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Posts posted by Elessar

  1. '' Yea.. Yea.. A high level front liner, sister of the highest level player. We all heard about themç '' he said quitely while looking at Ruri. '' I've teamed up with her, for once.. She is good yes but in that level.. Anyone could be like that. But then again, we just fought against a lizard.. So i know nothing. '' he says as he keeps walking towards the town

  2. He jumps down from the roof, once again starts walking in the street. Away from the crowd, near the walls. It feels like they were infected with some sort of disease and he was trying to get away from it. He kept moving towards the exit again, looking for somekind of NPCs in the meanwhile. Maybe he could get a quest.. Or buy something that can be usefull.. But there was nothing that he was interested in. None of the NPCs had good equipement worth buying. Before he was about to leave the town, he notices the NPC standing by door. Apparently looking for players to take his quest, Eléssar walks towards the NPC. Getting more information about to quest, he was going to learn how to be a blacksmith. The quest was about gathering boar leather and irons. It seemed pretty fair, killing low level mobs and doing quests in the same time. He accepted the quest and leaved the town, walked towards the open field.

  3. '' Yeah, good job. '' he said while looking at Ruri and then at Sakuri. He stretched and walked for a bit. Looking around to see whats out there. '' And.. Its just sand. With monsters on it. And sand monsters. This place sucks. '' he says while turning to his partners. Taking a deep breath and sitting on a rock. Wiping of the sweat on his forehead and fixing his hair. '' Lets go somewhere actually looks or smells good. Please.. ''

  4. After the quests he completed and the monster he slayed, Eléssar decided to give himself a day off from all the fighting and wander around the town. He slowly opened his eyes and closed them immediately after the sight of the sun. Slowly getting up, lifting his arms on his knees. After a deep sigh, he looks around at the people. Walking around the streets. He was taking a nap on the roof of one of the building around the town center. Away from the crowd, where the wind could reach to him. " Giving my self a day off was a terrible idea. Its boring.. "

  5. Eléssar immediately woke up after the water hit his face, getting up and looking around him in a rush with his sword in his hand. He reailzed that it was Sakuri, he took a deep breath and yelled. " Don't.. Wake.. Me.. up like this.. Never again! You hear me?! " and stood up, cleaning the dust on him with his hands. " And don't waste water!" he added while walking towards him, he was a jerk all the time when he was new awake. Once again, he took a deep breath and looked at him while the waters dropping from his hair. After a second he started to laugh. " But seriously..Don't do that again. Or i will hang you to a tree from your feet. A free food for wild beasts. "

  6. He watched her as she charged in and tripped... He unwillingly laughed at her, but managed to cut it before she noticed. Right after she turned to her location, he charged in without waiting. But he could not manage to make a hit, thinking that the distraction caused him to miss. He returned to his location. " This is getting boring.. Even for me. "

  7. He looks at her wound, slightly lowerong his eyes on its sight. It seemed like it really hurt. After she returned to her location,Eléssar jumped in. Stabbing the lizard on its sides, hitting for 1 point of damage to lizard. As he finishes attacking, he returns to the girls side.

    Ruri - 54/57

    Eléssar - 13/13

    Lizard - 3/11

  8. He sighed as Ruri missed her attack, but knowing that she was the reason its low health. He charged in again without talking or waiting. Swinging his blade at its right and left side. Trying to hit it with his fast and strong attacks. Yet, he missed just like she did. While returning to his original location, the lizard attacks him. But the buff he gets from his partner, the damage does not effect him. '' Well.. Thanks.. '' he says without looking at her.

    Ruri - 57/57

    Ele - 13/13

    Lizard - 4/11

  9. Eléssar coughs as he takes the critical hit, Gemini still standing close to him with his sword pierceing through him. Nova standing behind him,she was frozen by what Eléssar just did. But she snapped herself out of it with Eléssar's cough. Nova jumped on Gemini, pushing him away from Eléssar with her attack. With her bite, she dealth 2 points of damage to Gemini just like before. Eléssar smiled at nova, once again standing by her and watching Gemini. '' Thank you.. '' he says while petting her head.

    Eléssar - 9/13

    Nova - 13/13

    Gemini - 6/13

  10. '' What now? You need help? Hah.. Thats pathetic. '' he said in a rush, getting breathless after novas attack. Watching her as she takes her place in front of Eléssar. '' Fine.. Then i will kill you both. It will be a pleasure. '' and cracked a weird smile. Charging towards both Nova and Eléssar. Holding his blade in front of him, since Nova was ahead of him she was going to get damaged. This was Eléssar's plan. But as soon as Gemini charged in, he rushed himself in front of Nova. Blocking the damage she was going to take with his body. Nova seemed surprised, just like Gemini. But since it was in favor of Gemini, he didnt have any problem with it.

    Eléssar - 8/13

    Nova - 13/13

    Gemini - 8/13

  11. '' Yes but a advice would be cool. I mean - '' he stopped talking as the giant lizard appeared in front of them. He carefully watched as the girl charged in towards the lizard and dealing big amount of damage. '' Hmph.. So thats how being high level feels like. '' he said quitely to himself. Without waiting for a second, he charged in right after the girl did. Swinging his sword from above, hitting the lizard for 2 points of critical damage. And returning to his original spot right after.

