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Posts posted by Rolland

  1. Rolland came back into the store after the long wait, as he stepped outside for a few good minutes, only to find out, that his armor had been made for him by the shop owner, and he opened the door. "That was faster than I thought it would take." He said as he looked at the female blacksmith, his dancing white hair moving with each step he took, as he gave a smile, "Well let me see the beauty please." He asked her, hoping it was like he asked, big black and smooth at the same time. As he saw it on the counter and he looked at it, it was exactly how he imagined it, and picked it up, and examining it, and looked at the owner, "Thank you." He said as he pulled out the 1000 Col and something extra, his Bloodskal Blade weapons, his two handed sword that got him started. "Take that as a tip, hope she finds a good home." He said as the bag of Col laid on the crimson colored blade, one that was rather unique and he equipped his armor, the black metal flashed away and then upon his body, covering his whole form except for his nose and mouth, as well as his chin. "Thanks again." He said, as his eyes shifted to their violet colour under the helmet and he walked away.




    Item: Eternal Melody

    Item Type: Heavy Plate Armor [Heavy Armor]
    Quality: Perfect
    Shop: Catfish Forge

    Description:  A suit of armor, worn by a Black Knight, the armor gives off a cold feeling when anyone is near it, as the air itself become ice cold to the feel, the metal feels cold, even in the hottest of weather. Black as the night sky, and just as dark as the hearts of men, this armor is not only powerful. But keeps he wearer from feeling the effects of it's weight, it also one that forces the wearers foes to feel the weight of it in small chances, passing the it to them instead of the wearer. +2 Evasion, +1 Paralyze (Natural Combat Dice Roll of 8-10)



    -Lost 1000 Col-


    -Lost Bloodskal Blade-


    Item: Bloodskal Blade

    Item Type: Two Handed Straight Sword
    Quality: Uncommon
    Shop: (SP-F4) Cold as Snow

    #ID: 4877
    Description: A enormous crimson colored Greatsword, one being very ornate and well crafted. The weapon has a rather unusual design, a rounded pummel, fitted with a silver look, and a snake like chris cross look, followed by a curved hand-guard, The ends pointing upward slightly, while the blade is attached to the hand-guard, and having a leather wrapping around the base of the blade. Extending upward, the weapon has three sections, protruding outward as the inside of the blood colored blade is some ornate white decor, and indention's, this weapon gives the user a boost in damage output. +1 Damage 




  2. Rolland shook his head, "No it's for looks only, I found it while I was in Okinawa and decided to get it put there, though many of the fan girls that I seem to have find it rather odd, but yet they seem to come after a guy with white hair and blue eyes," He said in a sarcastic tone of voice and then the man lite a cigar, which Rolland ignored the smoke and when he asked him if he was lost, Rolland shrugged, "Well thats a matter of perspective, I am technically lost in a mission, tying to find this bloody gyps and get my familiar." He said to the man with the red hair in front of him, in this fancy outfit, as Rolland sword dangled behind him, a slight sway it gave, the demonic sword, the one with the wired covered handle, and strange hand guard, as well as a reddish colour eye gem embedded into the frame of the guard held by two twisted t shaped extensions. His own blue orbs looked up at the sky, "If you want, since your interested in my problems you can tag along." He said as he then looked around for any sign the NPC would pop up and he could get this over with soon.

    -OCC:Heading to bed, sleepy.-

  3. As the sun on floor one was rather bright and hanging overhead, the wind blowing, making his snow white hair dance with each gust that came across the land. Rolland felt a figure run into him. And the words of him asking him if he was okay, Rolland just sighed, "Yeah sure." He said, being rather distant as he was in his thoughts, something that he did rarely, looking up at the figure before him one thing caught his attention was the mans eyes. Rollands own sapphire orbs floated in a white sea that was his eyes, his hair dancing as another gust came across, making his hair dance and flutter. He just spoke, "Nice outfit very snazzy." Is all he said, as he did find the mans eyes interesting, he just dismissed them off, and found the mans attire to be rather fancy, almost higher class, while his own was more for the concept of combat over personal appearance. Which his white thank top, black military combat pants, and leather boots achieved, far to well in fact, as Rolland did have the appearance of a military person, his extreme body form was built for a lightweight boxer. And his tattoo on his left arm didn't help him either, giving him a more military like form, as it was professionally done, which he wore with pride, as his sword still hanged upside down below, like it was doing for the past 5 hours, before he came outside.

