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Posts posted by Yunah

  1. Yunah was Terrified, T-this death game she was in scared her to no end. she hadn't moved a muscle since she had heard the news, she still sat there on the dirty ground in her beginners gear. her Two-handed sword upon her back never having been unsheathed since she entered the game. she looked around at the ground before her, staring off into space. Her mind was more focused upon the fact that this game meant death. she hadn't been the best gamer ever, but she had been alright. However this was different, if you died in this MMO then there was no turning back, no possible retries or anything. Yunah still sat there on the ground scared to even leave her dark little alley.

  2. sonozaki_mion.jpg


    » Username: Yunah

    » Real name: Ashley

    » Age: 16

    » Gender: Female

    » Height: 5'4

    » Sexuality: Lesbian

    » About: History/personality

    Ashley was a poor girl that never had more than a few dollars to rub together. she lives by herself in her apartment on the top floor of the building, she has a steady job, but she works a lot... however the reason she works a lot and it poor is become she needs to feed her addiction. video games. she is constantly playing video games in her spare time. and wen she spotted the nerve gear and it's latest game she just HAD to have it. she got another job and worked day in and day out for a mouth on end and finally managed to save up enough to pay for the nerve gear. then she only had another month before the release of the game she was desperately trying to get. she worked up to the very last minute, and got her pay check only moments before her and her friends were playing on waiting in line. she waited in line and got one of the last copies, then she rushed home and plugged in, this was to be her first dive....

    Pesonality: Ashley/Yunah is a shy and timid person, typically hiding or running away from a conversation, but once you become friends with her she become your closest friend.... or at least try to be. she is very loyal to her friends and will follow them anywhere. she also has a kind and soft heart. her shyness will dissipate she will do anything to protect things that she believes deserves protection. she loves romantic things, she likes to have a dinner with candles and walks on the beaches. she also loves cuddling and just doing cute things.

    » Virtues:

    Loyalty: Ashley/Yunah is extremely loyal to her friends and loved ones. and she will always stick by their side. fighting along side them or making them things, jsut doing anything she can to prove that she wants these friends forever.... and given the opportunity she would keep them forever.

    Honesty: Ashley/Yunah is fairly honest about most everything, and while this might be seen as a downfall to some she considers it one of her best qualities. she never really beats around the bush so to speak. she speaks the truth about everything, and so you can always trust her opinion on something.

    Beauty: Ashley/Yunah is extremely pretty, but she doesn't even really know it, she constantly talks down about herself and doesn't see her own beauty. So she doesn't really use her beauty to try and charm anyone even though she very well could. The quickest way to get her to blush is to compliment her on her beauty.

    » Flaws:

    Reference: http://www.darkworldrpg.com/lore/flaws.html

    Timid-Tends to be shy and/or quiet, shrinking away from offering opinions or from strangers and newcomers, fearing confrontations and violence. Yunah tends to run or hide from public places, and barely talks without stuttering. so it's very hard to get close to her, but when you do she becomes a whole different person.

    Soft-hearted- Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don't think of the repercussions or situation before doing so. Yunah's big heart is one of her major downfalls. she cares about so much, and she wants all things good and innocent to be safe, and so if she believes you fall under one of those categories and are in trouble, then she will do her best to protect you.

    Smart Ass- Thinks they know it all, and in some ways they may, but they can be greatly annoying and difficult to deal with at times, especially in arguments. Yunah is a major smart ass, although you don't see it much she kind of acts like a Know it all if you some how manage to piss her off, and she will prove you wrong in every single way possible if she can.

    Phobia- They have a severe form of fear when it comes to this one thing. Scoleciphobia- Fear of worms. Yunah has a deathly fear of worms she is terrified of them and will run away screaming everytime, she can't even fight anything that looks like a worm, she will become seized by terror and everything in her mind goes blank when she sees one and is mostly unable to function except for RUN!






    » Equipment Appraisal - The ability to identify the Maker, Style, Damage Level/Defense Level, Name, Enchantments and Durability of a piece of equipment. Higher levels give more information.

    » Tools Appraisal - The ability to identify the Maker, Style, Damage Level/Defense Level, Name, Enchantments and Durability of a weapon. Higher levels give more information.


    » Sprint (Passive & Sword Skill) - This skill is both an activatable burst of speed, and a passive increase in the player's effectiveness at dodging strikes (2 points) rank 1

    » Acrobatics - Determines a player's jumping height and the ability to perform aerial maneuvers. Bottom level is the natural jumping height for the Player.


    » Parry - The ability to use an attack to block an opposing strike. Maximum level makes it possible to destroy an item currently at less than half of the maximum durability; anything with a durability above that will not be damaged.

    » Light Metal Equipment - The effectiveness with which a player can use Light Metal Equipment.

    » Battle Healing - Recover low amounts of HP over time during battle. It can be leveled up by constantly getting one's HP into the red zone.

    Weapon skills :

    » Two-handed Straight Sword( 12 points) (rank 3)

    » Blade Throwing - The effectiveness with which a player can use throwing weapons



    »Item Name: <>

    Item Type: Armor

    Quality: Rare

    Shop: The Iron Knight Forge

    Item Description: Forged of fire blackened iron, this no nonsense armor has practically zero frilly decoration and is obviously intended for battle. Little more than a rough breastplate with angled spaulders it suits the Smith who forged it well.

    Abilities: +2 to Damage Soak Threshold

    » Azdorian Boots + 1 to battle dice.

    » Two Handed Glacier Sword: Good Quality

    » Reinforced Breastplate: Chest Armor that grants bonus protection: Uncommon, -1 Enemy Combat Roll

    » Atlantean Gauntlets: +1 Battle Dice

    » Dust Bunny's Might: +2 Damage, on rolls 9,10 life steal.


    » [Private] The Shy can be Brave (complete)

    » [Private, Quest] A Blacksmith's Trails (Complete)

    » [Private] Mountain of mats (In Progress)

    » [Private] Collecting Poison (In Progress)

    » [Private] Facing Goliath (Complete)

    » [Private] The Shy and The Cheerful (Complete)

    Relationships (optional)


    Story Thus Far (optional)


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