    Ruri - 57/57

    Ele - 13/13

    Lizard - 4/11

  12. After getting a hit, he takes a deep breath. Focusing on his opponent, he was about to attack but he remembered about his familliar. On the skill menu, he summoned his companion. He could let it tank the damage until the half and then he could easly take out the gemini. He pointed the gemini, raising his towards him. '' Get him! '' he said with a yell.

    Nova, at his first battle with his new owner. Seemed like she was excited. It could be a bad choice to call his companion on a duel to death but he needed all the aid he could get. Gemini was surprised by this, after all everyone would be a little scared with a lion chargin towards them. With her attack, nova damaged Gemini for 2 points of critical damage.

    Eléssar - 11/13

    Nova - 13/13

    Gemini - 8/13

  13. Without wasting anytime, Gemini attacks to Eléssar with a shout. Running towards him with his several sword swings, trying to hit Eléssar in any direction. His fast and strongs attacks hits Eléssar, damaging him for 2 points of critical damage. With the hit he took, Eléssar jumps back. Leaving a large gap between them this time, giving himself time to catch his breath. He knew that he should get serious.. Its a duel to death afterall.

    Eléssar - 11/13

    Gemini - 10/13

  14. Eléssar accepts the party invite, watching the girl as she steps out of the safe zone with one step. '' Just move on.. None of us would attack you, atleast i would not. I'm not that crazy yet. '' he says as she walks by the girl and moves ahead of her. The others still following them. He stretches as the sun hits her skin, turns to others after that. Looking at his narrowed eyes, thinking about what a pack like this would do.. A 26 level and.. The new players. '' And yes, one more question. Can we trust you? '' he asks, as he doest know anything about the girl except she is orange and level 26.

  15. He nods and walks toward the spot he had mantioned with Sakuri, while Sakuri prepares the spot he looks around the spot to see if there is anything that could cause danger for them. Then returns to Sakuri. '' Okay.. There is nothing bad around.. For now atleast. '' he says and takes his place inside the cave. '' We should wake up early tomorrow and keep on moving. '' after a couple seconds, he falls asleep.

  16. '' Agreed. '' he said as Sakuri walked in. He sighed and then yawned, covering his mouth with his hand. '' I was.. Exploring the new floors. Just because curiousity. And.. You? What a PK'er doing here alone. I though that you guys are walking around as packs. '' he said looking at the girl in the blue outfit. Then greeted the other girl who just walked in with a smile.

  17. For the last few days, Eléssar was traveling all the floors and their locations. He was trying to explore what is ahead of him once he got to a higher level or equipped better gear for himself. This time, he was going for floor 5. He stood by the teleport gate. '' Teleport.. Floor 5. '' he said with a calm and quite voice. Once he got teleported to floor 5, his eyes were closed. He took a couple steps ahead and took a deep breath, then opened his eyes slowly. He figured that it would be a place like this since it got hotter as soon as he teleported to floor 5. '' Great.. Another floor with hot weather.. With sand.. Ugh! '' he mumbled to himself as he looked around, he didnt see anyone except the girl in blue outfits. With slow steps, he decided to walk towards her. Either he would ask her something about the place or meet with her. Either was fine for him. Before he approached he cleared this throat quitely and looked at her as she kept enjoying the view.. '' It should be boring to stand here all alone. ''

  18. Once again Eléssar charges in to take advantage of this, immediately turning around as Gemini passes by. Stabbing him from behind but just like Elèssar , Gemini turns immediately to block his attack with his blade. Both swords smashing into eachother in mid air. Eléssar keeps pushing towards him even he missed his attack, with one last push he throws Gemini on the ground. Stabbing his sword near his head, with Eléssar on him. Gemini pushes him away with a kick. Immediately standing up in front of him.

  19. Before naming his familiar, Eléssar decoded to read its info first. Noticing that lions gender is female, he starts to think a proper name for her. " A name for a white female lion..This is hard. " he says while slowly petting the head of his lion. He kepts thinking about a name. " Hmph.. Nova." he says as he finds her a name, smiling to her. After confirming, he saw Nova getting smaller. Still in a maximum size for familiars but smaller then its original.

  20. As the gemini stumbles, Eléssar once again moves towards him. Holding his sword with his both hand, he starts to run as he gets closer. With careful and strong steps, he swings his sword in two diffrent direction. But each attack misses, gemini dodges them with quick moves. Stepping back as Eléssar keeps swinging his sword at him. Finally, gemini blocks the attack with his sword. Both swords smashing into eachother in mid air and they kept pushing eachother at the opposite direction. With Gemini's last attack Eléssar gets pushed away, leaving a small gap between them. He sighs and gets angry at himself for missing this chance.

  21. He turns to Sakuri with a quite laugh, watching him as he gathering sticks. '' So.. What makes you think that we will be safe here, with a campfire ? This will give our spot faster then anything.. And there are lots of pkers around here. Wondering in packs. If its not the pkers , im pretty sure that it will be pack of monsters. '' he says while looking around and sighs deeply. He walks around for a bit and notices a cave looking area. With enough space on it for both of them, it would be safer then just laying on the ground in open field. '' You idea about waiting for tomorrow is good, but i think we should not sleep in the open. Check this out. '' he says while looking at the place he just found, points the location for Sakuri.

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