  4. The wind beating over the floor of the Town of Beginnings, the sun high in the sky, as the floor was littered with people, of all kinds, from young to old, and from big to small. Rolland stood there, his sword Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker sitting upon his back, but it was in a rather odd manner, the sheath was modified for some reason. Instead of a open top, here was a strap over the hand guard. And was strapped with a button holding the blade in place as, it was set backwards, the handle facing the ground and the blade pointing at the sky, or at least the butt of the tip of the sheath, which was a silver like metal attachment upon a black metal sheath, with red tassels and clothing dancing behind him, As he stood there in the plaza, the tapping of his black leather combat boots fitted upon a pair of black military combat pants tucked under the tongue of the shoes. Fitted under a white tank top, which gave him a almost unwanted look of being in the military, as his body was very well built, and he had a tribal tattoo on his left arm. He stood there, his white hair dancing in the wind, and his sapphire blue orbs gazed at the plaza, "Hmm.. a familiar, I think a little fox would be rather nice to have." He said to himself and tried to find the gypsy that he was supposed to find as she was harder to find than wanted.




  5. Rolland nodded as he listened to the owner tell him about contacting him and then it hit him. "Do you know any good Artisans or someone that can make a accessory for me, I want to get something for a certain friend and maybe a weapon from here in the future as well." He asked her, wanting to know more about the Artisan if there was one she knew at all, as his white hair danced with each movement he made, for his hairs bangs fell into his eyes somewhat the sapphire blue orbs his head held/. 

  6. It's surprising a 12 year old would be even thinking about dating a guy at her age. It makes absolutely no sense, considering we're stuck in SAO. If you're looking for a fatherly trip then i don't think a matchmaking game is the place to go. You need to seriously consider this from a strictly rp aspect. Most 12 year old girls are scared to even talk to a male, maybe not yours but it's definitely not something a 12 year old does in her spare time in a death trap.


    Thats more than true here, if she wants a fatherly figure then go and ask a player that is in the 20 to 30 years category, I know there is one or two running around in SAO, ask on of them they might help her out.

  7. how do you know they're 16 or under there are quite a few male characters that are 17+


    I should also point out that Mari who is a GM and Life who is a PST has already stated they are against the idea of your character participating in this at all.

    I agree, it's a no no, for anyone younger than 16 to be in this kind of topic. So I to have to put my foot down to this as well. Hate me if you want but I am old enough to say no to this as well.

  8. Rolland smiled. "Well thank you very much then. I.do hope the armor comes out well enough, so would you like the Col now, or when the item is made, I can pay up, but I would just like to know when the payment should be made/" He asked her, wondering if she couls wait until the item was made to be payed, or if he should be paided now, either way he didn't mind when she asked it, so long as he knew when she wanted the money.

  9. Rolland chuckled at the little dragon as it sniffed him and returned to it's master, "How much are we looking at, I have 1300 Col and I believe I can cover that price." He said, as he gazed at her, his sapphire like eyes danced in the light the shop windows gave. His white hair fluttering in his face, as his ivory white skin gave a slight glow, being in perfect complexion, his eyes looked at the other woman making up her mind about other thing. "The names Rolland, if you need to contact me." He said as he waited for the woman to say something to him.

  10. Rolland walked into the shop called Catfish Forge, a strange name for a weaponsmiths building, he looked around, and saw two women talking and he walked up after the transaction was made as he could see. "Hello, I was wondering if you could forge ne a suit of armor, I have to Col and I would like it as soon as possible." He asked her, handing her a slip of paper with all the details, and looked at her, stepping aside so the two women can continue their conversation if need be.


