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Posts posted by Elessar

  1. Eléssar snaps out of it with Nova's roar. He panics for a second and tries to gain control of his movements again but he manages it somehow. Uses all of his strenght to push the sentinel back, leaves a wide gap between him and sentinel. He manages to land a hit for the second time on, eventhough its not a crit. He feels happy about giving damage to it.

    Eléssar - 13/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel- 5/7

  2. As he holds the sentinel with his sword, blocking its attack and staying right in front of it. Nova once again jumps onto it to push him away, trying to give Eléssar the gap to land a hit. But Nova misses her attack too, but she notices that Eléssar has lost his control. Without even waiting for any second, she roars as loud as she can. Trying to wake Eléssar up.

    Eléssar - 13/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel- 6/7

  3. Even though he manages to block its attack, once again he fails on landing a hit on the sentinel. Swinging his sword in a small area, he hits the wall near the sentinel. The sound that sword makes on the wall annoys Eléssar, plus the anger he got from the miss. He starts to yell on lizard. Trying to hit it with his swords but fails again and again. Losing his control on it.

    Eléssar - 13/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel- 6/7

  4. Eléssar frowns as Nova gets hit, with anger he rushes his attack on the sentinel. Charging towards it with a yell, swinging his sword left and right. But he misses all his attacks as he losts his control with his anger. He takes a deep breath to calm down, focuses on the sentinel's axe as it swings it towards Eléssar. Without even moving an inch, he blocks its attack. His crimson red eyes thirsty for sentinels blood, looks at hit without even blinking.

    Eléssar - 13/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel- 6/7

  5. Once she was near Eléssar, Nova howls and charges towards the sentinel. Running fastly towards it, jumps onto it when she gets close enough. But just like Eléssar's first attack. She gets a hit from its axe. Getting pushed as she falls on the ground near Eléssar. She takes 2 points of critical damage.

    Eléssar - 13/15

    Nova - 13/15

    Sentinel- 6/7

  6. A smile appears on his face as he finally lands a hit on the sentinel. He pulls his sword out and quickly tries to land the second hit because he was already close to him and its attack was slow. But the sentinal manages to dodge his attack, his sword hits its armor but on the strong side. Once again his sword bounces back as his strenght wasn't enough this time to pierce through his armor. He takes a step back, and then hears Nova growling behind him. He staps aside, letting her pass as she charges towards the Sentinel.

    Eléssar - 13/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel- 6/7

  7. '' You are annoying. '' he says as he points the sentinal with his hand. Walking slowly because the damage he just took. It wasn't much but the hit was pretty hard. But he didn't give up, once again dashing towards the sentinel as he uses his speed as an advantage. His sword smashes its armor and pierces through it. Dealing 1 damage to the Sentinel.

    Eléssar - 13/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel- 6/7

  8. After he fell on the ground, he managed to keep his balance and immediately got up. Boosting himself with a jump, charges towards the Sentinel. But once again he finds himself getting smahed with its axe, taking a critical hit this time as he crashes his back to the wall behind him. '' Okay.. This is annoying. '' he says as he manages to pull himself from the wall. Walking slowly towards the sentinel once more.

    Eléssar - 13/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel 7/7

  9. "Neither do i.. There is no need to be afraid " he said while looking at her as she kicked the door open. As the skeletons appeared in front of them, the dim torches around the throne room flamed theirselves. Enlightenin the room as the skeletons starts walking towards them. " Well.. Atleast the fun part started. " he said as he took a step towards the skeleton 1. But he stopped as he felt the cold wind on his skin that come out of nowhere, then his eyes noticed Nova running towards the skeleton. Giving her the honor of landing the first attack, he steps aside. Nova jumps forward from where Eléssar stands as lands on the skeleton, hitting it for 1 point of damage.

    Skeleton1: 8/9

    Skeleton2: 9/9

  10. " Am i the only one who heard that he faced Vile and Vile couldnt beat him? He sounds pretty confident about himself.. Talking about the death of the maverick king.. " he said while sitting on the giant rock nearby. Thinking about how he managed to progress this far on his own and fighting against the guy called Vile.. He knew nothing about him but he could figure that he was strong, being king of the mavericks shouldnt be easy to achieve afterall. Repeating Sakuris question while looking at Nero, wondering why he wouldnt help others at progressing in the game. " Why do yo prefee playing solo? More exp? More loots? "

  11. He waits as the sentinel gets closer to him, swinging his axe towards him slowly. It was easy to dodge but it would hurt too much if it landed a hit on Eléssar. After dodging the attack, he dashed towards the sentinel once more while it was trying to pull its axe from the ground. And it managed to do it, pulling it with one last strong pull while Eléssar tries to land a hit from behind. As the sentinel pulls the axe, it moves behind him.Swinging his body with the axe towards Eléssar, in mid air Eléssar realizes the attack and lifts his sword to block. But the pressure was too much, the axe smashing his sword pushed him and threw him on the ground.

