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Posts posted by Yunah

  1. "Ohay.. Hi" Yunah spun around instantly out of pure and sudden fright. she saw a beautiful girl in front of her, and Yunah instantly wen into her shy nature. she positioned her body to try and make herself look smaller, not intentionally of course but did it none the less. then she spoke in a voice that was so quiet you had to been really intent on listening to her in order her hear her. "H-hii.." those were the only words that she could force herself to speak, and so she stood there in all her awkwardness waiting for the girl in front of her to do something

  2. OH!.... uhh thank you Yunah said as she accepted the ingots into her inventory and then went through her invetory and looked at the item it self? "Okay so how do i tell what each of these bars does, like stat wise?" the different possibilities with smithing were endless in Yunah's mind and she got more and more excited about it the more she thought about it. she was excitted to get her little shop started, and so she quickened her pace a little bit as they continued up the moutains.

  3. Yunah nodded as miaki instructed her with what to do and gave her items... "A cure potion? i's that for like posion?" she said... she couldn't really believe that bosses could be so versitile, it was ind of a scary thought to her. the fact that anything could be in there, literally anything. she shivered as she turned back around and continued walking towards nikki.

  4. "So what kind of metal do you hope to score?" keith asked as Yunah finished reading about the wolf pelt she had just gotten in her inventory... crap. she didn't really know any of the metals in this game, she just knew that she needed some to get her little shop started. well i guess now is as good a time as ever to find out. "W-well i don't really know much about the Mats in this game, and which ones do what... maybe you could tell me? she asked him kind of embarrassed at her lack of knowledge.

  5. "Yunah... Over here." Yunah looked around to see Nikki headed her direction. Yunah was probably one of the lowest levels here and so she should probably do as she was told. so she casually walked over to Nikki and said "yes nikki? was there something you needed?" she asked with a quiet voice... she wasn't overly out going at the momemt.... alot of people she didn't know were around her and it made her a little bit nervous.

  6. "I am Lady yunah, member of the Azure brigade... at your service." Yunah said giving a quick bow back, she loved her new title, hell she loved just being in a guild at all and the fact that it was miaki's guild made it all the better... miaki has been her closest friend on SAO since she finally left the city, and to be able to be in his guild was a huge honer to her.

  7. "Thank you! for the Armour Miaki-San, i love it!" she said swiping her hand and equipping the amour. then the next part shocked her a little bit more "W-wait.... you want me? on the Azure Brigade?" she was shocked.... she wasn't that good of a player, actually she wasn't good at all. WAIT! she got an idea... "I'd love to join! but only on one condition... you let me go on a boss raid with the guild. she said as she eye smiled at him.

  8. Yunah smiled at the girls offer, but felt kind of stupid for not nowing the proper title of the enemy she was trying to encounter "Sure i'd love to fight it with you, that would be alot of fun and maybe i could get to mae a new friend... however do you now what it is? i have a deathly fear of worms and i don't want to go near it if it's one of those naty things" she said excited to get to go on an adventure with someone new...

  9. Yunah had been preping all night for this day.... her very first boss raid! she felt excited and scared all at the very same time... the only reason she was allowed on this epic adventure was because Miaki had recently allowed her to join the Azure Brigade and then she proceeded to BEG him and beg him to let her come along on this raid... she sprinted towards the tower. she was late already.... she came in with her Reinforced breast plate, her Azdorian boots and her Glacier Greatsword and looked at the crowd before her..."Wow, so this is a boss raid huh?" she said quietly to herself and then walked over to Miaki "Okay so what is the game plan?"

  10. Yunah held her arm out nervously for the bird. then Miaki told it to go to her and it did as commanded. she flinched a little bit as it landed on her, the she slowly openned her eyes to find the falcon looking at her with it's cocked head, and this made her giggle a little bit. then she stuck a hand out and slowly pet the top of the head of the falcon, it showing its excitement as she did so. "It's so soft... and pretty too."

  11. "Familiar?" Yunah said just before the whistle blew loudly in her ear and she saw a silver hawk come flying down from up above and land on Miaki's extended arm."That is so cool!" she exclaimed running over towards Miaki in order to get closer to the bird. "Can i pet it?" she asked wanting to feel the birds soft feathers and just simply feel hat the bird felt like.