    Item: Eternal Melody

    Item Type: Heavy Plate Armor [Heavy Armor]
    Quality: Perfect
    Shop: Catfish Forge

    Description:  A suit of armor, worn by a Black Knight, the armor gives off a cold feeling when anyone is near it, as the air itself become ice cold to the feel, the metal feels cold, even in the hottest of weather. Black as the night sky, and just as dark as the hearts of men, this armor is not only powerful. But keeps he wearer from feeling the effects of it's weight, it also one that forces the wearers foes to feel the weight of it in small chances, passing the it to them instead of the wearer. +2 Evasion, +1 Paralyze (Natural Combat Dice Roll of 8-10)






  11. When Rollan heard Zahra speak, and how she was awake, he felt her move her head into his neck as the wind blew over, he smiled and began his way to the Inn, as he knew getting Zahra to her room was the only objective now. As he opened the door with his foot, he looked at the NPC and spoke, "Two rooms please, I also need help getting her to her room, mind opening the door for me?" He asked him as the NCP nodded and followed up to the room, and opened it for him, Rolland nodded and walked in, setting Zahra down, pulling the covers over her, and taking the key from the NPC and placing it on the table next to her. He smiled, placed a hand on her head, locking the door and leaving the room. As he walked into the hallway, Rolland pulled out his transaction tab and materialized 150 Col for the NPC, "Thanks, I can handle it from here," He said as he took his key and went to his own room, and did the same thing he did for Zahra, locking his door and sliding under his covers, now in his white tank top, and pants. He quickly took his shoes off by unequipping them and looking up at the ceiling. "Zahra... see you tomorrow." He spoke to himself and closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep, thinking about his time with Zahra tomorrow as he knew he was going to have a fun time.





    Lost: Rolland lost 300 Col

    Gained: Both Rolland & Zahra gained 800 Col & 1 Skill Point.

  12. As Rolland looked at the woman who now gave her name, which was Alyss, he watched as he saw her go after the Boar, but to her try, she could not land a hit, same as him. With his blade in his hand, Rolland rushed in, as he went for the same type of tactic like last time, a limb server, and when the Boar saw him it rushed at him he moved about the field. Doing more of his chinese swords fighting his grandfather taught him. And after he dodged the Boars attack he back flipped away and saw he was a bit away, he was about 10 meters away, and he knew that there was a Sword Skill he could use to take on. He placed his sword in his right hand kept his body low and bent forward while placing his sword in a parallel manner to the his right leg and then drawing the sword back.

    The his sword began to glow as he looked up and dashed forward, the bright pale blue effect his sword glew ever so more, as the dirt around his feet began spraying out.


    As he rushed forward, the whole blade having this bright pale blue glow, the sword flying forward and a swirl like cloud enveloped the tip of his sword and extended downward in a spiral type form. He was targeting the one Boar he went after the first time, and he saw the beast turning towards him, but it was too late, by the time it turned to him, he was in its face. And he drove his sword into the beast, hoping this attack landed, as he didn't want to have to deal with getting hit by the monster. His tank top fluttering as he was moving, and the other boar saw the glow, and turned to him, Rolland saw a blur of brown in the corner of his right eye. And he thought to himself, *Oh crap... this is gonna hurt.* He said, as he could hear the grunting and snorting, the white tusks reflecting in the sunlight, and the glowing red eyes it held, as he knew where this was going.


    Edit: With his first attack cleaving into the Boar he was targeting, his sword, released a large storm of black sand like particles and the eye began to glow ever so brighter. And the roars of the blade filled the air, making the birds fly out of the tree's, and overpowering the screams of the Boar as Rolland pulled up his weapon like his skill let him. Impaling the pig and after that his swords colour returned to the rust blood colour, he pulled up and spun on the ground cutting the pig literally in half done the torso, making the head and gluteus maximus fly in two different directions. And as he turned to block the next Boars attack, he felt the tusks hit his torso, and pushed him back, Rolland just grabbed the Boars ear with his left hand and tossed it into a nearby tree trunk. As he staggered back a bit, he scoffed at the Boar, "Going to take more than that you pig, "Alyss take the hit on it while its down." He said to her a bit of anger in his voice, as his HP falling revealing his HP and level to her, showing he was level 13 and he now had 26 HP.



