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Posts posted by Sotarou

  1. And it was the Stone Elemental's turn to make a swing at Sotarou! And a swing and a hit! The big thing swung and hit true, knocking Sotarou back a few feet. But the damage was minimal, only doing one damage. Seems these things weren't all that damaging... or he was just more adept at taking the damage now.

    Sotarou 10/11

    Stone Elemental 6/6

  2. "Let's go!" He ran up the mountain to find his next victim! And there it was! This one looked bigger than the last, however... but that wasn't going to stop him, no sir! He drew his blade and entered battle stance, initiating the fight with the creature! The familiar music played as he charged forward, blade aimed directly at his foe! However, his foe noticed the attack in time and was able to dodge it. Just bad timing on Sotarou's part...

    Sotarou 11/11

    Stone Elemental 6/6

  3. This was the last hit he could make before this elemental would get a shot in... and its big arms looked like they'd pack a whallop... so he had to finish it here! And that was it! His blade hit true! In a shower of breaking crystals, the Stone Elemental was finished! But... no loot drop, sadly. "Okay... maybe this would be harder than I thought... but I'm just getting started, and I haven't taken damage yet!"

  4. Repeat performance, but this time he took his time to make sure he got the attack right! He wasn't going to fail... not anymore! This was his time to shine! Or he could completely whiff... that happens too... the Stone Elemental was getting its movement back... he'd only have time for one more attack before it regained full combat ability!

  5. And the death blow! Sotarou was certain that this next swing would be the end of it! That he'd succeed in dealing the killing blow to this creature! Buuuut... he got cocky and his blade glanced off without doing any damage at all... "Note to self... don't get cocky..." He still had two more hits before this thing could get a shot off... so... he hoped one of them was the one he needed!

  6. Not letting up an inch, Sota moved to strike again, trying to get fancy with his move this time... and it paid off, his adjustment of his swing made all the difference as the blade caught a particularly weak spot on the creature and dealt a critical strike to it! And once again, the blade's ability kicked up and paralyzed the creature again, resetting its paralysis timer!

    Sotarou 11/11

    Stone Elemental 1/4

  7. Sotarou made his first jaunt into the forest, careful to avoid the monsters in there... he was there to fight one and only one type of enemy, and they were found in the mountainous region of this floor... it took him longer than he had thought, most of the day had already passed by, but he made it to the base of the mountain and that was a start... he wasn't really all that tired, though... so he assumed it was safe to press on... but no sooner had he started 'pressing on' that he had been spotted by an enemy and the familiar sound of a battle theme erupted around him! It was go time! And what luck; the first enemy just happened to be a Stone Elemental! "Alright, big guy! I'm here for your ores, and I won't take no for an answer! Now cough them up!" He took the first move, drawing his Atlantian's Guardian Blade and striking towards the big elemental! The blade hit home, and even managed to deliver a nice blow to the thing! And just as luck would have it, the blade's special ability kicked in, paralyzing the big brute for a few hits! Maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all!

    Sotarou 11/11

    Stone Elemental 3/4

  8. Mumbling and grumbling to himself, he was upset with the fact that all this time he'd been mentioning the quest to people, and they didn't have ANY decency to tell him that he could have just acquired the quest on Floor 1! Trolls... the lot of them... well, either way. He got the quest, and he was well on his way with his new Curved Blade! He had to just fight with this thing for a while... or something better, if after this whole thing he ends up with several materials that he could use to try for a better weapon... either way, it was time to go out and work. And the materials he'd work for would drop off of enemies in Floor 2. Stone elementals... this wouldn't be all that easy... but hopefully, it was going to get him enough materials to finish the quest... "Alright... Floor 2 enemies, here I come!"

  9. Sotarou grins and takes the sword and gives it a couple of swings to test the weight. Out of reach of anything breakable, that is... either way, he smiled, content with the quality of the weapon! "Thank you very much! I think this is just what I need to get myself started towards my dream!" And he didn't give the shopkeep a moment to even ask about his dream, as Sotarou left the shop with blade in hand!

    ((Atlantean Guardian Blade get! 800 Col loss.))

  10. And in walked an individual still wearing newbie armor... and looked a bit timid as he entered the store in the first place... he had asked around and was told of this weapons shop from other players in SAO... and as Sotarou looked around the shop, what should his eyes doth see but a blade all curved and neat-looking out on display! His eyes lit up! This is it... this is the start... He then went up to the counter and smiled to the shopkeep. "Excuse me. I'm wanting to purchase the Atlantian's Guardian Blade you have on display." He looked nervous as he had come in... but his voice had the power of a confident purchaser.

