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Posts posted by HikariZX

  1. Once again having her armor absorb the cow's hit, Hikari turned to Kira. "Seems like it... but don't worry, if anything happens, I've got some crystals with me..." Materializing one crystal and handing it to Kira, Hikari proceeded with. "Be careful, only use it if you drop below half health, alright?" Turning herself towards the cow again, Hikari sprinted forward and attempted one of her favorite moves.

    Combat Dice - 2 - Fail! - no damage

    The cow once again performing the same movements, Hikari was at least sure she generated enough Hate on herself that Kira would be safe. "Damn you..." Chastising the cow, Hikari once again put up her shield, waiting for the cow's attack.

  2. (OOC: I'm glad you're better, Kira, I can't stand to see people depressed. :3)

    Enemy Combat Dice - 7 - Success! - 1 Damage

    Taking the hit from the cow, Hikari knew her armor would dissipate all damage done. Charging forward, Hikari stood in position as the skill "Linear" was charged, coating "Rage"'s blade in a dark purple light.

    Combat Dice - 2 - Fail! - no damage

    The cow swiftly avoids Hikari as soon as "Linear" is released, making Hikari struggle a bit for footing, readying her shield as soon as she does.

    Hikari - 17/17

    Kira - 15/17

    Trembling Ox - 5/10

    Trembling Cow 1 - 20/20

    Trembling Cow 2 - 20/20

    (OOC: Sorry for short post, kinda busy and can't really concentrate all that well...)

  3. Crafting Dice - 6 + 1 - Good Item! - -1 mat; +2EXP

    Looking at the item, it was just like the other ones, a failed third model, a simple prototype version to the real one. "Tch, you're no better than what I already use..." Reading the stats on it, Hikari simply named the armor...

    Name: Light Iron Chestguard Mk. 3

    Type: Light Metal Armor

    Quality: Good

    Description: A failed prototype in an attempt to mimic someone else's style.

    Abilty: none

    Deciding that, if she had no more materials for herself, she'd at least work on another of her commissions in the meantime. Grabbing one of the two remaining bags of Dragon Scales, Hikari shaped the armor in accordance to the picture provided.

  4. Entering the shop at noon, it was a long day yesterday, the scouting party which Hikari had been part of had found the boss to the ninth floor and that meant she'd need to get prepared, as she'd hopefully be a part of the font liners. Grabbing the last iron bar in her possession, Hikari hoped to create a light metal armor to replace her own. "Please, this is my last one..." Heating the bar in the forge, Hikari shaped it much like she'd shaped all her other attempts before, a single plate of metal connecting to a segmented arm guard for added mobility.

  5. Anxiously awaiting the door's opening, Hikari was already expecting something like lava or fire to adorn this floor's arena, though she never quite expected it would be completely covered by them, leaving only a sketch of land available for standing. The boss emerging from the depths of the lava startled Hikari, one of its heads gazing straight into her eyes. "W-what the hell?!" Horrified but interested in its attack power, Hikari swung around the outer wall, trying to estimate its total health for each of its head. The numbers were blurry and messy, making even Hikari's above-average sight unable to read it. "Damn it..." Grabbing a teleport crystal and quickly shouting before the boss could try to attack her. "Teleport, Snowfrost town!" A radiant blue light enveloping her, Hikari was quickly transported to the fourth floor, where she awaited her comrades, hoping they'd be safe.

  6. Watching Charlotte defeat the massive beast made Hikari's face return to normal, a slight smile still visible. Turning towards Charlotte, Hikari gave her a quick thumbs-up before turning towards Miaki when she heard his announcement. In awe of the massive stone door, a bull's head standing on its center, until Charlotte ran up and placed the ring on it and asked if she could open it. Cautious, Hikari had no problem as long as the party just investigated what was on the other side. Ultimately deciding to let Miaki decide, Hikari relaxed and sheathed her sword, leaning on the wall next to the door.

  7. Crafting Dice - 7 + 1 - Good Item! - -1 mat; +2EXP

    The armor wasn't quite what she hoped for but it was still pretty good as a light metal armor, though not good enough for the commission. Deciding to at least put it for sale, Hikari inspected its stats before displaying it on the shelves.