    Rolland: 26/29 HP

    (-3 HP) Boars hit


    Alyss : ???/??? HP (Rolland doesn't know your HP yet, as you haven't taken Damage yet.)


    ~Rollands Dice Roll~

    [Rolled a 10] #ID 8189

    [boar takes 3 damage]

    [Plus 4 extra Damage; One-Handed Straight Sword Rank 1;  Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker +3 DMG]

    [7 points of total Damage on Boar.]


    ~Rollands Stats~

    +1 Damage: One-Handed Straight Sword Rank 1

    +1 Loot Dice Rolls: Search & Detect Rank 1

    +3 Damage: Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker



    Boar: -2/5 HP (1 Point of Damage) [DEAD]

    (-7 HP) Rollands attack/kill


    Boar: 5/5 HP (1 Point of Damage)


    ~Boars Dice Roll~

    [Rolled a 10] #ID 8163

    [Rolland takes 3 damage]


    [1] Epic Miss: Fail to hit
    [2-5] Miss
    [6-8] Hit: 1 point of damage
    [9] Critical: 2 points of damage
    [10] Hyper crit: 3 points of damage  


    -OCC: Next time add your HP and skills stats to your pot to allow people to see your damage but most of all, your HP, and the damage you have taken, if any was done to your charry.-

  13. With the man looking to his side, as a woman spoke to him, clad in a black leather corset that held some straps of leather that covered her legs and a pair of knee high socks. His blue eyes gazed at her, as he saw her black hair, his own snow white hair danced in the breeze that caressed the field. His tank top gripping hold of the wind, as the boots he wore crunched more on the grass, his sword held backwards in his hands as he was using his Wudang Sword fighting style. He nodded to her, "Go ahead, but be careful." His light toned voice filled the air, as he saw her weapon, it was a curved weapon, one that he couldn't quite identify, but he ignored the weapon and looked at the first Boar.


    With his foot sliding inward and he bent down, he rushed in, his hair like a white blur, as his steps were quick and he then began using his fighting style to his advantage. As the Boar tried to hit him, he just spun around it, and wound behind the pig, as it tried to kick him, he then spun again and went for a swing. Using his bodies momentum to his advantage, as went for a leg slash as he was wanting to cripple it, and prevent to from getting a hit on him.  As his body muscles flexed with each little shift in his form, showing off a very strong looking young man.


    Edit: With his blade cutting into the ground and a purple tab popping up saying Immortal Object, as the ground was something that couldn't be cut. He jolted back his blade, and his eyes shifted up, as he saw the boar had jumped back just enough to be missed by his sword, with the second one now behind him. And grunting, he quickly swirled his body around and did a backwards flip, using his right hand as a counterbalance, as his left hand was the one he held his weapon in. He turned to the older looking woman next to him, his ivory coloured skin glew in the light of the sun, as even his hair had a celestial glow. "See what I mean, they are crafty, you need to keep your wits about you, try to take one by yourself, don't rush in and take them both on." He said to her, "The names Rolland." He said as he looked back at the Boars, "Blasted beasts, I am Rolland, Lord of Nights, you will fall by my blade here and now, prepare to be sent to the Abyss!" He boasted to the MoB's and held his Sword Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker backwards again, the blades flat side caressed on his forearm, as the blade was pointing up at the heaven.



    Rolland: 29/29 HP

    ???: ???/??? HP


    ~Rollands Dice Roll~

    [Rolled a 2] #ID 8163

    [boar takes 0 damage]

    [Plus 0 extra Damage; One-Handed Straight Sword Rank 1;  Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker +3 DMG]

    [0 points of total Damage on Boar.]


