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Kana Misouko

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Posts posted by Kana Misouko

  1. Oh yeah... That guy... Kana wanted to meet him. One part of her had a great desire to punch him repeatedly in the face and the other wanted to understand why? Why would you choose to do something like this! Force all this people to give up their dreams and lives so he could watch them fight and suffer. She just didn't get it, what were he intentions? What would he gain from such a thing?

    She smiled at his compliment, she had done so much wandering in the safe zones, she had learned the paths well. Take her to a dangerous area and she would be clueless. She had avoided wandering to deep into any danger zones, for risk of stumbling upon a creature she could not kill. She knew it was cowardly, but she was not going to die in this game. She refused to.

    A server walked over and handed them a menu, "Tea, water or ale?" The server asked, the cafe was cheap because it's products were limited. "I'll have a tea, thank you" Kana told the girl before opening the menu. She browsed it quickly before deciding, "I think I might have a Garlic mushrooms to start, and have a turkey roast, why not ? No, way are you paying for me though!"


    Snacks or Starter

    Sandwich - 50 Col

    Salad - 20 Col

    Soup with loaf - 20 Col

    Creamy bread - 20 Col

    Fruit bowl - 20 Col

    Oysters -50 Col

    Garlic mushrooms 50 Col

    Croissants and fruit - 50 Col


    Roast with choice of beef, chicken or turkey - 70 Col

    Rabbit stew - 70 Col

    Steak with vegetables - 60 Col

    Jacket potato with filling of choice - 40 Col

    Steamed fish with sauce or side of choice - 40 Col

    All day breakfast - 50 Col

    Pork pie with salad - 30 Col

  2. Kana watched as Kiluia took another big chunk out of the lizards life point, it's bar was very much in red. At least one or two attacks and they. Would easily be able to take it out. Kana repositioned her weapon across from her, ready to make one final blow. She ran forward, and swung to strike at the lizard. However, the lizard dodged her attack speedily, and whipped its tail around at unrecognisable speed.

    The tail wrapped round her feet, and knocked her onto her back. She wheezed as the wind was knocked out of her, the tail swung around and smacked her straight in the guy. She yelled out, as it hit her crushingly, the tail raised up to hit her again. Regaining her focus, she rolled out of the way, the tail barely missing her. She crawled forward, out of the way of the next attack. That had been a hard blow, surprisingly tactful for a lizard, but it was clear it was getting desperate to survive. It seemed it was down to Kiluia to take it out.


    Kana - 10/15

    Kiluia - 13/17


    Violet Lizard - 2/18

  3. Kana beamed, "Yeah, I think that's why it represents an ingredient in a healing crystal," She had to admit, the creators had certainly been very creative with it all. Even if the game was sick, she couldn't help but be impressed by it all. She began to protest at the girls offer of work but the girl seemed to place herself amongst the flowers and look for it.

    "Really, you don't have to if you don't want to," She told her, wondering if the girl would heed her at all. Honestly, she wouldn't mind the girls company as she looked, but she understood that time wasted in this game was not time you could get back. She didn't want to waste anyone's time.

    The girl seemed to be happy to help, she decided she wouldn't fight her company, she was happy if she was honest. "I'm Kana by the name, What's your name if you don't mind me asking?" she found she had been introducing herself a lot lately, for a long while in the game Kana hadn't met anyone new in the game for a long time. Having been cooped up in the inn, barely keeping herself going in the game for so long, she had not felt the need to introduce herself to anyone for weeks. But after reuniting with Kiluia, she seemed to be meeting lots of new people.

    Maybe it was fate... She thought distantly to herself, as she flickered through the flowers. Pushing bunches aside gently to see if their was a 'Living Lullaby' hidden in the plants. She had never really been much of a green thumb in the real world. So leafing through these flowers was new to her in all senses of the word.

  4. She grinned at the friendly guy, she could feel her temper fading, Just as she had a short fuse, the anger never lasted too long either. She felt it fading, she turned her back on the rude guy, swinging her hair in such a ways he hoped it would hit him a little. It didn't, but the gesture remained the same. She place one hand on her hip and held the other out in front of her, in the form of a handshake. "I'm Kana, what's yours? She asked, intrigued by how nicely this guy was responding to her, it was somewhat refreshing. She almost didn't care about her sandwich anymore... Almost.

