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Posts posted by Rolland

  1. I think that this is a good idea, I for one, agree with the third one, because it doesn't make sense for a Tailor to make heavy style gear. They deal with Leather, and clothing armor, if anything, if they were to make heavy it would be heavy leather, like Padded leather or studded leather armor. Heavy deals with Heavy Plate Armor, like Full plate, and Splint plate armor. But also I should point out, that LIght armor isn't only just leather, there is something called Light metal armor, these are like comparing a buckler to a kite shield and tower shield. Bucklers are light metal and weight less. If they were to stick with Light Armor, such as they have been doing then specifiy that they can craft not only Leather armor but also Light metal armor, like a Chain Shirt. Or even a light plated leather battle coat.

  2. I can give you three ways in finding out how to have Lucid Dreams. Now I am taking this from a site, I will provide link to the site, so I am not copy writing.


    Link: http://www.wikihow.com/Lucid-Dream


    Tip 1. Using Dream Awareness Techniques


    1.) Keep a dream journal. Keep it close by your bed at night, and write down your dream immediately after waking, or the emotions and sensations you experience right when you wake up. This will train you to remember more of your dreams, which is important for lucid dreaming. Plus, there's not much point in controlling your dreams if you forget the experience before the morning.

    • Alternatively, keep a recording device by your bed.
    • You might remember more of your dream if you stay still for a few minutes concentrating on the memory, before you start writing.



    2.) Use reality checks frequently. Every few hours during the day, ask yourself "Am I dreaming?" and perform one of the following reality checks. With enough practice, you'll start following the habit in your dreams as well, cluing you in to the fact that you're dreaming.

    • Read a page of text or the time on a clock, look away, then look back again. In dreams, the text or time will be blurry or nonsensical, or will be different each time you look.
    • Pinch your nose, close your mouth, and test whether you can still breathe.
    • Simply look at your hands and feet. These are often distorted in dreams when you inspect them closely.



    3.) Repeat "I will be aware that I'm dreaming" each time you fall asleep. Each night as you fall asleep, repeat to yourself "I will know I'm dreaming" or a similar phrase until you drift out of consciousness. This technique is known as Mnemonic Induction to Lucid Dreaming, or MILD. Mnemonic induction just means "using memory aids," or in this case using a rote phrase to turn the awareness of your dreaming into an automatic habit.

    • Some people like to combine this step with a reality check by staring at their hands for a few minutes before they go to sleep.



    4.) Learn to recognize your personal dream signs. Read through your journal regularly and look for recurring "dream signs." These are recurring situations or events that you may notice in your dreams. Become familiar with these, and you may recognize them while you dream, and therefore notice that you're dreaming.

    • You probably know some of these already. Common dream events include losing your teeth, being chased by something large, or going into public without clothes on.



    5.) Drift back to sleep when awakened from a dream. When you wake up and remember your dream, write it down in your dream journal, then close your eyes and focus on the dream. Imagine that you were in the dream, noticed a dream sign or reality check, and realized it was a dream. Hold on to this thought as you drift back to sleep, and you may enter a lucid dream.

    • Note that most lucid dreams occur while the person is fully asleep, usually because he notices a bizarre event and realizes he's in a dream. This is just an alternate trigger that starts off about 25% of lucid dreams.



    6.) Consider purchasing a light alarm. Go online and purchase a light-based, instead of a sound-based alarm, or even a specialized "DreamLight" designed to induce lucid dreaming. Set it for 4.5, 6, or 7 hours after you fall asleep, or set it to go off every hour if possible. While sound, touch, or other stimuli during REM sleep can also make a dreamer aware of the fact he's dreaming, one study shows that light cues are most effective.




    Tip 2. Using the Wake Back to Bed Method


    1.) Know when lucid dreams most commonly occur. Lucid dreams, and vivid dreams in general, almost always occur during REM sleep, the deep sleep phase characterized by Rapid Eye Moment. The first REM phase typically occurs ninety minutes after you first fall asleep, with additional phases roughly every ninety minutes afterward. The goal of this method is to wake up during a REM phase, then fall back asleep and continue the dream aware that you are dreaming.

