would never assume she was a killer by the first sight of her. Even tho he thought she was a bit mental unstable.

    This girl is... Well.. A bit creepy.. He thought while he tried to figure out what had happen and what is going to happen.

  15. He woke up in a panic alike way, the way you do when it feels like you're falling in a dream. He looked around being very confused, until he saw the girl which was holding him.

    What in the heavens is this.. he thought while his mouth was wide open. He then again looked around since he was still in a confused state.

    ''h-hello..'' He said while he looked at the girl.

    ''Could you care to explain what just happened?'' he said while he removed the hair from his eyes. After he removed the hair from his eyes and could look around a bit better, he noticed the yellow marker floating over her.

    What if... What if she is here to kill me. He said while he tried to not make a single gesture with his face, so he would look neutral in any upcoming events.

    ((I had to ask for help to find out what snickers means xD))

  16. It was a warm day with no clouds in the sky. The birds where singing and most of the players seemed like they were in a good mood. It was one of those days were one would just lay in the sun and relaxing.

    One of those who did this, were Sakuri. He had just reached level 5, thereby this floor had tougher monster then he might would be able to handle, but this didn't bother him to much.

    Sakuri had been walking around in the city area and growed tired of all the noises with people talking, shops and traveling people, Well you could say he wanted some quiet time. So thereby he walked out in the jungle with no goal for where he wanted to end up at.

    After a whiles walking the heat had taken its toll.

    I better save of my energy in case that i would need it..He thought to himself.

    He leaned against a tree. Being down here is a pretty easy target for both monsters and players he thought.

    He then looked up against the tree which he was leaning against.

    ''Well.. This would help that a bit'' He mumbled to himself while he climbed the tree. Finally up, he sat himself down and placed his leg on the same branch he was sitting on. And then fell half asleep.

  17. Sakuri watched Saix while he was introduced himself, and had a look which seemed like he listened, but the if the truth is to be told, he was in deep thought on why the girl Ruri had turned yellow.

    I met this girl once before.... She didn't seem like one of thos who would kill players just for the sake of doing it.. He thought to himself. His focus then quickly switched back to Saix which just had finished saying he was a guild leader.

    ''Hello Saix, my name is Sakuri'' He said while he nodded friendly towards him.

    He then proceeded to scratch the back of his head while looking at Saix.

    ''Nobody important you say? Well i believe that each and everyone of us are important, and i am happy to hear that people are engaging them self to organize people so we can win at this game!'' He said while his voice slowly raised as he spoke.

    ''I am honored to meet a guild leader which plays for the better cause'' He said while he tried to force a smile to make the situation less tense.

    He then looked back at chain which didn't reply on his question.

    ''I am sorry if i caused any trouble for you now, i simply just wanted to see how you was doing. By the looks of it, you're about the same guy i saw the last time though.''

    He then looked around towards all the people in the group

    ''Well, it was nice to meet you all, I wish you all luck with whatever you were and are doing!''He then turned around and walked away from the place where they all had met.

    [sakuri exit]

  18. Sakuri was just aimlessly walking around in the town, doing nothing in particular. He had seen the people which dueled, but that didn't get any attention from him, he rather felt sorry for the people dueling that they had to prove them self towards each other when the goal was to beat the NPC's...

    But after a while he had decided to rest at a bench near the dueling area. He closed his eyes for a bit letting his hair fall in front of his eyes while leaning back. Then suddenly the yelling and screaming was over.

    Is the duels finally over? He thought to himself while he looked towards the area so the who the winner had been.

    He then saw an familiar face..

    Could.. Could that be Chain perhaps? he thought.

    Chain had been the guy which he got stuck in a cave with, and almost faced death with also.

    I wonder how he have been doing ever since that happen. He thought while he found himself walking towards the location he had seen Chain.

    He then saw another familiar face which had arrived while he was walking.. It was the girl from the tavern thing if he remembered correctly.