    Name: Dragon Scale Plate

    Type: Light Metal Armor

    Quality: Good

    Description: A light metal chest-plate created from scales taken from a giant dragon. Provides normal defense but nothing else.

    Ability: none

    Realizing that was her last attempt for the day, Hikari headed out the shop, closing the door behind her.

  8. Crafting Dice - 12 - Perfect Item! - -1 mat; +8EXP

    Seeing the sword shine in a golden light, Hikari knew exactly what she made. "Hell yeah." Taking the sword in her hands, she first looked at its description and stats.

    Name: Golden Millennium Sword

    Type: One-handed Straight Sword

    Quality: Perfect

    Description: A Legendary Golden sword said to be wielded by the most powerful of Egyptian pharaohs. Its blade shines a golden light, making enemies not be able to escape its tremendous sharpness.

    Abilities: +2 Damage; +1 to Battle Dice

    More than satisfied with the result, Hikari grabbed one of the bags of scales to start working on the second person's commission. "Hmm, I see... this reminds of RPG armor, something from... Bethesda?" Thinking how she'd turn the scales a black color, Hikari set them on the anvil, noticing in the meanwhile her Rank Up from before. "Sweet!" With new-found determination, Hikari used her precious hammer to make the exact suit of armor the picture depicted, taking special care of the commissioner's request to make it black.

  9. Crafting Dice - 6 + 1 - Good Item! - -1 mat; +2EXP

    Not really satisfied with the result, Hikari thought she could at least put it up for sale.

    Name: Prototype Master Sword

    Type: One-handed Straight Sword

    Quality: Good

    Description: An attempt to create a sword similar to the Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda series, most specifically Ocarina of Time.

    Abilities: none

    The sword had a faded look, seeming like it knew it was to be colored differently than normal, so it just gave itself a green-ish blue hilt with a simple silver blade. "Meh." Grabbing another Iron Bar from the now two remaining ones, Hikari once again tried to forge the sword depicted in the picture.

  10. Hikari woke up a lot later than usual, panicking her and making her run to the shop in a hurry, afraid of missing clients. The commission box held two more requests, a sword and suit of armor, four bags of dragon scales contained with the latter. "W-wait, this is extremely high-quality material!" Indeed, the scales were made to give maximum defense, while not compromising movement in the slightest. The effect requested was an odd one, Hikari really didn't know whether or not it would work, but she might as well give it a try... later. The first commission was for a Rare Quality sword from a player named Yami. Hikari deduced that the player who had given her the dragon scales would logically be a higher level. since these were very hard to get, so the sword was first priority. Grabbing a spare ingot from the three left, Hikari heated it in the forge before looking at the picture provided. "Wait... This looks just like the Master Sword from Zelda!" Giving a slight laugh, Ocarina of Time was one of her favorite games, after all, Hikari grabbed the metal and shaped according to the picture.

  11. Walking along the trail to the lake, Hikari realized just how big this floor was. Suddenly snapped back to reality by Seldentar's question, Hikari quickly responded: "Well, kind of white-ish grey fur, kinda like the color of my hair. but darker, and red eyes, like mine, that seemed to me like it was pretty common..." Though the wolf she imagined was quite different, ebony colored fur with glowing crimson eyes, a stature not much different from a fully grown German Shepherd, with teeth and claws sharp as steel. Getting lost in her imagination, Hikari bumped into a random wolf and tripped, falling straight on her face. "Thank god, I'm not wearing a skirt..." Suddenly realizing what happened, Hikari immediately got up and shouted towards Seldentar: "Hey, Sel, pass me the meat!" Waiting for the man to give her a chop, Hikari began to analyze the wolf while it was still passive. "Light Grey Fur, glowing eyes? I guess that's normal... pretty tall and long... almost as tall as I want it... and what's this? Purple cursor, is it some kind of special monster?" Continuing analyzing it, Hikari found something most peculiar about this wolf. "What...? What is this... marking here?" Sure enough, on the wolf's back was a distinctive circular marking, lined with flame patterns around it, the wolf's name? "...Shiranui?... a rare enemy? That's it, you're mine! Sel, pass me the god damn boar, this thing's mine!"