    • You won't be able to time your phases exactly unless you visit a sleep lab or have a very dedicated night owl watching your eyelids all night. More realistically, just keep repeating the method below until you catch yourself in REM phase.2
      • This can be difficult to balance with the step below, which interrupts your sleep in the middle of the night. If you have trouble falling back asleep, try a different method instead, or limit your attempts to once or twice a week.



    2.) Encourage your body to get more REM sleep. There are many ways to increase the amount of REM sleep you get, as described in the linked article. One of the most effective, and the one that causes REM sleep to appear at regular times, is to stick to a daily sleep schedule, and to sleep long enough that you wake up well-rested.

    • This can be difficult to balance with the step below, which interrupts your sleep in the middle of the night. If you have trouble falling back asleep, try a different method instead, or limit your attempts to once or twice a week.




    3.) Wake up in the middle of the night. Set one alarm to go off either 4.5, 6, or 7 hours after the time you fall asleep. You're more likely to be in REM sleep during these times, although it's difficult to predict in advance. The six or seven hour times are the most likely to work, because later REM phases last longer, and are more likely to contain vivid or lucid dreams.




    4.) Stay awake for a while. Write down your dream if you were having one, make yourself a snack, or just get up and walk around for a while. Your goal is to get your conscious mind active and alert, while your body is still full of sleep hormones.

    • One study shows that staying awake for somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes gives the highest chance of a lucid dream.



    5.) Concentrate on the dream and fall asleep again. Close your eyes and fall asleep again. If you remember the dream you were having, think of it and fall back asleep, imagining yourself continuing the dream. Even if this takes quite a while to happen, you've got a decent chance at a lucid dream.




    6.) Try other concentration techniques. If your mind wanders while trying to "catch" the dream, or if you don't remember the dream at all, instead try focusing on the movement of your fingers. Use a pattern of small movements, such as "index finger up, middle finger down, middle finger up, index finger down." Repeat this rhythmic movement until you fall asleep.




    Tip 3. Using Additional Techniques


    1.) Meditate. Before going to sleep, meditate in a quiet, dark room. Taking a meditation training course may give better results, but to start out, just pay attention to your breathing, or imagine ascending or descending stairs. The goal is to stop thinking and enter a quiet, comfortable state, and from there slip into a lucid dream.

    • Keep in mind that "Wake Induced" lucid dreams are rarer and more difficult than dreams that become lucid after you're already asleep.
    • There are many meditation guide videos online specifically designed to help you lucid dream.



    2.) Prolong a lucid dream as it starts to fade. One common experience among first-time lucid dreamers is waking up due to the excitement of having a lucid dream! Usually, you'll get some warning before hand as the dream feels "unstable" or you begin to notice sensations from the real world. These techniques can help you keep the lucid dream going:

    • Spin your dream body around or fall backwards. Some people report that this helps, although the reason is unknown.
    • In the dream, rub your hands together. This can distract you from the sensations of your actual body.
    • Continue doing whatever you were doing before the dream became unstable, asserting that you are still in the dream. This is much less effective than the techniques above.



    3.) Listen to binaural beats. If you send a different sound frequency to each ear, your brain will interpret the two sound waves' overlapping pattern as an audio beat even though no beat is included in the sound. This definitely changes the brain's electrical activity, but so far scientists are unsure whether this can actually stimulate lucid dreaming. There are many websites out there with collections of binaural beats, so it's easy to try it out if you can sleep with ear buds in. Most would-be lucid dreamers use beats that mimic Theta brain waves, which occur in REM sleep, but some swear by Gamma or Alpha beats instead, or a progression through several types.

    • Binaural beats can come with soothing background music, or just the beat itself.




    4.) Play video games. Gamers report a much higher rate of lucid dreaming than the general population. While more studies need to be done, it's possible even a couple hours a week could increase your chances of a lucid dream. The type of game played does not appear to make a difference.




    5.) Consider taking galantamine. Galantamine, a drug synthesized from the snowdrop plant, may be the most effective drug for inducing lucid dreaming. Take 4 to 8 mg in the middle of the night for best results; taking it before bed can worsen sleep quality and cause unpleasant dreams. Due to this possibility and the unpleasant side effects listed below, galantamine is only recommended as an occasional supplement.