    She glanced back at the loser, who still didn't seemed to acknowledge her, she sighed before looking back at the gentleman before her. Listening to his suggestion, she shook her head. "Somehow I doubt I would get one even if a did." She told him, she shook her head. "Sounds good, shall we party it up?" she asked! she wondered if she should message Kiluia and invite him on their little meat hunting trip. She decided against it, he could be busy with the kids or the guild, she didn't want to disturb him. If he was free, he normally tended to just turn up anyway.

  5. Finally...

    After all of that effort and struggle, she finally had the upper hand. Only by a little, but at the moment, it meant a lot, she could help but grin at this point, and she had every right to. She never would have imagined herself being able to take on a beast like this and yet here she was beating it. If there anything as exhilarating as this, she would be lucky to find it.

    She could see the faces of the children in her mind, the ones that were gone. She liked to think that somewhere they were cheering her on, stood beside Hikaru and Sakie. Had she not pictured this, she would have felt very alone in these monumental moments. There was no one here to witness her first win in person, and yet she knew she was being smiled upon. Not in the real world, but in another existence.

    Kana : 10/13

    Bird-Beast :9/18

  6. Kana sighed once again, a guilty niggling feeling eating at her already. Everything was clearly getting to her, the stress of the situation was already putting her in a mood. Kyoko always said there were two types of Kana, Normal Kana and Stressed Kana. Normal Kana he could terrorise until she went red in the face, and he would be fine. When she was truly stressed, he said he'd rather wrestle bears with rabies. After seeing a kid die the night before, and hearing about the death of kids she had just met, stressed was a light word for her mood. And now she was taking it out on Kiluia.

    Not to mention, he had just confessed his love to her yesterday, she couldn't understand how he felt so comfortable making rude jokes about her so soon. Had he fantasised about her before? Or was his thoughts pure? She hoped they were pure, she couldn't handle the thought of one of her closest friends thinking about her in such a way. It would make his presence very uncomfortable.

    "Sorry, I'm not exactly in the mood right now," She replied, hoping he would understand. Taking a deep breath, she refocused her energy into her next attack. Allowing her anger to flow with it, she leapt forward and struck the lizard across the side of his head, she grinned at the collision. That felt way too good.


    Kana - 13/15

    Kiluia - 13/17


    Violet Lizard - 6/18

  7. Kana returned to her method of switching between trees, she needed to keep out of range of the bird-beasts lethal beak. She had been way more than she had hoped to be already. She still hadn't managed to get one up on the creature despite her constant attempts. She wished that the bird-beast was just a little weaker. She wanted desperately to defeat it on her own but at this rate this thing could easily knock her off the surface of the game.

    She couldn't allow that to happen, she had so many people that she wanted to help yet. She had big plans for the future and she couldn't do that if she allowed herself to become a handle of pixels. She still had to make her grandmother Akana proud, she had finally learned who she wanted to become and yet she was still too weak, defeating this creature was her first step, she would do it, she had to. With another loud battle cry, she leap out from behind the true and struck the bird-beasts remaining weak, not hard enough to cut it off. But enough to do a little damage, she cheered to herself before ducking back behind a tree.

    Kana : 10/13

    Bird-Beast :9/18

  8. Without responding to her, the guy just teleported out of the situation leaving her annoyed and rejected. Her disapproval showed clearly in her expression, "Weird, more like downright rude, why try to catch our attention only to bugger off like that? I seriously don't get people in this game." She told Kiluia, hands in her hips defensively. She made a promised to herself that if she ever saw him again, she would retract her thank you and tell the kid to get stuffed. The way the Misouko's were raised meant they always displayed the greatest manners, although Kana didn't also, apply this to her every day behaviour she would never reject a thank you nor an invitation from anyone. Not even an enemy, it simply wasn't how she worked.

    She waved goodbye as the Yudai sisters teleported away, leaving only a small group of them left. She didn't really know anyone but Kiluia, although she didn't mind meeting new people. She looked at him, and grinned, "Well, On that note I think I'll make my leave in a moment too, although I can't teleport right now. So I'm just gonna do an old fashion, wave and walk away. Catch you later okay?" She waved at everyone, turning she made her way down the street. On her way she passed one of the boys who was happily munching on his sandwich, she smiled at him and give him a small wave. He grinned, and smiled back. She let out a small chuckle, and disappeared from the groups view.