  12. Seeing Seldentar destroy yet another boar with a single strike, Hikari wondered what level he was. "Alright, that should be enough for a couple of attempts, we may need to lure it, though... Let's see if we can find the type I'm looking for, first." Turning her head towards the northeast, Hikari pointed in the direction of a faraway lake. "I've fought wolves there before, they're docile, like these guys and are pretty weak, so even if it doesn't work out, we'll have no problem dealing with them" Turning the rest of her body to match her head, Hikari began walking there. "Well, let's go?" Sheathing her sword while walking, Hikari scouted for the wolf territory, hoping her friend saw it as well.

  13. Knocked against the wall by the minotaur's area attack, Hikari slowly got up, asserting the damage she received, her armor took it pretty well, absorbing at least two fifths of the full damage, she imagined. "Eh... you're gonna regret that!" Charging to the minotaur in a frenzy, Hikari attempted to perform the beginning of her favorite move, making sure not to make her sword glow.

    Combat Dice - 8 - Success! - 1 + 2 WDMG + 2 MDMG

    The first slash connecting successfully, Hikari continued with a series of ten consecutive slashes before jumping up and crashing her sword right into the beast's snout, creating a gash from its head to its loin. "How do ya' like THAT!?" Her smirk widening greatly, Hikari's red eyes filled up with murderous intent. Her best and favorite move, "Demonic Wolf's Fang", something she performed on her own without system aid, had almost taken the minotaur out. "Finish it off!" Urging someone to deal the final blow, Hikari retreated back to a hopefully safe distance before readying herself once more.

    Hikari - 15/15 (level 6 at the start of the fight) -3HP = 12/15

    Minotaur - 10/40 -5HP = 5/40

  14. «Enemy Combat Roll»

    1 - Epic Fail! - no damage

    2-5 - Fail! - no damage

    6-8 - Success! - 1 damage

    9 - Critical! - 2 damage

    10 - Massive Critical - 3 damage

    (OOC: now you compare the dice roll you got here with the table, and that's the damage the enemy does to you, which can be reduced by armor)

    (OOC EDIT: so now it was 7, right? 1 damage dealt, blocked by the 2 I can block with just my armor, so I suffer no damage)

  15. Seeing Kira being hit with a ram from the ox, Hikari couldn't help but be a bit angry. "Kira! Don't stand there and let the monster hit you, see what it's gonna do and try to dodge it!" (OOC: hint, do an enemy roll post after your own, it won't count towards the post order, and decide the damage it does based on the Battle Dice for that post, don't worry, I'll exemplify) Knowing she had to attract the cows not to do damage to Kira, Hikari charged forward and slashed one of them, redirecting the hate of both towards her.

    Combat Roll - 3 - Fail! - no damage

    Missing the slash just by hair's breath, Hikari braced herself for the hit to come.

  16. Following Miaki's and Nikki's lead, Hikari charged up to the minotaur, blade still glowing a deep crimson color. Trying to judge the length of this new blade by eye, she knew this attack was prone to underachieve the distance necessary, therefore, she needed to be as cautious as possible when executing it with a new blade. Judging the remaining distance enough, Hikari released the skill, making her perform a full turn in point.

    Combat Dice - PARALYZED (7 though) - Success! - 1 + 2 weapon DMG + 2 mastery DMG

    Hitting the beast at point-blank range, the Skill left a clear gash in the minotaur's rough skin, bringing its health down to half. "Tch, is that all?" The grin on Hikari's face turned into a full-blown smirk, her eyes sharpening up in joy, she hadn't had this exciting a fight at all until now. Backing off to give some space between her and the minotaur, Hikari began thinking of what other skill to use, deciding on her favorite one yet...

    Minotaur - 25/40 -5 HP = 20/40

  17. Knowing the attack patterns of the boars already pretty well, Hikari effortlessly dodged its charge, watching as Seldentar once again defeated the beast in one hit. "Thanks... any loot?" Hikari recomposed herself after checking for any surrounding boars, knowing they would attack them if they saw any other being attacked, making sure none were in the vicinity. Waiting for Seldentar's response, Hikari sheathed her sword, relaxing a bit. Hearing Seldentar's words, she just smiled. "Great, let's gather some more, just in case, if we have some left, we'll split it evenly, alright?" Satisfied with her answer, Hikari turned to see where more boars were, hoping to finally be able to defeat something herself.

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