    • Talk to a doctor first if you have any medical issues. Galantamine can worsen existing conditions such as asthma or heart problems.
    • This drug also increases the chance of sleep paralysis, a harmless but often terrifying experience of being awake for several minutes without being able to move your muscles.



    6.) Consider the occasional vitamin B supplement. Vitamin B5 or Vitamin B6 supplements can increase dream vividness, bizarreness, and emotional intensity, which can lead to lucid dreaming. However, you may need to take a dose of 100 mg for this effect to be noticeable. This dose is much higher than recommended for daily intake, and if you take it regularly over a long period of time, it can lead to peripheral nerve damage. Use this only for a special lucid dreaming occasion, and at your own risk.

    • Check with your doctor first if you are taking any medications, or if you have a disorder involving bleeding, the stomach, the intestines, or the heart.
    • This drug sometimes causes people to wake up in the night, so it may be counterproductive if you're a light sleeper.


  3. I'm a little lost..having light armor doesn't make you more quick and...let's more evasive, your movements are less constricted than by wearing heavy armor and thus you are able to do more precise... or let's say more accurate moves/strikes? *hints everywhere*. Also I thought the Block skill doesn't mix with evasion,did it change? so having it in your shield now would potentially give tanks +8 eva? lets be honest, all the people that wear a shield have the Block skill, so putting eva on shield isn't the brightest idea if it doesn't stock with the skill. And now even blacksmiths have the unarmed dmg.... who boxes with gauntlets on? needles to say with a heavy armor on that its actually HEAVY!!!. In conclusion, now people don't have any reason to go for light armor anymore...guess I'll have to close shop after this update:( should have taken the job change quest and make myself an alchemist when I had the chance:(.  

    Also do the items already created need to change stats to suit the new system? if so..my aspirations in making Ariel a pure dmg dealer were cut short.


    Also, leather armor is light armor, heavy armor has metal in it...I guess...I don't know what I know anymore, with these chances...*goes in a corner and cries*


    Yes Oske told me to change my gear enchantments. And I agree, with the new system i find it hard to pick Leather now, or even go to light. And Oske told me after this thread was put up that Evasion and block tie together. Which is really confusing. But now I have to get a Shield to have Evasion, I don't like using shields, really makes me wanna quit as it is restricting me to pick certain items. And forcing someone who wants Evasion, to have to go and get a shield, is really not a ideal system, as I use not only one handed long swords but two handed as well. And I still want the Evasion perk, but I can't now if I use a greatsword. If it were me, I would have put it in with the Artisans profession. So then I could and others as well, could have our perks and use them with if anyone other than me, has a two handed weapon. 

  4. Having a light-armor cape ( courtesy of The Lion's Den, thanks Ariel! ), which grants +2 evasion, this was one of the first things I thought about myself.


    I've taken some time to look at it and some of the things I like about it, is the obvious attempt to sub-specialize each profession, it really makes each profession stand-out more. Some questions I have are:


    Does Leather Armor mean Light Armor?


    And does 'Armor' mean Heavy Armor?


    It has to be stated its Light Armor, Leather could be a heavy Leather battle coat, And armor is in general for the armors in the game.

  5. OCC: This armor was made before the update, and needs to be re worked for the new system. GM Oske told me I could change it for the new system.


    Name: Eternal Melody

    Your Profession: N/A

    Your Rank: N/A

    Roll: N/A

    Item Type: Heavy Plate Armor [Heavy Armor]

    Quality: Perfect

    Enhancements: +3 Damage Mitigation

    Description: A suit of armor, worn by a Black Knight, the armor gives off a cold feeling when anyone is near it, as the air itself become ice cold to the feel, the metal feels cold, even in the hottest of weather. Black as the night sky, and just as dark as the hearts of men, this armor is not only powerful. But keeps the wearer from feeling the effects of it's weight, and the attack of his/her foes.