    ~Rollands Stats~

    +1 Damage: One-Handed Straight Sword Rank 1

    +1 Loot Dice Rolls: Search & Detect Rank 1

    +3 Damage: Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker



    Boar: 5/5 HP (1 Point of Damage)

    Boar: 5/5 HP (1 Point of Damage)


    ~Boars Dice Roll~

    [Rolled a 5] #ID 8163

    [Rolland takes 0 damage]


    [1] Epic Miss: Fail to hit
    [2-5] Miss
    [6-8] Hit: 1 point of damage
    [9] Critical: 2 points of damage
    [10] Hyper crit: 3 points of damage  

  14. A clear sky was set in the floor of one, the blue sky was only speckled with the birds that flew it in, the chirps they gave filled the air, the rustle of the tree's was off in the distance. The wind carry not only the leafs, but also the feathers of certain flocks of birds, as they danced on the winds stage into the Town of Beginnings. The sound of people and NPC's filled the town, the sound of clomping shoes were scattered, sounds of deals going about from NPC op players, as one man stood there. One cladded with snow white hair, a tank top, coloured in black, as a pair of military combat pants covered his legs, which also held a set of military black leather combat boots. He stood there, a sword of demonic proportions strapped to the back of his waist, the handle having metal like twin wrapped around the handle and th pummel flat at the end with a dip in a circular pattern. The one thing that was seen was the tip of the sheath, which was a silver like metal attachment upon a black metal sheath, with red tassels and clothing dancing behind him, the demonic handle and handguard held a red eye like gem in the center. 

    As the man with a set of sapphire blue orbs gazed at the players walking about around him, his appearance close to the age of 20, maybe a year younger. He sat upon the fountain, the concrete, cobblestone like material was rough on the skin yet smooth at the same time, rustled against the sheath of his weapon. His breathing soft and smooth, as he stood up, the sound of his own boots hit the ground, as he smiled, "Time to go hunting." He said, his voice soft and gentle like, as he spoke, a child like tone her held, but  still mature enough to be a males, as he looked ahead and spotted a few animals in the distance. With a smile creeping upon his face he began walking , but that changed into a jog, then into a full run as he left the town in a mere matter of seconds and as soon as his boots it the grass. The crunch filled his ears and the wind smacking his face made the blush appear as it was cold yet refreshing at the same time. And now his hand upon the handle of his sword, he rushed at the Boars he saw, now able to identify the animals he saw and stopped knowing his power, as he was able to take on the two that in front of him, he drew his sword and a magnificent effect happened.

    As he drew his sword and draws it, the next thing that happened was a surprise to the boar, a flash of black mist erupted from the metal sheath of Rollands weapon, a draconic roar filled the air, a glowing red eye flashed out from behind his back and a demonic sword blade emerged. "Meet my weapon, Níðhöggr, The Malice Striker, you will perish beast." He says as the blood rust color bladed sword roared as he swung at the boar. As the weapons blade was a four arrow like blade with dips in each section, as the weapons colour was that of a rust like blood colour, as this weapon looked like it was wielded by a demonic knight, and with his blade giving off a draconic roar, he smiled and began his battle with the boars, his weapon. Releasing the black mist in a evil manner, and the eye gem glowing ever more, as the blade craved the blood of his foes. 


    -Will begin Combat next turn, post now and I will begin the battle.-







  15. Rolland when he heard Zahra saying that he couldn't move fast if she was on his shoulders, he snickered, "Unless I was holding you in my arms then I could move faster, but thats not the point, your right." He said to her as he felt her get on his back and he picked her up, and placed his arms under her legs, behind her knees, and pulled her up into the air like he did when he let her look around. And he began walking towards the town, hoping that Zahra and him would have more fun when the morning came around and he could go to the Beach with her on floor three. As was wanting to have more time with his partner, for it was rare to find someone who had as much interest and similarities like him, and now that he found it, he wasn't going to let it slip his hands. And as he walked, the crunch of his boots hitting the ground, a glance over his shoulder he looked at Zahra, "How ya holding up back there?" He asked her, wondering if she fell asleep on his back or if she was being quite like usual.