    Eléssar - 15/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel 7/7

  12. With his sword bouncing from the axe, he took a step back and once again swinged his sword towards the sentinel. Trying to hit it from its side, trying to find its weak spot. But the blade just like last time bounces back from its armor. He sighs and moves a little back, the monster was not fast enough to counterattack anyways. He needed strong attacks to pierce through its armor and damage the monster.

    Eléssar - 15/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel 7/7

  13. He watches Sakuri as he tries to sneak up on the plant and fails.. Falling down in front of it, Eléssar facepalms as he falls. He protected his cover as he waited for Sakuri to get up , he was not going to hide inside the grass but it would be stupid to charge in straightly. Even though its not able to move, the plant could reach the long distances easly. He was trying to figure something out that could help Sakuri while he waits for the right moment to do something. '' Come on.. Its just a plant. ''

  14. He carefuly listened what they just talked about, having no idea about the Vile guy they mentioned. He wiped off the sweat on his forehead and looked at Nero. Then to Ruri as she mentioned Vile as a maverick.. And the biggest one of them. After a sigh, he raised his hand towards Nero and waved slowly. '' You seem like you are pretty comfortable here. And with the fact that you approached to us like this, i will think that you are friendly. Well, that green icon helps too. So..Name is Eléssar.'' he said in a rush, his eyes narrowed while looking at Nero, his hands blocking the sun from reaching to his eyes. '' I literally know nothing about the news, been trying to do quests and slaying monsters lately. So, i guess it would be good for me too. '' he said as he turned to his party members. He acts like he was okay with it but he wanted to know more about this Nero guy. He seemed pretty interesting to him.

  15. '' Okay.. Okay.. Though guy. '' he said with a smile while walking behind him. '' You didnt bring me here, i chose you follow you so.. Not a problem. I won't run from any battle anyways. I love fighting, but you can if you want to. '' he says quitely while looking around. Thinking about what would it be like to fight against a giand plant. He have fought agains boars, wolves, half man half lizard sentinels.. And now a giant plant. He got excited even by the though of it. '' We will complete your quest hero, dont worry. ''

  16. Sentinel noticed Eléssar, letting out a battle shout before walking slowly towards Eléssar. In a panic, Eléssar looked around to see if the other ones payed attention to them. But they didn't seem like they really care. The monster was walking really slow beause of its heavy armor, giant axe on its hands. He could see its legs and feet, and the tail popping it from its back. It looked like a lizard in an armor. He sighed and walked towards it, thinking about how he could use the advantage of speed. '' No more questions.. Just fight. '' he mumbled to himself and charged towards the Sentinel. Swinged his sword from above to hit its armor, but gets blocked by the lizard with its axe. Holding it in a flat position, blocking the sword on its wooden side.

    Eléssar - 15/15

    Nova - 15/15

    Sentinel 7/7

  17. He kept moving inside with Nova, nervous about whats in there. Its been boring to walk inside a tight hole, there was no space to fight or run if something bad comes in their way. He was thinking about what they could do if they happened to meet something really bad in here.. While he was thinking about all these, they've reached the end. An iron door standing on their way, it was unlocked. A slight push would open it all the way. He took a deep breath, pushing the door slowly and keeping an eye out for what might come. Once he fully opened the gate, he was amazed in the sight of the giant room. The torches on the walls turns into blue flames, giving a spooky look on the room. He could see all the monsters inside from the gate, there was no way he could take them all alone but he was going to try atleast gathering the needed irons. '' Okay.. Becareful Nova. This might be hard. We don't have a big space to fight, we shouldn't draw aggro from the other ones. '' he said and started to walk towards one of the sentinels. They looked pretty though but it was floor 1 anyways. He could take them by one by one.

  18. Eléssar raised his head, looking at the big entrence of the dungeon. He is slightly surprised, a dungeon inside a mountain. Entrance is wide open, anyone could enter.. But no one seemed to be around. He was expecting to find another players here, just like on the open fields. Maybe the dungeon system worked just like the other games.. He wondered if he could solo the whole dungeon. '' Well, im not alone. '' he said with a smile while looking at Nova. He carressed her head and moved in with her. Once he entered inside, he felt like he was in a diffrent atmosphere. With his second step inside the dungeon, torches on the wall that made line till the end started to flame by theirselves. He was scared a little but didnt show any reaction, watching the end of the dungeon. He couldnt see what was in there but he could hear some monsters growling.