  6. Okay I was looking at the new updated enchantment guide, and well. I don't like it. Before the update, my armor, Eternal Melody, was able to house a Evasion and Par enchantment. Now that isn't the case anymore, does this mean I get a freebee to remake the armors stats, or do I have to delete the Item and buy a new one? And on a side note, Evasion is restricted to Blacksmithing and Shields only. Evasion is restricted to Shields... that makes no sense to me. How does a shield give Evasion, I would understand if it was on armor like Tailors, but shields. I can't wrap my mind around this now.

  7. With the warmth of Zahra in his arms, he was somewhat of a heavy sleeper, yet he had his moments when the lightest thing would wake him. But having Zahra in his arms, he was far too relaxed to notice her movements, the only thing he could do was to pull the warmth to him. He didn't want the feeling to end, but when he felt something touch his cheek, his eyes slide open, "Nhm... Za...Zaza?" He said in a weak muffled voice, as he saw her close to his face, and he smiled, burring his face into her neck, he gave a giggle. "Your warm... " I all he could say at the moment, and with his arms coming loose around her, he sat up, bringing her with him. And he unshuffled his legs from her and sat her in his lap. Her back against his, and his arms around her, over her shoulders, and he faced her towards the ocean. "Hey Zaza... how long was I out for?" He asked, placing his chin on her shoulder, and letting the side of his face touch hers, his smooth skin coming into contact with her, he loved it all. And smiled, "By the way... did you wake me up, I felt something touch my cheek, did you poke me?." He asked touching the spot he felt the warm sensation at, then slipping his arms back to where they were. Wrapped around Zahra.

  8. With Olivia wanting to know more about him, he gave her a look, "After we kill this boar, then we can talk." He said to her, looking at the beast, as he jumped back about 10 feet to try something out. He placed his sword in his right hand kept his body low and bent forward while placing his sword in a parallel manner to the his right leg and then drawing the sword back. The his sword began to glow as he looked up and dashed forward, the bright pale blue effect his sword glew ever so more, as the dirt around his feet began spraying out. As he rushed forward, the whole blade having this bright pale blue glow, the sword flying forward and a swirl like cloud enveloped the tip of his sword and extended downward in a spiral type form.


    He was targeting the one Boar Olivia went after the first time, and he saw the beast turning towards him, but it was too late, by the time it turned to him, he was in its face. And he drove his sword into the beast, hoping this attack landed, as he didn't want to have to deal with getting hit by the monster. His tank top fluttering as he was moving, and the other boar saw the glow, and turned to him, Rolland saw a blur of brown in the corner of his right eye. And he thought to himself, *Oh crap... this is gonna hurt.* He said, as he could hear the grunting and snorting, the white tusks reflecting in the sunlight, and the glowing red eyes it held, as he knew where this was going.


    Edit: With his attack cleaving into the Boar he was targeting, his sword, released a large storm of black sand like particles and the eye began to glow ever so brighter. And the roars of the blade filled the air, making the birds fly out of the tree's, and overpowering the screams of the Boar as Rolland pulled up his weapon like his skill let him. Impaling the pig and after that his swords colour returned to the rust blood colour, he pulled up and spun on the ground cutting the pig literally in half done the torso, making the head and gluteus maximus fly in two different directions. And looked at Olivia, "Well... nothing for that kill, I'm too strong for these things, oh well." He said and sheathes his weapon, with it reverting to its passive mode, he sighed and looked around, "What now Oliv?" He said to her, asking her whats was the next thing on their agenda, as he remembered her asking him about himself and he sighed.


    "Well ask away, I forgot some of what you said in that battle, something about why I am on this floor?" He asked her, crossing his arms and then looking down, Simple question, "I want to make sure I can keep low levels like you from dying in this game." "Too many people have died that I know, or have heard of, and players like you, those who have a harder time getting to where you want.""I am here to aid you in getting you there, think of me as a Guardian Angel or Archangel, I try to keep some of the players here safe and secure." "And your one of the players I can help in anyway possible." He said to her, looking at her with his sapphire blue eyes, his white hair dancing before him, and his sword dangling behind him, as the wind picked up and his eyes lite up when the sun hit them.