    [Kana has left Rp]

  9. "I understand your point, but I just don't know If I could pin it down to lies, it's not like the nerve gear couldn't do it, and if that's the case, why don't they ever log back in? I don't know if I could risk the possibility of killing someone based on doubt." She replied in earnest, she could understand the risk of making a decision on someone's life if you were doctor, but a kid in a game? Seriously, what right did they have to choose whether it was okay to kill someone. The only person who has that right is god, or the person themselves.

    "It is truly wonderful work, It was me, I would put it to better use than trapping a bunch of people in a game. I would've designed it for therapy-based purposes you know. Giving sick people help they need without putting others at risk, or giving those on their death bed their chance to live out their dream life before they go." She sighed at the idea of this, she had done a lot of thinking since the game begun, and she had to say she couldn't understand the idea of it all.

    They arrived at the cafe, it was a small little thing, with white walls and brown cross fencing along the walls. There was a long porch in front of it, littered in a handful of tables and chairs. There were a few taken, but most were free. She led Eléssar to one of most separate tables on the far right of the porch. The tables was decorated with a red and white checkered table cloth and condiments set. It was quite quaint really, not too fancy, just how Kana liked it. " I've done so much exploring I'm pretty sure I could draw a map." She joked lightly, taking a seat.

  10. Kana frowned at his slightly inappropriate joke, rolling her eyes at it. "Boys..." she muttered! before attempting to switch in. The lizard charged at her slightly, it had obviously noticed that she was the weaker target, and was aiming more so for her. This annoyed her slightly, she dived out of the way, using her <> to cartwheel over itself tail smoothly. She landed and smirked, barely gathering herself before it attacked her again, she leaped back, barely able to stop herself from being hit.

    She couldn't wait for this to be over, all she wanted to do was start planning her training routes and how she was going to develop her skills. She had to upgrade her weapon of course, and her skill set. Defeating this lizard was the first step, then she would climb the ladder to a more powerful self and she would finally be confident in her ability in the game.

    Kana - 13/15

    Kiluia - 15/17


    Violet Lizard - 7/18

  11. Kana grinned as Kiluia landed another spectacular hit, it only encouraged her to want to be stronger. But how was that going to happen if she go only ever take off a small bit of the creatures hp. If she carried on this way every battle would take hours, she needed to upgrade her abilities. She decided as she as she was able to was going to upgrade her weapon, as much as she like the elegance of her one-hands curved blade, she needed something more effective. Something that would do a great deal of damage.

    Kana dived forward towards the purple lizard, she attempted to feint to the left, making the lizard think that she was going to attack that way. However when she went to the right, the lizard propelled it's tongue forward and caught her in the shoulder knocking her back once more. Kana barely caught herself before she almost toppled over, taking a few steps back. She made an annoyed growl. She was fed up of get hit, wanting to do see some more damage done to the lizard, she switched out and waited for Kiluia's next move.


    Kana - 13/15

    Kiluia - 15/17


    Violet Lizard - 10/18

  12. She nodded in agreement, "There so much murder in this game, it makes me uncomfortable." she told him honestly! she felt like wherever she went she could possibly run into a murderer of some sort. Killing just seemed to easy these days and it seemed like most people had jumped on the bandwagon that death was ok. She couldn't help but wonder how these people were going to cope in the real world once they were all free.

    Psychologically, taking a life is damaging, no matter how much you're used to it. It leaves scars on your soul that eventually rip you apart in some way. Kana feared for the mark this game would leave on humanity, she was worried that all the killing to transgress upon their return, and even more would die. Because if they didn't care here, why should they there?

    "It was hard at first, but I've adapted. I didn't really do much at first out of fear. Now I'm a little more developed, at least that's what I like to think." soon they were on the outskirts of the safe zone of floor two, she looked around trying to remember the quickest way to the cafe. "It's called Havers cafe, it's not far from here, about five minutes.

  13. BOOM!

    Kana whirled her body to the left, narrowly missing another attack from the bird-beast, it was clear the weaker this bird got the more violent it's attack. It desperately didn't want to lose, neither did she. She fell forward into her knees, quickly using her palms to push herself back up again. She ran forward, ducking under a branch, as the bird-beast squawked behind her. "Your a feisty old thing ain't ya, if you were a person, I'd swear you'd be my Nana!" she exclaimed, making light of the dangerous situation that she was in. Because that's what Kana did, if she didn't joke she couldn't cope.