  19. He looked the location he just pointed, narrowing his eyes to get a better view. He slowly starts walking towards it and Nova jumps from bushes towards Eléssar. Coming from the way that Sakuri just pointed, for sure there must be something in there. He nodded and turned to Sakuri. '' So, i think we've found it. Your quest begins now. '' he says and cracks a smile, chopping the trees around as they kept moving towards the pointed location slowly.

  20. He unequips his sword and summons his familiar again, walking next to Nova towards the mountain and then to dungeon. He knew that this time he needed Nova's full support, it was the first time he was going to enter a dungeon alone. And for sure he needed help. Climbing the mountain slowly with Nova, with little rests. He was enjoying his time, slaying 3 boars in a row.. And now hunting irons from which monster he doesnt even know. He needed to take a break for a while, maybe he could take a nap.. Nova could guard him. But at the other hand, he wanted new gears as soon as possible.. So he knew that he shouldnt waste anymore time on sleeping or taking small naps. On his way to dungeon entrance, he stops for a second. Looking around to enjoy the view, since his location on the mountain was pretty high. He could almost see all of the floor 1. Forgetting about the quests or slaying monsters, he only smiled looking at the view. Taking a deep breath, but this time not for the sake of the battle. But only to relax and enjoy. He stretched and moved his hands behind his head, meeting them and standing straight against the sun. It was about to set, he needed to be fast. After one last look on around, he kept moving towards the dungeon entrance.

  21. With the boar standing in front of him after his block, he kept thinking about how fun was this game.. The killing, the fight.. The thrill of the battle! He started to laugh quitely, once again raising his sword above his head to land a hit. And he managed to land the finishing blow. Once again the boar shatters to million pieces right in fron of his eyes. His smile widened as he successfully looted the boars hide. Finishing his job with the boars for now and moving on to the dungeons for iron gathering.

    Boar Hide - 2/2

    Iron - 0/1

    Eléssar - 9/15

    Boar 1 - 0/5 - DEAD -

    Boar 2 - 0/5 - DEAD -

  22. As the boar finally managed to stand still, Eléssar stopped walking. A creepy smile appeared on his face, he was waiting for the boar to charge towards him. He wanted to kill him with an easy way.. Letting the hunt charge towards him, he didnt even hesitate and raised his sword. Holding it tightly as the boar charges with his tusks. After all those crits in a row, a miss didnt actually surprise Eléssar. He was waiting for that to happen but now the boar was near him again, free to damage. With only 1 hp, it seemed too easy for him.

    Eléssar - 9/15

    Boar 1 - 0/5 - DEAD -

    Boar 2 - 5/5

  23. He pulls the sword out of the boars head, watching the blood spill on the ground and he backs up just a little bit. While the boar was trying to get up, he raises his sword high above his head. Grabbing it strongly, swings it on the boar once more. Slashing its body from the top the toe from its sides, once again smashing the boar on the ground as it screams in pain. Dealing a critical hit one more time. He keeps walking towards it, his crimson red eyes locked on it. He was thirsty for more blood.

    Eléssar - 9/15

    Boar 1 - 0/5 - DEAD -

    Boar 2 - 1/5

  24. He successfully managed to kill the boar but failed at looting it. Not receiving any loots kinda pissed him off a little bit. With this anger, he runs straight towards the boar without wasting any second. Charging on it with a jump, landing a hit from above on its head. Smashing the boar to the ground with a critical hit. What a good way to start a battle! He hoped that this one would much faster then the last one.

    Eléssar - 9/15

    Boar 1 - 0/5 - DEAD -

    Boar 2 - 3/5

  25. With one last push, he leaves a small gap between the boar and himself. But it was enough to swing his sword in a wide direction. He knew that he had to be quick, but it had to be accurate too. Because he was careful this time, he managed to land a critical hit. Finally, shattering it into pieces. But as soon as Eléssar kills the boar 1, the other one rushes in to the battle. Jumping on Eléssar to land a hit, but he manages to dodge and jump back. Catching his breath and focusing on the battle once again after the joy he had from the kill.

    Eléssar - 9/15

    Boar 1 - 0/5 - DEAD -

    Boar 2 - 5/5

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