    Ru.... Ru... something.. Is it Ruri perhaps? he thought while he was almost there.

    He had also seen the duelist standing there with him but hadn't given any thought towards him.

    ''Hello Chain,Ruri. He said while he nodded friendly towards them all.

    ''And hello to you to stranger. He said while looking at the duelist.

    ''Haven't seen you in a while Chain, how are things holding up?'' He said with a rather monotone voice.

  19. He followed her up to the room without saying anything. She then opened the door and said "Wow! Such a pretty room!" which Sakuri replied with a simple ''Meh''

    He looked around in the room a bit and finally sat down in the sofa next to Sakura.

    ''So... He said with a smile. ''How do i play this thing? ' He said while he tried to understand the mechanics of playing a violin.

    ''I never played an instrument in this game before, is it like a game system, or is it like the real life thing?'' He said with a look of concern

    Why did i start this up... I've never been musical in my whole life...

  20. He looks at her with a warming look.

    ''Well... You're my first friend as well! And this will make the life in this world easier!he says with an cheerful voice!

    He then realized he haven't learned anything, and that he should get back to the original topic, learning to play an instrument.

    W-well... Could we head to a more private area so we could practice on playing? There is so many people in here and i already made a fool out of myself in here!'' He said with an shy voice

    He then scratched his head ''If that's alright with you then of course''

  21. ''It feels good hearing you say that... I.....I trust you.'' He said inn rather insecure way. Since he had never really felt like he can trust anyone before, not in the game nor in real life.

    ''So this is how it feels'' He mumbled quietly He then proceed to lift his glass up and says ''For you'' He said with an smile. and then drank a bit of water.

    '' Don't worry about anything, because I'll be alright,'' This girl is so nice towards me.... I wonder if she is like this towards everyone. But yet, i feel this warm feeling when she is acting like this towards me..Does it even matter if she's like this towards anyone? No it don't silly.... Just enjoy the moment for once! He thought to himself inside of his head.

    He then leaned backwards, crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

    ''This feels.... Good for once!''

  22. ''Well, is there a reason why i wouldn't befriend you? I can only see positive things about you!'' He said while smiling

    ''And i feel very happy to have you to cover my back!''

    Ill just make sure that nothing will ever happen to her... I can't ..

    He then started to look concerned at her..

    ''What if i can't protect you? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for such a thing...''

  23. ''Destiny... Yeah this would be a prime example of that actually.. It doesn't matter why we met each other, i am just happy that we did!'' he said with his smile, actually felt good about himself for once.

    ''I am usually lonely as well, there are so many people here which only cares about them self, so it gets lonely'' He said with a concerned face.

    But then he shined up like the sun with a big smile

    ''But now we can be lonely together! wait... we wouldn't be lonely then.. i mean that we could accompany each other more often so we wouldn't be as lonely..

    he then acquired eye contact with the girl, but he kept watching while drifting away in thought.

  24. He nodded towards the npc with a small smile on his face while he choose the same as Sakura.

    It's kinda funny... Our names. And the odd way we actually got to meet each other. Why do you think we did meet each other?''

    he said while he carefully grabbed around her wrist dragging her back towards the table and sat down.

    He then looked out through the window and saw that the sun has started to go down.

    ''Oh i am sorry if i am keeping you here by the way.. Its late and i understand if you don't wanna be here or got other things to do'' He then took a sip of his water.

  25. Her hand.. it felt so warm and... yeah... it was warm.. He than proceeded to look at her hand while he was in deep thought, barely even heard what she said. He then saw her moving to the counter,which he followed her to. He then didin't know where he should stand.. If i stand to close to her, it'll be awkward... But if i stand to far away from her, she might think that i am rude... So he decided to stand a bit behind her, while slightly next to her.

    ''You can order first.'' He said with some sort of an shy voice.

    And after he said this, he just couldn't stop thinking about the warmth in her hand.

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