    Rolland: 28/29 HP

    (-1 HP) Boars attack


    Olivia: 3/5 HP


    ~Rollands Dice Roll~

    [Rolled a 6] #ID 11084

    [boar takes 1 damage]

    [Plus four extra Damage; One-Handed Straight Sword Rank 1;  Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker +3 DMG]

    [5 points of total Damage on Boar.]


    ~Rollands Stats~

    +1 Damage: One-Handed Straight Sword Rank 1

    +1 Loot Dice Rolls: Search & Detect Rank 1

    +3 Damage: Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker



    Boar: -1/4 HP (1 Point of Damage) [Dead]

    (-5 HP) Rollands attack/kill


    ~Boars Dice Roll~

    [Rolled a 3] #ID 11084

    [Rolland takes 0 damage]


    [1] Epic Miss: Fail to hit
    [2-5] Miss
    [6-8] Hit: 1 point of damage
    [9] Critical: 2 points of damage
    [10] Hyper crit: 3 points of damage  

  9. Rolland loved the feeling he was having, Zahra in his arms, and the sun beating down upon him, the warmness around him was breathtaking. As he let his eyes close, he felt Zahra go limp, and he shifted his eyes down, "Zaza... aww." He said as she looked adorable in his arms, her smile upon her face, and the fact this was the second time she feel asleep on him, he didn't care though. As he smiled, he thought about it, *Maybe I should.. nah I think were safe here.* He pondered on the idea of taking Zahra back to a hut in the town to have her rest in safety, now that it occurred to him, there was no other way to get back to the town. Other than the way he took, and with that in his mind he relaxed and placed his other arm around his new found gift of life, and hugged her. Letting his body heat mix with hers, causing much more blushing on his end, and he closed his eyes, letting sleep hit him. He was unsure if he would wake before Zahra or she would to him, but either way he was happy with this outcome, as he drank in the warmth Zahra held, he let her scent fill his lungs. He loved it, and wanted nothing more than to have her next to him, from now on, she was the center of his world.

  10. I don't see an issue with it and don't know why this was even a thread to begin with to be honest.


    The reason I made a thread was to get the idea if it was okay, as I was unsure, since Tyger ere says no pokemons looking foxes.


    *Pats little Eevee's head.*


    But now that I have a clear answer, Im having his locked as it has been resolved.

  11. Rolland smiled, as he held Zahra in his arms, her head in the crook on his neck, he could hear her talking, saying things that were murmured. But he did say he was the reason she did hold on, and he moved his arms behind her back. *I'll make sure I give you more strength.* He thought to himself and placed his own head against her, and rested it here, as something past, Rolland still having Zahra in his arms. He opened his eyes and spoke, "Hey Zaza, how bout we sun bask, theres a nice big rock right here." "You can lay on my chest, and listen to my heartbeat." He said, slipping his arms under her legs, and lifting her up, having the other behind her, carrying her like a princess. He gave her a giggle, "You look happy Zahra, Im glad I could make you happy." He said now taking her to the rock near him and her, and walking up it, and laying Zahra down next to him, and le laid back. As the open sky was there, and warm rays of the sun beamed down upon them both, as he pulled Zahra close to him again, and had his left arm under her, and around her shoulder. Keeping her close to him, as he looked down at her, "Hows this feel?" He asked her, seeing her smooth skin in the sun, made it light up, and also making her hair somewhat lighter, all Rolland could do was be in awe at her beauty. For now, even he was abit star struck, Rolland was happy that he could have Zahra like this, smiling, as now his new journey began, and Zahra would be with him all the way.

  12. It's fanart based off of Mangle from FNaF, but as it's fanart and isn't a direct picture, nor is it 'exactly' like Mangle, i'd assume it'd be fine.


     Ahhh yeah, A FNAF Fan here, Love that game, props to the genre, can't wait for number 3, but yes. It is Mangle, as Foxy was well Foxy. Couldn't go with him.