    Humour had been something she'd picked up from her dad, he was just a quick-witted as she was. She missed the times they would banter against each other, they could go for hours, much to Kyoko's annoyance. Kyoko, wasn't as much of a comedian, he pretended to be more of the ''cool-type". At least that's what the local girls seemed to thing, Kana thought it was a lame act. But if it worked for Kyoko, then so be it.

    Kana : 10/13

    Bird-Beast :10/18

  14. Kana laughed at Kiluia's response to her joke, it was nice to banter with him. With all the seriousness as of late, it was a good change of pace. Her emotions had been all over the place this days; happy, angry, sad, happy, angry, sad. It was an endless cycle that she would be glad to end, and this was definitely the way to go about it. She felt it in her veins, the adrenaline. It had been so long, in the real world she got her adrenalin from triple front flips during her cheerleading. It felt good.

    The lizard was agile, it made it dangerous, fortunately speed didn't necessarily equal strength. She listened to Kiluia's words, and grinned devilishly at the creature. "And I'm your worst nightmare." she said daringly, she wished this animals understood them. If they only react to the things she said, this would be a lot more fun. Kana knew she would have at least been able to distract the creatures with conversation. But these beasts were made for talking. She leaped forward once more, aiming for the beasts thigh, it slithered backwards out of her reach. She snarled at it annoyed at having missed, "I'm gonna getcha!" she quoted like a character in a horror movie, she followed with a laugh, this was actually surprisingly fun.

    - Party -

    Kana - 14/15

    Kiluia - 15/17


    Violet Lizard - 14/18

  15. Kana moved forward once more, there was clearly no running away at this point, it was do or die right? She felt like she had been fighting for hours, but the truth was it had only actually been a few minutes. She hoped the inn would still be open when she got back, he would probably stay up to let her in. He was nice like that, the innkeeper. She would have to tell him all about this when she got back, Kiluia too, no doubt she'd be scolded for doing something so dangerous. But hell, it was exciting stuff, and this didn't happy very often in this game. Not for her at least.

    She feinted to the left, causing the bird to turn that way, before spinning right and attacking it's chest. She left a deep cut, bring down the bird-beasts hp once more, once again they were equal. Now Kana just had to keep trying to get ahead, as soon as she was ahead, the game would be pretty much over. Fortunately this creature didn't have the strength to take her out in one hit. She was lucky not to have run into a creature like that, else she would not even be fighting right now.

    Kana : 10/13

    Bird-Beast :10/18

  16. Kana regained her posture, pulling her sword up so it was in front of her, she braced herself in case the tongue came out at her again. Hearing Kiluia's words she looked over at him and grinned, he really was a good guy. She liked him a lot, but her feelings for him hadn't changed for him after his confession. She had thought about it all night, and there was still nothing. Her feelings for him was strong, but they held no similarity to her feelings for Hikaru. Rather they were more similar to her love for her brother Kyoko. She really hoped he didn't ask her any time soon, because at the moment she couldn't give him the answer she wanted. She didn't know if she ever would.

    "Thank you, Kil-" She began, only to watch him thrown back by the lizards tail, she would have to watch that too. The creatures tongue flew forward, Kana dived to the left, the tongue skimmed her shoulder. She ran over to Kiluia and attempted to help him up. "If it's any consolation, you fell with incredible style" She joked, trying to make light of his failure. If this thing could knock him down, then it must be strong, at least Kana didn't feel so bad anymore.

    - Party -

    Kana - 14/15

    Kiluia - 15/17


    Violet Lizard - 14/18

  17. She grinned at his reply to her, that wasn't exactly a lie, she had warned him. Although she had started the stampede, she hadn't let him get hurt because of it. That made her feel a little better about herself. She definitely agreed with his view on life that's for sure, "You know, it's so refreshing to hear that. These days people run around like life is nothing but a hp bar."

    Considering the only person she had ever since die in real life was her great uncle Okinos on his death bed at age 80, she had seen so much death in the past year or so. Although it was as gruesome as death in real life e.g. no blood, no corpses etc. It was still just as shocking, and she thought people would be more careful with the lives of others in the game. But people are had to slaughter anyone they can just so they can level up. It was disgusting.