  12. Yunah sheathed her sword with a sigh as she wasn't even much help in the matter. she was her loot screen pop of with half of the loot it's self. one wolf pelt and 50 col. lovely well at least she got something for sucking so badly... Yunah shook her head. this was nothing like her... why was she get these types of thoughts into her head, she wondered. well it was time for her to attempt to start thinking positive. she accepted the loot then turns to Kieth. "Well are you ready for more?" she asked trying to sound a bit more optimistic for the rest of the journey

    Item's gained

    1 wolf Pelt and 50 Col

  13. Yunah Hadn't even noticed the fact that his hat was missing from the top of his head. she giggled a little bit at his strawberry blonde hair and then looked out at the beautiful river that they were walking along and let out a small "wow" then she kept walking, and when Miaki ask her if she was excited she replied almost immediately with a "Oh Hell yeah" she was super excited to see what was in this MASSIVE forest that she kept hearing about.

  14. Yunah watched as the first dog shattered into pieces from one simple blow from Kieth... damn he was good. Yunah watced at the second dog quickly launched it's assualt, biting him in the leg, Yunah saw this as and opputunity and so she too her blue blade and charged the wolf. she wasn't just going to be some useless bystander and this quest as well. she wanted to prove to someone that she could be of somewhat of a use.

    Battle Dice: hit! 1 damage

    Yunah ran towards the beast and brought it down on the wolf that was still attacking Kieth's legs, the blade put a slash through it but the health bar only went down a a fifth of the way... wow what a loser that made Yunah look like. she kicked the dog for no damage to get it's attention so it would attack her instead of him.

  15. "Can do Miaki" she said turning around and heading out the door... this would be the third time the two of them had adventured together. first the boar. then the lizard. what this time a giant? Yunah giggled at the thought of facing a giant, that seemed all to strange to her in SAO and so she continued on her merry side by side next to Miaki.

  16. "Um... Sorry if I hit a sensitive topic..." Kieth said apologizing after Yunah had given her awnser... "Haha no worries it's all good" then she heard a growling sound from the bushes and she turned just in time to see two level one wolves jump out of the bushes. the grin acrossed Yunah's face matched something sinister and it probably looked creepy as hell... Yunah pulled out a two small needle like objects, then she flawless placed them in between her fingers and then made as if she was going to throw them. she felt the charge of her ability <> (Needs roll 7 or higher to hit) then she released sending the two needles flying at the wolf on the left.

    Battle dice: MIss!

    The wolf jumped out of the way of the needles and charged Yunah causing her to pull out her massive blue colored blade that she had stored on her back.

  17. Yunah blocked the Monsters tail from hitting the ground, then she jumped back wards and watched as Kieth, the one who had done sooo much damage before hand missed and Miak the one who had been missing allmost the entire time did four damage... she couldn't help but facepalm, the she brought out her blade, she charged the lizard aiming to do at least a little damage to it, before she would get the final blow... she came near the lizard and swung the sword over her head...

    Battle Dice: 9 +1 = 10 HIT! -3 health

    The Blade came crashing on the lizards tail cutting it off for good this time as it's health bar dropped quite a significant amount. Yunah stood there with her blade held up ready to attempt and bloc the lizard once more.

    Miaki: 47/53

    Yunah: 9/9

    Keith: 67/67

    <>: 2/25

  18. Yunah was in the safe zone gardens on the second floor simply admiring the beauty of the flowers. there was much and much less people at these gardens now, especially with all of the floors that they have opened up recently, so it was just yunah and a few other strays here and there who actually came for the garden and not to pick up some random chicks and head out. today was a day for Yunah to relax and enjoy her life here on SAO just a little bit more. she was were her Shiny chestplate, her blue skirt, her boots, and her massive glacier sword was sheathed on her back, to outsiders she might look a little bit intimidating, but she was probably the shyest person in the entire game.

  19. Yunah nodded in understanding as Miaki gave his explanation for the terrible sounds comming from the back room. well at least he wasn't made at her for being 3 hours late... now that she thought about it he probably just sat in there and made potions the entire time and wasn't even concerned about the time. "I completely under stand." she said to him wanting to make sure he got the message "Well then if you ready... may we go?"

  20. "So... What was life outside of SAO like for you?" Kieth said as they ran through the fields, towards there destination. wait?!? was supposed to ask these things? Yunah's outside life wasn't exactly the greatest thing in existence. actually it had been much much less than that, her life had been lonely and she had been poor. "my life outside of the game was much much worse then in here... in a way i actually kind of prefer SAO to the real world. she said, and meant every word of it. her life in here was much better than the one out there and she chose SAO over her crappy life any day of the week.

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