  16. With Rolland now pulling Zahra to him, he placed his coat back around her, and smiled, "Happy now, I think you should keep it, looks good on you Zahra." He said as he placed on hand on her shoulder and began guiding her out of the food store. Hoping that she had a fun time with him here, he smiled and spoke up to her, "So Zahra, you had fun?" "And I saw you were going for the tab, I don't think so, I pay for our meals from now on deal?" He asked her, hoping that she didn't take it the wrong way, as most women would think that if a guy did that they were on a date. Rolland flustered at the thought and shook his head, as he smiled giving her his usual cool and calm persona vibe, as he brought her to the field once again, and he stopped her. "How bout we head to the Inn back in The Town of Beginnings, we should get some rest before we go to floor three." He suggested to her, and bent down once again, "Hop on, faster this way." He said to her, as he did what he did last time, waiting for her to climb onto his shoulders, hoping she would do it, as he was wanting to get her to the main town before the higher level monsters came out.

  17. With Zahra saying she had no musical talent but became a Performer anyways, made hims smile, "Well trust me, singing is fun, and it takes time to sing, trust me, took me a few years before I was able to sing." "But I guess it runs in the family, as both my little brother and sister can sing like me, my baby sister Memel can sing better than my little brother, and she's younger than him." He said as hearing her thank him, he chuckled, "Your welcome Zahra, say, after this, lets go and head to the beach, and afterwards, go to the Oasis, I think that would be fantastic." He said still tapping her foot slightly, and then stopping as he was finished with his food, and pulled out his transaction tab, pulling out the correct amount of Col and placing it on the table and looking at Zahra, "Well I am ready, are you partner?" He asked her, giving her his usual calm smile, as he held out his hand to her, picking his coat up with his other and held it waiting for Zahra to come next to him so he could placed it around her shoulders once again.


    -Col Amount Lost-

    150 Col

  18. As the title says I am about to start my own guild up, and I was wondering, who here wishes to join me, I am going to call it <<The Freeborn Blades>>. any who are interested, post in here and I will discuss this more in a PM with the next three to four people, though I may alter the name if we wish to, I will as I said discuss more with the people interested. All I do say is this, you must be over level 5 to even consider posting here, if you are not level or higher you will be ignored.

  19. Rolland nodded, "Yeah I did some singing, I am in my own band, and I am a popstar after all, but I digress, Im not all that special, now do tell me Zahra, do you sing, or at least have some musical talent?" He asked her, seeing her look at him and then dart her eyes to her tea, he sighed and tapped her foot again, playfully like as he tried to get her to look back at him. "And as you said Zahra, I wouldn't mind going to the Oasis, and I finally figured it out, your name, I was wondering why it sounded familiar, it means Flower or beauty in Arabic, been awhile since I last spoke it or heard a word from it." He said to her, as her name finally did click to him as he spoke once more, "I think it fits you perfectly Zahra, a flower is beautiful, and I think you name is perfect for you." He said complimenting her, and humming some more, as Zahra said she liked his voice, so he would give her some more to listen to, as his humming was that of Beethovens Creatures of the Promethium opening number 43. His tone was spot on, and he enjoyed classical music most of all, as it was relaxing and soothing to listen to, but most of all it was the simplest to copy in a hum.

  20. Rolland smiled as he took a few more sips of his green tea and some more of his food, as he was enjoying the taste it gave him, as he finished his tea. He took a few more bites of his food and sat his chopsticks down, listening to Zahra as she liked the idea of them going to the beach. And also the part about the Oasis, "Wait, and Oasis, I think that would be a nice place to look at as well, I wouldn't mind going to see that after the beach." He said to her, as a bigger mile came across his face, ans seeing Zahra lean in, he giggled, "You like my voice?" He asked her, wondering if that was the reason she was leaning into him some, but never the less he was willing to spend more time with his partner, the whole time, he was trying to look at her eyes. The Amber color that he loved to gaze at, the golden hue calmed him a lot when ever he looked at them.

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