    She laughed at his comment on women, it was cheeky but true. She liked this guy, he had a sense of humour, she could easily see them becoming mates in the game. That was, if he choose to hang out with her again aft today. She pulled her eyes away from him at his question, thinking carefully on how to answer. "I followed a friend of mine into the game, I figured we'd be able to have more fun this way outside of school. I'm not really a game player you see, but I thought I'd try it. It seemed like a good idea at the time." She told him, carefully avoiding the fact that it was actually a guy she liked and the goal had been to win his heart. "What about you?"

  18. Kana saw Kiluia's anger and knew that she wasn't going to be the only one letting off steam today. The lizard had taken quite alot of damage quickly, it seemed Kiluia was strong. Obviously he had been stronger than her, but the power of his take reminded her of Elessar's. Wow, I really am a pup amongst the big dogs. She thought discouragingly. She needed to become stronger, and hopefully after today she would be. She knew she would live because she had Kiluia by her side.

    She leaped forward, loading her blade for her attack, she attempted to give herself enough time to charge it for a strong attack. It seemed the Lizard sensed her weakness, and opening it's mouth. It's long red tongue, plunge forward in an unnatural way. Hitting her in the stomach, she was thrown backyards, landing on her behind. She winced in surprise, she knew lizards had a long time, but that had reach out for metres. This was a game after all, anything for happen. That clearly was it main weapon, although it was possible he had other hidden attributes they could see. She stumbled onto her feet, "Sorry, Kiluia..." She muttered feeling a little pathetic.

    - Party -

    Kana - 14/15

    Kiluia - 17/17


    Violet Lizard - 14/18

  19. Kana watched hand on her hip, grin on her face as Eléssar finished off the final boar. It was finally finished, and she could relax once again knowing that they were going to leave the danger zone. Walking over to him, she raised her palm up, indicating the request for a high five.

    "Thanks for helping me, I never would have been able to take them on, had I been on my own. It feels good not to have to runaway for once." She told him, she opened her menu and put her sword away, freeing both her hands. She listened to his comment about her not paying and rolled her eyes in a very obvious fashion. "Seriously, you just saved my butt from becoming a bunch of boar's brunch, and you wont let me treat you. Why are men so typical!"

    She said in a jokingly annoyed way. She honestly didn't mind paying for it, but it hadn't been the first time people have bought things for her. She didn't understand everyone need to treat her like she had no money, she had saved up pretty good so far. Althoug, that was probably more to do with her, having not bought any upgrades. She turned and began walking in the direction of town, expecting Eléssar to follow suit.

  20. Finally they were equal, Kana grinned at the bird-beat. It's black eyes boring into hers, they were completely stoic and revealed nothing. Of course it wouldn't, it was just a monster after all. A monster in a game, waiting to either kill or be killed. Whatever the result was, it didn't care, it didn't show fear. If it died, it would simply cease to exist and if it lived it would carry on in the woods, fighting more players until it was eventually killed.

    "Didn't think a weakling like me would give you so much grief huh?" She told the bird-beast, it didn't react, she hadn't expected it too. She leaped forward to strike it's throat, her blade collided with the bird-beast's beak as it blocked her attack. She was pushed back, the bird-beast slashing at her arm as it did so. Kana winced, backing off a little. "Oh you wanna play rough do ya?"She growled angrily, she was starting to get pissed off with this bloody ball of feathers. "I swear when I get home, I'm having chicken tonight!" She told the creature, as though this would offend it. Obviously it didn't, but Kana felt better for saying it.

    Kana : 10/13

    Bird-Beast :11/18

    Damage received :1

    Damage dealt : 0

  21. Kana watched as Kiluia bickered with Yumi as they approached, smiling brightly. It was nice to this side of Kiluia, so caring and kind. Like a big brother to them, they were lucky children to have him in their life. She had not taken anyone in, she had allowed others to look after themselves, for years fearing that if she were to try to protect someone they would only die because of it.

    It was a little bizarre being surrounded by so many people, she'd become so accustomed to meeting everyone separately and on their own to see them all together was new. She recognised the guy who had beat up the creep that had been rude to her the other day. He was currently walked past in the weirdest fashion, she smiled he clearly wanted to join the group.

    "Hey you!" She called to him, raising her left hand to point at him, she cocked her finger in a gesture that suggested he approach her. "I'm Kana, and I'm pretty sure I owe you a thank you for helping me out the other day with that creep."

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