  11. Sotarou looks on as Elessar leaves like that... "Umm... I don't know. You were the one who invited us, remember?" He then thinks about the fight and looks to Sakuri. "Oh. Did the Boar drop anything at all?" He sounded curious, but not fully interested in it... he looked pretty out of it... though that could just as easily be because of him being one hit away from dead, pretty much... "In either case... I can't stay out here... I've got to get back to town and rest to rejuvenate my HP... and try to avoid other monsters in the interim... but either way, I seem to have acquired enough Col to get a Scimitar. Even if it's just a simple one. From there, I'll just work on fighting more and more with it until I can use Katanas. That's my plans, in any case..." He seemed a bit unsure of his 'plans' in that he thought that something would probably go wrong when he got back to town... something always seemed to go wrong... "It'd probably be easier if I was part of a Guild or something... but... anyway. Neither here nor there." He'd begin walking towards the <>.

  12. Sotarou groans as the boar lands a critical! "This... if I'm hit like that again, I'm done for!" Nevertheless, he attempted to give his sword strike another go! And he hit! What luck! "Phew! PLEASE let this be over! Switch!" he called out for the next person to attack!

    Sakuri - 15/17

    Eléssar - 10/15

    Nova - 8/10

    Kanya - 52/54

    Ruri - 55/59

    Sotarou - 2/7

    Boar - 2/25

  13. Unfortunately, the Boar was just attacking as the Switch was called out, which put Sotarou right in the line of fire! Tusks lowered and charged forward, the boar got itself a critical on him! OUCH! This was not turning out to be a good day for Sotarou AT ALL!

    Sakuri - 15/17

    Eléssar - 10/15

    Nova - 8/10

    Kanya - 52/54

    Ruri - 55/59

    Sotarou - 2/7

    Boar - 3/25

  14. And now, it was Sotarou's turn to try and damage it! Hopefully, his luck would be better this time around... or he could miss once again... but he was closer this time. Much closer.

    Sakuri - 15/17

    Eléssar - 10/15

    Nova - 8/10

    Kanya - 52/54

    Ruri - 55/59

    Sotarou - 5/7

    Boar - 3/25

  15. It may have been Sotarou's turn, but the Boar was going to have its tusks aimed right at Sakuri. Digging its hoof into the ground in preparation for the Charge, it snorted loudly and gave a loud bellowing sound as it charged forward. The execution was sloppy, however. No damage done to Sakuri.

  16. Sotarou charged forward as the Boar ended its own Charge, Longsword gliding out and up towards the Boar's flank! But... he missed just as the Boar had missed. "Aaaand there's my miss streak again... I swear, the first thing I'm going to try and make is some accuracy gear..."

  17. The Boar didn't like Ruri at all! She was doing the most severe damage to it! If it could speak, it would probably spout horrible obscenities at her! But since it couldn't speak... it went and charged for her. It missed, however. So much for it being strong enough to kill them all! This round would probably do it in...

  18. Sotarou wasn't having any of that Charge! As the beast came his way in the Charge, he readied his blade and swung true to get it square in the flank! The strike was aimed well and true, his blade cleaving through the Boar quite readily with that critical hit! Another 2 damage was done to the boar!

    Sakuri - 15/17

    Eléssar - 12/15

    Nova - 8/10

    Kanya - 52/54

    Ruri - 55/59

    Sotarou - 5/7

    Boar - 6/25

  19. But... the heroes had all lined up a little too perfectly! And the Boar was pissed at all of them! Grinding its hoof into the ground, it prepared to charge, lining all of the enemy up perfectly! And perfectly it managed to hit! The tusks gliding through everyone's HP bars as they all dipped down another 2 points each! Including the Familiars! This Boar hurt poor innocent Familiars!

    Sakuri - 15/17

    Eléssar - 12/15

    Nova - 8/10

    Kanya - 52/54

    Ruri - 55/59

    Boar - 8/25

  20. Now it was Sotarou's turn to TRY and hit it... he probably wasn't going to, at the rate this whole fiasco was turning out... but it seems the GMs had their fun with him for now! A critical hit, finally! Sotarou returned the two damage the Boar had done to his teammate with another two to the creature! "About time the GMs stopped hating me!"

    Sakuri - 17/17

    Eléssar - 14/15

    Nova - 10/10

    Kanya - 54/54

    Ruri - 57/59

    Boar - 13/25

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