  13. Rollands eyes began to fill up with small tears, as he smiled, pulling Zahra closer to him, "Thank you, Zaza." He said as he let the tears fall down his cheeks, the dripping sound as they hit the water below him. He closed his eyes and laid his forehead on her head, his hands wrapping back around her as he drifted to the shoreline and can into contact with a large rock, "Zaza... I... thank you, this means soo much to me." He said, as he pulled a few bangs out of her face, "I don't want those eyes covered. I want t gaze upon them from now on." He said to her, as he pulled her up once more and kissed her cheek, as he didn't want to go too far with his affection. He wanted this to go slow, he didn't want to move to fast, but he just couldn't stop his feelings right now, he pulled back and brought her into a hug, letting her hear his heartbeat. As he wanted nothing more than to feel like this from now on, "Zaza... can you tell me this... how long have you been feeling like this for me?"


    He asked her, letting her move off his chest, as his eye reopened and he gazed at her once more, seeing the flutter of dark hair, and light skin before him, the girl he felt this much for, in his arms, as he rubbed her cheek, waiting for her to respond, as he could wait for eternity, and never get tired of seeing her face. As the water around him, seemed almost, still, the wind was dead now, as the sounds of the waves hitting the cliff was in the distance, his clouds moving over them, giving off some shade. His eyes, now staying at the violet colour, he smiled at her, giving her his usual soft eyes, as his facial features softened up as well. His arms, strong, yet gentle at the same time, holding her close to him. his chest, holding a six pack, yet having some belly fluff there as well. He was not body builder, but he wasn't fat either, he had some there, to give Zahra some cushion, His white hair dancing about, he still letting his finger caress her cheek, as it was soft to the touch. Reminded him of babies skin and silk at the same time, as he gazed at her, he never thought he would find a girl like Zahra, and now that he did, he wasn't letting her go.

  14. Rolland hearing Zahra say she was having a fun time made Rolland happy, as he saw her face begin to redden like his, he blushed even more. "Zahra... I think I know whats been happening." "As you can tell now, you... like me don't you?" He asked her, pulling her close to him, as he felt her arms around his neck, the feeling of her was magical, and his heart racing, as he gazed at her eyes, the gold ones he loved. "Zaza, I... I can't say that I'm sure yet, but I have a clear vision that you have some feelings for me, positive or negative, either way I know you have them." "But... for the past few short hours we have been together, I have.... I have been feeling something for you as well." He said to her, moving his hand from her waist to her cheek and lightly rubbed it, "I... can't say for certain what I am feeling, but I know this... I want to keep this feeling, and I don't want it to go away."


    He said to her, as he slipped his hand behind her head and placed at kiss upon her cheek, and smiled as he pulled back. "Zahra... perhaps... we could... try to understand these feelings... together?" He asked her, wondering why he felt this way, if it was from her beauty of personality, which he loved. Or something more, but all he knew he wanted to keep them, as he then took one of her hands and placed it on his chest, where his heart was, "Zaza... can you feel it?" "Can you tell me what my heart is wanting?" He asked her, as his heart was beating harder than before, his emotions now mixing with his stomach, and his eyes shifted to the violet colour, as he gazed at her golden ones, his skin brushing against hers, and his eyes ever so giving off more positive vibes. As he floated there with her, he smiled,, making his teeth shine, and his hair dance, as he waited, wondering if she would take his offer, as he just basically asked her to be his girlfriend. 

  15. Rolland took Zahra's hand into his and he began to pull her out into the water with him,  his body slowly going back under and he pulled Zahra close to him, wrapping his arms around her waist, and bringing her into the deeper area. "I don't want you to sink." He gave her a slight smile as he didn't only mean that, but he wanted her close to him, as he wanted to give his theory one more test, and he smiled at her. "So tell me Zaza, how are you enjoying yourself so far?" He asked her, keeping his grip on her as he waded in the deeper parts of the circle of stones, his sapphire blue orbs locked dead on his female companion. The warmth of her skin was pleasant, as his own skin touched her, the sun beaming down on them both, gave Rolland a more celestial like form. With his white hair dancing, the sheen of the light, reflecting upon his skin, and his eyes sparkling, his pearl white teeth like stars in the day time. He just gave her soft eyes, and was smiling, "I hope your having a fun time Zaza, because I am to." He said to her, as his heart beat began to go faster, as it wasn't like that before, but this time abit stronger, as his face began to redden, as he was abit unsure how he should go on with this, as he never really had anyone like this.

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